Newspaper Page Text
9 ATIN COUNT NEWS FROM 8888888888888»«« 888 8 888888888888 - Mrs. Ed. Foreman spent Thursday afternoon visiting with Mrs. Henry 8 8 8 8 BRIDGER CANYON. 8 Sandsness. George Brown spent a few days in Bozeirtan last week transacting Mrs. Ed. foreman was a guest Sat Donald Christie was busy several days last week sawing a summer sup business, returning Sunday. Mrs. Lon Shook was a guest Wed nesday afternoon of Mrs. Ira Jen kins. John Esgar, of Bozeman, and Mrs. P. McMahon, of the Canyon, were guests Sunday of Mrs. John Rabe. ... , , o. were entertained at dinner Sunday • v . , Po . „ „ b y Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Brittan, ( harlie Gray, ot Bozeman vitited a f* *»•» ' nit ° 1 an rS ' >na ( urday of Mr. and Mrs. Will Krause, in Bozeman. ply of stovewood. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Oma and family Christie. Carl Justad and Alfred Nichols spent several days last week at Se dan and the surrounding country, hunting coyotes. Miss Helen Shook spent the wee end in Bozeman, a guest of Miss Neva Gray, and also attending a party given at the high school. Mrs. C. D. Pease spent several days in Bozeman during the past week, visiting relatives and friends and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morrison and daughter Mary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Martin at the transacting business. Melvin and Walter Ridgeway, of Sedan, drove through the Canyon last week to Bozeman, where they transacted business. latter's home near Belgrade. Mrs. A. N. eral men employed last week putting up ice at the "Three Bears Inn T. B. Quaw, of Bozeman, had sev v re sort. Mrs. Nellie Craig and son, Lloyd White and Carl Justad were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Swanson. Betty and Vincent Rice, of Clyde Park, are now guests in the Canyon at the home of their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McMahon. Among the Bozeman visitors dur ing the week were E. W. Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Christie, Carl Jus ad. Ole Oma, John Clayton, Alex, Swj.nson, Lon Shook and Jay Pease. The ladies of the Sedan Ladies'Aid Society will hold an ail-day meeting Thursday at the ranch home of Mrs. John Inabnit. The ladies sure now busy working on more quilts, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie and daughter, who have been visiting in the Canyan with relatives, and in Bozeman for the last two weeks, loft Saturday for their Falls. home at Idaho Lo al Forester Ed. Foreman, ac conu anied by John Sales, a voca tional man from Bozeman, as a n as sistant, left the Bridger station Mon-jwas day for the Ross Pea kstation, where they expect to be for the week. The Farmers' Union will hold a meeting Friday evening, after which the young people will entertain. La dies, bring pies. Everyone invited. E. R. Kay, of Centrai Park, made a business trip to the Canyan one day last week. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, accom panied by the latter's mother, Mrs. Dietz, all of Bozeman, were enter tained Sunday at the fish hatchery at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, of Se dan, entertained the Five Hundred Club at their ranch home Thursday evening, a good crowd being present and all spent a very enjoyable eveni ing. and at the close of the evening delicious refreshments were served b the hostess. The club will meet in two weeks at the home of Mr. Mrs. Bert Bolander. . - ire Mias PL:, ps many more happy birthdays. an The Middle Bridger school district with the clerk, Floyd Davis, Director oGorge Williamson, Will Christie, R G. 'vjallup, Clyde Williamson and E J. r earson, directors of the fish hatch cry district, held a meeting at thei Middle Bridger school hous« Monday evening. A number of various schoo matters were discussed, and the books v.^ . audited. About 25 young people of Bozeman treated Miss Elsie Phipps to a pleas ant surprise party Saturday evening. ' - ! heuig ;n honor of Miss, P .ipps' birthday. She was presented with r. number of gifts and the ing vas spent with dancing and TV.» : -/vtc; refreshments even were n joyed by a 1 !, party Lift,, uli wish after which ti. Mr. and Mis. A. Paul Thompson son, at the iish hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson and son have been making their home in Bozeman for the past ten months, but left the first of the week for Great Falls, and son, of Bozeman, were guests Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Thomp where Mr * Thompson will resume his f<> rmer position with the A .C. M. company. The Sedan Faim Bureau held a meeting Friday evening. A fair sized crowd attended. The principal part of the evening was spent in the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. John Brittan, to succeed John Inabnit, and Mr. Thomp son, as secretary-treasurer, to sue ceed George Therigo. It is hoped that everyone will take an interest in the work and be present at the 8888888888888888 B ~ « " WEST END. a next meeting. Mrs. Brittan visited at her home in in Bozeman on business during the Bozeman Saturday and Sunday, Nels Jensen spent a couple of days week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Werner and daughter Bemadine visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Cash Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. R. W. Davis, of Muir, spent a few nays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sorenson, last week. H. D. Blakeslee, of Livingston, was a business caller in this vicinity on Wednesday of last week, buying hay and grain. Mrs. R. W. Davis, Miss,Laura Sor enson, and Andy and Leonard Sor enson spent Monday evening at the Cash home, Among those who were business were Mr. and Mrs. C. Marble. Mr. callers in Bozeman during the week and Mrs. J. Hoffman, J, L- Wells, Bill Watson, and Miarian and Roy Hoffman. 8888888888888888 :: 8 8 8 CENTRAL PARK. 8 8 8888888888888888 - Cecil Essex has been visiting Myr Dr. C. S. Smith and son Spencer Lillian and Sophia Randall visited tie Rash the past week. were in Central Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cline Sunday. Rev. 1. G. Shaw preached Sunday morning at the Christian church. Thomas Cline was in Belgrade Sat urday. business in Manhattan Monday. J. D. Abercrombie, W. S. Rash John Williams transacted business in Bozeman between trains Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Sloan an are mov ing into the Christian church parson age just north of the store, Dorothy Squires, of Manhattan, a guest at W. S. Rash's Fridayi evening, Cecil Essex returned to school at Manhattan Monday, after being ab sent on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Essex and children took dinner Sunday with Mr. rnd Mrs. Tom Cox. Lyle Cheney, the 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cheney, is re ported ill. Lillian and Lulu Stone spent the week-end at their ranch home, turning to school at Bozeman Sunday j ngton and Essex and j shopping! re evening. Mr. and Mrs. Becker, of Bozeman, wore in Centra] Park Tuesday in the interest of the orphans' Helena. _ home at Hallard Rash, G. W. Elli wife. Cecil Essex, George B. C. Sloan and wife n Manhattan this week. G. W. Ellington and wife, B. C. j J'op.n and wife, Albert Whitney and w;fe and Mrs. J. M. Beck were were guests Fun.lay of J. D. Abercrombie and I . f to go to the orphans' home ut Helena. Everyone j ig invited. Be sure to bring a pie. wife, Mrs. J. W. Cline, of Bozeman, spent this week visiting her Cline, and Mrs ^owell. son, Thomas family. On Thursday Cline and her daughter-in-law dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Glena OK Harold Cheney is putting m a full tock of groceries and other staples Central Park. The store will be under the n , -agement of Mr. and nr B. G. S.jan, and will be a great convenience for the ranchers. A large crowd attended the lit ary Friday night in spite of the f Id weather. An excellent program next Friday -vening w?s 1 ■'**cv M l bo riv^n after the. r..:c j - 8««8888«8«8«8«8« « 8 8 8888888888888888 - Jack Brown was over from Three Forks Friday, attending to matters of business. 8 8 8 LOGAN. last Saturday to attend to business matters. J, W. Strachan visited Bozeman Charles W. Logan was a business visitor in Bozeman last Saturday, re turning on the evening stub, Frank Caruso went over to White hall and Butte Saturday evening to spend Sunday with friends. Mrs. Irene Heatherington over from Whitehall week-end with friends, George Van Fleet, of Bozeman, transacted business in Logan Monday morning. came to spend the ^ nry . C jr Ur fL J- nig rom 1 eir home in the Madison valley. n „ . 0 ,_^ v . Deputy Sheri« T°m Young was m town Monday from Three Forks b ™, • . „ . p ' rS ' ' aC om Mrs. John ers in ree Porks, staying over to attend the picture show in the evening. Lieutenant Governor Nelson Story, Jr., of Bozeman, was in town on busi ness last Thursday, driving down in his car. Will Crowley, of Townsend, accom panied by J. B. Sloan and William Bryson, of the Madison valley, spent Thursday in Manhattan on business, Mrs. John McDaniels drove in from her ranch in the Horseshoe hills the first of the week, and went on to Manhattan to shop and visit friends. J. W. McLees returned to his home in Bozeman Saturday, after spend ing several days here looking after his interests, j ) Pess Parrish has returned jfrom Livgston and will spend a few days going to Butte, where he is employed by the Hanson in Logan before Packing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ned McLees were in town Thursday, home in the Madison from the : r ranch valley, and drove on to Manhattan to shop and j visit friends. Will H. Crowley, of Townsend, spent several days here and in the Madison valley visiting relatives and looking after the band of sheep he is wintering in the valley. Dexter Ranjer, of Manhattan, a dinner guest at the Dell McLees home the fore part of the week, turning to his school work the next was re morning on the stub. James Posthumis was in town Thursday from his ranch home near Old Gallatin City, and he went to Manhattan to attend to business on Homer Dunbar, of Old Town, is spending several days here visiting his sister, Mrs. D. A. Swarner, at her home on Madison avenue. Mrs. Owen Gillhooly has been con fined to her home for several weeks on account of illness, and her many friends will be glad to know that she is now improving. Dr. William Pierce, accompanied by his daughter Victoria, Miss Verna Haglie and Raymand Haglie, of Man hattan, were callers in town for few hours Sunday afternoon, Wallace Thompson came over from Livingston Saturday to spend a few dry* with his mother, Mrs. Mattie Thompson, at her home on the no side. a rthl Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Griffen! and daughter arrived from Butte Sat urday, and are guests of Mrs. Grif fon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, at their home in lower Madi son valley. About four inches of snow fell in this locality Saturday night and the thermometer registered 26 degrees below zero during Saturday night, making it on e of the coldest nights of the year. The Misses Florence and Addle Shervin came down on No, 219 Sun day evening and were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dell McLees at thei home. Late in tb? evening-they turned by auto to Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs. Al. DeLong have pur chased .^the two-room House fwhich William Cudney brought in last week from the Horseshoe hills and put the vacant lot opposite the round-} house on Flower street. Tom Ferris returned Friday from Leeton Missouri, where he has been since last fall. Mr. Perris and Rob ert. Bryant and his family went to Missouri at the same time, making the trip in their automobile. Mrs. Sam Johnson from Clarkston, where sh« visited her sister. Mrs. Eldora Olsen and fam their home in Pole GuKa, and she also spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. George Burrel at their home re on has returned near Carpenter Siding. m Miss Verna Hagelie, of Manhattan, i was a recent guest of Miss Dorothy Bevier at her home on Vine street, | the young ladies returning to school «in Manhattan Wednesday morning on the school bus. Mrs. Tom Tice was in town Sun day from her ranch in the Madison 1 valley. Her little daughter Harriet, who has been spending the past week visiting her grand-mother, Mrs. Al. DeLong, returned home with her. Miss Margaret Brown, school clerk of District No, 1, called on the county superintendent of schools in Bozeman one day last week, on matters per taining to the new school building which will be erected here in thei Mr. Franks, a prosperous rancher and cattle man of Cardwell, spent several hours between trains visiting friends here Saturday. Mr. Franks was on his way to Helena from Whitehall, where he had been trans-i acting business. K T , T j ^ Mrs. Jack Landers returned Thurs {rom ^ , where sh . wa _, oi>l^ le(1 account of the serious ill 1 ^of^erfriend, tooZeH« ^ w ho with her husband lived herei three years ago. She has many wann friends in this spring. Max Franks and family, who have|^ been occupying the Eastridge place. near Moncrete, for the past three months, moved into town last week, and have rented the George Markham house on the north side of town. Mr. Franks will find it more convenient to be nearer his place of business. Mrs. Prank Caruso received from relatives in California that heri father had suffered a paralytic stroke and was in a very serious con-i dition. Mrs. Caruso and little daugh -1 terDorothy immediately left for Los; Angeles, Calif., and they expect to spend the rest of the winter months there. The Misses Mary and Sadie Land ers went over to Trident last Satur-j day evening on No. 219's connection.! to visit relatives, and while out on! the ice, fell and injured her knee so that it was necessary to secure an automobile to bring her home. The injury is not serious, but Mary will be confined to her home for several days. Mr- and Mrs. George Burrel enter tained at a delightful card party at their ranch west of town last Friday night, those present beside the host and hostess being Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Nich ... , „ ols, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carpenter, __ « , j un /J 1 Frances Burrel and Eldora Olsen of Clarkston. Several hours were spent in playing Five Hundred, and excel lent refreshments were served at a late hour. r'v. m % s. fTRUUK LINES OFTHE BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM m. Connecting over 70.000 CHm." I V,-: / f. * r 1 { t € I 4 . i 9 Tm I I f - 1 ! if 1 0t1 C*rn«v—Krun TrlrpfeMBC, m The Triumph of Half a Century ; V I Forty-five years ago the telephone was an experiment an inven tion of uncertain utility and of questionable value. Today it is an actual business necessity and an almost indispensable household servant. The development of the telephone'to its present high state of facil ity and efficiency has come about through hundreds of supplemen tary inventions and the solving of hundreds of scientific problems. Nearly half a century of research, experimentation, invention and the exercise of organizing genius has resulted in a public service of inestimable value—a service which thousands of telephone men and women are constantly striving to improve and enlarge. It is their constant endeavor to serve you efficiently and satis factorily. < > t.; i a • \ Mountain States Telephone &Telegraph Company 9 f vv. Miss Katherine Flynn and her sis-; ter, Mrs. Charles W. Whitehead, of ; Bozeman, who with her children are visiting at the Flynn home on the North Side, motored over to Three Forks last Wednesday evening to at tend the movies, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Belton were in town Tuesday from Helena, where; they are spending the winter with Mrs. Belton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jobb. After spent here, looking after their prop er ^y, Mr. Belton went over to Liv ingston on business and Mrs. Belton returned to Heelena. Prof. R, H. Johnson is giving the'h students and the townspeople a treat a few hours this winter by bringing over from Three Forks several films which are always high class, thus enabling us to • see a good picture show at a nom inal_fee, and is especially interesting to the school children, many of whom would rarely see a movie, especially in the winter time, so it is to be j hoped that the grownups will not be ; lax in attendance-. Last Thursday night the big nine-reel picture, "Silas ! Marner," was shown and was par ticularly fine. The two-reel comedy,; j * 4 Brm^mg Up Father,* and "The So-; j cial Lion" delighted the youngsters, ex ^ week Mr. Johnson will proba-| Wy bring over some films, if the i weather permits. ! - 8888888,188888888 ** ** i~ wordj88888888888«8888 - are Having their new lighting plans installed this week. ! ! 8 8 8 SPRINGHILL. t I Nels Hamilton and W, P. Schring ! the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Axtell. Miss, Eva Axtell, of Bozeman, spent J. W. Walton went to Billings Mon- ' day, being the delegate from the County Taxpayers' League tbt the state meeting there, Michael Alexander, of Dawson [county, is visiting with Harold i Wright for a few days. He will be employed on the George Metier ranch the coming summer, day evening drew a good crowd and everyone spent a very pleasant even-j ing. Aboüt $35 was cleared for the! victrola fund. The community social in the church basement Saturday evening was a 1 J very enjoyable one in spite of the;.. J , * „ cold evening and consequent smaller, crowd. Various stunts were put on, the Chinese spelling match being j especially good. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served for the lunch. ! ! , , , . , , , I The basket social ana dance at ; .. _ , _ , , , __ . I the East Gallatin school house Fn-i i ! ( I i ! 88«8«««««««888«8 8 8 8 8888888888888888 - 8 8 SALESVILLE. 8 Salesville school Friday afternoon, Mrs. J. C- Holland and Mrs. Ros coe Holland were among the shop pers in Bozeman last Saturday, last Saturday, after an absence of several months, ere week, Lindell visited the Mrs. Frank i V: / Vçm Kindig returned to Salesville Joe Williams, of Bozeman, was a visitor with relatives and friends Mrs. Eugene Deshey, who has been quite ill at her home, is slowly im proving. The Rebefcecca and Odd Fellows lodges had a social evening at their hall last Wednesday evening. Miss Doris Cochrane went to Boze man Monda y ni ? ht t() hear Arthur Middleton sing, Tuesday after a few weeks spent in visiting friends in Washington. „ Mr. Fred Enders had a narrow es cape from a serious hurt Monday morning, A sled upset on him I s :• Miss Alice Becker returned home f * . fc There was quite a crowd attended ^ e t i ance at Salesville Friday night, All present had a good time. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs, Bert E. Shepherd Monday, February 6, at their home near Sheep Rock, up West Gallatin river. Miss Bess Holland, teacher of the primary grades at Salesville school, has been seriously ill, so was unable to teach school for a week. Miss Ella Papka and Miss Marie Papka. of Bridger Canyon, were vis iting relatives and friends near Sales ville for a few days last week. Wood spent Motndl&y in Bozeman shopping and transacting business; also remained over night. The Sunday school had a pie so cial at the I. O. O. night. After a short program, light refreshments were served. * ,*• 'i . v; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mi Madolvn Ballantvne teacher - • . ,. . *, , . of the intermediate grades, taught _- -__ a , „ • __ the primary grades in the absence of jj o |j j agt r,- . , g( ,.^ oo j p Up jj tf V F. hall Friday r. • if. Mrs. Lula B. Richardson, who man ages the Salesville telephone board, , e „ , . spent Saturday in Bozeman on busi , , ness and shopping. There was a surprise party at the home of A. H. Black in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cramer Friday night i r<: i. f V: f ■ week. Mr. L »• (Continued on Page Five.)