OCR Interpretation

The Bozeman courier. (Bozeman, Mont.) 1919-1954, March 23, 1921, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075113/1921-03-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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Local Comment
Some people go about town with
their heads sunk in between their
shoulders, their chin resting just
above the top button on their vest and
the heels of their shoes worn down.
They act altogether as though life
was something to be endured rather
than to be enjoyed. One is tempted to
wonder is such an attitude and the
viewpoint on life it suggests, ever
pays. We all love a fighter. The man
who squares his shoulders, puts some
rep into his walk and goes after what
he wants—and keeps going till he
gets it—is the one who has both our
respect and admiration. And such
a man is generally a cheery sort of in
dividual, with a kind word for every
cne he meets on the street. People
are glad to see him because he is
cheerful ; and cheerfulness is the best
tonic in the world. We all of us have
our worries and our troubles and not
all of us are naturally of a buoyant
disposition, but we all can make our
solves do what we will. Put on your
cheerful coat when you come down
town tomorrow, don't be afra'd, io
speak when you see some friend. It
may he harder to speak than to nod
your head, in just that same valus û
is worth more to him- In a small town
like Bozeman, personal relations and
friendship enter so largely into every
day life that we can make them a
source of continual and mutual jlea?
ure if we choose. It pays to he pleas
ant, pays even more to yourself than
the other fellow. Why not iry it,
seme of you grouches? Don't be so
stuck on yourself.
Are you getting milk from clean
cows or from those infected with tu
berculosis? Do you know? Do you
take enough interest in your own
health and that of your family to in
sist on seeing the certificate of tu
berculin test from your dairyman?
These questions are timely ones right
now. Most of the dairymen of Boze
man have had their cattle tuberculin
tested. There is no excuse for milk
being sold from any cattle that have
nut been subjected to the test as vet
erinarians to do the work have been
in the valley for several weeks. There
is no city ordinance requiring testing
by the people who keep one to four
cows, and these people, because of
the few animals they keep, are not re
quired to test by the satte law. It
is held by the best medical authorities
that bovine tuberculosis is transmis
sable directly to human beings. There
is little doubt about it. Are you will
ing for your family, your children, to
drink milk from an infected cow?
They don't have to drink it, for there
is plenty of clean milk available. The
fault is yours if they do. Better ask
your dairyman if his cattle have been
tested. Tubercular cattle have been
found within the last few weeks with
in the city limits of Bozeman, half of
one small herd recently was killed be
cause of their reaction to the disease.
Were you getting milk from these
cows? There may be more of them;
the only safe way is to buy milk from
a milkman who has a certificate of
A great deal of money was spent
by the county last summer in grading
up dirt roads near Bozeman. So far
as one can judge this money was prac
tically wasted, for of all the roads
leading into town, the Huffine lane is
the only one passible at the present
time. As an instance of wasted ef
fort take the roads across the East
Gallatin bottoms. They were grad
ed, sharply crowned and big ditches
dug at either side of the road proper.
The result is that at the present time
the middle of the road is virtually
impassible and the sod at the sides is
not available because of the ditches
which force all vehicles to keep in the
middle. It would seem that there is
little use in keeping up this drastic
grading work. W'hy not take the
money and put a gravel top on the
roads? Of course such a top would
cost far more, but once it was finish
ed the road would be at least passible
in all sorts of weather. Grades are
now established on most of the main
roads—if there is any money to spare,
which there probably is not, it should
he spent for something more enduring
than the work of a tractor and a ma
chine grader that uses no discretion,
but makes a standard width of every
road over which it passes. If we are
geing to spend money on the roads,
let's build for permanence and service.
There is almost complete unanimity
of opinion among the people of Boze
man that, should a city manager be
put in here, he should be an out of
town man. Our only reason for want
ing a city manager is to get out of
debt, to run the affairs of the city in
a more business-like way and to bet
ter financial advantage. No man who
is not thoroughly familiar with the
work and duties of a city manager can
do this, and for that same reason no
local man is qualified for the position.
We want to profit by the experience
of others, not perform any more ex
periments of our own than we have to.
If w'e are to take advantage of what
others have done, we must need get a
man who has made a success else
where, who has met the same prob
lems that will confront him here and
conquered them. A stranger coming
into Bozeman could work unhampered
by the obligations of friendship, un
fettered by any formerly political
ties; he could put the right man in
the right place without fear or favor.
And that is what the people want—a
plain, business-like administration of
the affairs of the city.
j the Watson home. AH the neighbors
, were there and the evening was spent
j socially and with various games and
dancing. Delicious refreshments were
served by Mrs. Watson at midnight,
A couple of hours later the guests de
parted for their homes, after spend
| ing a very enjoyable evening.
B. Werner, who is doing jury duty
Mrs. A. Sorenson, Mrs- H. Tietz
and Mrs. G. Graham were among the
Livingston callers during the week
A surprise party was given on Miss
Edna Watson Tuesday evening, at
in Bozeman, spent the week end with
! his family.
Mrs- T. Pierce attended the funeral
of Mrs. O. B. Christie at Bozeman on
Saturday afternoon,
Mrs. A. Marble, J. L- Wells, A. Malm
j borg and J. Hoffman were among the
business callers in Bozeman during
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Akey, Mr. and
the week.
Mrs. T. Pierce spent Sunday after
noon with her daughter. Mrs. E. Wer
The dance given Saturday evening
at the school house was a great sue
cess. A medium sized crowd attend
ed. Supper was served at midnight,
and dancing was continued until early
All report a good time.
The sudden death of Mrs- Emma
Christie wife of the late D. B. Christie
which occured last Wednesday, the
16th, came as a shock to her many
friends in the canyon and vicinity, for
Mrs. Christie was in good health un
til about a half hour before death
She was stricken with a sud
den attack of heart trouble of which
she died, never regaining conscious
daughter Mrs, Janus Camp of Brack
Death came at A ao home of her
ett creek.
Deceased was, Miss Emma Stratton.
She was born inWisconsin, March 15
67 year ago. Her early married life
was spent in Minnesota, but she
came with her husband to Bozeman
about 36 years ago, locating in Brid
ger canyon, where they made their
hame until seven years ago they
sold their ranch home and moved to
Brackett Creek where they spent the
summer and the winter in California.
Mrs. Christie is survived by seven
sons and two daughters. They are
Donald, Will, Robert, of the canyon
Alexander, George, James of Brackett
creek, David of Pasadena California
and Mrs. James, (Eliza) Camp and
Mrs. James (Emma) Curdy both cf
Brackett creek, 26 grand childern und
one brother A. J. Stratton of Man
kato, Minnesota, all of who will at
tended the fureral except, David
Christie of California. The funeral
was held in Bozeman Saturday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Chris
tian church and interment made in the
Bozeman Cemetery, beside the grave
of Mr. Christie, who died on July 22,
The residents of the canyon all
wish to extend their sincere sympathy
to the bereaved family in their sad
Lloyd White was a guest Wednes
day night of Earl Christie.
Walter Bates, engineer at the
Brackett Creek lumber company was
serious illness of his son Elmer.
Mrs Mary Ilopf was a guest Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. McMahon.
iviiss Emma Sheridan of Wilsall
was a week end guest of Miss Grace
Street at the ranch home of Mr. and
Mrs. Sheets of Sedan.
Mis. Jbrar.K Buiart entertained the
Sedan Ladies Aid at her ranch home
Thursday. A large crowd attended
and at noon a delicious diner was
served by Mrg. Bohart. The after
noon was spent with needle work and
Among the residents from the
canyon who attended the funerial ser
vices of Mrs. Christie in Bozeman
Saturday were Mr- and Mrs. Jonn
Rabe, Mrs. Aeilie Craig, Alex Swan
ov,n, ole uma, ira Jenkins, Floyd Da
vis, Mrs. Wiinams Ross, miss cnessie
j and Will Conz, Mrs. Elizabeth Whitt
I man and family, Mr and Mrs. Fete
Brciiuen, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fearson,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wicker, John
oiopton, Mrs, Mary Hopt and daugh
ter Mary, Mrs. Charles Fapke, Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Shook.
Miss Ruth Wheat was a guest Sun
day of Miss Maybeli Shaw at the
ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Summers, who
have been visiting at the home of the
latters sister apd husband, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Jarvis of the fish hatchery
have rented appartments in Bozeman
and will make their home there as
Mr. Summers is employed in a garage,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woosley and
son of Sedan are visiting this week
near Charbourn at the home of the
later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hun
Miss Frances Swanson spent the
week end in Bozeman the guest of
Misa Elizabeth Powers and attended
the high school play Saturday night.
E. W. Caswell drove from his ranch
to Bozeman Saturday where he tran
sacted business returnning to his
ranch home Sunday accompanied by
Mrs. Caswell who has ben spending
the past week in Bozeman visiting
Homer White is spending a few
days in Bozeman visiting friends.
a unnttnnnnnnuttn
Grandma Cheney is better at this
Central Park Literary Society gave
a pie supper Friday night for the
Near East Relief. Forty dollars and
ninety-one cents was taken in.
Harold Cheney was in Belgrade on
Mr. and Mrs- G. W. Ellington were
shopping in Manhattan Saturday,
Mrs. D. P. Stone was a passenger
to Bozeman on the stub Sunday morn
The Abercrombies and Orths were
dinner guests at the W. S. Rash home
Mr. and Mrs. H. S- Cloninger and
daughter Dasha took dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitney Sun
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilmore entertain
ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs- J.
A. Lincoln and son Glen, Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Shaw filled his regular ap
pointments at Central Park Sunday
morning and evening, having a very
good attendance at both services, con
sidering the bad roads. He also made
his regular trip to Springhill Sunday
Easter Togs" That Have Better Style
and Better Quality are Ready for
Your Choosing at This Store
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and Charming Hats
in All the New Spring Color Tones and Priced
30% to 50% Lower
Suits of Tricotine, Poire Twill,
Mens Wear Serge, Jersey and
Check Velour
Box Backs, Ripple Jackets and
Semi Fitted Jackets. Price $19.75 \
to $79.50
Coats of Bolivia, Polo, Duvet de
Laine and Velour
In Wrappy Styles, Box Backs
and Belted Models. Price $21.50 to

Smart Skirts in Plaids, Stripes and <
Plain Shades
New Narrow Box Pleating Effects
Price $6.7 5 to $22.50. '
Exquisite Silk Blouses, in Better
Quality and Styles in all
Bright Spring Shades
Price $6.75 to $17.50
Wonderful New Dresses of Taffeta
Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine
Satin, Tricotine and Serge



In delightfully different models
Price $19.50
for Matron and Miss
to $75.00

As A Special Easter Offering to Speed up Our Cash
Sales Thursday, Friday and Saturday, We will Give
on Every Coat, Suit or Dress Selling $25.00 to $75.00
If not convenient to pay cash we will accept a part payment at the
Discount Price and deliver the garment later when final payment is made \
Also A Big Easter Special Sale of Trimmed Hats at
$ 10.00
Instead of up to $13.50




Instead of up to $10.00
Roberta Corsets and G. D. Justright
Corsets have few equals and
points of advantage
J. B. Essex and family, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Ellington and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Cox.
Gene Cloninger was a Belgrade vis
itor Sunday.
Quite an interest is being taken in
the Red and Blue contest of the or
ganized Bible; school class of this
place. The first Sunday the contest,
the red flag was draped, they being
the loses. The next Sunday was a
tie. Last Sunday the blues were
obliged to drape their flag. The con
test will close next Sunday, after
which the loses will entertain the win
The four who
have been we •
ty for the past lew **
lin testing arj i 1"':
men, at this writ . r
Willcw Creek ar.u Tv • * c .s coun
try. One man will f.nish at Three
Forks this evening and will go oh
into the Madison district, the other
still has work to do around Willow
Creek. Two other men are working
in and around the Manhattan country
and unless some untoward accident de.
lays the work, will finish this week.
One of them will then proceed to
Sedan, where that part of the coun
ty will be cleaned of infected ani
.i coun
■n *"bercu
f the
. : n the
About the only part of the coun
ty that will not have been covered by
the end of this week is the region
west and north of Bozeman and north
and east of Belgrade. Here no work
at all has been done this spring but
County Agent Bodley and his veter
inarians expect to get there soon
ter the first of the month.
There are two encouraging factors
in the tuberculosis work in the coun
ty. One is the small number of ani
amls reacting to the test. The per
centage of tubercular animals found
the past three weeks being something
taken in the work by the farmers,
The [farmers are giving every co
operation to the federal men, are
linging up the territory for them
to test and even taking them from
farm to farm in the coux'se of their
like one-half of one per cent. Anoth
er encouraging feature, to those in
While even when the district above
mentioned have been covered,
county will not be absolutely clean,
there will remain only a few scatter
ed places where no testing has been
done. Agent Bodley will see that
these are tested as soon as practi
cable, as it is his desire and the wish
of most farmers in the county that
Gallatin be given a clean bill of health
and win the honor of being the first
tvl ciculosls-Cree county in Montana.
A St. Patrick's day dance was held
last Thursday evening at Willow
Creek by members of the farm bur
eau, over 70 couples turning out for
the evening. A number of the old
time settlers in that region came to
the party and danced old fashioned
dances as well as the new ones. The
party was the most successful yet at
tempted by the farm bureau in that
rotary luncheon
At the weekly meeting of the Ro
tary club, held in the Bozeman hotel
Tuesday noon, H. P. Griffin was the
speaker of the day. Mr. Griffin talk
ed on the local end of the newspaper
business, discussed what should and
what should not be allowed in the
ing the business
sion of the small town paper was the
building, not necessarily the boost
ing, of the community, county and
and some of the ethics govem
He said one .mis
Mentho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream,
will soothe and heal skin that is ir
ritated or broken put with eczema;
that is covered with ugly rash or
pimples, or is rough or dry. _ Noth
ing subdues fiery skin eruptions so
quickly, says a noted skin specialist.
The moment this sulphur prepara
tion is applied the itching stops and
after two or three applications, the
eczema is gone and the skin is de
lightfully clear and smooth. Sulphur
is so precious as a skin remedy be
cause it destroys the parasites that
cause the burning, itching or dis
figurement. Mentho-Sulphur always
heals eczenr- right up. .
A small jar of Mentho-Sulphur -
may be had at any good drug store.

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