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Classified ADVERTISEMENTS Our Readers Market Place tor Buying, Selling, Trading in sending your advertisement count each word, number and initial ano send remittance to cover Because at the small amounts involved it is necessary that cash must accompany all orders Send orders to reach us 10 days pnoi to date you want advertisement to start, whenever possible Forms close five days preceding date of Issue Four-time insertions cost less per word and get oetter results than single insertions It will also pay oest to use enough words to thoroughly tell what you nave to offer 'The more you tell the quicker you sell." No advertisement will be run for less than 50c for each insertion a word per insertion for one, two or three time advertisements a word per insertion tor 4 or more consecutive insertions of same copy. The rate is very low tor our big circulation which covers every farming section of Montana and northern Wyoming. If yoa nave not advertised in Montana Farmer-Stockman recently be sure to give two responsible firms or individuals as references This is tor your own protection To avoid delays send letters of recommendation with your order 7 * Rates* ♦ 6 * GREAT FALLS, MONTANA Montana Farmer-Stockman BABY CHICKS PREMIUM QUALITY—Santa Clara thorough bred chicks available every week throughout the year. Under our controlled breeding pro gram only Northwest flocks supervised and tested by our flock managers supply hatching eggs for top-producing Santa Clara thorough breds. Carefully selected parent stock carrying the nation's finest bloodlines produce premiv quality Santa Clara baby chicks . . . under the U. S. National Plan (Pullorum Passed Grade). For eggs or meat . . . for profitability, you can't beat plus quality , Santa Clara strains. Available every week in the year. White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires. Austra-Whites. Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Plymouth Rocks, Rock-New Hampshire Cross. Write for: Full color cata log, specifications, new low prices and early delivery dates. Santa Clara Hatchery. P. O. Box 4228-T—1819 N. W. Savler St.. Portland, Ore Producers of Premium Quality Baby Chicks since 1911.___ ER VINO'S "Special Mating" chicks and started pullets are pedigree-sired for higher egg and meat production. Write for free folder giving breeding background of our chicks. Our flocks are he- ' up by (R, O. P.) roi'--, yet --•! --y no ■ standing bloodlines. New Hampshires, Row ley st. 'n W. he Levhorns. Parracnter (R. I.l Reds, dual purpose Barred Rocks. Also 4 and 6 weeks-o'.d started pullets, cool-room brooded for toughness, 100'r live delivery guaranteed. Erving's Winlock Hatchery. P. O. Box 97B. Winlock. Wash. "Washington's Largest In dependent Hatchery."__ LUX ROP LEGHORNS—Certified chlx. eggs. Lux ROP hens averaged 250 eggs weighing 26 07 20 000 daughters and granddaughters from 7- 26 highest egg production. Catalog. Lux Leg h r Lana Parras, Xnc., Hopkinton, la. Dept. MF. __ STANDARD CHICKS' Hatches year round. H-'-Olerrpen p-V our «peciai meat type New Hampshires and Delaware Cross. Special prices io oroiiermen and wholesale dealers. All stock oullorum oassed Standard Hatchery Inc Winlock Wash ORDER New Hampshires now at today's low i for these out n-i-ik'nrj breeding for prices for spring or Immediate delivery hatch every week 0 S Approved Pullorum Passed Long's Hatchery. 13320 SE Powell Blvd.. Portland 16. Oregon POULTRY BUYERS WE MEET OR BEAT all live poultry buyer prices. We will buy ail the live poultry and tame rabbits you have at any time. Coops loaned to shippers. Dressed turkeys, ducks and geese purchased at all times. Pierce Packing Co., Poultry Division, 110 First Ave nue North, Billings. Montana. _ WE ARB PAYING highest oossible prices for all kinds of poultry Write today for price list You'll do better os selling to Northwest Produce Company iDivlsion of Yellowstone Hatchery! Billings. Montana PEAFOWL_ PEAFOWL—Pheasants, bantams, ducks, geese, guineas. Thirty varieties pigeons. John Hass. Bettendorf, Iowa. _TURKEYS_ WANTED TO BUY or trade—White Holland tom. Mrs. Bradley Miller. Moore. Mont, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fine quality Jerseys, registered and non-reglstered. Several with D. H, X. A. records. Bang vaccinated and tested, classy registered young Jersey bull, production, double Basilua breeding. L Parker. Bozeman. Mont. REGISTERED Angus bull for sale or trade. Wallace Crowe, Belt. Mont. Also Good Geo. vj SURE. POP. WE'LL BE ÖLAP ^ TO HELP...WE KNOW iTfe HARP FOR YOU TO STOOP OVER. SINCE YOU'RE GETTING ^ MlPDLE-AGE FAT.' J / YOU ^ SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR- . SELF. BUMPER.' ■WHAT? < YOU KIPS SET IN THE HOUSE... I'LL GATHER THE EGGS ^ ^_. myself.* ./sr ah: my little HI, "\ HELPERS, HOME 'lo. V pop' j from school: HOVV'P you LIKE TO GATHER THE EGOS FOR MET 1 VAS JUST POING WHAT FOP 5A1P... 4 HE TOLP ME TO LEARN TO USE MV BRAINS SO X WONT HAVE TO WORK HARD V WHEN I'M BIG.' ) S' \V -f DADDY V A h o : e mi 'I 4k if w r.V II TL -rw l''*C I ÎT ft' - ^ : G A A. 1 B ) 'rA y 'i *• s I ( % I 'o—I«*' 1 * m JJ 26—December 1, 1949 FOR SALE—Registered Herefords: 50 cows with calves (good ages), 20 yearling and 2 year-old heifers. Sales breeding. Can be seen on old Wclcom ranch at Whitehall. If interested call Park Taylor. Gallatin Gateway, 02355, or write. Tom Herrin and Oscar REGISTERED Milking Shorthorn bulls 8 to 18 months of age. good individuals from good dams. Also beef Shorthorn bulls of serviceable age. including my 3-year-old herd bull. Ivan W. Munson, Victor, Mont PREFERRED AND SELECTED oedigree Ayr shire bull calves for sale. Our calves are backed by generations of high producing cows and proven bulls. Ayrshire Dairy, Great Falls, Mont. A PEW REGISTERED Milking Shorthorn heif ers. will calve in December and January Also yearlings and calves from good producing cows. V O Swanson. Hamilton. Mont FOR SALE—Registered oolled Shorthorn cal Grand International Champion line. Priced to sell. Write Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Bek kcrus. Route 1. Fairfield. Mont FOR SALE—Three registered polled Hereford bulls, 18 months old. Good rugged bulls. Frank Wieferich, Townsend, Mont. Telephone 0-16J4. tie FOR SALE—Registered Holstein Friesian bull calves, 8 and 9 months old. Write for in formation. John Halberer. Corvallis. Mont. MILKING SHORTHORN BULLS ready for service. Also some express age bull calves. Sherman Smith. Gallatin Gateway Mont. TILLAMOOK CALVES—Especially selected lor Prank J. Ryan. breeding and production Route 1. Box 84. Tillamook, Ore HIGH-GRADE dairy calves. Also pinto horses. John Hofmann. Tillamook. Ore. DOGS. PET STOCK PUREBRED ENGLISH SHEPHERD PUPS $12 Guaranteed heelers, watchdogs and Training instruc 41so a few partly-trained 10-month $25 Creek-Side Kennels. Beardsley each happy guarding the baby tlons. olds Minnesota ARC-REGISTERED wire haired fox terrier puppies ready for delivery. Ideal child and house pets, excellent hunters and watch dogs. SHEPHERDS, collies, heelers, watch dogs. Zimmerman Farms Flanagan. Ill, EAR TAGS_ TAMP-R-PRUF EAR SEALS. Positive livestock Identification Self-piercing humane, perma nent Stamped with name and number Rust proof Inexpensive. Over 50.000 users. Free samples. Catalog. Write Security Seal Co.. Dept MFS-9. 144 W. 27th St.. New York 1. N Y _ PREVENT STOCK LOSSES—Use Al-Wuz-On ear tags Free samples. Write Tntermountaln Stamp Works, Salt Lake City. Utah HORSES_ VERY GENTLE TEAM of red roan mares, sisters, 5 and 7. Matched. Excellent, for feeding or lambing. Collars and special har ness available. George L. Parker, Bozeman, Mont. _ SWINE REGISTERED DUROC spring boars. Sired by a son of Cherry Model, Reserve Grand Cham pion of S. Dak. 1948 and Grand Champion 1949. Also some by a son of 1st prize junior yearling at N. Dak. state fair 1946. New bloodlines for old customers. Robert Rieder, Williston. N. Dak DUROCS MORE PROFITABLE—577 Official Ton Litters. Learn why twice as many reg istered. Write H. J. McMurray. Western Rep resentative. Duroc Record Association, 300 W. Victoria. Santa Barbara, Calif. HEREFORD HOGS shipped COD your ap proval strafed circular. Yaiehurst Farms, Peoria, Ill. Boars, gilts unrelated pigs. Illu REGISTERED Chester White and Hampshire fall weaner pigs for sale. Also Hampshire spring boars and bred gilts. Championship bloodlines. Timberline Stock Ranch, Broad view, Jifont._;_ REGISTERED Chester White boars, gilts and weaner pigs. Montana Hereford Ranch, five miles south of Laurel turn at Byam school, follow signs. Mail address Box 927, Billings. Mont. _ REGISTERED Spotted Poland China gilts for sale Special prices on early orders. C. J. Jacksha, Genesee. Idaho. bred The thick heavy bone type. HOGS—Registered boars, gilts, Color right. Satisfaction Hillcrest Farms. Chinook. Mont. HEREFORD Yaiehurst strain, gu a r a n teed _ REGISTERED DDROC boars, gilts, weaned Fisher. Oxford, non-related pigs. Victor Waho.__ SOME very good Hamprace boars. No gilts this fall. John P. Dayhoff, Angela, Mont. FOR SALE- -Registered Duroc boars and gills. Dan Van Bolcum, Fairfield. Mont._ REGISTERED Chester 'white bred gilts for sale. Peder Lee & Son. Fairfield. FARM LANDS 320-ACRE RANCH. 196 acres Irrigated. Bal ance pasture. eluded with ranch. Gravely soil, fenced. Located on graveled highway, 2 miles from an oiled highway and 7 miles from good town. Qrade and high school bus passes from 58 acres in winter wheat in All well door. of good the Fairfield project. There is a 4-room house, barn, stock sheds and other buildings. The buildings are in a run-down condition as they have not been lived in for some time. Price $12,750. Some machinery will be included for $1.000 more. See Orval E. Mason. Realtor, Specialist in Ranches, 401 First Ave. So.. Great Palls, Montana. Member of State Mul tiple Listing Service. 400-ACRE diversified farm 4 miles from Fair field. 76 acres irrigated, part in alfalfa. 128 acres dry land under cultivation, 50 acres summerfallowed. 196 acres of good pasture with running water from never-failing creeks. Fenced and cross-fenced. Buildings include good 5-room house with full basement. 3 chicken houses, barn, garage and granary. A creek flows past the house and barn. Price $15.500. Terms $9.650 down and balance Î650 a year plus interest. See Orval E. Mason. Realtor. S-eei-list in Ranches. 401 First Ave. So.. Gret Falls. Montana. Member of the State Ranch and Farm Multiple Listing Serv ice. 80-ACRE Irrigated farm on Fairfield bench. 72 acres under cultivation. Al! level and easy to irrigate. Weil improved, having 6-room house with bath, floor furnace and fully in sulated, l.OOO-bu, granary, large machine shed and storage shed. REA electric. School bus to grade and high school, milk and cream route and mail route. Price $1.5,500. Terms $8.500 down, balance 9 years. Ste Orval E. Mason, Realtor. Specialist in Ranches, 401 First Ave. So., Great Falls, Montana Member of the State Ranch and Farm Multiple Listing Serv i re 1110-ACRE cattle ranch near Missoula in a beautiful valley. About 450 acres in meadow: soil mostly black loam. Ample free water. Extra range permit tor 300 head of cattle. Modern 4-bedroom home, full basement and furnace. Barn, good corral, loading chute. This ranch has run between 400 and 500 head of cattle. Also business opportunities, motels and apartments. Desohamps Realty Co., Palace Hotel Bldg., Missoula. Mont _ FOR SALE—Approximately 5,000 acres, for sheep and cattle, large creeks run through entire sheep and cattle range: open water year round. Large barn and sheep sheds. All buildings have electricity. Eight-room house, oil furnace, telephone, eight miles from school bus route. Write or phone Mrs. Lillian Kieckbusch. Townsend, Mont. FARMS. RANCHES, lodges, resorts Big se lection. Milwaukee Road territory. Washington. Idaho. Montana. Dakotas Minnesota. Iowa, Missouri, Michigan. Wisconsin. Illinois. Indi ana. Free colorful descriptive folders, price lists. L. H Robbins, 738G Union Station. Chicago 6. Illinois _ PLAN A FARM HOME in the Northwest, where land is reasonable in price. Send for litera ture on Washington, Oregon. Idaho. Montana, the Dakotas and Minnesota. Write E. B. Dun can, Dept. 1259. Great Northern Railway, St. Paul 1. Minn. GREEN PASTURES ALL YEAR! 124-page Golden Anniversary catalog farms, homes, ranches, motels, stores. 2800 bargains, 32 states—latest reduced prices—mailed free. Strout Realty. 520 S. W. Sixth Ave., Portland 4. Ore. RANCH WANTED—Strictly cattle ranch to run from 250 to 500 cows in locality of Liv ingston, Lewistown or Bis Timber. Will deal with owner only. Write Carl R. Johnson. P. O. Box 902, Kalamazoo. Mich. SECURITY—No crop failures On the beauti ful Flathead lake. Largest listings in Lake county. Write or call on us. Poison Realty, Rav & Grace Wyn. ENJOY shorter winters. Send for farm cata log. Big West Realty. Spokane. Wash, _ FARM MACHINERY NEW PLOW PACKERS. 28 sizes available. Also special parts, attachments, etc. Free information. Beacon Co., Minot, N. D. TIRES New B-29 bomber tires, 56" high. 16 ply. Previously sold at $125. Sale price, $36. Includes tube Twine—So-called Mexican baler .wine. 4 balls to sack. Previously sold at $32. Extra special at $8 per sack. Harrows —Love 9-It. 4" tractor tandem disc harrows. 20" discs. Old price. $318.75. Few left at $199.50. Moe Motor Co.. Wolf Point, M ont. 1948 MODEL M PARMALL with power take off. electric started, lights, fenders, high compression engine, Prestone, wheel weights and 12x38 Goodyear tires. Price $1.650. James Wood Jr.. Box 167. Fort Benton. Mont. IN STOCK NOW new and used structural steel T" beams, rods, shafts, strap iron, angles, channels, sheets, pipes and plates. No priority needed Carl Weissman & Sons, Great Falls. Mont. USED FARM MACHINERY wanted. Give de scription and prices. Machinery Clearing House. Fargo. N D ECONOMICAL operating International Ü9 stationary power plant. A. P. Greytak, Simp son. Mont. DAIRY EQI'IPMENT MILKING MACHINES. Dairy Queen milkers, 1950 models, now ready to ship. This wonder ful two-cow portable milker is sold in 37 states with complete satisfaction at a very low price. No milder will milk better or faster. Easy to learn to use. Portable, no installing. Buy direct from factory, save dealer's profits and salesman's commissions. Deluxe models, com plete. ready to milk, only $198.45 up with engine or motor. Queen Milking Machine Manufacturing Co., 8000 Portland Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn. MR DAIRYMAN—We solicit your inquiry on any item of dairying (wholesale and retail) and processing equipment and supplies. "Everything for the dairyman " Montana Dairy Supply P O Box 326. Phone 120-W. 239 N Second St.. Hamilton. Mont. "SURGE"—The milker that stays satisfactory. Surge dairy farm equipment distributed by Montana Dairy Supply. P. O Box 326, Hamil ton, Mont _ _ ELECTRICAL__ 32-VOLT appliances of every type now in stock. Nationwide reputation, built right 32 volt console radio, phonograph-radios, kitchen mixers available. Write for list. State what you improved battery charger, operates from 32-volt line, $12.95 postpaid. 32-volt infra-red heat lamp and stend. $5.90 postpaid. Farm Electric Com pany. Shelby. Mont. LIGHT PLANTS—350-watt. $85. 1.500-watt Homelite. new. $275 3.000-watt Onan. $275. 5.000-watt Onan, $400. All 110-volt alterna ting current. Motor bargains, welders, shop equipment, fans for grain drying. Send for oatelog. Harris Machinery. Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALE—Witte dieselectrtc plant, 6000-watt 120-240 A.C. Used 14 months, in good condi tion. Very capable of handling all house hold and farm electric equipment Will sell for Vi original price. Reason for selling— R.E.A. Roy Pegar. Big Sandy. Mont. CLOSING OUT demonstrator models and slightly used A. C. lighting plants. 1000 watt $150. 2000 watt $200, 2500 watt $260, 5 K. W. $370. 15 K. W. $850. Manufacturers of con verters and motor generator sets. Katollght. Mankato. Minn. FOR SALE—Kohler light plant 110-volt, 1500 watt fully automatic. Used 15 months. Very good condition, $400. Reason for selling; Hooked up to power line. Sam T. Sinnema, Route 1. Manhattan, Mont. 32-VOLT APPLIANCES! Select from the world's largest line. Enjoy city conveniences. High quality Low prices. Catalog free. REPAIR PARTS TRUCK AND AUTO PARTS—The only firm in the northwest specializing in truck parts. We carry the largest and most complete stock of truck, auto parts and equipment in this part of the country. 24-hour service on mall orders Write wire or ohone Wilensky Auto Parts Co.. 1226-28 Washington Ave N.. Min neapolis 1. Minn AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK PARTS. Save 50-75 percent. Northwest's largest stock of used, new and rebuilt parts for all makes and models of cars and trucks. Mail orders promptly filled. Serving the automotive trade since 1925. United Auto Parts Co.. 1320 Wash ington North. Minneapolis, Min n. NEW AND USED PARTS for cars and trucks. Largest stock in America. Complete guar anteed parts service for late and old models. Depend on Pioneer for al! automotive needs; new used and rebuilt army truck parts spe cialists Past mail order service Pioneer Auto Wrecking Company. 740 W 13th Ave.. Den ver _Colo^_ BEST SERVICE from your Montana sup plier on all trucks and auto parts We carry full line army truck replacement parts Carl Weissman b Sons Ine. Great Falla Mont. SCHOOLS LEARN auctioneering, largest school be misled School, Mason City. Iowa. Terms soon. World's Students sell real sales. Don't Free catalog. Relsch Auction