OCR Interpretation

The Bozeman courier. (Bozeman, Mont.) 1919-1954, May 31, 1922, Image 6

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075113/1922-05-31/ed-1/seq-6/

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Mr. -Putnam, of Helena, was a
guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. G.
K. Dross.
W. A. Adams went to Helena to
spend the week-end with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Hazelhurst went to
Billings Friday to attend the Shrine
conclave. Mr.
on No. 41, but his wife remained for a
few days' visit with friends*
Hazelhurst returned
P. J. Morse went to Bozeman Sun
day to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Mrs. L. £. Brittain and two chil
dren, who have been guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Powers for the past
month, left Saturday evening for
their home in Butte.
Mrs. John Powers, accompanied by
Mrs. Joe Bair and children, left Sun
day evening for a few days' visit at
the Olsen ranch near Clarkston.
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonnell, of
the Madison valley, were Sunday vis
itors in town.
County Commissioner George Dar
linton and mother, of the Madison j
valley, were in town Sunday and took \
the train for Bozeman to attend Mrs.
Tice's funeral.
Miss Margaret Hutchinson and
brother Asa were in town Sunday j
morning from the Madison valley, on
their way to Bozeman.
Mrs. Ed. Tinsley returned Friday
from a visit to Livingston to visit
her sistgr. She also visited at Wil-1
sail during her absence. !
Ä . a . _ .
Mia* Margearet Davis returned Sat-j
urday from a business trip to Wilsall ;
and Bozeman, and has resumed her]
former position as companion to Mrs.
Helen G. Shannon.
Al. Williams and family were Man
hattan visitors the first of the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Dell McLees and.
daughter June spent Sunday after-,
noon in Manhattan. !
Homer Dunbar, of Three Forks, is j
spending a few days with Mr. and j
Mrs. D. A. Swarmer.
Friends of Mrs. Frank Norman are
glad to hear of her convalescence at
the Deaconess Hospital in Bozeman.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell enter
tained at a delightful dinner at their
home west of town, Friday evening.
A social evening followed the dinner.
,, , _ __ _ , 0 .
Mr, and Mrs, C. H. Dross left Sat
urday for Livingston, where they will
visit for a few days with Mrs. Dross
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Merrill.
From there they will go to Forsythe
to visit Mr. Dross' mother.
Mrs. Annie Shervin and son John
returned Friday to their home in
Mar.hattan, after a week's pleasant
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Dell
McLees, and family.
Harry Sessor attended the dance in
Manhattan Friday night.
Joe McQudiant was a visitor in
Bozeman Sunday.
Miss Charlotte Smith, of Trident,
arrived Monday morning for a two
weeks' visit with her grandmother,
Mrs. Lotta Olsen and her aunt, Miss
OUie Sesser.
J. Johnson, of Helena, has been
spending a few days here, the past
week, visiting with lus brother, Aug
ust Johnson, and family, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Stev,e McDonnell and
daughter Madeline were Èozeman vis
itors Sunday with relätiveä, arid to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Tice.
The gasoline tank for the Mutual
Oil Company arrived ovdr the N. P.
Sunday, and Monday morning was
unloaded and will be installed at once.
Dell McLees, of the Yellowstone
Garage, has been appointed agent at
Logan, and will soon be in a position
to supply customers with gasoline,
kerosene, lubricating oils and greases.
Attorney E. J. Peterson, of Three
Forks was a professional visitor in
town the first of the week.
Henry McDonnell was in town
Wednesday from his home in the
Madison valley, and went on to Boze
man, where he spent Thursday on
Frank Krem er was a Madison val
ley rancher in town Saturday.
DcFoe Merrimaa and daughter,
Mrs. W. B. Hale, came over from Mis
soula Saturday to attend the funeral
of his sister, Emma V- Tice, at
Bozeman, Sunday. Mr. Merriman re
turned home Monday morning, but
Mrs. Hale will visit relatives here for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McDaniels en
tertained at their home in the Horse
shoe hills last Sunday. Those present
were Mrs. C. M. Wright and son Mel
vin, of Three Porks; Dr. and Mrs*
W. W. Pierce and daughter Victoria,
and Mrs. Roy Spangler and son
Mrs, El dora Olsen and brother-in
law. Sam Johnson, made a trip to
Clarkston Thursday mornhif to visit
Mr. Olsen.
Mrs. Helen 0. Shannon haa been
critically {11 for the peat week.
3 » « « a » nnnannnnu
The Springhill Aid met with Mrs.
Emma Morgan Thursday afternoon,
with a large attendance. The after
noon was spent hemming new dish
towels for the Aid, and at the close
the hostess served an especially de
licious lunch. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. J. A. Foranall, June 8 .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crouse and
family, from south of Belgrade, and
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Carlson and fam
o Y .TT TV "
.ly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Tester Crouse.
The Springhill school closed Friday
afternoon with a picnic dinner at the
school house, it being too stormy to
go to the mountains. The teacher,
Miss Razetta Bailey, left Saturday
for her home at Conrad, and later will
go to Missoula
school, and intends to enroll in the
University next year.
to attend summer
Irene Walton was fortunate enough
to receive the perfect attendance cer
tificate this year, being the only one
in the school who was neither tardy
nor absent during the entire term,
Nel Hamilton purchased a new
Gardner auto the past week,
Alfred Gale, of East Gallatin, spent
a few days in Butte last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Decker and son
and Abner Decker
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nel Hamilton.
Mrs. Frank Davis was a business
... _ .. A . . ,
v,s ' tOT "" Batte . T* ' .a
I*? f ente f ,, '! ed , the
™™bcrs ° f Sunday school class,
the Juniors, at dinner Sunday.
^ ^ ^ E L Heidel ^
were Sunday
children were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Angell.
The newly-weds. Mr. and Mrs. Wes
ley Rampey, were treated to an old
fashioned charivari Tuesday evening
by their many friends.
The East Gallatin Sunday school
w ill give a Children's Day program
June 11. There will be a picnic din
ner also, and everyone is cordially
George Axtell and daughter Eva
were Sunday callers at the OorWy
The Reese Creek school closed Pri
dil 5' J w ' th » P' c "' c 11 th * ^ ^
wood grove The teacher. M. aS Opal
Clack, left the first of this week for
er home m Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sexton and
dau( . htcr GraC( . at th< . Arthor
; Sandquist horae Wednesday,
Mrs. Belle McGuire and son Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cas
sidy and daughter Ariis, of Brew,
Mont., arrived Friday for a brief visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy and Mr- Parker
started back Monday, but Mrs. Par
ker and sons remained for a longer
visit with her parents, Mir. and Mrs.
Andrew Benhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker had a
family reunion Sunday, the following
being present: Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Parker and sons. of Brew. Mont.;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker and son
Frank, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs- Reese
Eapar and daughter Genevieve, of
Bozeman; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Da
vis and daughter Phyllis, JMr. and
Mrs. Ward McVay and daughters, and
Mr. and Mfs. Arthur Sandquist and
sons. . '.I, . ' -, ..K .(
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nelson, and
Mrs. Nora Ford visited Mrs. Iford's
son, Cecil, at the P W. Parker ranch
tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt »
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HMr. and Mrs. George Hankinson
and Elmer Hankinson left for their
homes in Tgrkio last Wednesday.
Walter Mack and Miss Hazel Wit
tsett were quietly married at Mis
soula last Thursday. They returned
home last Saturday night.
The Ladies club, the Commercial
club and the Farm Bureau gave a
supper in the church basement last
Saturday night the proceeds to go
toward building a camping place for
Charlie Cook is still quite sick and
he will leave for Bozeman Monday
to take treatment at the hospital.
Miss Edras Smith is filling the
place as clegjk in the Parks store in
place of Miss Mary Hozle who was
married to Edward Lockhart two
weeks ago.
Miss Ralph W. Wilson and little
daughter of Ogen City is spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. it. Hankinson.
Mr. and Mrs. George CoUins
Portland, Oregon arrived here last
Wednesday for the purpose of dis
posing of their property and house
hold goods- They moved to Oregon
about two yeare ago.
M». R. V. Wright of Whitehall
mad Itttle daught— ace vialthag
for a short time with relatives
Mrs. Bessie Thorndike and little
daughter left for Milbank, South Da
kota to spend the summer with her
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family
moved to their new home about two
miles below Three Forks, known
the old Dunn ranch,
Archie Price has purchased the
Collins home and expects to take
charge June first,
Mrs Fred Cleveland left for Butte
Monday to take treatment at the
Murray hospital.
_ /'T* , riov . eland returned from
, 1 e s ... ' ay where ri» M
t £ on 3 U l tmg docfcors " regarding
her physical condition.
Mr william ßuttleman drove a
fine lot of cattle to his Norweigen
Lee Howls expects to leave for
Big Timber in about a week to take
up electrical work. At the present
time he is working on the county
' tt
A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Fritz, May 17 at Livingston.
Miss Dina Verwolf took the state
seventh grade examinations in Boze
man last week.
Miss Lucille Pierce spent last Sun-|
day and Monday at her home here.
Mrs. Brittan, teacher of the school,
called to Bozeman last Monday
summer vacation.
Mrs. Nellie Malmborg and Nels
Jensen spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Paxton.
Mrs. A. C. Akey spent the week end
at the Scott home in Bozeman.
Mr. and Mrs, Len Verwolf are the
parents of a baby girl, bom at their
home here May 24.
Mrs. Mary Watson spent a couple
days with .relatives in Bozeman last
wee l c
Mrs. T. Pierce visited friends in
Bozeman during the week.
Among the business callers in
Bozeman last week were, J. Hoffman,
Wm. Pierce, Sr., J. L. Wells, A. Buet
tner, G. Stublar, Chas Pierce, N.
Jensen, E. Werner, Bill Sorensen,
W. Paxton, Bill Watson and Bill
Mrs. W. Paxton spent a few days
on account of the serious illness of
her small son, who is suffering with
pneumonia. She decided not to re
turn for the remainder of the term,
and the school was closed for the
in Bozeman during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buettner and
children of Livingston are spending
time at the Paxton home here.
Mrs. E. Werner and daughter, Mrs.
Albert Buettner and Miss Cora Hof
fman were dinner guests at the Wells
home Sunday.
Miss Helen Shoo!: le"t Monday
for Groat Falls, Montana,
where she expects to spend a few
weeks visiting.
Julia Foreman was a week-end
guest of Olive Krause at her home
in Bozeman.
Mr.« and Mrs. Fred Ham are the
parents of a baby girl born at their
ranch home Tuesday, May 23.
Miss Nellie Brown who has been
attending school at Emigrant, Mon
tana has returned to her home in the
canyon and will spend the summer
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo
rge Brown. t.
Mrs. J. Y. Woosley of Sedan spent
j several days last week in Wilsall
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Manry of Bozeman is visit
ing in the canyon with Mr, and Mrs.
W. S. Christie and Mr. and Mrs. C.
P. Manry.
Due to the heavy rain Friday the
Farmers Union postponed their re
trular meeting for a week and it will
he held this coming Friday, June 2.
It is hoped every one will attend as
a very interesting meeting has been
Dorothy Martell of Bozeman was
a week end guest of Evelyn Fore
man at the Bridger ranger station.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeman of Boze
man are now visiting in the canyon
at the ranch home of Mrs. Nellie
Craig and sons, Eomer and Floyd.
Lon Shook made a business trip to
Hardin, Montana last week and while
there purchased a car load of cattle,
which he shipped to Bozeman and
now has them on pasture at his ranch
in the canyon.
Mrs. Tony Tester is spending this
week at the Fred Ham ranch.
Supt. W. T. Thompson of the fish
hatchery left last week with a con
signment of /fish to be distributed in
ihe streams along the bondary line
of Canada. Mr. 'Thompson will return
by way of Glacier Park where he eat
pacts to spend a few days expecting
to return home sometime this week.
Mrs. Fuqua of Lewistown, Idaho
] has arrived in Bowanaa where she
j by her son Cfeario# and
! at one® drove to the fish hatchery
for her
Mrs. J. E. Atkins and two daugh
ters went to Bozeman Saturday and
remained over night to visit her sis
ter-in-law Mrs. O. N. Atkins.
A. J. Hetzed made a business trip
to Bozeman Saturday.
J. B. Roan and family went to
Bozeman Monday from their ranch
up West Gallatin and will spend a
few days visiting with relatives and
Mrs. R. VanAusdale and baby left
the Deaconess hospital for her home
on Cotton Wood creek Saturday.
Mr. B. F. Walker sold some fat
hogs and received a good price for
Pete Karst spent a few hours in
Bozeman Tuesday from his ranch up
West Gallatin.
George Kratcercher was among the
business visitors to Bozeman Wed
Mr. C. E. Axtell was a Bozeman
visitor Thursday and remained over
The Kramer brothers have their new
bam well under way and are ready
for the rafters.
Mr. Frank Van Ausdal was busy
we€ ^ shearing sheep for Mr.
\ There is to be a dance in Salesville
Saturday night June 3rd
The Ladies will meet at the home
of Mrs. B. F. Walker June 15th.
Mr. George Strong and family
made a business trip to Bozeman
The seeding is getting along nicely
the la st f ew days and farmers will
soon have their crops all in.
The warm days have made the
rivers and creeks high and muddy,
A G, Berthot and Fred Brown of
Bozeman made a trip to Lava Lake
and back Thursday. They went by
auto to th e Red Bridge up West Gal
latin canyon and walked to the lake,
The storm the last of the week
will delay the farmers who are not
through seeding.
The Ladies of the Unity Aid met
at the I. 0. O, P. hall Thursday
afternoon, several members being
present. They scrubbed the floor in
the hall and also cleaned up the
church. Light refreshments were
served at five o'clock.
Carl Rosenburg went to Bozeman
Saturday to see his wife and babies
who are visiting her sister Ethel
Everybody is hunting for mush
rooms along the West Gallatin.
It Takes Tim to Repair a Complete Wreck!
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Mr. and Mrs. Lindell and daughter
Mildred, motored to Bozeman Sun
day afternoon to see his brother who
is at the Deaconess hospital.
It is a noteworthy fact that the
same powerful group of metropolitan
newspapers which supported the un
expurgated covenant of the League
of Nations, which has been advocat
ing the cancellation of Europe's debt
to the United States and which in ev
ery matter growing out of the war
has taken sides against the United
States, is now violently opposing the
enactment of a protective tariff law.
Naturally . American newspapers
which, whether because they are sub
sidized or because they are just nat
1 urally perverse, always discuss Amer
ican problems from the viewpoint of
alien interest, are against any tariff
measure which would benefit the
American people. Knowing as they
do that the existing tariff law is
suiting in the sacrifice of American
for the benefit of foreign industrial
interests, they resent the proposal
that American tariff legislation
should be framed for the benefit of
the American people and with a view
to the promotion of prosperity
home rather than to the enrichment
of alien producers and importers.
The significance of this close
lationship between habitual alien par
tisanship and opposition to the policy
of protection will not be lost sight
of by the American people. Ameri
cans have grown weary of foreign
Slippers and Shoes for all at very
reasonable prices



We do shoe repairing. Best shoe
repairing shop in the country.

Lang's Exclusive Shoe Store
are no longer in
propaganda, and
dined to listen to the preachments of
publications which have as their mot
to; "America last."—National Re
It seems that if Gompers has all
the evidence he has outlined as to a
Red threat in America, the best thing
for him to do would be to turn jt
over to the department of justice.**'
Or, better still, let him make it pub
lic, giving line, chapter and verse, If
the Red ulcer is starting again to
grow, let him try the above scalpels
and antiseptics.—Philadelphia Ledger.
Healing Cream
Stops Catarrh
Cloggod Air Passage« Open at
Once—Nose and Threat Clear.
II your nostrils are clogged and your
head stuffed because of catarrh or a
cold,get Ely's Cream Bahn at any drug
store. Apply a little of this pure, anti
septic, germ destroying cream into your
nostrils and let it penetrate through
every .air passage of your head and
membranes. Instant relief.
How good it feels. Your head is
dear. Your nostrils are open. You
breathe freely. No more hawking
snuffling. Head colds and catarrh
yield Mcc magic. Don't stay stuffed
up. choked op and miserable. Reiki
is sure.

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