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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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= SAVING TIME WITH USE OF TELEPHONE. (Continued from Page One.) a schedule of rates for long distance j calls that is lower than maintained in 1914 or prior to that date. Few people know this, and fewer still rt- j aiizc that many business transac tions can be carried on over the distance telephone with a saving of time that means many dollars gained. Speaking of the telephone as a business necessity, S. P. Officer, man of the Bozeman office, for the company, told of many ways the telephone can be used profitably by subscribers. "One has to but notice the many rural p on„ lines built each year, he sax . to realize the importance it bears to business. The fanner knows prob-^ ably better than any other person how much time and money can be saved, with the telephone. Long distance «Us are the greatest savers ofttae., -° G . . wnll give full directions about ca s, the charges, and how to put in a call. A person having business with an other in Billings, for instance, call the party after midnight for 30 Between 8:30 and 12 p. m., ager Mountain States O can c! cents. the conversation would cost only 55 So it is with calls to other: A business man can make an' cents. cities. appointment to call a party in any city at a stated hour during the night get his call through within of them will! Take Hel-Î and can five minutes. Mi.ot take less time than that. . for instance;* where business frequently. After en a cf Bozeman call midnight a five-minute conversation Salt Lake City costs but 25 cents. be called between 8:30 and 12 p. m. for $1.30, or after midnight for be reached 65 cents- Denver can after 8:30 for $1.90, and after mid-; " night for 95 cents. LONG DISTANCE RATE S. Station to Station. Night. Eve. Day. S £ o c Person o ^ ** a ES . « TO £ a to s o Person 9 CM « J ri rf i 3 «3 i 9, i OC \ o o 00 OC 00 Sf $1.05 l"3cT .$1.30 Biiimgs . Butte . Great Faljs - Helena ••. Lev/istown .... Miles City .... Missoula . Salt Lake, Utah .... 3.25 Ogden, Utah Boise, Idaho Pocatello, Idaho .... 2.05 (Jasper. Wyo. 2.90 Cheyenne, Wyo.3.90 Albuquerque, N. M. 6.80 Phoenix, Ariz.7.50 Ei Paso, Texas Denver, Colo. Colo. Springs, Colo. 5.15 Spokane, Wash. .... 2.80 Seattle, Wash. Chicago, Ill. ••_ 9.60 Five Minutes .70 .25 .85 .35 1.05 .30 1.30 ..55 Five Minute. Five Minute .70 .25 .35 .85 1.00 .25 . 1.25 . 2.50 . 1.65 .50 .50 2.00 1.00 •35 1.35 .70 2.60 .65 1.30 2.35 00 2.90 1.20 2.30 .60 • 1.15 2.85 .45 1.65 .85 .60 2.35 1.20 / .80, 1.60 5.45 1.40 2.75 3.00 1.50 6.00 1.60 6.25 3.15 7.80 4.65 3.75 .95 1.90 4.15 1.15 2.10 .60 2225 1.15 95 3.70 1.85 4.60 1.95 3.85 7.70 New York City.15.50 Kansas City, Mo Des Moines, la_ Minneapolis, Minn. 7.25 St. Paul, Minn. Los Angeles, Calif.. 6.90 San Francisco ... ... ... .... ... 6.20 3.10 12.40 7.68 1.56 6.15 3.10 2.95 1.50 7.35 5.90 1.46 5.80 2.90 1.45 7.25 5-80 2.90 1.40 2.80 5.55 1.30 2.55 .... 6.30 5.05 INTERESTING TALK. (Continued from Pago One.) through the been greatly reduced present immigration laws. As a result the trades were not crowded as they were a few years ago. Mr. Hamill called attention to the statement of Theodore Roosevelt that there is no disgrace in being a good blacksmith or a member of any of the crafts. Bozeman was complimented for having many fine highly skilled craftsmen, and a tribute was paid by the speaker to Fred F. Willson as one of the best architects of the state. The slogan of the construe tion engineer, Mr, Hamill stated, ist Early to bed, early to rise, work like the dickens, and economize. Mr. Frank Wilton and Prof. J. A. U f) Woodard called attention to the needs of the Y. M. C. A. funds to continue work of the current year. They urged the people of Bozeman to give their support to the institution so that the good work it is doing might not stop. The members of the club will go in a body to church next Sunday evening to hear a special sermon upon Rotary by Rev. Robert B. Smith. This will be in keeping with the 17th anniversary program of the club. Leon Conkling gave a short talk upon Rotary, its aims and the objects, ideals and pre cepts of the organization. Responding to & call from the dis trict chairman, the new officers and directors of the club will send their picture to the Butte Miner for a spe cial edition of that paper devoted to Rotary, to be issjuk! on the birthday of the club. W. S. âhuk, editor of the Montana' bulletin, the First Methodist Development Ass^cpatio^ was a guest of the club wish to call a it can be Should a person friend at San Francisco done between 8:30 and 12 p. m. for $2.55, or after midnight for $1.30. How small is the cost compared with the great distance and the quickness of the service. A very important business deal could be transacted in quick time a-nd save eight days' wait longk'hich a letter would require to go and * y return. ft "Something many have overlooked, Mr. Officer said, "is the small cost one will be put to in calling relatives. For instance, take Mother's Day, a birthday greeting, Christmas and other special occasions j n a family, Memberg can call G ther members at & ver y small cost and have the pleas ure 0 £ kc ar i n g the voice of loved ones nian y m ij es away. Once each month up my mother at Raton, N. M.' The pleasure it gives her and me tQ hear her voice ig well worth the gma R cos j. Harding's address at I Arlington, when the nation paid trib f ^ unknuwn soldier dead , was V heard at Madison Square Garden in New York and in San Francisco as Washington. This ■ plainly as j demonstrates the wonderful develop ment of the phone and its possibili m II ï ties. are confiden All conversations tial," Mr. Officer stated, "for two First, a law covei's the mat reasons. | ter, and secondly, Öle company re Quires it. No operator hears a con versât ion. except a word or so when sing a call to know that the men/'super parties this rule means the immediate dis ; connected. To violate missal of an operator." "To shew the advantage in mak ing long distance calls, here is a lis of important cities, with the cost which will show* the big saving in j night calls;. ï FUNDS NEEDED. (Continued from Page One.) it. This is an institution of impart ante to the city. There are 655 members of the Y M. G. A ," Mr. Woodard stated, "of these 144 are women, 60 girls, 85 grade school and 58 high school stu dents. There are 28 young men and 128 business men. These are now receiving the benefits of the institu -1 tion and paying fees. There are 57 subscribers paying from $1 to $50 and there are 28 sustaining mem II bers. It requires about $30 per mem ber to maintain the institution, s that the service intended can be giv en to all who use the Y. M. C. A There should be at least 100 people in Bozeman who can give a small amount each toward the maintain ance of this important factor in the physical development of the young people of the city. At the presen time the budren is falling upon a few who appreciate the value of the Y. M C. A., while the many are not doing as much as can be done." The directors of the Y. M. C. A. are curtailing expenses in every possible manner so that the overhead cast can be kept to the minimum. These di rectors are all men of the city who are capable of directing the affairs of the institu tion in a thsrpughly proper manner. It will be a regrettable occurrence in this city should the Y. M. C. A forced to discontinue. With an in creased membership bo come in the future, it is expected that within few yars there will be sufficient re ceipts from active member« to make the institution self-supporting. successful business i ; ? Out With New Goods And Prices, Visit Our Store ; It Pays to Pay Cash" ii "It Pays to Pay Cash" •j» ; New ï Thursday, Friday and Saturday v ♦ New Buhgalow Aprons Jersey Bloomers Play Suits t Women's Black and Pink Cot- ! The same good line we have always featured. Newest i that are out at— styles Children's bine and khaki trimmed with red play suits. Ages 1 to 8, the suit— i ton Jersey Bloomers. Sizes 6, 7 and 8. Four Pair for— r l $1.00 to $1.95 $1.90 85c EACH I From the Walker Stock Y Standard Grade Muslin, 36 inches wide, extra quality. Special 15<) Yard l V. I i ï Womens' House Dresses I Children's Gingham Dresses I Womens' Sateen Petticoats I Womens' Khaki Overalls I 3 Only Womens' Silk Waists I Womens' Hats up to $4.00 I Womens' Good Justrite Corsets I While They Last ■ •. V High Grade Gingham, 27 imhes wile, all good patterns now Special 18<* Yard > Standard Grade Outing Flannel, in light fancy colors, 27 inches wide— % 1 * v Special 19^ Yard V.! i 4 I. 36-inch Light and Dark colored percales. Good quality, 32 l-2c Yd. now * 1 $ 1.00 /: New Silks in Messaline Taffeta, crepe de chine and pongee at— Special $1.39 to $2.19 Yard EACH * ■ I Wool Hose Dü G^ C: Children's Hose T*- J $1.85 o. 19c ameson Pair Pair , WITH UNION TO STRIKE. (Continued from Page One.) cent increase in tonnage rates and $1 a day increase for day men. The . committee declared for adjustment of differentials" which the "unequal, would result in small increases in j carious fields. Other recommendations were that all new agreements be based upon an i | eight-hour day time and one-half for overtime, and I double time for Sundays and holi- ! days; that weekly pay days be insti-| tuted; that the j underground, with practice of fining : miners for certain breaches of con- j tracts be eliminated, and that the soft coal wage agreement be main-1 tained for two years, extending fromj April 1 next. case sooner. » CONLEY CASE. (Continued from Page One.) Attorney General Rankin objected to the late date, and it was said an effort would be made to start the The attorney general also expressed the opinion that Judge j J >oorman s lengthy calendar would de* j lay the starting of the case later than i this date. Colonel Nolan said thatj any date set by Judge Poomrnn would ( suit him, although he wanted to getl into court at the earliest possible j date. The attorney general, at the conclu sion of the conference, stated that lie would confer again with Colonel Nolan for the purpose of determin ing whether or not the trial of the case could not weeks earlier than the date set. be started several a GOOD YEARS COMING, SAYS J. R. CHAMBERS.! i (Continued from Page One.) stocking, but selecting the choicest j of the market Prices are lower than a year ago, with the exception of cot ton goods. This is due to the short age of three million bales of cotton in this year's crop." All things con sidered it is my opinion that here in the Gallatin valley we are just com ing into the good years that will bring us better returns for farm products and better conditions for everybody. ■ »? PRESIDENT OPPOSES TAX FO» SOLMER BONUS. (Continued from Page One.) tiie French and Indian wars and ao mm did all of his soldiers, in grants of land. A prouder man never lived. Surely he couldn't have degraded him self in his ow*n eyes by taking a bonus he didn't feel himself entitled to. Senator Watson said congress granted Lafayette a bonus of $200. ?» SPECIAL! Thursday Friday and Saturday FEBRUARY 16, 17, 18 FEBRUARY 16, 17, 18 * 20% CASH DISCOUNT On all our Oak Buffets—This means 20% from the present retail prices and Not from War Prices. C $97.50 54-inch Quautered Oak Buffet, wax Discount Price. lUU $72.00 .$90.00 50-inch Quartered Oak Buffet, wax. Discount Price .. 46-inch Quartered Oak Buffet, wax. Discount Price ... 54-inch Quartered Oak Buffet, fumed Discount Price . 44-inch Quartered Oak Buffet, fumed Discount Price .. $52.03 *7c nn #1 UiUD $65.00 -$95.00 $48.08 $60.00 $58.09 $70.00 4^rinch Quartered Oak Buffet, fumed Discount Price ..... 42-inch Quartered Oak Buffet, fumed Discount Price. One Slightly Used Blue Enamelled Range . One slightly used Electric Washing Machine ... I $45.00 $38.00 $125.90 $70.00 Ideal Furniture Company Ear! Marshall, Manager. .:j'k f;- '■* - f . tmä 7 -w0 ■ *• - WßtW&ml 7' 000 cash and 20,000 acres of land in) Florida. The Georgia senator asserted he. would not vote for a bonus if it had to come through a sales tax, a tax on, gasoline or a three per cent postage rate and supported the proposal of Senator Simmons, democrat, North | Carolina, to pay it out of, the foreign ! debt, Better than that, he said, would be put back into circulation the two the last *4 to | billion dollars withdrawn in year and a half."