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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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non WAIT for these Telltale Signs of Trace Mineral Deficiencies FOR LACK OF COBALT, livestock are listless, ema ciated, anemic, thriftless. They don't eat ... have poor appearance, rough coat, watery eyes. • FOR LACK OF MANGA NESE, there is failure in re production and lactation and poor bone growth. Bone development is weak. FOR LACK OF IRON AND COPPER, there is nutrition al anemia» stunted growth. Prolonged shortages cause death. Sows ) small» weak litters, with high losses of suckling pigs. often farrow FOR LACK OF IODINE, there is goiter or "big neck." Poor reproduction . . . general unthriftioess. Causes weak, goitrous, hair less new-born animals. % BE ON THE SAFE SIDE Feed MORTON'S Free Choice Trace Mineralized Sah £ ÉCiîJ « [S m < '-'CA.O, s» Lr co. Guard your profits! Protect your an imals against these costly trace min eral deficiencies. Feed livestock Mor ton's Trace Mineralized Salt. Trace minerals are important to the entire enzyme, hormone and vitamin functions of the body — the basic life activities. They safeguard against trace mineral deficiencies as well as promote health, thrift, lower feeding costs, faster gains and greater profit. Morton's Free Choice Trace Mineral ized Salt costs only a few cents more per animal per year than salt alone. It's like a low-cost insurance policy covering all your livestock. Feed Morton's Trace Mineralized Salt free choice . . . ask for it by name. Sand For Fro« Booklet and Mdanl M Get all the facts on feeding HI trace mineralized salt. Write "Tl for booklet on feeding salt and important new folders RL| on trace minerals. Mailed - free. MORTON SALT COMPANY, P. O. Box 781, Chicago 90, Illinois, Poultry Department BUILT-UP LITTER By H. E. CUSHMAN Q. I hare been hearing a lot about this built-up litter. Is it a practical method and if so how does one go about the job? J. C. T., Missoula county. A. There are a great many people using built-up litter and liking it. But it must be done according to Hoyle or it doesn't work. In the first place it is useless to try built-up litter unless one has a well ventilated and well insulated house, so that the moisture will not condense in the house. Next, the process must be started early in the fall so that at least 4 or 5 inches of very finely broken up straw is on the floor before cold weather sets in. If the straw is not finely broken up, one is adding the straw too rapidly. The principle of the finely broken litter with the droppings intermixed, is that it acts as an insulating pad between the cold floor and the warm air of the room. If the litter is not dry, many find that the situation can be helped by adding a little slacked lime and working this in with the litter. Of course, should there be a dis ease outbreak, the floor must be thoroughly cleaned and the whole process started over again. Turkey School Set for Dec. 5 THE FOURTH ANJTUAL Mon tana Turkey School and Dressed Turkey show will be held at Mon tana State college Dec. 5 and 6 with well known leaders in the industry appearing on the two-day program. The combined school and show is sponsored by the Montana Poul try Improvement board, Montana Turkey federation, Montana State college and interested commercial firm? and organizations. The show is open to exhibitors from Montana and outside the state and it will consist of five divisions— New York dressed, oven dressed, individual gift packages, special processed packages, and box packed. After the show the birds will be sold at public auction. Hold That Bird (Continued from page 1) if you have more birds than the family can handle efficiently, I guess you'll just have to contact one of our altogether too few dressing plants in the state. If you need this information, I will gladly write you personally as to which plant is nearest you. We find that turkeys can be trucked about 200 miles with no appreciable shrink. Of course, some of you may want to dress at home, but would like to speed up your operations and make better use of your labor. Some years ago a grower in the Gallatin valley asked us to work out a scheme for streamlining picking op erations. The plans worked out well. They found that they cut the picking time in half. The track and rollers were homemade. Because this worked out so well we have plans for the scheme in our Poultry Equipment bulletin which can be ob tained through your county agent's office or by writing to me. Whatever you do, hold that bird until he's finished. Even a drop in price will be more than balanced by obtaining a better grade. It pays you to feed Cereiana HI-POWER I I Because it:~ REGISTERED — furnishes everything that's lacking in roughage — at an over-all cost that's depend ably low You get a good dollar's worth of livestock feed for every dollar you spend on Ceretana Hi-Power MOLAS-O-CAKES. It is concentrated feed, complete feed, balanced of fifteen separate ingredients to supply everything that's lacking in ordinary roughage . . . and this year alfalfa, native hoy and grasses are testing very low in nutritional value. Strict and close-at-hand laboratory control during its processing, standard izes every ton of Ceretana Hi-Power MOLAS-O-CAKES. And it is so accu rately blended, that every single cube contains exact proportions of all component ingredients. These cubes are easy to handle, con fed without waste indoors and out, are relished by the animal. Because of the job Ceretana Hi-Power MOLAS-O-CAKES does, ft is the most economical feed you can buy. Feed it in small or large amounts to do the exact job of wintering you want for your livestock. A little of this feed will take range stock through in good shape, while heavier feeding will put an actual finish on them. Space ««it your delivery dotes on Ceretana Hi-Power MOLAS-O-CAKES covered by an advance ordfer to your supplier. There ore local CERETANA feed dealers throughout Montana, Idaho and northern Wyoming. General Offices: Great Falls. Mont. Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Harlowlon, Lewistown, Miles City, Missoula Montana Flour Mills Co Don't hesitate to write to an advertiser in MONTANA FARMER-STOCKMAN for further information about his product. He will be glad to be of service to you. Tell him you read his ad in MONTANA FARMER-STOCKMAN. YEW 0V1T %■ £. IT f(| % JL 0 VtD PLAIT t A a j «■o disease PROTECT POULTRY PROFITS The famous Lewis' Lye poultry sanitation plan helps cut poultry losses ... keep your birds healthy. Thousands of farmers have helped themselves to higher poultry profits this easy way: 1. Clean out poultry house and roosting sheds. Scrub thoroughly with Lewis' Lye® solution. It cuts through caked dirt quickly, helps disinfect even hard to-reach corners. 2. Clean and disinfect feed hoppers and troughs with this powerful solution. For a few cents am application you can help prevent the spread of B.W.D., cocci diosis and many other disease germs spread by contaminated surroundings. Be sure to use only Lewis' Lye—a standby for several generations. FREE Helpful 48-page Lye booklet tells you how to use lye profitably. Just write: Dept. 19H, Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Phila. 7. Pa. OTHER PENNSALT PRODUCTS I^OXDDT INSECTICIDES ut SPRAYS—POWDERS—DUSTS for HOUSE » BARN • GARDEN A. it's fun to earn RAISING HAMSTERS Auto Parts | FOR CARS, TRUCKS NEW AND USED . . . & tho growing demond for Cash In SYRIAN GOLDEN HAMSTERS recently introduced into fho U S. Ideal pets . big laboratory demond. Hardy, clean, odorless. Easily and profit ably raised onywhero. AKOPIAN HAMSTERY the largest in the West 7358-0 Varna * Van Nwys, Calif. Ivstrafod booklet For All Makes and Models Troller axle« and wheel assemblies for any type trailer Write for particulars BILLINGS AUTO WRECKING CO. The largest of Its kind in the Northwest 2202-12 First Ave. North BILLINGS. MONTANA wrlto for FREE M Farming it a hazardous business. Guard carefully against accident but protect yourself from loss by taking out a Montana Farmer-Stockman SPECIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY. Full information on request