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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
I IT PAYS TO HAVE SOFT WATER ON THE FARM ■r fSr Jr a..., urious bathing, and sham poolng. If \) m I IC2 mm I m Soft . neatly reduced $ ° àP need * dirt Dishes and lets sparkle are « ' wiy V j l so« a nd bet clean * 'o J Jacket Softener re ff. \ Re L; So more *f SÖ P'.ûm*ng Soft *«* er RED JACKET WATER SOFTENERS A RED JACKET Water Softener pays for itself with savings in soap, clothes, plumbing troub les, fuel, and just plain comfort. Write today for the name of your nearest Red Jacket Dealer and let him show you why Red Jacket is "The Choice That Makes Friends". 1 _ Since 7878 Distributed By THE PARKER-MONTANA CO. Billings, Montano THE MODERN EQUIPMENT CO Great Falls, Montana ing salted water about 28 to SO minutes, or until tender. Let stand a few minutes to dry. Melt four tablespoons butter in pan. Add % cup honey. When well blended, add onions or carrots and cook slowly until browned and well glazed. Turn vegetables occasionally for an even glaze. • • Family beets: Slice cooked beets. Keep warm. Cover with the follow ing sauce: 1 tablespoon cornstarch, Vz cup vinegar, a few whole cloves, 34 cup honey, 1 tablespoon butter. Leaving fpHERE'S the tang In the air And the sudden sharp Despair Of the birds. There's a yellow leaf In a pool of light, And the strange wild fright Of the winds; For October, Wearing her gypsy gown, Is taking her splendor Out of town. —BLANCHE McCAULEY. of frost Add cornstarch, vinegar and a few whole cloves (mixed together) to honey. Bring to a slow boil and boil 5 minutes. Add butter. Pour over beets and let stand 20 minutes. Serve hot. Escalloped tomatoes: 2 cups cooked tomatoes, % teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 cup cracker crumbs. Cover bottom of buttered baking dish with a layer of tomatoes. On this sprin kle salt, pepper, dots of butter and honey. Cover wtih a layer of cracker crumbs. Repeat with another layer of tomatoes, crumbs and seasoning. Bake about 20 minutes. Baked squash; Wash squash and cut in half lengthwise. Remove seeds. To each half add 1 tablespoon of honey. Bake at 40 degrees F. un til squash is tender. Sweei-sour cabbage: 4 cups shred ded cabbage, % cup diced bacon, 3 tablespoons flour, % cup honey, V 4 cup vinegar, % cup water, 1 tea spoon onion, chopped. Cook shred ded cabbage in boiling salted water until tender. Drain. Dice bacon. Cook until well done.. Remove bacon and place on cabbage. Blend bacon fat with flour. Add honey, vinegar, water and chopped onion. Cook un til thickened. Pour over cabbage and bacon. Season to taste. Heat thoroughly. Serve hot. If Cellophane Bags Become Brittle MOISTURE-P ROOF cellophane used for home packaging of foods for freezing is normally soft and pli able. Occasionally, however, a bag or roll may become dry if improp erly stored through the winter months in a very dry place, particu larly near a radiator. Low humidity and heat reduce the moisture content of the film caus ing the cellophane to become dry and perhaps too fragile to use. There are several ways homemakers can restore brittle film to its original softness. Expose bags for four days or more in a refrigerator. For best results, hang them in groups of three to five. The tops of the bags can be attached to the wires of the refrig erator rack with paper clips. I mm ii , I ■ ' PI lip •;il mm iipi; My Day Is So Pleasant with Our New Crane Bathroom "I just love to step in and freshen up. I can't get over how bright and cheerful it looks." Yes, and those Crane fixtures will stay bright. A quick once-over with a damp cloth is all the cleaning they'll ever need. Of course, there's more than beauty to a new Crane bathroom. There's convenience . .. nothing else you can buy brings so much convenience into your home. If anything comes close, it's a new Crane sink for the kitchen— or a new Crane laundry tub. How much lifting, how many steps they save! And like the bathroom fixtures, they both have the new Dial-ese faucets that turn on and off at a finger's touch. You'll find new convenience outdoors, too — new help with tire some chores—when you have a complete Crane water system. And your Crane dealer supplies it all ... pump ... piping ... fixtures ... valves .. . everything you need! Stop in next time you're in town. You may find it costs less than you think to have modern Crane plumbing for your farm and home. CRANE CO., 836 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, Illinois PLUMBING AND HEATING • VALVES • FITTINGS • PIPE n r A Complete CRANE water system includes PUMPS, PIPING, PLUMBING FIXTURES It brings you new conveniences m\ j ifC l m - 'Wr 'mm. m m ly ; fgf= m 1 IN THE LAUNDRY IN THE KITCHEN IN THE BATHROOM CRANE 1_