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LOOK IN OUR WINDOW y y * 7 * G and see the samples of our handiwork demonstrate the su= periority of the Whitefish Steam Laundry. You'll find them in our office and also on the per= son of scores of welbdressed people in Whitefish. Such people are heralds of our skill, and carry proof of it everywhere. WHITEFISH STEAM LAUNDRY Goods Buttoned and Mended FREE OF CHARGE V Baker Ave. Between First and Second Sts. Long Distance Telephone Rates Of the Northern Idaho & Mcntana Power Co. (EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1910) From Three Extra Whitefish to Minutes Minute Poison 60 20 Dayton 45 15 Rollins 40 15 Stoners 35 10 Somers 30 10 Kalispell 20 10 Columbia Falls 15 05 Big Fork 30 10 Athens 25 10 Sedan 25 10 KALISPELL'S LEADING Furniture and House Furnishing Establisment Complete an up-to-date Lines of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Tapestries, Linoleums, Bedding, Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utensils, Crockery, Glassware, Refrigerators, Framed Pictures, etc. Out of town friends and visitors always welcome, whether they buy or not. Come in and see one of the largest and finest FURNITURE STORES in the west. W. C. WHIPPS, SON & CO. WffiPPS BLOCK, 301-311 VAIN ST. KALISPELL, MONT. TAX AMENDMENT TO BE VOTED ON AT FALL ELECTION Ls Montana to he advertised as effectively and extensively in the future as it has in the past two years? This is a question which will he decided at the polls this fall. It is very certian that it will not he if the tax amendment fails which will he submitted at the fall election, because if it does fail the date will have practically no money with which to conduct the adver tising campaign through the pub licity bureau. The amendment provides that the state tax levy shall remain the same as at present, 2*2 mills, until such time as the isscssed valuation of property within the state shall exceed $600, >00,000, when it shall automatically lecrease to IV2 mills. The present 'law provides that when the asses sed valuation shall reach $300,000, 000 the rate shall decrease to l 1 mills. This year the assessed val uation will go over that figure, and unless the amendment carries the state's revenue will he reduced to $300,000or $459,000, which will he far less than enough to run the state government. Nor will the publicity bureau be the only department effected. The ippropriations heretofore made to the state educational institutions, in addition to the revenue de rived by them from the land grants, will be lopped off. Instead of more coal and quartz mining in spectors, being employed to look af ter the lives and safety of coal and quartz miners, of necessity some, will he taken off; instead of more hank examiners being employed to look after the financial soundness of institutions in which Montana people have deposited millions of dollars, the force will be reduced; and so it will go in every depart ment, whereas the development and expansion now manifested in the state rightly requires that there he increases instead of reduc tions. The situation in a nutshell was explained by Governor Norris at Billings in his address before the Good Roads convention. "The in come of the state for the last fiscal year," said Governor Norris, "placed to the credit of the general fund was $1,260,426.15. The in come for the present year may be estimated at approximately $1,360, 426.15. There will be a consider ible sum of cash on hand at the close of the fiscal year, but except for the decision of the supreme court, which permits the levying of a 2 V 2 mill tax this year, when the assessed valuation will exceed $300,000,000, there would have been a large deficit.—Kalispell Times. to to When the digestion is all right the action of the bowels regular there is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know that you need dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, improve thi appetite and regulate the bowels Sold by all dealers. WE HAD SOME REAL REFRESHING RAIN Rain lias been such a scarce arti cle all over this northwest that when we do get a little bit of shower it is worthy of comment the newspapers. To say that rained" would hardly be describ ing it properly, or doing it justice An editor of one of the weekly ex changes has the right idea, and makes note of last Friday's rain as follows: — "After many days of arid desic cation, the vapory captains mar shaded their thundering hosts and poured out upon scorching humani ty and the thoroughly incinerated vegetation a few inches of 'aqua pluvialis.' " A cow in Kentucky died after eating a lot of green tahacco. I That's what a cow gets for not ! learning to use a spittoon. SHOULD ORGANIZE TO FIGHT FOREST FIRES That the forest fires of the past month are but a forerunner of worse to come unless people give more active heed to warnings, is the tenor of a review of the fire situa tion by the Western Forestry and Conservation Association based up the advices from private and official fire-fighting agencies thru out the northwest. August has commenced with conditions infi nitely more dangerous, for besides increased dryness of the forests, due to prolonged absence of rain, al most continuous fire fighting lias only kept in check innumerable fires which still smoulder to he fanned beyond control should st rong wind prevail. Thruout most of Oregon and Washington, up to the present time, more extensive organization by timber owners and the forest service than has ever existed before has fairly well counterbalanced the un usually great number of fires. Most of them have lieen controlled * promptly. Nevertheless the aggre gate of small outbreaks in valuable timber represents heavy loss. The Santiam, Klamath, Wallowa and Hood River districts in Oregon, and the Gray's Harbor and Colville dis tricts in Washington have suffered seriously. Three men and four women have been burned to death in these two states already, and the season is not half over. Since all the forces are fighting day and night, with no time to make reports, it is impossible to es timate the damage done in Idaho and Montana, though doubtless there has been much exaggeration. In Idaho, especially, where timber owners' fire associations are hightiy efficient, what seems an almost hopeless situation lias been gotten pretty well in check. In the Coeur Alene district but three fires re main not reported under control, these being on Pine and Graham Creek, near Wallace, and on the est side of Lake Coeur d'Alene. In Western Montana the situation is about as bad as it can he, all available help being enlisted with out any certainty of the outcome if rain does not soon intervene. The Association emphasizes that the most dangerous portion of the season is still to come. There are fires everywhere that are barely be ing held in leash. New ones will ! ^' overtax all existing organizations. Since conditions threaten under which fire may travel long dis tances, timber owners are urged to extend patrol beyond their own tracts to all danger points. Estab lishment of citizens' fire brigades is advised, organizing in advance for having help, leadership and equip ment available without loss of time. Cities and towns are asked to take similar steps to supply men when called upon, with arrangements for transportation. Every citizen is urged to spare, neither friend or foe in reporting violations of the fire laws, especially by campers, land-clears and spark-emitting loco motives. It is pointed out by the Associations that if the warnings widely circulated earlier in the sea had resulted in such steps, est for to if sou naa resulted in loss of life and property would have been largely avoided. They still apply with even greater force. LIFE ON PANAMA CANAL has had one frightful drawbacks—mala ria—that has brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaun dice, lassitude, weakness aud general de bility. But Llectrie Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Win. Fretwell, of I.ucana, N. C., "and I've had good health ever since." Cures Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles, and prevents Typhoid. Guaranteed by Public Drug Co. Boys who are successful in de ceiving their mothers often become lawyers who can deceive juries. Notice. Mr. Sessil, proprietor of the Orpheum Theatre, has installed two swinging electric fans which keeps the place nice and cool dur 1 ing the evening performances. TO SMASH RECORDS AT INTERSTATE FAIR. v S; V :• TIIE SPOKANE DERBY WINNER OK 1909. Horsemen of the uorthwest are confidently looking forward to see a Ion* list of broken track records at the Spokane Interstate Fair, held this year Oct. 3 to 9. Their anticipations are based on three important factors in the 1910 meet: the purses, aggregating $20,000. over $0,000 more than was hung up at last year's Interstate Fair; the fact that all of the best horses of the northwest. Including California and western Canada, will race at Spokane— the schedule of fair dates being far superior to that of last year—and the condition of the track Itself, covered since 1908 with six Inches of new clay top soil, raced over last year and enthusiastically pronounced by horsemen the fastest half-mile track In the northwest, and perfected slot'». Vast season Into an even faster track. For the Spokane Derby, ruu, as usual, on the fourth day o! rtie fair. a purse of $2,000 ls hung up this year—Just double the purse captured by Dfcau man. winner of the derby last year and whose picture Is seen above. The automobile races, which proved such an unqualified success last year,, will be a feature of the race program this year, and there will be motorcycle races, novelty races, Indian and pony races. Stake books and entry blanks-, will be furnished on application to Secretary Robert H. Cosgrove. ! ^' eai Spokane Team Coming. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 8.—Ar rangements have been completed by Manager Pace to send the Hover Sehiffner team on a trip through Montana to meet some of the fast est teams, beginning this week. The first series of three games will l»e played at Kalispell, after which two games will be played in each of the following cities: Whitefish, Dil lon and Hamilton. "The Montana teams are* play ing good ball," said Pace, "and our boys will have to put up the real article to get in the running. "Our team had planned to disband for the season, but has now decided to make the trip. The games at Hamilton will close our season this "Crane, who will do most of the pitching on the tour, will make the best players in Montana go some, if he is in shape." Sparks Brothers' team made a tour of Montana a short time ago, and was forced to take the short end of the score in six of the eight , TAXIDERMIST All Kinds of Tanning *29f m bn J. W. MADDY, Whitefish, Montana WHITEFISH MEAT M. CONNELLY, Manager. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Fresh and Salted Meats of all kinds Leaf Lard a Specialty. Finest made We aim to please CO. around Bone, 3c a Pound CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF HIDES WHITEFISH MONTANA games played, and the Hover Sehiffners are in hopes of making a better showing. In buying a cough medicine, don't he afrai I to get Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially recom mended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. Sold .by all deal ers. Two million dollars worth of bug gy whips were manufactured in this country during the last year,, even if the automobile is here to stay. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks to the kind friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown us and words of sympathy during the sickness, death and burial of our darling Doris. Also to Dr. Lees, for his special care and kindness. Mr and Mrs. C. Small.