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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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Dairy Course, Show Set for Nov. 15-17 THE 13TH ANNUAL Dairy In dustry Short course and dairy prod ucts show will be held at Montana State college Nov. 15-17, according to Dr. J. A. Nelson, head of dairy industry. Instruction will cover pro duction trends and developments in dairy products processing and mar keting, and efficient plant operation. An imposing group of faculty members from outside Montana will supplement the local dairy industry faculty in the short course instruc tion. Out-of-state instructors are Dr. G. Malcolm Trout, Michigan State college; Dr. H. C. Olson, Oklahoma A & M college; Dr. Dwight Espe, North Dakota State college; Russell Fifer, executive secretary, American Butter institute; A. O. Dahlberg, technical director, Consolidated Dairy Products company; E. L. Cole, biological engineer, Ü. S. public health service. The dairy products show will in clude butter, Cheddar and cottage cheese. Products to be entered in the show must be shipped to arrive at Bozeman not later than Nov. 12. The show is open to everyone. State Holsteins Finish Production Tests AMONG REGISTERED Hol stein-Friesian cows in Montana whose recently completed produc tion records were recorded by the herd improvement registry depart ment of the Holstein-Friesian Asso ciation of America are the following; Owned by R. A. Shumate & Son, Helena—Long Grove Romeo Flossie, 644 pounds of butterfat, 17,271 pounds of milk, 365 days, 2 milk ings daily, 6 years 2 months of age; and Montvale Inka Mary Heilo, 625 pounds of butterfat, 19,984 pounds of milk, 365 days, 2 milkings daily, 4 years 1 month of age. Owned by Laurence G. Christie, Bozeman— Bridger Jane Walker, 606 pounds of butterfat, 17,253 pounds of milk, 365 days, 2 milkings daily, 4 years 9 months of age; and Bridger Elizabeth Paul, 583 pounds of but terfat, 17,246 pounds of milk, 362 days, 2 milkings daily, 3 years 6 months of age. Testing was supervised by Mon tana State college, in co-operation with the Holstein-Friesian Associa tion of America. State Entries Listed In Feeder Show FIRST ENTRIES for the fourth annual Chicago feeder cattle show and sale, scheduled for Oct. 28 and 29 in the Chicago stock yard, in clude the names of six well-known Montana cattlemen. They are Walter B. Hiller, Living ston, who will show two loads of Angus steer calves; John A. Willard, Augusta, who will exhibit a load each of Hereford steer calves and heifer calves; Herman Duerr, Cas cade, who has entered three loads of Hereford yearling steers; M. K. Gordon, Cascade, who will show five loads of Hereford yearling steers; Armstrong ranch, Livingston, showing three loads of Hereford yearling steers; and Alfred Hicks, of Wolf Creek, who will exhibit two loads of Hereford steer calves. Permanent immunization of pigs against cholera is no longer a ques tion. It can be done for about 40 cents a head when they are small. Whatever Your Needs May Be "l T You'll FIND pg&f HSi L'ja I * ta Ï \ « • V |w S #1 3 • V '*y. t $ss Bulls and Females to Suit Your Needs at Glasgow, Oct 19th ★ Herefords ★ Aberdeen-Angus 'k Shorthorns 76 HEAD SHOW—9 A. M. SALE-1 P. M. F, A, RALSTON, Judge NORMAN WARSINSKE, Auctioneer GLASGOW LIVESTOCK SALES PAVILION Consignors Lewis C. Archambault R. C. Black & Sons Richard Radke Oliver Shipp George Overby Wayne Lowthian N. J. Cummings Ike Bivins Stephen Wagner Anders Madsen Gabin Wagner Becker Hereford Ranch Lund Hereford Ranch Higgins Bros. H. A. Huffman Neil Taylor Clarence Johnson L H. Sheldon Here is a good selection of working cattle. Herefords, Shorthorn« ond Aberdeen-Angus bred ond raised by breeders who know how to produce ond sell cottie without fuss ond feathers. The Glasgow Livestock Purebred Breeders' Association was formed in 1946 to improve the livestock industry in that territory. Its first sole held lost FoH offered some very outstanding animals ond we ore sure you'll be pleased with our offering on October 19th. For Catalog, Write C. H. Brocksmith, Acting Secretary, Glasgow Glasgow Purebred Livestock Association GLASGOW L H. Sheldon, President MONTANA