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9 NEWS FROM GALLATIN COUNTY P 33 Co • Operation On the C.M.a«St.R.y. At each division headquarters and large station on the Mil waukee's eleven thousand miles of Railroad, meetings of ployes and officers are monthly or oftener for the pur pose of "getting together, working out operating problems and better serving the traveling and shipping public These meetings give employ es an opportunity to make sug gestions based on their personal experiences in the various de partments. Improvements in methods and economies involving millions of dollars yearly are realized from this close co-operation between the employes and officers of this great railroad. 3-13759 era held 3 n 33333333333333 c LOGAN NEWS ITEMS. » n 3 « ♦♦ ♦♦ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strachan and daughter Jean spent Saturday in Bozeman, returning in the evening. W. A. Allen was in town Monday from the Madison valley, and drove on to Manhattan on business. j Jack Corcoran, of Bozeman, trans acted business with the merchants here Monday. Mrs. John McCall and daughter Alicia went over to Livingston Sat urday to spend Easter with relatives. L.'C. Bevier spent Monday in Whitehall, attending to business mat Mr. and Mrs T. Tice, of the Mad ison valley, were callers in town on Wednesday, driving on to Manhattan to visit friends. The Rev. William H. Mitchell called on friends in town Sunday, while on his way to Three Forks and White hall, where he conducted Easter ser vices, Ths Misses Mary and Sadie Land ers and Billy Heaston spent a few hours in Bozeman Saturday, shop ping. f • : •il a // /■ flä 1 I [L-'.t ^ If not both flexible and good-look ing, your shoes would perhaps please you more if they were Cantilever Shoes, which combine flexibility with modish shoe designing. Cantilevers are so well proportioned that they fit your foot like an easy glove—and look dressy. Their arch es are flexible, concealing no metal like ordi'iaiy shoes. This flexibility of the Cantilever arch corresponds to the flexibility of your foot arch, which nature designed to flex as you v'alk. John Hines Come and see the trim lines of Cantilever oxfords. Feel how com fortable thev are when you slip into the right size. Made not cnly to look well, they harmonize so delight fully with the natural "action of your foot, that in Cantilever Shoes ■ 1 . you can get the most fun out of walk ing and all the other enjoyments of springtime and summer. ., . . We are the e* a gent. for Cantilever Shoes m thi. temtory, Come and see them." . Specialty Boot Shop QUALITY FOOTWEAR" Joe Ccmaty Miss Agnes Sabo and brother John shopped in Manhattan Wednesday. Mrs. Lotta Olsen, Mrs. Ollie Bes ser and son Harry, Mrs. John Pow ers and Miss Edna Olsen were recent visitors in Three Forks to attend teh picture shows. Miss Bevdah Smith went over to Townsend Friday to spend the week end with an aunt. She returned home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDaniels are at home again in the Horseshoe hills, after spending the winter months with their daughters and families in Manhattan and Three Forks. Mrs. Lon Bevier and daughter Dorothy spent Saturday in Bozeman shopping and visiting friends- They remained for the State College rau I sical comedy, "Loot," given at the ' Ellen theater. William Bryson went to Bozeman Saturday to spend Easter with his daughters, who are in school there. Mr and Mrs. Dell UcLees and lit tle daughter June and Melvin Olsen spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ned McLees in the Madison valley. Mr. and Mrs. Willhaven, of Man hattan, attended Easter services at the Catholic church. E. A. Peterson, of Three Forks, was in town the first of the week on professional business. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ross and chil dren visited Mrs- John Stovener at Old Town Monday. Frank Kreraer was in town Mon day morning from the Madison val ley. • Mrs. O. W Gillholly shopped in Bozeman Thursday. - - E. Y. Crouse, of the Horseshoe hills, was in town Monday on r.ess, going on to Manhattan. Dr. C. E. Whitehead come down from Bozeman Sunday morning to visit his family. Ralph Darlinton was a recent -caller in Three Forks, from his home in the Madison valley. Miss Grace Andrews, Forks, visited friends in town Sat urday. Mrs. Ned McLees and Mrs. William Biyson and children, of the Madison valley, were in town Thursday, and accompanied by Mrs. J. W- McLees, who is visiting relatives here, toned on to Manhattan to spend the Miss Nan Malin came over from Helena Friday, where she is attend ing St. Vincent Acedemy, to spend the Easter vacation at home Miss Bessie Antonsen went to Bozeman to spend Easter with her * 1 . , * 0 _ , T - • 4 . SpurKeono^stom.s a Se tW^ eek *' Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Grogan and Mrs. H. T. Lynn, of Belgrade, were Sunday guests at the Swarmer home. A number of Madison valley peo ple attended the Easter service by Father Lynch, Sunday morning, at the Catholic church. Miss Nan Ma lin, of Helena, assisted the choir with her violin. J. M. McDaniels was in from the Horseshoe hills and drove on to Manhattan on busi ness. Jim Corbett was a Saturday vis itor in town from his home in the Horseshoe hills. Monday morning, a recent of Three mo W T. Whalen was in town Friday from the Madison valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson in Irom the Madison valley Satur day and drove on to Manhattan on business. Mrs. Robert Belton left for Helena Wednesday, after a ten days' stay here, looking after interests. Mrs. A. T. Anderson, sister of the late E. J. Thornburg, arrived Satur day morning from Berkeley, Calif-, and will visit Mr, and Mrs. Swarm er and look after business matters for a few days before going on to her home in Minneapolis. Mrs. Ander son has been spending the past year with a son who lives at Berkeley wen FACTORY AT LOGAN. Well, look who's here! again on the map. The Treasure State Tjy a>-d Fur ni'ure Company are now installing machinery preparatory to starting the manufacture oï children's chairs, tables, doll beds and a line of small furniture. Logan is 1 » ANTED—To i*ear from owner jof good ranch for sale . State cash fnH particulars. D. f. Bush, | Minneapolis, Mina. They have rented the McLees age and have their benches and tors installed, machinery they have oç hand. The rest of it is expected to arrive daily. J. W. Strachan, the Northern Fa .cific agent here, is manager of !he concern, and a few other local are also interested, gar mo together with what nun . together with their factory manager, M, A. John son, qf Helena. Mr. Johnson _,_iwpng j highly recommended, having worked in some of the largest furnitue fac tories in Michigan, and there to be no doubt but they will make a isuccess of the bagine J „ j of Apri , thf factc i ' seems going full blast. FOR SALE—One Holstein 3-year old registered bull. Robert Stor rcck, Winston, Mont 4 * n*. nnxtuntttxnttnxxnnnn n « Xt X* SPRINGHILL. s n nnnxxixtxtnxxnnnxtnn Mrs. Anna Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crouse and daughter Lyn nette, spent Thursday with Walter Crouse and family, sooth of Bel grade. A. A. Bridges, A. E. Cramer and William Sutphin motored to Three Forks Thursday.- Mr. Cramer and Mr. Bridges went from there to Har rison, where Mr. Bridges remained a few days on business. The others returned Saturday. J. W. Walton went to Bozeman Friday evening tb the Fathers' ban quet, given by the Ag. Club at the high school. Mr and Mrs. Albert Ford and son Duane spent Sunday with Mr. Ford's parents in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ryan and family spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Forswell. Mr. and Mrs. George Metier, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walton and daugh ter Frances were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs- J. W. Walton Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Irving Miller, who have been with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Welton, since Mr. Miller returned from California , 1 returned to their home near Man hattan last week. Miss Eva Axtell, of Belgrade, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Axtell. Miss Edna Gunby, who has been the teacher at East Gallatin, re signed last week on account of ill health, and the year's work will be finished up by Mr. Cappin, of Helenas The Easter program at East Gal latin drew a large crowd and all re port an excellent program. The Reese Creek Women's Circle Wednesday with Mrs. A. J. Moore, with a nexcellent attendance. Easter services were conducted at the Reese Creek church by Elder A. J. Moore Mrs. Frank War wood entertained at a family dinner faster Sunday, in honor of her son Lewis, it being his birthday anniversary Ray Angell, of East Gallatin, who has been ill, is improving. Mrs. Ward McVay, who was quite ill last week, went to Bozeman Satur day for special treatment. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sandquist, Miss Rozetta Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandquist and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Carlson and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crouse and fam-! ily and Mrs. Anna Crouse all at -! husi-itended the Easter program at East Gallatin Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Biggs was able to leave: the Deaconess Hospital last week, . but will remain in Bozeman for a few weeks for further treatment, ; » 3 J few weeks for further treatment. G M. Scheytt is ill at his home, and Mrs. Anna Crouse went Monday to assist in caring for him. Mrs. Mary Gowin, who has been quite ill with rheumatism for the past two weeks, is improving slowly. 3 :: WILLOW CREEK. a 3 The Select Twenty-five will meet with Mrs. James Hankinson, Friday, April 22. Dale Riley has rented the Wood ward barn for his horses for the summer, as h e will be doing road work, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Word was received in Willow Creek last Wednesday that Dr. Diamon's condition was much Mrs. Blake, whose husband died here two years ago, died at her home Deer Lodge Monday. The body was shipped to Three Porks for bur worse. in ial. Mrs. John Roberts returner from Butte last Monday, where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Powell, ahd her niece, Miss Thelma, who is an assistant at the Murray Hospital. Mrs. Roy Brown has been the ' f Wrs - William Parks the past week.' Three weeks ago Mrs. Brown submit ted to an operation on the eyelid, and for a week it was thought she' would lose her sight. Last w«ek the doctor pronounced the danger past. Carl Algiers has rented the Mar j garet Walbert ranch and will take charge next Monday The rainbow suppsr netted the La dies Aid $62. James Shedd is busy this week painting the interior of the Wood ward house. Joe Ward has been employed to do the plowing and gardening on the Woodward place. The Egan property and farm im P e ^ en ^ tpere iast Monday. The Mona Howls property will be sold next Saturday. James Hankinson has purchased the Albert Williams property and will commence clearing the place up as soon as the weather will permit The funeral of the late Be« Archer Lï ere ° n 10th ' He ## ât the Butte hospital of pneumonia, He served his country for three years . p^fyate. The remains were bredffit- to WBIo'W Creek and inter £«* was in the Mount Green com Members of the American | Lefrusn acted as pall -bearers. M I Though not upon the battle field He breathed his latest breath. Yet for freedom and for country He died a hero's death. The tender flowers upon his grave Their opening petals spread, And sweetly they look down and smile Upon the peaceful dead. James Gee, of Reece Creek, visit ed with friends Easter Sunday. . A beautiful Easter program was held at the church Sunday morning. Charies Priedeman has commenced graveling the county road. The road east of town will be graded some time next week. ® ** ——r--- The Misses Laura and Violet Sor enson were Livingston callers Mon-j day Ed- Cash loaded a car of baied hay at _^ e * est End siding during the w «*- • Watson was a caller at the. G. Boylan hom e near Mount Ellis, Friday, Mr. an d Mrs. Ed. Cash and fam *|y visited at the Watson home Sun nnxtnnnnnnnnnunn » WEST END. » n 3 3333333333333333 j C CENTRAL PARK. 0 Hi's. J. Vv. Cline has been visiting ! her son, T. A. Cline, and his family the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. Inabnit and Miss d8 Misf Dora Werner returned to her work in Bozeman last week, which ! she gave up some time ago on ac count of sickness. Mrs. B. Werner and daughter Mar- ] tha and Bernhard Werner and Sig- « vaard Jensen spent Sunday aftemon 1 with Mr. and Mrs. E. Werner. . ! Mrs. R. W. Davis and daughter Pearl, of Muir, spent the week-end « with Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs A. Sorenson. • A gang of men are busy shoveling j snow on the tunnel hill, and they ex pect to have the road open for travel in a few days. T. Pierce, A. C. Akey. J. L- Wells and E. Werner were among those who attended to business matters in Bozeman during the week. The trustees of this district held a business meeting at the school house Saturday afternoon. When the weather has permitted, everyone has been busy hunting go phers during the past week. The hunt will end on Sunday noon, and the tails will he counted in the after noon. ■ « » 3 Emma White of Manhattan visited Mrs T. A. Cline Monday afternoon. Bernard Walter returned from Liv ingston Monday where he had gone to visit his father. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Chapman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Williams. E. S. Cloninger came to Central Park on the afternoon train Monday. H. H. Cheney and wife motored to day. Bozeman Monday. They purchased supplies for the Central Parie store. They reported the roads bad in places between Belgrade and Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. William Wortman re turned home Thursday morning from a visit to Whitehall. Mrs. J. M. Beck of Manhattan came to Central Park Wednesday morn ing and visited friends over Sunday. She assisted in the Easter program at the church and returned to Man hattan Sunday evening. Guy Oman and wife and Mrs. J. M- Beck went to Bozeman on Thurs Mrs. L il lard spent the day Wednes day visiting Mrs. William Dykes. Mr and Mrs. J. D. Abev.'rombie were shopping in Manhattan Thurs day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Knadler visited Mrs. Knadler's mother, Mrs. Chris tina Melton, on Thursday. Fred Younker and T. X. Cline went to Belgrade Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Powell spent with T. A. from Three Forks Friday, a. large crowd attended the last meeting of the West Gallatin Liter ary Society Friday evening. An ex cellent program was rendered, in 1 eluding several musical numbers giv j en by Mrs. Moore, Donald Moore, Mrs. Toerschler. Jessie Robinson and Ruth Robinson ,all of Belgrade. The solo by Ruth Robinson was worthy of special mention; also a solo by Addie Hopping, and music by Mr. Carmack and little daughter, Aa egg guessing contest afforded considerable amusement the first pri^e. being won by Miss Thompson, of Belgrade, and the second byAMiss Noise, of Belgrade. The réfrén merit committee served lunch in the room on the lower floor Sophia Randall entertained about 3$ of the young people of the com munity with an Æfcÿ Easter pert home Sunday- The «suai egg hv^nt furnished fun. for" ^ the evening Thursday Cline and wife. Other guests were Mir. and Mrs. Fred Ypunker, of Wil sallf who furnished some Splendid music Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sorrel returned Mr. and Mrs. B. C- Sloan have moved back into the parsonage. Bud Moore is visiting his sister, Mrs. Peter Sorrel. Mrs. Arthur Knadler and daughter Violet, of Belgrade, were guests of Mf. and Mrs. J. D. Abercrombie Fi day night. Mrs. Knadler returned orae Saturday, and Miss stayed until Sunday. , Miss Mary Curtis was a guest Fri day night at the Abercrombie home I William Willmore, of near Boze man, spent the week-end with the Cline boys. ■ Mira. Meese, of Manhatan, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dyke. W. S. Rash and wife spent Sunday with J. R. Rash and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Green, of Clarkston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox Easter services were held at the Christian church Sunday -morning aftOT Bible school. They took the place of the regular sermon • Mr. and Mrs. E. S- Cloninger vis îted D. P. Cloninger and wife south of Belgrade, Saturday and Sunday Mrs. Cloninger returned to her school j duties on the afternoon train Sun Jay. .. . . 1 II I II MI II IM .. ! [ • | 1 11 • \ ! * Jewelry To Go With New Spring Costumes P ( . . % ■ : Jewelry is an important feature of stylish clothes. Frock, ; ; tailleur three-piece suit, sport apparel—each costume de- ■ ■ mands its appropriate jewelry. Not to have it is unthink- ; able, for jewelry is an integral part of the costume and ; essential for modish appearance. The smart, new designs you want in Pins, Girdles, Neck laces, Bracelets, Hat Ornaments, and other jewelry here—very stylish, very pretty and very low priced f - f are P y Necklaces $1.50 to $10.00 ■ -Ä • i V H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers and Optometrists »■ The Hallmark Store • : : 6 W. Main St. L. : î T t 1 + H I MiH I I I M i I I I I II 1 1 I I 1 1 4H 11 I I M» | M M HI I UH r • KM ? >' f. G rass Se ed Facts -, * < m \ i V It's purity and germination that count in grass seed. Don't buy weeds; don't buy dead seed; the best seed you can buy is always the cheapest. We carry complete stocks of the best known brands in America— 1 7 , NORTHRUP KING AND CO'S FAMOUS SEEDS B fi Z k * Quality the highest; Prices more than reasonable. We have the goods on hand and can make immediate deliveries. —Northwestern grown Alfalfa —Alsike Clover —Medium Red Clover —Sweet Clover —Timothy —Brome Grass . 1 —Blue Crass —Sudan Grass —Field Peas —Rape —Carden and —Flower Seeds • —of all kinds. -Yours for Business ►•j ✓ \ I Flint-Fields Hardware Co. it Mu Eoaemaii, Montana THE HOME OF HAKD-MADE HARNESS & GOOD HARDWARE ; ♦ * . r *. *31 4 ^ M: ■ m m , ■ M .■ Work is progressing nicely on the bridge fill, in spite of the Stornos which continue to be with us. Only a few ranchers are able to do any plowing or work in the fields The trustees of school district No.. 4 met and organized on Saturday, April 8 . They elected J. D. Aber crombie president, and H. H. Cheney clerk for the coming year. Carl Justad snow has moved from Bridger Canyon to the home of E; R. Kay for the summer. Kenneth Cline visited Charlie Coel let, of Bozeman Hot Springs, on Sun day ( i Mr. and Mrs. Will Knadler were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Knodler. G. W. Ellington and wife, B. C. Sloan and wife and Mary Louise Green were Sunday guests of H. H. Cheney and wife. ■t . * 160-ACRE RANCH FOR SALE Will trade for city property, balance on easy terms. Mrs. N. P. Evans. Phone 922-W. r I if ; v