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Kill TICKS and LICE f j 0 YOU CAN DEPEND ON CHIPMAN SPRAY POWDER BERAKO DDT (ROTENONE) Liquid or spray powder form, containing 2Vz% pure rotenone. Easy to mix as dip or spray — nothing to add but water. Con trols sheep ticks and lice; also cattle lice and grubs. Contains 50% DDT. Applied as water suspension dip or spray for control of cattle lice, sheep ticks and wood ticks. Most widely used form and concentration of DDT for livestock protection. Distributed by MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. Montana Missoula Manufactured by CHIPMAH CHEMICAL CO., Portland, Or«. FRANKLIN VACCINES & SUPPLIES FRANKLIN Protection Helps Increase Livestock Production Ki Proven Protection for Blackleg! - : No need of taking chances when the FRANKLIN ffUHÊgÊ 25-year record shows dependable life immunity with one small dose, Franklin Concentrated Cul ture Blackleg Bacteria gives you the major immu nizing elements of more than 10 cc of whole culture kj, , v , IP erj/g bacteria condensed into a 1 cc dose. ^j\ N/ 7 f J S'h In Franklin Clostridium Chauvei-Sepficus Bacteria hi V ou 9 et a immunizing dose for Blackleg com hined with a full immunizing dose for Malignant Edema. Double protection and double value. Bloodless Castration Tail Dock/ng I iS.»*- 11 ' A" FRANKLIN CASTRATOR COLORFUL CATALOG Free! Bloodless Castration — Quick, Clean, Safe. Jaws adjustable to ages and to wear. High grade steel. $17.50 FRANKLIN ELECTRIC PROD POLE O.M. Franklin Serum Co. Every stockman needs this authentic refer ence book on livestock care. Illustrates and describes hundreds of helpful items at popu lar prices. Get your Hundreds of Other Helpful Items Shown in Free Franklin Catalog. Denver Kansas City Wichita Marfa El Paso Alliance ^ * Franklin Drua Store Dealers Port Worth Amarillo Los Angeles Salt Lake City North Portland B«t It I ■flmetica i /leading Stand o/j -Onlmal Advertisements in THE MONTANA FARMER-STOCKMAN nr« the show windows through which reliable advertisers tell you about their newest products. THE MOST WANTED BOOTS IN AMERICA The Brand Of Top Quality Since 1875 Hyerhas been making America's finest boots for dress or hard service. The old West's most skilled bootmakers (4 generations) produce them from ONLY full grain premium leather. Unmatched comfort built right in, smart design, and a long life of service identify them. Our best recommendation stems from the fact that chances are your grandfather, great-grandfather, (father, too) wore Hyer. Any wonder Hyer boots are in such demand? HER 'Vf I Mi Ask your deafer for Hyer Boots or Write Direct tor Dealer's Name. I Advertisers will gladly send you information regarding the product service advertised. In writing advertisers, always says "I saw your ad MONTANA FARMER-STOCKMAN." Veterinary Department That Ranch Veterinary Book Doesn't Exist By DR. HOWARD WELCH ABOUT ONCE A WEEK, for 30 odd years, we have been asked to recommend a good general purpose book on livestock ailments, one that would aid the stockman to diagnose and treat the common diseases of animals. We have always replied that there isn't any such book and there probably never will be any such book. There is a lot of hard work and no fun at all in writing a book, and anyone that writes one expects to sell enough copies to pay publishing costs and a little besides. Obviously such a book would have to sell in Oregon and South Carolina, and Vermont and Arizona. It would have to cover the diseases of horses, cat tle, sheep, hogs, poultry, pet ani mals and fur bearing animals. It would have to cover the parasites and poisonous plants of Florida and Wyoming and California and Ver mont. When finished, it would have to be published in about four big volumes, it would weigh about 50 pounds and would cost about $35. No General Treatise As a result, there is no general book on veterinary science, but books on some especial angle of the subject. The USDA has had two books out for many years, "Diseases of the Horse," and "Diseases of Cat tle." In 1942 the Yearbook of Agri culture was titled "Keeping Live stock Healthy," which covers the infectious diseases and parasites of livestock very completely. Any or all of these books are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Department of Agriculture, at $1.75 each. The 1942 Yearbook "Keeping Livestock Healthy" is very complete and should be in every livestock producer's library. Takes a Library The handy reference book on live stock diseases is still lacking and probably always will be. A book with complete descriptions of every thing, well illustrated, with defi nite recommendations for treatment, covering broken legs, fits, hydro phobia, tuberculosis, wire cuts, lame cows, dehorning methods, sick cats, etc., all in a small volume and sell ing for $2, would be a grand thing, but it just doesn't exist. Here at the veterinary laboratory we have a library of 200 or 300 books. We buy dozens of new ones each year, and still we encounter conditions every little while that are not described in any book. CATTLE LICE It's going to be time, very soon, to spray cattle for lice. The hair coat is beginning to get heavier with these cool nights, and old man winter is going to be throwing snow balls at us any time now. One real spraying is going to keep cattle prac tically free from lice until the green grass next spring. That's a whole lot better than having to fight lice next March and April, and feeding high priced hay to lice all winter. Use DDT, 4 pounds to the 100 gal lons of water, and get the cattle soaking wet. Don't worry about spray pressure or how much dip per cow; just be sure the cows are wet all over. No spray rig and no solution wül kill lice if the cows are not wet. tax Kill CATTLE GRUBS % this FAST, SURE way k. /J Use the simplest, most effective method—kill grubs, ticks, flies, lice in 8 to 10 seconds per animal, with a Myers high-pressure sprayer. Wide range of types, capacities, pressures. Choose from this widely adaptable line—use the same sprayer for other needs: weed control, fire protection, spraying orchards and field crops Mail the coupon. On« of many mod»li tpatiaîly taitod for grub control THE F. E. MYERS & BRO. CO. Ashland, Ohio Dept. K-320 Send new sprayer catalog and dealer's name. NAME_ TOWN_ COUNTY. .STATE. The "MEYERS" line Distributed by . . . PARKER-MONTANA CO. Billings, Montana Do Your Welding OUT THERE // II n « I is * À with a Farm Power Portable D.C Welder This sturdy, powerful 200-Amp. Direct Current Welder makes it possible for any farmer to easily and quickly weld a break right wher« It happens, without taking his machine apart. It provides (for the first time) a Direct Current Weldor at the price of an A.C. Designed with both High and low taps (tee Illustration), the heat range regulated by tractor throttle-speed. Any 12-H.P. tractor •quipped with variable governor, will operate the Farm Power Portable Welder. Challenges any 200-Amp. welder os to Pet* formance, Price and Portability. Comparisoa proves! Sold on money-back guarantee. Welder Outfit includesi two 10-ft. leads, ht sulated Electrode holder, ground clamp, hood. See Your Dealer, or writ« for New Folder. omperag« M FARM POWER MFC. CO., Dept. Columbia, So. Dak. V PULIEYS ! BELTS Row COMBINES —bf FARRAR Bee oar ad ander "Farm Machinery." Farrar Machine Shoo* Norwich. Kan. ESTERN SADDLES M Saddles & Stockmen's Supplies ■an* At Savins Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed 40 Years of Experience ru V Write for hit free Catalog. I AfREEvWestern Saddle Mfg. Co. 10