Tested Recipes Honey WHETHER YOU celebrate "na tional weeks" or not you will be the loser in good food if you do not join the "honey folks" the last week of October when they have the stage. * * * Mulled cider: 2 quarts cider, 1 inch stick cinnamon, 14 teaspoon nutmeg, 14 teaspoon allspice, 6 whole cloves, Vz cup honey. Combine cider, spices and honey. Heat slowly. Sim mer 20 minutes. Serve hot in warm mugs. Add slice of orange or lemon, a maraschino cherry and a whole clove. • • • Everyday cookies: % cup shorten ing, Vz cup sugar, % cup honey, 1 egg, % cup flour, Vz teaspoon soda, % teaspoon baking powder, 14 tea spoon salt, 1 cup quick cooking oats, 1 cup shredded cocoanut, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, Vz cup chopped nut meats. Cream shortening, sugar and honey together until light and fluffy. Add well-beaten egg, blend to gether until light and fluffy. Add well-beaten egg, blend together. Sift flour with dry ingredients; stir well. Add oats, cocoanut and vanilla. Add nut meats. Spread on greased baking sheets; bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.). Bake about 12 to 15 min utes. Cut into bars. * * • Honey date bars: 1 cup honey, 3 eggs, well beaten, 1 teaspoon baking powder, IVs cups flour, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1 pound chopped dates, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Mix honey and well-beaten eggs to gether. Add baking powder and flour sifted together, chopped nuts, dates and vanilla. Bake in a long, flat pan. Mixture should be % inch Modern yeast Iceeps without refrigeration Û ? i 'v mm, 0 a ,-T :> ) % ■V '! ;.i & mm. ' m % mà il ml i "T ' I / h .» 5 , 1 ml a Wi i mm m V'v. ÜP • n id f * ' ',-v. Ac r * :dh snd actiw ■. y ■ / . ***** ' J; ' ' v;; W;.V' • It's a fact! Fleischmann's mod em Dry Yeast keeps for weeks on the pantry shelf. It's fast . . . it's ACTIVE. It's the perfect answer to that old problem of how to keep Fleischmann's Yeast always in the house without any risk of spoiling. deep, and % inch after baking. Cut into strips % inch wide and 3 inches long. Before serving roll in pow dered sugar. Honey date bars can be made ahead of time and will im prove in flavor. (Bake at 350 degrees F. for 15 to 20 minutes.) * * • Honey apple crisp: 4 cups sliced apples, 14 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, Vz cup honey, Vi cup No Time TOOK no time to kneel and pray As I hopped out of bed today; But counting all the jobs to do I murmured, "Please Lord, see me through." I —JEAN BRENNEMAN. flour, 14 cup brown sugar, 14 tea spoon salt, cup butter, 14 cup wal nuts (if desired). Spread sliced ap ples in a shallow baking dish, sprin kle with sugar and lemon juice and pour honey over all. In a bowl mix flour, brown sugar and salt and work in the butter as for biscuits, making a crumbly mixture. Spread these crumbs evenly over the apples and bake in a moderate oven (375 de grees F.) for 30 to 40 minutes, or un til apples are tender and crust crisply browned. Serve warm with plain cream or whipped cream top ped with a dash of cinnamon, * • ♦ Baked squash: Wash squash and cut in half lengthwise. Remove seeds. To each half add 1 tablespoon of honey and a dot of butter. Bake at 400 degrees F. until squash is tender. * * * Quick honey spice cake: 2 cups sifted cake flour, 2 teaspoons double acting baking powder, % teaspoon salt, % cup sugar, Vz teaspoon all If you bake at home use modem Fleischmann's Dry Yeast just like compressed yeast—one package equals one compressed yeast cake in any recipe. Ask your grocer today for Fleischmann's Fast Ris ing Dry Yeast. Once you try it, you'll never be without it. An Adorable Dress-up Frock Left, No. 8370 —An adorable little 'dress-up' frock foe young girls. A crisp, rustling petticoat is included. Sizes 3. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 years. Size 4, dress, 2% yard« of 35 or 39-inch material; petticoat, 114 yards. rséji Left. No. 8372 Start a new ward robe for her pet doll as a Christ mas surprise. Thl* one is complete and fun to sew. For dolls 16, 18, 20. 22 and 24 inches. r Wà m ««* -• L 8372 «3» 16-24 m*. A VI V (a Vc * I 837 3 « r*. # > I Bf-'V; A* ! CM * Jr ^ Left. Mo, 8235—Button* in threes make a pretty trim for this wearable day time dress. Size* 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Size 14, cap sleeve, 3% yards of 35 or 39-inch materiaL » . ; 1 I w $ ÊÊÊÊSÊI 1 mmm | \1 / 8235 ■ ■ V , " v. m 12-20 ■V I - a ü i i • ; \ : f ■ § m J / 1 'A s V. éà m AI* H iff : -V 0 & « 8300 * 32-46 £ Above. No, 8300—A flattering afternoon dress with soft feminine details and excel lent lines. Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. 44 and 46. Size 34, 3% yards of 35 or 39-inch ma te rial; 1-yard purchased ruffling. Left No. 5802—Cute as can be are these 12 animal motifs that range from 2 to 5 inches. Embroider them on play clothes, crib covers, sleeping suits or wherever yov like. y 4 V <■ », % Patterns 20 Cents Each The Fall and Winter FASHION is a com plete pattern magazine for home sewers. 60 pages of smart new styles: special features— free doll pattern printed inside the book. 25 cents. $ % 9802 ,<3fi Send pattern orders direct to Chicago! The address is Montana Farmec Stockman, Pattern Bureau, 530 South Wells Street, Chicago, I1L This pat tem bureau in Chicago has been established in order to give you faster re turns on your orders for patterns and the style book. Do not send order* to Great Falls as that will only delay delivery of patterns to you.