_ 1 /"'I . IjOCal Comment 1 l , _ J Not that wo wish to be accused of starting a new style, or of being harbingers of new fashions, our innate modesty is too strong for that, but the following clipping should prove of potent interest to many of the young damsels of Bozeman who are looking for just such an outlet, just such a vehicle by means of which to foist their "eccentricties" upon the poor public. Have you ever heard of rouged ankles? The Los Angeles Ex press has the following to say upon the subject: Not content with carmine lips and blushing pink cheeks, latest fashions hava decreed for ankles of a delicate pink. ^ At Second street^ and Broad way the "advance guard of Los An-1j geles' elite made her appearance the other day with spider-web hose and her ankles tinted a delicate pink. Mere men gasped and halted as the vision, attired in the most fashionable garb, alighted from a street car and urblushingly made her way through th e throng that quickly gathered. Ther e was no mistake—the ankles were rouged and the young woman, according to modistes, was but the f irst of the thousands of young wo nu*n who will take up the fad Do Bozeman men patronize beauty parlors? Has the wave of the mar celle allured them and the satin finish of what "technically" is known as tho "facial" separated them from their coin? Inquiry develops there are a few who patronize beauty shops. At one place it was said that inquiry But at that some men are not go ing to be outdone. Overheard at a gathering of wo men: "Marcellos his hair? I knew he rouged and arched his eyebrows but who would think he would have the nerve to go to a beauty parlor and get a marcellel Yes, and other men do it too for I was getting a 'facial' yesterday and I asked the girl who was doing my work." ** ». l d been made by the males for be;.u ty treatments, but the parlor was not equipped with a separate apartment for men. Perhaps if it were, quite a flourishing business might be develop. ed among the weaker members of the stern or sex. At another place it was saiu chat a few males were patrons, Some made appointments themselves, ' s la '', a woman relative or friend arrange the "date" for them. The pa ronnge, however, was limited. Per s this information will ease the i n . of s ° me of thcir envious lady a imirers who cannot understand why • ui .i perfectly adorable curls should w tu on a mcie man who doesn't '' en c f/ e whether he has any hair 4 4> * * 6 y/ A ! p I jt v: £3 ? \ Newest Millinery Styles ? i i^v a surprising bit of ribbon or a flower—an unexpect edness of trimming that turns the brim up pertly or curves it down by such signs shall a stylish hat be known. Smart models in fine straws, also hand made hats, large dress shapes, with every kind of trimming—flowers and the new large ribbon bows tied in a manner most pic turesque. An excellent selection at Very Moderate Prices * ? Exclusive Millinery 226 E. Main Street Baltimore Block jitinainiinianiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHaiiiiiaiiiiiiiimniiniiiiiiiuattaiimiiiMMiiaiiaiMipaMBmniinaiiMiinHgiKiiamntiaiNmMMm Beautiful Wedding Rings The wonder is not that decorated wedding rings have become fashionable, but that this symbol of matrimony was ever anything else. Certainly, it is natural that woman should want her wedding ring, which she wears constantly, to be beautiful. We offer choice in a number of exquisite designs of fitting significance.. The cerving is faultless hand work, in 18 karat gold and solid plat'Bjum. $10,00 to $250.00 H, A . Pease & Co JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS The Hallmark Star« 6 W. Main Street » « MKr^iiSuaiwianammaMi.'SiiiittMiiinawMiaiantnfiiitKiiiiiaiKMdKMKtiiaBiKKutinittainfiinMwaMsaMMiHtiwtiAH» There is a movement on foot among j the farmers of Bridger canyon to better roads up that way. They I have offered to match the county dollar for dollar in hauling crushed 1 rock ' h ,f road provided that the county will install a rock crusher near the fish hatchery and use the shale rock that is so abundant at the canyon mouth. They have been tend ered the assistance of the commercial club and their project has the sym pathy and support of most of our icitizens. It would look like this was : a good move on the part of those Bridger farmers and an equally good one on the part of the commissioners to accept the offer—if financial con sideration will permit. As time goes on there seems to be less and less enthusiasm over the concrete road wes t Q f town. In the first place the $40,000 a mile, is staggering, canno t afford to put in very much roat j a t such a cost- There are many wbo do no f. believe that such a road w j|j s t aa d up. We have neither the information nor the desire to enter in to a discussion of the merits of such a roadway, but we can voice one just ' criticism for it—it is no good road for horses. Covered with a thin coat j n g 0 f mu d i n the spring, as will al . ways be the case> it is hard for any | farm tea m to pull a load on its slip per y surface. Fine roads for trans continental tourists are a very desir able asset for any county to have, but the first consideration in road building should be the direct benefit of the road to the people of Gallatin county, to the farmers who have to haul their produce to market. We do not mean this as a criticism of the wisdom of those who are putting in this concrete highway. The pioject is started and we would like to see it finished as soon as possible. But when that is done, it would se^m to be the better judgement to gravel sur face some of our main highways which are the aiter.es which, bring life to the country people of the Gal latin valley. The concrete highway costs $10,000 a mile. It is estimated that a good gravel surfaced highway, when made of Bridger shale and fin ished like th e road at the Bridger canyon mouth or a little strip in the Belgrade road, costs $3,000 a mile. The former is corv^ded to be the The old timers here tell us that ever since the Gallatin was settled there have been those who claimed that "the country is facing ruin, we won't have money enough to plant another crop." That has been going on for over a quarter of a century, yet in spite of it we are still plant ing crons, harvesting them, raising our children and trying—with success—to make this a better world to live in. There' is no use in being a pessimist, it don't buy anything. If we would spend a little more time in »'*>• . loud for lue öf/ecuel'S, but til6 latter is the farmers' road, and it is farmers' roads we should be primarily interested in in Gallatin county. some planning and accomplishing our giv en tasks and a little less in bemoan ing this mythical thing called "luck," we'd all be better off. Things are coming out all right, they always do DELINQUENT TAX OPINION GIVEN BY RANKIN Attorney General Wellington D. Rankin has ruled that county treas urers may remit the penalty of 10 per cent on delinquent taxes if the taxpayers makes claim for it before June 1, 1921. The question was raised by tKe county attorney of Deer Lodge coun ty when he asked: "In remitting the penalty for taxes delinquent that have been paid, shall interest be charged from November 80, 1920, to the date the delinquent taxes were paid? I/i discussing the question, Mr. Ran kin said: "It is evident that the legislature intended to remit only the 10 per cent penalty on delinquent taxes paid at any time before October 1, 1921; also that the penalty alone was to be refunded on taxes that were allow ed to go delinquent November 30, 1920, and have since been paid and this only in case claim was made therefor prior to June 1, 1921. Had it been intended to remit or refund the interest accured, it seems that the act would read 'penalty and in terest' instead of penalty only. To make it more certain and clear, the last proviso of the section reads, 'Provided further, that all delinquent taxes for the year 1920 ' shall bear interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month from November 30, 1920, un til paid.' "This, I think, clearly indicates the intention of the legislature not to re mit or refund interest on delinquent taxes and clearly answers your ques tion. "It is. therefore, my opinion that under provision of house substitute for senate bill No. 95, being chapter 2 of the Seventeenth session laws, the county treasurer may refund only the penalty on delinquent taxes for 1920, and should collect interest on such delinquent taxes at 1 per cent per month from November 80, 1920, to the date the delinquent taxes are paid." \ nttunnnunnnxxnnn tt :: :: WEST END « » :: ttttttttunsttunnnnn Miss Laura Sorensen ' spent the past week with her brother, Ollie and family at Amsterdam. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis, Mrs. G. Graham and B. Werner were among the Livingston, callers during the week. Among those who transacted busi ness in Bozeman during the week were Mr. and Mrs. E. Werner, Mr. and Mrs E. R. Kay, A Malmborg, Mr. and Bill Sorensen. Nels Jensen drove to Bozeman one day last week with a load of wheat. Word has been received of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. O. Sorensen of Amsterdam, last week. Miss Lucille Pierce spent a few days with friends in Bozeman last week. \ Andy Sorensen spent a couple days 1 in Butte on business during the week. I The heavy snow-fall of last week made it look like winter again and it will be some time before any spring work can be started. Gopher hunting has been the past time the past week as the stormy weather made it impossible to do any spring work. Each side in the gopher hunt is trying to be the winning side and all are doing their best. Mr. and Mrs. T. Pierce and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr- and Mrs, E. Werner. E. R. Kay took his Fordson tractors and plow to Bozeman last week. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb n n t: BRIDGER CANYON » « « ztnnnnnnnnnnnntxn Miss Dorothy Bohart of Bozeman was a week end guest of Mary Mor rison at the ranch home of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morrison. Mrs. Nellie Craig and Carl Justad were guests Sunday at the ranch home of Miss Cressie and Will Cohz. The Sedan Farm Bureau held their regular meeting Friday evening with a good attendance. The farmers are now busy discussing their plans for the summer months. After the busi ness session lunch was served by the ladies. The next meeting will be held in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owens were o ;; HEAD STUFFED FROM * CATARRH OR A COLD jj * ❖ A * 4 1 Says Cream Applied in Nostrils ,. Opens Air Passages Right Up, « » * » * 4 » ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ » Instant relief—no waiting, clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf fling, blowing, headache, dryness. Ko struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of ihn fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrate« through every air passage of the bead, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes In stantly.. IP# ftne. Don't stay staffed*«? with & «old or nasty datarrh. o'.>) Your il; r - -H'-ö-V. ■ callers Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alex Swanson. Mr. Claud Hardy of Bozeman was a dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pearson at their ranch home near the fish hatchery. A community grocery store for the farmers has been opened at Sedan with Bert Bolander and Prank Bohart as managers. The store is connected with the cheese factory building at present, and' T. E. Vander Endie, the cheese maker, assists in caring for the store. The farmers of the vicinity find this a great help for them and saves a number of long drives. M5ss Maybell Shaw was entertained at dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. John Rabe. Mrs. H. D. Dean of the fish hatcli ery left last week for Los Angeles, California, where she expects to re main several weeks visiting with her sister, Mrs. Rockwell. Frank Swanson of Josephine, Mon tana, spent Friday in the canyon, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Foreman and fam ily drove to Bozeman Sunday, where they were guests for the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Suverley. The members of the Sedan church were busy last week cleaning the building and painting it Joe Olson spent a few days in Boze man last week visiting at the home of his brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Hyrup Olson. W. S.- Christie, who has been at Chico with Mrs. Christie, has return ed to his ranch in the canyon and re ports Mrs. Christie to be improving as fast as could be expected. A great interest was shown by the residents of the canyon Friday even ing, when they gathered at the school house for the purpose of discussing the road question- No definite steps were taken and another meeting Mon day evening was held when county commissioner James Moore, County Agent R- E. Boclley and County At torney, E. F. Bunker of Bozeman were present to assist and advise the farm ers how to get the better roads for the canyon. Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Osborn and family and Mrs. Sara Huffine of Bozeman were dinner guests Sunday - LANG BROS. ✓ / > > COME TO LANG'S EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE FOR YOUR < ✓ Spring Shoes and Slippers * ? 8 THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES—SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ALSO RUBBER BOOTS AND LIGHT RUBBERS FOR MUD AND FISHING J s ✓ / The Exclusive Shoe Store LANG BROS.— w> < ' ✓ Washes Everything Without Rubbing The EDEN ✓ ✓ i /jß has many essential features found in no other washer. Its Sediment Zone is only these exclusive improvements that make Eden-washed clothes so clean, sweet and pure» • U Of one T~J 3. * — tV W Let us prove to you why these feat ures make the Eden the machine will want to buy. Don't let another wash-day go by without knowing what a wonderful time, labor and money-saving device the Eden can be for you..: Call or phone us for a free demonstration in your own home on your own washing... There is no obligation on your part. i î s . , you - V / ■■ mi ft cr "i t\on IU i| Sr Ü Ojj i Vilf-l -a I j ÜßxX j ! f ft J. MONTANA POWER COMPANY 0 i so at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Osborn. Among the Bozeman visitors dur ing the week were: Mrs. Nellie Craig, Carl Justad, Miss Cressie and Will Conz, Ira Jenkins, Ole Oma, George Williamson, Donald Christie, Floyd Davis, Julius Nickles, and R. G. Gal lup. The Taylor brothers drove a band of sheep thruogh the canyon Saturday over the divide to their ranch near Sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hewitson, who have been at the Fred Ham ranch for some time have moved up to the H. G- Williamson place, where they expect to remain for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rattey and ba by were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Christie. H. D. Dean, of the fish hatchery, left Friday for the Madison to open up the summer field work of the hatchery there. Earl Christie visited Sunday with Raymond Ross. s ttnnnnnnnnnnnnnn » « n a CENTRAL PARK 8 8 nnttnnnntxnnnnn Miss Mabel Aberchombie left for Billings Friday, where she will take up her work as nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson re turned Friday from California where they have been spending the winter. They ai'e not at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Essex. Myrtle Rash, Pearl and Violet Mill er, and Gene Cloninger took dinner at the Cheney home Sunday. The families of W. S. Rash and Ray Rash spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cloninger. Mr- and Mrs. George Ford and daughter Myrtle of Bozeman and Mrs. Ford's mother and sister of Iowa, were calling at the Cheney home Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Jim Arnold was a Manhattan shopper Saturday. The Royal Booster's class party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox Thursday evening was well attended. The evening was spent in playing games, after which refresh ments were served. All reported a very pleasant time, tion of the Royal Boosters to have many other such good times. Guy Oman accompanied I. G. Shaw to Springhill Sunday where he filled his regular appointment. Jack and Gladys Essex spent a few days last week in Manhattan at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Whit It is the ihten ney Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wilmore enter tained the Obercrombies and others to dinner Sunday. DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD | Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the akin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. Rub Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest St Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a 36 cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lameness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the ache and pain right out of your back and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't bum the skin. • Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly!