Pà •r*~ BYW/LEAED M 06G00D, Aôô/ôTAftT B/OIOG/SF BIOLOGICAL ÔUAVEY. M'S? THE ALACKA MCroOC The territory of Alaska la of vast extent and possesses a varied climate, broad rivers, innumerable lakes, deep forests, and chains of lofty mountains —in short, many of the chief attrib utes of a natural game resort. Its barren northern shores, frequented by the lumbering walrus and the formid able polar bear, are washed by ice laden currents, while its southern ex tensions support luxuriant forests in habited by the graceful Sitka deer. Between these extremes are great interior forests, the home of the lordly moose, broad open tundras and roll ing plateaus, traversed by herds of unsuspicious caribou, and snow-clad mountain ranges, the stronghold of sharp-eyed sheep and dull-witted goats. Among Alaska's game animals are some of the largest and finest in the world, as the giant moose and the huge brown bears. The game of the entire territory includes moose, cari bou, deer, mountain sheep, mountain goat, walrus, and polar, brown, grizzly, • lu U à\ # « •/ % I r Q Cl* * »1 tit» 1 V//////////A MOOSE WÊESEL OCER Stsit mmilt* <1 '* I E-J..... A. —4. Map Showing Distribution of Moose and Deer in Alaska. black, and glacier bears, besides a variety of waterfowl, shore birds, and upland game birds. In game resources Alaska compares favorably with the western part of the United States in early days, and at the present time it is one of the most important game regions in the world. Without entering into the general subject of the value of game to all countries possessing it, Alaska's game may be considered chiefly with refer ence to the features making it espe cially valuable. Alaska is of particular importance as a game region because, of all American possessions, it is the one in which frontier conditions promise to last longest. Notwithstanding its wealth of mineral and other resources the territory is not likely to be thick ly populated, at least not for decades to come. It is true railroads already are beginning to penetrate its wilds and no doubt cities of considerable size will develop, but, even so, im mense tracts far from populous cen ters will long remain in almost prime val condition. This is apparent from the great size of the territory and its climatic and physiographic conditions. Its area is almost one-fifth that of the entire United States, and although much of this is economically full of promise it must not be forgotten that nearly one-fourth lies beyond the arctic circle and that a large propor tion of the remainder consists of high mountains and inhospitable wilds. In the states irrigation is reclaiming many arid tracts and drainage is mak ing it possible to utilize swamps and waste areas which now furnish re fuges for game. From all parts of the country come reports of an Increasing scarcity of game animals. Hence our remaining natural game preserves in Alaska are the more to be prized and correspond ingly to be guarded. Within the United States certain kinds of game may be maintained for years on their original range, but for other kinds the reserve is inevitable, as no re striction bf shooting can offset the constant diminution of the natural range they require. Thus most of the winter feeding grounds of the wapiti, or elk, already have been absorbed or agricultural purposes and the ani mals bid fair to be reduced to semi domestication, being fed like cattle in winter or confined to Inclosed or re stricted ranges. The same experience probably would have come to the be of THE WHITE MOUNT/UM CHEEP. bison, but its fate was decided more peremptorily. Very different, however, are conditions in Alaska, and, so far as can be seen at present, ample room for wild game will be available for years to come. Even if bison, elk, and antelope had remained abundant in the United States, still the game of Alaska would be of special interest because it in cludes many fine animals quite differ ent from these in kind and in habits. The wholesome interest in nature study and outdoor life recently awak ened in the United States is likely to be permanent, and future generations, whether hunters, naturalists, animal photographers, or simply lovers of na ture, will set a high value upon the possession of an undespoiled territory furnishing primitive haunts for wild game. To the permanent inhabitants of Alaska the value of game is obvious. Indeed, although much game was killed during the early rushes of gold seekers, Alaskans generally have not been slow to appreciate the necessity of game protection and the sentiment in favor of It is growing rapidly. Prospectors and travelers in the wilderness must depend largely on game for food, and their necessities have been fully recognized in the game law. Considerable game also has been killed for consumption in small settlements where no regular supply of other fresh meat is avail able. However this be regarded, It is evident that restrictions must be placed upon the killing of gamo for sale in large towns where the demand is sufficient to endanger the very ex istence of the species. Besides serving as food, some of the animals are of local value for their skins, the whites having adopted many of the articles customarily used by In dians, as skin clothing, bedding, and footwear. Most Alaskans, although enjoying the sport, pursue game with utilitarian purpose, yet not a few hunt in regular season purely for the en joyment of the outing, and by such the game Is greatly valued, since it makes life more tolerable in a country whore diversions are limited. The game of Alaska has a very real money value. Each individual animal is part of a great interest-bearing cap ital. If all the game In Alaska were brought together in one large inclosure the animals so gathered would far out number those of the largest stock farm in the world. Assuming it possible to market such a herd a large sum of money would be realized. But a stock raiser does not market his entire herd unless retiring from business. He sells only the annual increase in or der that the herd may maintain itself and assure an unfailing future income. Viewing the matter solely from a busi ness standpoint a similar conservative course should be pursued with our stock of wild game, the exterminai ion of which for the sake of immediate returns is absolutely indefensible. SOME REMARKS FROM SOTA EDITORS. MINNE What They Think of Western Canada. A party of editors from a number of cities and towns of Minnesota recently made a tour of Western Canada, and having returned to their homes they ' are now telling in their respective newspapers of what they saw ou their Canadian trip. The West St. Paul Times recalls the excursion of the Minnesota editors from Winnipeg to the Pacific Coast ten years ago. Re ferring to what has happened in the J interval the writer says: "Thousands of miles of new railway lines have been built, and the development of the country has made marvelous strides. Millions of acres, then lying in their wild and untouched state, have since been transferred into grain Helds. Towns have sprung up as if by the wand of a magician, and their development is now in full progress. It is a revelation, a record of conquest by settlement that is remarkable." The Hutchinson Leader character izes Western Canada as "a great coun try undeveloped. The summer out ing," it says, "was an eye-opener to every member of the party, even those who were on the excursion through Western Canada ten years ago, over considerable of the territory covered this year, being amazed at the prog ress and advancement made in that short space of time. The time will come when Western Canada will be the bread-basket of the world. It was a delightful outing through a great country of wonderful possibil ités and resources." Since the visit of these editors the Government has revised its land regu lations and it is now possible to se cure ICO acres of wheat land at $3.00 an acre in addition to the ICO acres that may be homesteaded. The crops of 1908 have been splen did, and reports from the various dis tricts show good yields, which at pres ent prices will give excellent proflts to the farmers. * From Milestone, Saskatchewan, there are reported yields of thirty bush els of spring wheat to the acre, while the average is about 20 bushels. The quality of grain to be shipped from this point will be about G00.000 bush els. Information regarding free lands and transportation will be freely given by the Canadian Government Agents. WARNED OF THE CYCLONE. Telephone Just a Few Seconds Ahead of High Wind. Once upon a time a Kansas zephyr broke loose and meandered about the country, picking up various things. Bill Baumgartner's telephone. 20 miles away, rang: "Is that you. Bill?" yelled an excited voice. "Yes. What's the matter?" "This is Frank. We've got a cyclone down here, and it's headed your way. Look out! I—" Frank's voice broke off suddenly. Bill heard a crash and a sputtering, then all was silence. He gathered up his family and rushed them to a deep ravine. They were just in time to dodge a funnel-shaped cloud that wrecked the house, picked up his barn, two cows, and a couple of miles of fence.—Hampton's Broadway Maga zine. THE NEWEST MODE. Susie—What does the new baby your house look like? Is i' nice? Sammy—Must be the latest thing in babies. Maw's as tickled over it as if it just come from the milliner's. UPWARD START After Changing from Coffee to Postum Many a talcntecP person is kept hack because of iho interference of coffee with the nourishment of the body. This is especially so with those whose nerves are very sensitive, as is often tlie case with talented persons. There is a simple, easy way to get rid of coffee evils and a Tenn. lady's ex perience along these lines is worth considering. She says: "Almost from the beginning of the use of coffee it hurt my stomach. By the time I was fifteen I was almost a nervous wreck, nerves all unstrung, no strength to endure the most trivial thing, eiiher work or fun. "There was scarcely anything 1 could eat that would agree with me. The little I did eat seemed to give me more trouble than it was worth. I finally quit coffee and drank hot water, but there was so little food I could digest, I was literally starving; was so weak I could not sit up long at a time. "It was then a friend brought me a hot cup of Postum. I drank part of it and after an hour I felt as though I had had something to eat — felt strengthened. That was about five years ago, and after continuing Post um tu place of coffee and gradually getting stronger, to-day 1 can eat and digest anything I want, walk us much as 1 want. My nerves are steady. "1 believe the first thing that did me any good and gave me an upward start, was Postum, and 1 use it alto gether now instead of coffee." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road toWell ville," in pkgs. Rvt-r r.-mt «hr above letterf A new one ii|»|><-ii'-* from time to time. They nre Kcuuine, true« and full of human Interest. Truth and Quality appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor ingly ( it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs j and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity front time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and its component parts arc known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objection able substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine— manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug gists. NOT EXACTLY. a Vor a Flossie Footlight—Part of the Jap anese wedding ceremony consists in the burning of the discarded toys of the bride. Winnie Wings—Horrors! You don't mean cremating her east-off lovers, do RHEUMATI3M PRESCRIPTION The increased use of whiskey for j rheumatism is causing considerable | discussion among the medical I rater- ! nity. It. is an almost infallible cure when mixed with certain other ingre dients and taken properly. The fol lowing formula is effective: "To one- • half pin) of good whiskey add one ounce of Toris Compound and one , ounce of Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound. Take in tablespoon fill doses before each meal and before retiring." Toris compound is a product of the laboratories of the Globe Pharma- | eeutical Co.. Chicago, but it as well as . the other ingredients can be had from any good druggist. It Would Seem So. "It lakes a good deal of money to keep the sons of rich men going," re marked the moralizor. "Yes." rejoined the demoralizer, "but It doesn't take them long to get there." Nearly All On. "Hurry up, Tommy!" called mother from downstairs. "We're late now. Have you got your shoes on?" "Yes, mamma—all but one."—Every body's Magazine. \\ r. SRI.!, LINS AMI Tit APS «TIRAI* & buy Furs & Hides. Write for eatalog 105 N. \V. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. There are no vacations In the school for scandal. §25 Guar»* am W. I>. DottglM makes and sells more men's MS.00 and S3.SO shoes than any other manufacturer In the world, be cause they hold their ahepe, lit better, aud wear longer than aey other make. tksM zt All Prices .fer Inn Msstker tfThd family, mu, Ben.UMVM, Mines • Children IS.ee eben en tkekaet la tkew«M Peat Celer JhaM Vt --- Sg- Takes* IrtOl t* name and pries la Mampw ntnehm. shoes mailed ! part ot the world. Caialomefiee. W. L. DOUGLAS, in Sfiirt St., Smktoa. W. I,. Douai** bottom. Sold factory to say Coughing Spells art promptly relieved by a sin gle dose of rise's Cure. The regular us« of this famous re* medy will relieve the worst form of coughs, colds, hoarse* ness, bronchitis, asthma and dit* eases of the throat and lung Absolute* drugs an century In millions of homes. At ell druggists', 2S eta. _ ---------------d tunes. Absolutely free from harmful ipia _ ' the household remedy opiates. For half a IT DID. Mr. Holesale—So old Pepperpot had a kick coming on that last bill of goods, eh? Wouldn't that make you sore? Mr. Litewale (the salesman)—It did me, sir. He kicked mo out. In point of area. New Orleans is the second largest city In this country. I'm A lion'« Foot-Knse Cum tiii-tl.iU'tmiK. swi'iillngfert. ïôc. Trlaï package 1 five. A S. Olmsted, l.c lloy, N.Ï. When men are friends there is no need of justice.—Aristotle. Mr*. Winslow's Soothing »jniB. Vor children teething, softeun the sums, reduce. In. fUmmathui, allay* pain, cure* wind colli. life'a liot tie. The charity that begins at home Is generally too weak to travel. A good linn to ship your eroutn to Mil.TON DAIRY CO., ST. PAUL. The less account a dog Is the mort a boy thinks of him. | • , | . Here's where the wear comes. Children's shoes need strong soles. Buster Brown Shoes have soles that wear. Mothers say they never saw children's soles wear so well BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon SHOES For youngsters, $1.50 to $250 riwAUSQUAtlTV^ White House Shoes for grown-ups. Aak your dealer for them. .THE BROWN SHOE CO., Makers, St Leen, U. S. A. * -> For Croup Tonsflitis and Asthma A quick and powerful remedy is needed to break up an attack of croup. Sloan's Liniment has cured many cases of croup. It acts instantly — when applied both inside and outside of the throat it breaks up the phlegm, re duces the inflammation, and relieves the difficulty of breathing. gives quick relief in all cases of asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, tonsilitis, and pains in the chest. Prion, tut«., so«., and SU». Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mans. honorbiltI SHOES FOR MEN These splendid men's shoes represent the.best there is in shoe leather. Every piece of material is of the choicest tannage. The workmanship is perfect; the styles are up-to-date. When it comes to service, there is nothing that equals them in lasting qualities. "HONORBILT" SHOES " are everything the name implies. They are "built on honor. '* No matter where you look, or what you pay, you will never find anything that will outclass them in wear, style or comfort. If your dealer will not supply you, write to us. Look for the Mqyer Trade Mark on the sole. FREE —Send us the nnmo of a dealer who does not handle Mayer Honorhilt Shoes, and we will send you free, postpaid, a beautiful picture of George Washing' ton, size 15x2». We also make Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort Shoes. Ycrma Cushion Shoes und Special Merit School Shoes. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN Write for information concerning The New Colonies of farmers, finit and truck growers, at Anderson, Mo., De Queen, Ark., and Pickering, La., all on the Kansas City Southern Railway and address: F. E. ROESLER, Immigration Afl. 106 Thayer Building Kansas City. Mo. S. G. WARNER General Passenger Agent Kansas City. Mo. BUY FURSiHIDES fnr sped esnh. IS to BW? morn Donor for you to nhtp Bow Fum and Hides too* then Is sell M home. Write for Price List, Market Ueport. bhipping Tag*, and shout our HUNTERS'A TRAPPERS'GUIDE «SU*** pas*«, leather bound. Beat thing on the subject ever written. Illustrating nil Far Animal* AH about T rapper*' See r«t*. Decoy*, Traps. Game Uw*. How and whera to trap, and to become a sue ceatfnl trapper. lt'sa regular Encyclopedia. Price, $3. To our customer«, $1.15. Hides tanned into beautiful K>>bne. Our Magnetic Hait and Decoy attracts animals to traps, $1.00 per buttle. Ship tour ■idewirmbtnnlpttaMtim. Aadcmch Br*», »est. 114 srPCK hides, furs,wool d I f?L C t 'OUS ANO SAVf 'MA, : ot A l !' W PRO: : D. BERGMAN & CO.. ST. PAUL.MINN. 1 L'P MAiii'U F p l r :•. *-lMf OlA T t SH R f. T K% R ! î t f Öft: P R I L t [ ! 'i 1 A hi o S m iP Hi N G T'A G i SICK HEADACHE I n ■ ■■ ■ ■ *■* h 1 Positively cared by CARTERS I— — * *" W " They also relieve Die tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Diizincss, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Bide, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PBKE. CARTERS M Genuine Muet Beer Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Ï Fop famous and delleton* candies and chocolate*, write to the maker for cat* nloff, wholesale or retail. Guntlicr*s Confectionery 212 Stale Street. Chicago. III. Un mtvitHiblo riv er.-* ml les town. Several buildings. Mood water. For tune in i»otat«n»s ami hoir», GO to HU bids, acre and 12 to fHbbl. at depot, then fiübti. rom non»,Ha me year. SSOan acre, eawy terms. W. It. Hroaddus, West Point, Va. PATENTS lrmnn,W**ti >k«(ree. High Bert nsufta A. N. K.—G (1908—47) 2257.