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CLARA H. MILLER Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted 313-315 Com. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 386-J. r. JUSTIN M. SMITE Lf.vyer Commercional ba.'k Bldg Bozeman DR. W. C. DAWES Osteopathic Physician and Obstetrician Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Missouri 37 W. Main St. Martin Block Phone 371 DRS. DEAN AND GRIFFITH Osteopathic Physicians Office Phon» 132-W Dr. Griffith Dr. Dean Phone Rea. 132-J—Phone Res. 676 Commercial National Bank Building JAMES E. ELLIOTT Physician and Surgeon Office Story Blk. Residence 214 South Central Phone 195-J Phone 195-W Gallatin Veterinary Hospital Bozeman, Montana O. L. DEVORE Comer Black and Lamme Streets Phone 235 L E. F. BUNKER Attorney at Law—Notary Public Commercional Bank Bldg. Bozeman, Montana Bozeman UNDERTAKING H ARLAN D & CAVEN E. W. Har'.and Embalmer and Funeral Director Lady Attendant BETTER SERVICE Phone 692-R1 €19 W. Main Bozeman, Montana. H. F. WEST EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant Modern Parlors and Auto Equipment AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 797-R-2 123 W. Main St. Ci F. W. Hancock WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Clocks Called for and Delivered ROECHER'S DRUG STORE i: WHO'S YOUR SHOE DOCTOR? Don't throw away your old shoes until you give us a chance to ex amine them. A little fixing here and there may double their days of wear. Morion's Shoe Shcp 12 South Central CENTRAL STUDIO ALF SCH LEGTEN PROPRIETOR ■ ALL KINDS OF —x— PORTRAITS — x — FLASHLIGHT — x — KODAKS —x— FINISHING —x— ENLARGING $ Central Studio Corner of Mato am) Tracy * 35 YEARS AGO January 51, 1889. Taken from the files of the Avant Courier for ; J. S. Parks is over from Helena for I few days' vacation with his oSd- ; time chums. Saunders and wife ! Col. W. F. passed through Bozeman on Saturday | last, on their way from Billings to ; their home in Helena. ! ■ Bozeman is to have a paper mill It is just what is need, as the amount of paper used in Montana equals many tons each year. summer. Uncle" Reddick now sports a silk tile and broadcloth suit. This re minds us that a glance over the pro bate judge's records of marriage li censes recently issued may reveal something quite interesting. Miss Minnie Bostwick has returned from a visit to Hunters Hot Springs, where her sister, Mrs. Sim B. Roberts, has been for some time past receiv ing treatment for a severe attack of rheumatism. R. Vogel is preparing to erect a brick residence on one of the lots of Tracy's addition to Bozeman. General L. S. Willson and family left for the east on Thursday night, expecting to be absent for about three months. They plan to be present at the inauguration of Harrison in Washington City. President-elect G. W. Wakefield returned on Sat urday from an extended trip to Hel ena, Butte, Anaconda and other in termediate points. Mr. Wakefield is about the busiest man in this section country n $ i ■ irnun s Any breaking out of the skin, even 1 e q.rckly little Men fiery, itching eczema, can overcome by applying a tho-Sulphur. says a noted skin spec ialist. Because of germ destroy ing properties, this sulphur prepara tion instantly ' rings case from :T.:n irritation, soother, and htals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and :■'noth. It seldom fails io relieve the torment and disfigurement, skin trouldc should get a little jar of Mortho-Sulphur front any good druggist and u^e it like a cold cream. Snffe $3 PORTRAIT FREE In order to be doing something during these dull times, we will make you a 14x20 oval convex $5.00 por trait FREE- We want you to show it to your friends and advertise our work. All we ask of you— send us« 95c to pay for postage and boxing and we will send the portrait prepaid, free. Mail your photos, with 95c. Give us a trial. No frame catch—buy your frame where you please. We copy anything and everything. Money back if not pleased. PALM ART CO., Hastings, Neb. Adv. 4t. G. W. HENKE Cigar Mfg. Factory 318 N. Wallace Bozeman. Montana e CHIROPRACTIC ■ Finds and removes the eanse of disease Whose there is any doubt Oar X-Ray Locates the Cause You ean see 1er yoazeeM. Over 7,896 acQastoiento given by last year. Moat of these people were sent to ns by other* who had benefti ed by adpMtonent after aH DANIELS A DANIELS Boast! Phone m-W Booms 403-f-U, CmmmnM N«P1 Bank BMg. Not- Osteopathy—Not Mudtotee rr» m^wmmvr and svrm Helena j I An extensive distillery, a paper ! ... , , »• + 1 mill, an oatmeal mill, a fust-class i . ' . hotel and an agr.cuitural co.lege are I among the strongest possible proba bilities for Bozeman the coming sum mer. Eddie Rich is over UUl this week for a visit with his par ents and other relatives. M. J. Shea is preparing to erect a house on lots owned in the Northern Pacific addition to the city, - Fritz Albers is now manufacturing head-cheese and sausage in quantities to supply the market. Phil Dodson stakes his reputation on having the best 5-cent cigar in * 0WT1 ' - Mrs. Minnie Hanson has moved from her home in country. the city to the 1 The ♦ j Scrap Book! j j OLD ROVERS ; I When I was a boy there eame to me The wisp of a Rover dream, A laughing lad who was made for mirth And happiness supreme. j But Life took its toll, and tide, and time. And quaVorlng the song. And over the sea and round the world We wandered and roved together, A lilt of a song in the hearts of us In fair and stormy weather. I And days so short when we both were young. Now old, are gray and long. But yet of a night when sighs the wind And shining the starry sky. We meet and talk as old men are wont Of I lie glad old days gone by. And once again we are laughing lads tîayly and in line feather, A lilt of song in the hearts of us— We tramp old trails together. —Edmund Leamy in New York Sun. MAM'S MORAL CENTER FOUND j English Physician Claims to Have Made Discovery That Apparently Is of Great Importance. . Medical men are debating the rec ently published conclusions of Dr. William Browning on the subject of the crime center of the human brain. It was stated by Dr. Browning that although a person has no "bump" for crime, in the same way that he may have a "bump" for music or mathe matics, the seat of the moral sense (the sense which helps us to dis tinguish between right and wrong) is not in one of the glands, as has always been supposed, but in the right frontal lobe of the brain. Ever since the days of the great Greek physician, Hippocrates, scien tists have been trying to discover the location of man's moral center. So far, however, we have had to be con tent with the knowledge that the struc ture of the head of the criminal has marked feature^, such as a low fore head. ears situated below the level of the eyes, and so on. The importance of the new dis covery lies in the fact that It may enable crime to be cured by surgical operations.—London Tit-Bits. i m •A l\ H AND ALWAYS MARKETABLE Miss Homely: ing flower. Youth (with business mind); a blooming fine asset In the business of love, Miss Homely. Beauty's but a fad But Almost on Roof of World. The highest known inhabited house In the world Is near the summit of Doukia pass, In the north of Sikkim, Tibet. It is a stone hovel, occupied by a Tibetan guard or outpost of four «r ftve men. The height of the pass Is 18,166 feet by trigonometrical sur vey, and 18,400 feet by the aneroid readings At that height the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is only half that at sea level Tibetans can stand thin, of course, as their plateau is generally between 15,000 and 10,000 feet. The feet that this hovel Is only occupied for a few weeks in the height of the summer rather spoil« Its rec ord as the highest inhtihited house. There is « hovel in Andes where , Peruvian shepherds live «M the year round at a height of 17,100 feet. Novol means employed by American dues early 1922 are causing coim ment in 'every community where a post is located, according to reports to Legion national headquarters in In dianapolis. Around the top of the list is the story from South Dakota. A post is offering each service men who pays his dues before a set date a biscuit baked by the newest brfde In the post women's auxlllnry. Three of the biscuits hein K distrlbated contain cash prizes in coin—$20, $10 and $6 , .7 _. . in gold. The biscuits may not be brl , k(>n open until the ni(rht o{ „, e banquet when they will serve as cards of admission. Early recipients of bis cuits declared they eould not judge from their weight whether they con tained gold pieces or bricks. Out in Kansas a post gave its finance officer carte blanche in collect ing 1922 dues early. A few mornings later Legionnaires were being routed SCHEMES TO COLLECT DUES Novel Methods Are Being Employed to Induce Legion Members to Pay 1922 Assessment out a. the committee who refused to let the slumherer go hack to bed until he had paid up. The various state depart ments of the Legion are in a hot con test for the honor of being the first to send in the complete dues of the membership. SUMMONS. In the district court of the Ninth Judicial District of the State of Mon tana, in and for the County of Gal latin. Thacker Bond and Mortgage Com pany, a corporation, vs- Chas. L. Bor der, defendant. The State of Montana to the above named defendant, Chas. L. Border: You are hereby summoned to an in this action, swer the complaint which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to } file your answer and serve a copy i thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day scribed in the complaint and execute of service. The said action is brought to ob tain a decree of this Court for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage de ed by the said Chas. L. Border, on and the 6th day of October, 1920 which said mortgage is recorded in Book 35 of Mortgages, at pages 38 and 39 of the recoids of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin Coun •* ty, Montana, which said mortgage was given to secure the payment of a certain promissory note executed by the defendant plaintiff for the principal sum of forty-five hundred dollars ($4,5001, dated October 6, 1920, and to secure the payment of certain taxes, interest, and insurance described in said mort gage and said complaint, and that the premises conveyed by said mortgage may be sold and the proceeds applied to the payment of said note, interest, insurance and taxes; and in case such proceeds are not sufficient to pay the same, then to obtain judgment and execution against said Chas. L. Bor der for the balance remaining due. and also that the defendant, and all persons claiming by, through or un der him may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of redemption and interest in and to said mortgaged premises. All of which will more fully appear from the verified complaint on file in said action, reference to which is hereby made, the same being made part of this summons. and payable to the And in case of your failure to ap pear or answer, judgment will be ta ken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. Attest: My hand and the seal of said District Court, this 7th day of January, A. D. 1922. (Seal.) W. L. HAYS, Clerk. George D. Pease, Attorney for plaintiff. Jan. ll-4t. « SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Ninth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of ~ .. VjAtUIURl i Clara Wiedenbauer, plaintiff, The Heirs, Known and Unknown of John Lucas, deceased, the Lueas Ben eficial Association, the Known and Unknown Successors and Assigns of the Lucas Beneficial Association, and All Other Persons, unknown claiming, or Who Might CTaun any Rignt. Title, Estate or Interest in. or Lien or En cumberance upon the Real Property Dascribed in the Complaint in this Action, or any Part Thereof, Adverse to the Plaintiff's Ownership Thereof, or any Cloud upon Plaintiff's Title Thereto, Whethar such Ck$n, or Possible Claim be Present or Contin gent, Including any Claim cr Possible Claim of Dower, Meoato, or Ateraeé, defendants. vs. The State of Montana to the Heirs, j known and unknown of John Lucas, ; deceased, the Lucas Beneficial Asso-1 elation, the known and unknown suc- 1 cessors and assigns of the Lucas Ben- ; eficial Association, and all other per-1 sons unknown, claiming or who might | any rig *î*' tltle ' estate ' or m ~ terest "* or llen or encumberance np° n the real property described in the complaint, and any thereof, ad- ( verse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be p re *ent or contingent, including 0 _, T , • . K1 , . -, anJ . 01 P°^'We cla.nt ofdower, ,mhoate « accrued, GREETING: You are hereby summoned to an swer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the clerk of this court, a copy of which is here with served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this sum mons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear and answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. This action involves the title to the following described lands, situated in Gallatin County, Montana, to-wit: Lot seventeen (17) in block "E - ' of Rouse's Second Addition to the City of Boze l man, Montana. The nature of the relie . the plaintiff is as follows: defendants in said action, a. ' and all of them, be required to set forth what claim, if any, they, or any of them, have in and to the property above described; that the plaintiff be adjudged and decreed to be the sole owner and entitled to the possession of said property, free and clear of all liens and encumberances, except as to taxes that may be due the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, or State of Montana; and that certain records in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Mon tana, be amended and corrected inso a" far as they affect the title to said property, and so as to remove any and all clouds upon such title, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equit able in the premises. All of which will more fully appear from the com plaint on file in this action, reference to which is hereby made, and the same being made a part of this summons to which is hereby made, and the same by reference. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 17th day of January, A. D. 1922. (Court Seal) W. L. HAYS, Clerk. Plaintiff. p ub> j an . ig, 25. Feb. 1, 8, 16, 22. i i a tin, ss. j We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we are partners trans ac ting business in this state,' at the cj^y G f Bozeman, County of Gallatin, um j er the firm name of "Jameson Dry Goods Co ». that the names in full of By Jack Cruickshank, Deputy. M. R. WILSON, Bozeman, Montana, Attorney for the CERTIFICATE OF CO-PARTNER SHIP. State of Montana, County of Gal all the members of such partnership are C. C. Jameson and William Black well, and that the places of our re spective residences are set opposite our respective names hereto sub scribed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF We have hereunto set our hand, this fourteenth day of January, 1922. C. C. Jameson, Bozeman, Montana. William Blackwell, Helena, Montana. State of Montana, County of Galla tin, ss. On this 14th days of January in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, before me, Geo. D. Pease, a Notary Public for the State RAILWAY TIME CARD NORTHERN PACIFIC Goinfe West No. 1—North Coast Ltd -No. 3 N. P. Express .5:00 p. m. ^°* 41 Loca.. 2^10 A. M. No. 219—Local .5:03 jo. m . Nos. 1, 41 and 219 run via Butte; n. , » * f* _ No 1 carries paying passengers from jid to points scheduled to stop No. 1 and No. 3 will stop at Manhattan and Belgrade to let off passengers .4-30 a. m. from points east of Billings. Park branch train leaves Livin gston . f' m " am * _ ^ 2 North Lted,....2:M p. ». ^ p ExpreSf; _*2*2 a. m No 42 — B & M. River — 1:36 a. m. 220—Local ..».„MhSO a. m. Nos. Z 42, and 220 run via Bsjtte. No. 2 «arries paving passengers from and to point schedul 'd to stop. NABD TRAIN 7 M a, m. ..10:46 a m. 4:38 p. T.v. Bozeman Ar. Bosem&rt .. Lv. . At. of Montana, personally appeared C. C. Jameson and William Blackwell known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the above certificate and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have J\ ereunt ® set my ham. and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first a ove written, 4* Lv ■ • I (Notarial Seal) GEO. D. PEASE, • Notary Public for the State of Montana, residing at Bozeman, Montana. My commission ex pires August 13, 1924. Pub. Jan. 18, 25. Feb. 1, 8. i* l -- ** K n n CHURCH NOTES. n a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I, First Methodist Church. Olive and Willson Avenue. Dr. R. P. Smith, Pastor.__ loOl. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship and ser mon. 0:30 p. m.—Epworth League. 7:30 p. m.—Evening song and prac tice service. 7:30 p. m.—Wednesday prayer mid-week < rv;ce. First Baptist Church. Olivo and Grand Av> uue. Curry, Minister. . school class fer all j ! | i j i in.—Public worship . ;o..— B. Y. P. U. meeting .—Public worship 7-..J p. m.—Wednesday service. A people's church with a warm wel come for all. p in id-week English Lutheran Church. Corner of Grand and Olive Sunday school, 9:45 Service, 11 a. m. Mid-week service, Wedn -day, 7:30 p. m. ( a. m . O. K. DAVIDSON, pastor. PAYNE MEMORIAL CHRISTLtN CHURCH. Corner Grand Avenue and Babcock street. A .L. Chapman, pastor; residence, ' 112 S. Grand Avenue. Sunday services— Bible Study—10 a. m. Sermon and Communion—11 a. m. C. E. Meetings—6:30 p. m. Evening Worship—7:30: Prayer Meeting—Wednesday even ing, 7:30. f 112 South Grand. First Church of Christ, Scientist* 16 West Olive Sunday service, 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Reading room open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2:30 to 4:30 same address. k: evenings testimonial i Î /; 1 Latter Day Saints, Reorganized 23 N. Seventh. 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m., preaching service. Wednesday 7:30 p. m., prayer s:rv î>; ice. : Presbyterian durch, Sunday school at 9-4c. Regular morning service at It a. y m. f. [ Evening service, 7:30. j Ë H. G. KLEMME, Pastor. Morton Memorial Methodist Chur-H Corner Church and Lamme. 9.45 a. m.. Sunday school. 11 a. m., morning preaching service 6:30 p. m., Epworth League. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:30 o'clock at the church. MILTON F. HILL, Pastor. | ivT ( - gT. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - 8:06 a. m,—Holy Communion. v 19:60 a. m.—Sunday school and Bi ble class. 11:00 a. m.—Morning prayer and sermon, 4:30 p. m-—Evensong. „ BYRLE J. OSBORN, Rector. A i-n !.. MILWAUKEE TIME CARD Leave Bozeman for Three Forks .9:00 a- m. (Via Belgrade Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays only). No. 116 _ ? * Av rive Bozeman fc.. lb. 116. {Dues not go via Belgrade <m return trip from Three Fwrbs) € GALLATIN VALLET ELECTRIC ; No. a«—Daily . . » 0 . »-M? _ Bast Bwa4-.i«iw No. 32—Daily . No. 34— &Düy .8:30 a. »■ .p. mu ... 8:96 a- *. _8:00 p. n. A TU EDA TS ONLY hr Memfcrd —.. Lv. Mbhkrd ss-Ar. Mmmrtt ... __ %. m _ f ^8 ». m, ... p«. m, 'V»——-<8*03 9" to* ■