Parkes Sale Sets Record
Top Bull Brings $8,600
SETTING A NEW Montana record
and ranking among the top sales of
the nation this year the Archie
Parkes, Vaughn, second annual sale
put 56 head of registered Herefords
through the ring for a total of $71,
830 and an average of $1,283 a head.
Thirty bulls averaged $1,651 and
26 females averaged $857.
Top priced animal of the sale was
AP Royal Princeps 17th, purchased
at $8,600 by the Willow Creek ranch
at Belt. The bull was grand cham
pion at the Portland International
Livestock show this fall and
serve champion at the Winter fair
in Bozeman last spring.
Three other bulls sold at prices
above $3,000. AP Royal Princeps
12th sold to Hern'an Jacobsen of
was re
Ovando for $4,500, and AP Princeps
17th to L. Mikkelson & Son, Eden,
for $3,500.
AP Princeps 42d, a calf,
went to Cronk Bros., Savoy, at
David A. Thomas, Cascade, pur
chased the top female, AP Lady
Princeps 21st, at $1,625. Second
high price for a female was $1,500
paid by Monforton Hereford ranch,
Bozeman, for a heifer by RS Super
Princeps out of a WHR Royal D 96th
Buyers from Washington, Nebras
34 Hereford Bulls
8 Hereford Heifers
Show 10 A. M.
SALE 1 P. M.
Nov. 26
Who will be bringing to Sidney one of the most outstanding sets of bulls and heifers
ever shown here, include:
George Mahlstedt
A. E. Davidson
Art Schock
Hammervold & Moen
Charles Johnson
Joseph Erdeit
Gottlieb Ulrich
Ervin Breitenfeldt
Anders Madsen
Waag & Colter
Morris Douglas
F. S. P. Foss
Oren Forthun
Make Your Investment for the Future Here!
Sale Sponsored by
MARION T. NEDEGAARD, Secretory, Gtendive, Montana
LARRY GILL, Montano Farmer-Stockman
F. A. RALSTON, Judge
H. B. SAGER, Auctioneer
ka and Montana were represented
at the sale. H. B. Sager was auc
Sage Takes Top
Loi .o Bull
ALL THEY NEEDED was a public
address system, and after that was
in place the sale started. The crowd
was big and the cattle being offered
for sale were good. They were the
Polled Hereford cattle offered in a
joint sale by Dick and Helen Ros
signol, LoLo Stock farm, LoLo,
Mont., and Conrad and Mollie Heid,
Bar Lo Hereford ranch, Davenport,
Wash. The sale was held in the new
and modern sales pavilion at LoLo
Stock farm, Oct. 28.
Sale Lot No. 2 in the catalog, H. D.
Domino 49th bred by LoLo Stock
farm, and a son of D. K. Domino,
their senior herd sire, came into the
sales ring first. He topped the sale,
going to Dean Sage, Triangle T
ranch, Sheridan, Wyo., at $4,825.
The bull was deep, thick, good
headed, with plenty of substance, and
should make a top herd bull prospect
for the Sheridan Polled Hereford
Bulls Average $992
The 13 bulls in the LoLo Stock
farm consignment totaled $12,905 to
% J
—Montana Farmer-Stockman Photo
AP Royal Princeps 17th is led into the ring by Herdsman John McDonald at the
Archie Parkes second annual Hereford sale. Vaughn. When he was led out
again he was the property of the Willow Creek ranch. Belt, purchased at $8,G00.
Standing behind the bull are Ray Sprengle, American Hereford Assn.; Ross
Miller, American Hereford Journal, and Archie Parkes.
average $992, or very nearly $1,000
each. The heifers from this ranch
averaged $522 each. The Polled
Herefords from the Washington
breeder averaged around $60 less.
Earl Willey, Wisdom, purchased
another son of D. K. Domino from
an Alice Woodword 2d dam at $1,100.
Gene Holt, Silver Star, and Frank
Eye, St. Ignatius, purchased two
other high selling LoLo bulls for re
John E. Rice, Sheridan, Wyo.,
Polled Hereford breeder, purchased
two of the top selling cows of the
LoLo draft. Both were daughters of
DK Domino and sold with a breeding
privilege to either a son of DK Dom-