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New, Sheeplined, Leather Farm Work Pants Keep You Warm in Every Cold Weather Farm Jol rp i 51 y W K < £ I AW' ■1 * X'f W /■ 1 » N vr You work faster, easier în biffer cold weather when you are comfortably warm in these Sheeplined ali-leather Work Pant*. Good for cold weather hunting, tool Now Only Ideal for Farmers.Tractor Drivers, Hunters,Woods- Ç men, Truck Drivers. A Practical Christmas Gift A REAL BUY! Check These Features! AH leather—soft and pliable. Windproof. Full shearling lined. Water-repeliant. Zip per fastening full length of each leg and on fly-—easy to put on and take off. Adjust able leather and webbing suspenders. Easy-to-reach outer pockets. Real warmth and long wear are built into these pants. Made for use by the Air Force in extreme cold weather. We sell by mail direct to gss you at less than f /j original Government cost of over $30. This offer may never again be repeated. SeHsfacffon Guaranteed or Yoor Money Back! Prepare now for a warm winter at woric. Order today! Postage paid when check accompanies your order.. . G. I. SURPLUS DISTRIBUTING CO. P. O. Bo« 943. Austin, Texaf Pleas» rush "Farm Work" Pants at S!l.88 e»ch. Q Check □ Money Order □ C.O.D. Name_ Address Town MFS-I pair new sheeplined leather -State— Waist—— We will ship proper sixe. Satisfaction guaranteed or Money Bock Weight Height SAVE MANPOWER manag Tract jE 1 S 3 Kb ml Mfd. by NORTHWEST MACHINE WORKS 1727 S.E. Ilth AVE., PORTLAND 14. OREGON MIDLAND IMPLEMENT CO., INC. BILLINGS—Montana—GREAT FALLS >| q**/pET UNIAS , Jf gnTITÎI Glorions ly ruffled, fringed, apto 6 in. h I- —, »cross 1 Scarlet, copper, rose, fenSS Aar ** pink, mauve, and white. ni » m aPECIAL 25c-Pkt. seeds, tSHpBKSTall colors mixed, postpaid for We. Send Dime Today! w. ATLEE BURPEE CO. 659 Burpee Building. Clinton, lows § [r Seed Catalog FREE Farming is a hazardous business, carefully against accident but protect yourself from loss by taking out a Montana Farmer-Stockman SPECIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY. Full information on re quest. Write Insurance Department Montana Farmer-Stockman, Great Falls, Mont. G. Thoughts on Life Thanksgiving Day in 1949 By DR. JOHN HOLLAND ON AN ILLINOIS FARM just the other day, a dramatic scene oc curred. Adam Mertinek, a displaced man from Warsaw, Poland, was asked by a neighbor how he liked living in America. For an answer, the lately arrived man fell to the ground on his knees and gave thanks to God for his good fortune in get ting to America. As I think of our annual Thanks giving day, somehow that thankful Polish man keeps coming to my mind. In a world tom by dissen sion, threatened by starvation, a world talking peace, while arming to the teeth: with labor and man agement jockeying for advantage; with millions of people looking, not for work, but for a dole—in such a world, what have we left for which to be thankful? Suppose we ask this displaced, now placed, Pole on this Illinois farm. I think he would say something like this: Thankful for Freedom "If you could have seen the sights that have frozen my soul, you would almost worship the flag which guar antees your freedoms. I have ex isted, not lived, under the flag that denies everything enjoy freely. To see every dear thing trampled under foot, to be treated as a beast of burden rather than as a man— that has been my portion for nine years. "We Poles love freedom, and some of our people have fought for free dom in America, and now that I am here, I know why they came. "Do you know what it is to be a slave? I was taught in childhood to worship God and follow the teach ings of Christ. Even that right was taken away from me. The Russians destroyed even the church where I once worshiped. Churches are free here and I shall always worship in them. I wonder why every Amer ican does not go to church every Sunday to thank God for the privi lege of worshiping. When the Rus sians wanted to make beasts of us, they shut the doors of our churches. In them at least, we enjoyed some freedom to think, and pray. You have always had that right. I hope you never neglect it or lose it. Land of Friendliness Coming to America and traveling from New York, I saw more signs of wealth and happiness than I knew existed on this earth. I hope you are thankful. Here, I begin to feel like a man again. Neighbors in quire if I am well, or happy. It is a land of friendliness. Oh, you fortunate Americans have a great task ahead of you. Guard your liberty of person and your individual freedom. You will lose them unless you do. It is easier to fight for freedom than to pre serve it in times of peace." Some such words as these must be in the hearts of thousands who u I . have come and will come to our They have much to liberty land, teach us and much to learn from us. Let us, like this Pole, devoutly thank God for the blessings that are ours. Then every day will become Thanks 1 giving day. Full 14 Extended Contracted Works like a telescope Patent Pending This Sturdy, Telescoping SPECTRO Farm-Ranch Gate Fits All Gate Requirements • •GATE TO THE FUTURE for every need! Bull-proof: triple strength in contracted form for bull pens, stud barns. Telescopes from 6*4 ft. to 15Vfe ft. long (double road size). Protects cattle, crops safeguards you from many losses. • LIFETIME DESIGN . . . more years per dollar. Let this strong SPECTRO GATE of heavy tubular steel construction prove its big value in daily use right on your place. • SWINGS EASILY on exclusive combi nation gate post and bearing with full lubri cated bearing surface. Electrically welded jointe. Sturdily reinforced. Smart alumi num paint finish. BIG GATE VALUE— small gate cost. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Write for Colorful Folder. Full Information; Include Dealer's Name, Address S pectr Q MFG. AND SALES, INC. Box 407-M Arvada, Colo. Farming is a hazardous business Gum a carefully against accident but protect your self from loss by taking out a Montana Farmer Stockman SPECIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY. Full information on request. Write Insurance Dept.. Montana Farmer-Stockman. Great Falls. Mont. LIFETIME ALUMINUM ; ■ ; Isiiili 1 ; by Using Aluminum Roofing Fire Hazard Is Reduced by 75%! jil m 7 . . the Reduced Price of Fire -■ —u* Insurance Alone on Alumi 1 num Roofed Buildings Will Pay for the Alumi num in a Short Time... M \\\ iP 1 [5 jlVi » LIGHT EASY TO HANDLE •Aluminum Will Not Rustl •Will Last a Lifetime! • Never Needs Paint 1 . • Easily Installed! lus Vi Vl AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY IN STOCK 6-8-10 and 12-foot Lengths Also Other Aluminum Products CARL WEISSMAN & SONS Phone 6597 Great Falls, Mont. 300 Third Street South STEEL FENCE POSTS, r I Easy to Install ORDER NOW , One Post or A CARLOAD f Last a Lifetime Special Deal II in v Quantity Lots fg|: Wr Write, Wire ) Your Require ments to m CARL WEISSMAN & SONS Ph. 6597 Great Falls, Montana 300 3d Ave. S.