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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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Tot and Junior School Styles 0 T Left. No. 8347 — A darling little Jumper lor school wear with wide shoulders and pocket flaps. To match, a puff sleeved blouse. Sizes S, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 years. Size 4, jumper, 2 yards of 35 or 39-inch ma terial; blouse, 1% yards. Left, below. No. 8343—A neatly tailored blouse and skirt pair that comes in a wide size range. For sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40 and 42. Size 14, Wz yards of 39 inch material. Below. No. 8299 — For date or classroom, this clever junior style is tops. Sizes 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 18. Size 12, short sleeve, 4Vfe yards of 35 or 39-inch material. \ r * 'WW* * r V. j jA I v 8347 L 3-8 r* I k) \u « # r m r 8299 IMS ■ ! 8343 , , n 12-42 § 1 m • \ m r i M I ni »r; v ; W/V////S/X/A \ i mm m s ■ wm ! " s ; 1 ■-1 --rr® - r m 5,6 ' 8356 .#fi Srp'i? 36-52 1 i I-, V Eli A \4 •*' •■..v ßr"' ml % i J ip 1 Tj ». Above, No. 8356—Your favor ite shirtwaist frock tailored to perfection. Sizes- 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 52 Sizes 38, 4% yards of 39-inch material. Patterns, 20 cents each. Send pattern orders direct to Chicago! The address is Montana Farmer Stockman, Pattern Bureau, 530 South Wells Street, Chicago, HL This pat tern bureau in Chicago has been established in order to give you faster re turns on your orders for patterns and the style book. Do not send order* to Great Falls as that will only delay delivery of patterns to you. 5841 Above, No, 5841 — A set of dainty dollies in graduated sizes to set off your china, glassware and silver. Tested Recipes Fall Vegetables THERE are so many ways with vegetables that there is no excuse for monotony with them, especially those available now. * ♦ Escalloped cauliflower au gralim Boil one medium sized head of cauli flower. Drain well and separate the flowerets. Place them in a greased baking dish. Prepare 1 cup cream sauce, season, pour over cauliflower. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese. Heat the dish in hot oven (450 degrees F.) until the cheese i* melted. • • ♦ Baked cabbage: Boil one medium sized head cabbage by shredding it finely and boiling 7 minutes. Drain well and place in greased baking dish. Combine 2 beaten eggs, 1 tablespoon melted butter, Vt cup cream or milk, Vi teaspoon salt, %' teaspoon paprika. Pour these in gredients over the cabbage. Bake in a slow oven 325 degrees until light brown. Cover the top with dry bread crumbs, dot with butter. Grated cheese may also be sprinkled over. Return to oven to melt cheese and butter. • • « Carmelized carrots: Cook medium sized carrots in their jackets. Skin them. Cut into halves or quarters. Dip in melted, butter, sprinkle with salt, paprika and brown sugar. Place r* ■> ! sis » t I >«ï is: ■;-x ■ , I t ■ : I Prfj cookies ' -v r £; p ■ t - ■: :;iS :•* ; i : : with m m SAPPHIRE FLOUR'S DELICATE NUTTY FLAVOR ii Sun-ripened Morvtorw wheot gives your Sapphire baking a delicate nutty flavor. Fine milling keep» the flour from coking in the batter. Even rolled cookie» are free of the hint of pasty doer flavor. And you've the some success in every bag. Your , grocer has dependable hard wheat Sapphire in a bag sized to suit your baking needs. Sapphire ASK YOUR CROCK* FOR SAPPHIRE TODAY MONTANA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY CREAT F AUS. «HONT. flour them in a heavy skillet over a low fire until they are well glazed. Baste them from time to time with melted butter. • • • Baked turnips; Boil small turnip*. Drain. Place in shallow baking dish. Spread them with buttered, sea soned bread crumbs. Add Vi cup rich milk or sweet or sour cream, Vi teaspoon paprika, 1 teaspoon grated onion. Bake in hot oven 400 de grees F. until brown. Garnish with chopped parsley. * • • Onions French fried; Skin onions. Cut them crosswise in Vi-inch slice*. Combine % cup milk and Vs cup water. Soak the onions in this for % hour. Drain the onions, spread them on absorbent paper and dredge them with flour. Season them and fry them until they are a light brown in deep fat heated from 350 to 370 degrees F. « % Honeyed Vegetables HONEY ADDS FLAVOR, is nu tritious and affords that something different that the family finds espe cially pleasing in its routine of meals. For small white onion* or carrots, prepare a tasty honey glaze. Over tender cooked beets, pour a delicious honey sauce. Include honey in your casserole of escalloped to matoes. • • • Glazed onions or carrots; Cook small white onions or carrots in boil-