Newspaper Page Text
Farmer Finn By Herb Perry 1 NE-v/umr nj. gee wuiz/ 1 ^ vjhatS ut? ^ — R)RKV? Gee/ to likeT' BE A CKAMPEEN B^AWMA CATTLE. RIDER IN TH' rodeos - vjell, M there's no reason 1 WHY 1 CAHT practice] | « \TS ALL RIGHT, . BETSY/JE/ 5 T -U TRETEND VOURE \a brahmaj—' Mn' buck /) p, Hone, of vour 1 BURNED BUSINESS/ ~VJ I i/r ) X Sy / r W ' T '£.~v r/, o J J 'yr\ ** < * M L V " .) U I u y; =\l >) V (9E1 ci S? w m* % VM SEEDS AND PLANTS WE BUY SEEDS—We are constantly In the market for all grass seed, alfalfa seed and clover seed. Mall us your samples for quota tions lots We buy any o.uantity—bag lots or car We will be glad to send you mailing envelopes. We are a division of the Russell Miller Milling Co. Occident Seeds. Box 630. Bismarck. N D QUICK BEARING FRUIT and nut trees, shade trees, grape vines- berry plants, everblooming rose bushes and flowering shrubs at money saving prices. State and federal inspected. Satisfaction guaranteed Write today (or free colored catalog. East's Nursery. Amity. Ar kansas. MISCELLANEOUS CLEARANCE SALE on brand new Beall model 45 Solaray oil burning unit. Convert your wood or coal range to an oil burner. Solaray comes complete with powerful electric motor, fan. carburetor, metering valve and bracket for quick easy attachment to your stove. Uses HO-volt electric current. Past, clean, even, low cost heat, no coal to handle, no ashes to clean out. While they last in this clearance sale, $35 each. f. o b. Beall. Inc , 218 N. 16th St,. Billings, Mont. NEW SPARROW TRAP. Rid your premises of disease-carrying, crop-destroying sparrows. Elevator-type, humane, factory-built, guar anteed. Nothing like it. Write for money back trial and free literature. Rlchwood, Box Mill, 908. Detroit Lakes. Minn. * FARMERS! POULTRY^ RAISERS ! "Read - Far West's leading poultry magazine. Latest ideas, profit making helps every month. Bargain offer—15 months 50c. 3 years, 36 Issues. $1. Subscribe today! Pacific Poultryman, Dept. 42, Palo Alto. C alif.__ NEW CROP PAPERSHELL variety pecans graded large size 5 pounds $2.50: 10 pounds $4.50 delivered. Send money order with order. Member Chamber of Commerce. Plncus Pecan Company, Quit man, Ga . _ _ Mainite Wood Type Bob Sleighs; wide and narrow track. West Fargo Manufacturing Com pany. West Fargo, North Dakota. _ STOP SMOKING without taking anything internally or using any will power. Send for free booklet. Shrlners. Box 254, Edmonton. Alberta. Canada, _ PURE SORGHUM 60-pound can J7 f.o.b. fac tory. Other sizes. Write Jos. Wartman, St. Bonlfaclns, Minn. _ HORSEHAIR, hides, fur wanted Highest prices paid Carl Weissman & Sons. Inc.. Great Palls. Mont _ FENCE POSTS WESTERN red cedar fence posts In carload Chisholm Write or wire for prices lots. Cedar Co.. Bonners Perry. Idaho. MEDICAL MEDICINE cannot cure arthritis or rheu matism, Book by prominent M. D. shows how many chronic ailments are cured by diet. Write for particulars to Fred A. Elliott, Green acres 2, Wash. LATEST METHODS treating piles, fistula, colon-stomach disorders. Write for free book. McCleary Clinic and Hospital. E1240, Excelsior Sprin gs, Mo, __ FREE BOOK—Piles, fistula, colon-stomach, associated conditions. Latest methods. Thorn City, Mq._ FOR RELIEF of eczema due to fungus infec tion and In proper cases from symptom of itching Write McK Kdwards._Valley. Wash. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN "STARLETTES" 16-card Christmas assortment with envelopes. America's newest novelty. Beautiful and luxurious. Price $1.25 postpaid. Buril Sales Company., 61 North Dale, St. Panl 5, Minn. PERSONALS EASTSIDE maternity seculsion hospital for unmarried girls, reduces expense. City, Missouri. State licensed. Working 4911 E 27th St.. Kansas HONEY NEW 1949 CROP alfalfa and clover honey. 60 lb cans $8.00 P O B Ronan. Montana. George E Stambae k.__ HONEY, finest flavor. 60 pounds $8. Ten pounds $1.70. F. O. B Walker's. Jeffers. Mont. STOVE REPAIRS ORDER STOVE PARTS direct and save mon ey Complete stock repair parts for stoves, ranges, space heaters, tank heaters, furnaces back to 1886 Guaranteed to fit Give manu facturer's name complete description and part number if possible. Low price quoted Immediately. Howard St STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIR PARTS. All kinds in stock Prompt mall service Write for prices, mentioning make and model. The George A, Pullen Co, 1333 Lawrence. Denver 2, Colo _ STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS Parts for all makes Order now. giving make and model. Gruettner's. Box 1198. Spokane, Wash Blue Belle Co.. Dept, S 1307 Omaha. Neb TANNING WE CAN TAN anything from a mouse to a moose, with hair on or hair off. Hides, pelts, skins, furs Garment weight or heavy leather. Quick, efficient, reliable. Free price list. Valcauda Pur Co.. National Bldg., Seattle, Wash. DEERSKIN tanning and the manufacturing of them into gloves, jackets and mittens. Write for circular and price list. Company, Owatonn a, Minn. ,_ TRAPPERS' SUPPLIES ' COYOTE TRAPPERS—Do the coyotes go just so close to your sets and no closer? These same coyotes will go right up to your secs without fear, no matter how trap-wise, suits guaranteed. Pred Tyree, 1029 Fourth, Bremerton, Wash. Über Tanning H. - __WOOL CARDING WOOL CARDING new and used. Batts and mattresses. Standard and juvenile sizes. Auto robes. Blankets, many qualities and sizes. Free new catalog. Prices. Write Oregon Woolen Mills. Portland 2 . Oregon. FLEECE and bed wool carded Write; Litch fleld Woolen Mi ll s, Litchfield. M innesota._ PHOTO FINISHING DECKLEDGE PRINTS 3 cents. Reprints made from your negatives on beautiful velox deck ledge paper only 3 cents each. Six or 8 ex posure rolls developed and printed on deck ledge paper 25 cents. Beautiful artcraft en largements from negatives, three 5x7 only 50 cents. Four 8x10 enlargements $1. Your fav orite photo copied and 10 prints made 65 cents. Summers Studio, Unionvillè, Mo. 18 CHRISTMAS CARDS and envelopes $1 60, $3 Send negative. Your 8 exposure roll with 3 prints each good negative. 45c Two each good negative 35c. One each good negative 25c Reprints 3c L R Eastman Bode. la. JUMBO ALBUM PRINTS deckled rori"8, 40c: extra prints, 5c: no album, 4c each. Con tacts roll 8. 25c: extra prints, 3c each. Post age extra. Pak Photo Service, Box 720, Spo kane^ 3^ Wash. PROMPT SERVICE Two prints (deckle-edge) from each good negative on roll 35c Reprints 3c each For clear sparkling prints send to Welch Photo Co. 2418-66 Penn No.. Minne apolis Minn SPECIALIZING! 16 deckle-edge hlghgloss 3 cents. Royal Photos, 1169 Thomas. St. Paul, Minn . CHRISTMAS CARDS from your negative. New designs. Ten for 95c. 25 for $1.95. Free il lustrated Information on request Royal Photo.-t 1169 Thomas. St Paul 4. Minn. TRIAL OFFER. This ad and iOc will de^ velop and print your next roll of films. Photo Shop. Dept. M-l. Ogden, Utah. State Wheat, Horsemeat Tn CROP Shipment THE FIRST CROP (Christian Ru ral Overseas Program) Christmas ship will sail from Seattle to Japan and Asia in Dec. 9. Carloads of wheat, powdered milk and eggs, dried beans and horsemeat con tributed by the farmers of Washing ton, northern Idaho and Montana will be shipped to the hungry and needy Forty-five counties in Washington, Idaho and Montana are participat ing in the CROP national relief pro gram in a vigorous round-up of foodstuffs. The remaining counties are co-operating in contributing cash for the purchase of surplus grains and dairy products. Wheat elevators in Grant, Adams, and Franklin counties, Washington; Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Idaho counties, Idaho, and Cascade, Yel lowstone and Fergus counties, Mon tana, have some carload lots and portions of lots ready for shipping. Horsemeat, a desperately needed protein for the starved peoples over seas, is being given by the south eastern counties of Montana of Car ter, Powder River, Rosebud, Big Horn and Petroleum. The meat is government processed at Butte be fore shipment. The CROP relief program is being carried out in Alaska, Washington and northern Idaho by United Church Overseas Relief with Ches ter S. Ramsey, Seattle, as director. In Montana the state CROP direc tor is George Si me, Bozeman. ROLL DEVELOPED 8 prints plus professional size 5x7 enlargement 25 cents. Super Snap shop. Winona. Minnesota. ROLL DEVELOPED and 8 prints, 25c. Smart Photo. Winona. Minn _ HELP WANTED WOULD you like to represent Montana Farm er-Stockman in your district? Do you like to travel m the country ana call on farm ana ranch people' Do you nave an understanding and appreciation of (arm and ranch life? Do you have a car' Can you devote full nme to introducing our new greatly expanded Ac cident insurance Policy' 5re you over 40? 'Some of out most successful sales sentatives are over 60.» In this work you are your iwn boss time will surprise you ested tell us why you think you are quali fied sales work, tell us about that -oo your letter to tana Farmer-Stockman Great Palls. Mont. You regulate vour working The amount of money vou will earn We train you if mter If vou nave had any experience in Address Circulation Manager Mon AGENTS WANTED EXTRA MONEY for agents, route men and women. Make quick extra cash handling our attractive line of everyday cards, books, gifts, stationery, wrappings. Large selection nation ally known brands. Our 25th year Send for free listing of our complete line Solle Mfg. Co.. 3157 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis 8, Minn. Straw Is Good Stock Feed WITH HAYSTACKS and range running short in some areas this fall, some operators are looking again at grain straw as a possible supplement of their feed supplies for the winter. How satisfactory is wheat straw as a stock feed and how should it be supplemented? Here are answers to these ques tions as stated by Dr. William Bur kett of the animal husbandry de partment, Montana State college, Bozeman; "Wheat straw makes a very sat isfactory feed for wintering mature cattle if properly supplemented. "Limited work at the North Mon tana branch station at Havre indi cated that cows were wintered sat isfactorily on wheat straw and one pound of cottonseed meal per head per day. Where wheat straw is the the be expected to require from 15 to 17 pounds per head per day. If only wheat straw is fed they should also receive one pound per head per day of protein supplement such as lin seed, soybean or cottonseed meal. "If alfalfa hay is available, the protein supplement may be omit ted and 4 to 5 pounds of alfalfa hay fed in place of it. If good quali ty grass hay is available 6 to 7 pounds of it may be used to re place the alfalfa hay. "There is one danger in feeding only wheat straw and a protein supplement: On such a ration as this a vitamin A and carotene deficiency may develop by spring which might result in the birth of dead or weak calves. "Vitamin A deficiencies are par ticularly likely after the 'kind of a grazing season just past where the cattle have had little access to green growing grass and no op portunity to build up a carotene re serve in their bodies. By feeding alfalfa hay or good quality grass hay, the carotene requirement is taken care of." REA Approves Loan APPROVAL OF à loan of $150,000 to the Lower Valley Power & Light, Inc., Freedom, Wyo., has been an nounced by the Rural Electrification administration The funds will be used for the completion of a 1,000 kilowatt hydroelectric generating station. -The BEAR CAT f NEW \ Adjustable Drop - Apron s. FEEDER . COMBINATION Grain and Roughage Mill also Ensilage Cutter A ? frr SÜ }] Mesa// € Grinds any feed — reen. napped or ear corn, roughage bundles or bale flakes and monkey business. It really grinds, and with ordinary farm tractor. Has both cutter head and heavy swing hammers. Adjustable Drop-Apron Feeder works in any position from ground to full information on this Bear-Cat Grinder. Four slr^s. Write — Western Land Roller Co.. Box 27». Hasting». Neb et or dry. Model 2A-DFI truck bed height. Get real honest-to-goodness 130 EGGS A DAY INSTEAD OF 23 Mrs. Wm. J. Turvey. poultry raiser in the far north state of Washington, tells an in teresting story of increased egg production. She says: 'T nave 178 chickens In November, their appearance was poor, and 1 was getting 19 to 23 eggs a day. 1 started giving Don Sung in their feed. Now. in December. 1 am getting 130 eggs a day. and my flock Is livelier, and looks much better Surprised isn't the word— I'm really amazed at the change In my flock." Will you do as well? We don't know. But we do know that you mustn't expect eggs from hens that are weak under-vitalized and lazy. When flocks are deficient in manganese, vita mins, ana other essential elements which laying nens require, and which are necessary to pep-up egg production. Den Sung supplies these essential supplements. It does not force or hurt the hen in any way. Why not try Don Sung for your flock? Send 50c for a trial package (or $1 for large size holding 3 times as much) to Burrell-Duggcr Co.. 230 East South St.. Dept. Y. Indianapolis 25. Ind. Don Sung must show you a profit or your money will be refunded Start giving Don Sung to your flock now. .< Order "Don Sung" from GRAHAM & ROSS Great Falls. Mont. HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) HERNIA Thousand* successfully treated in past 20 years No surgery No electricity No oaln No loss of time and all rectai and colon ailments except cancer successfully treated without hos pital operation Write for FREE BOOKLET explaining method G. H. WINSLOW, M. D. Seattle Washington 430 Old Times Bnildins — 414 Olive Wax RHEUMATISM r 1909 RELIEVED 1949 ^ 40 years experience in the treat ment ot arthritis, neuritis, scia tica. lumbago and gout Hyper tension (high blood pressure). Hypotension (low blood pres sure). Dermatitis (Eczema and Psoriasis) Also Obesity Sepa rate Departments for men and women Two Resident Physi cians On U S Highway 212. Telephone Shakopee 123. Write tot Booklet E MUDCUBA SANITARIUM, Shakope«, Mm n. PILES (HEMORRHOIDS) • RECTAL AND COLON AILMENTS • STOMACH DISORDERS Tmtid With««! Hospital OptratiH Mon. through FrL : 10 o.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings: Mon.. Wed and FrL. until 5 Write or call for FREE descriptive booklet mm "L.r C.J Dean. M D Ow foundei '883-1940 The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year CMlROPRACTiC »I N.E, Comer E. Burnside and Grand Ay«. Telephone EAst 3918 Portland 14, Ore.