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NEWS FROM GALLATIN COUNTY * Only $ 76.00 Round trip Bozeman to was compelled to Chicago srp * SEE J. J. Collins Agent * •• ** SKtîKUUUnnKUîîîîn« u ns nsnnnnnnnnnni s s WILLOW CREEK. S R. O. Briggs leave his store last Tuesday, being quite ill. Mrs. Eugene Thorndyke and her sprained his ankle, causing consider able nain. Ann are ex- j Iiliibank, S. D., j little daughter Betty pected home from next week. a spiritualist meet There will be ing at the hotel parlor next Sun day night. John Roberts, since having the flu, has not been able to go back to work on tho section, on account of not hav ing fully recovered. M?rs. Henry Sappington, of Sap pin gton, has been visiting the past week with Miss Melisse Green. Mrs. A. J. Woodward last Wed nesday received by mail a box of pe onies shipped from Salt Lake City, a gift of Miss Roseene, who taught here last season R. O. Briggs left for Butte last Saturday to consult with a doctor. Mrs, C. D. Norman, while walking on the strdq^ Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Hans Peterson is quite sick at her home. She is getting quite fee ble. wÊÊÊmSÊimi charhe Gook .s ah e to be out i again, but he is compelled to carry ; his arm in a sling. | Mrs. J. Hankinson Ihst Tuesday entertained Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Price, Mrs- Sappington and Mrs. A. J. Woodward at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ryan and son, of Jackson, Mont., who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan, returned to their home last Thursday. Mr. A. J. Dahl and little daughter Audrey May left for Minneapolis l; .st Mommy to visit with his mother, William Flaherty received word ; Mondav that his brother, who is very sick at the Murray Hospital, Butte, is in a critical condition. Miss Nina Woodward (and MiisS Rosie Roberts expect td leave for Portland, Ore., July 5. Miss Rob erts will b e the guest of Mr. ar.d Mrs. E C. Sinnette, and Miss Wood ward will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Abbie Turner, They expert to remain there for two months. The road crew arrived in Willow Creek last Tuesday, and work will begin as soon as their company is established. James Murray left for Mülbank, S. D-, last Thursday. He expects to gone a couple of months. Mrs. Owen Smith and little son siient the Fourth of July in Bozeman P.. , t ,, , „ »v with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob, ^ ... , 1 Th e storm that swept over Wu , i , i. mi _ «j i low Creek last Thursday did but lit-. ^ f ^ ama J e , t0 ^ Garden, S Mrs.^Glasspool 'will leave some time next week for Bozeman, where she will submit to an operation for appendicitis. Miss Thelma Powell, nurse at the Murray Hospital, Butte, came over Sanday to spend the Fourth with her, prandàprents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vhcrts. Henry Howls brought in the first areen peas from his garden, June ; Mrs. William Cook the first new r.otatoes, June 28; Mrs. Sarah Han kinson the first gooseberries, Jtme .1 ~ z > 27. — SOME SPECIALS IN OXFORDS FOR THE LADIES IRRIGATING AND FISHING BOOTS IN BALL BRAND AND U. S. FIRST GRADE BUY YOUR FOOTWEAR AT LANG'S FOR THE BEST WEAR Lang's ExclusiveJShoe Store 120 East Main Street v. ; A* ■Lm, Word was received here last week Hankinson and family that Frank had left Sand Point and were on their way to Spokane. Hankinson, Parker and Houston expected to get work at Sand Point, but were disap pointed, and proceeded on. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs William Flahegty Thursday. The 1 meetings have been postponed until , the first Thursday in September. Mr. Baitlctt, representing the Chi cago Photo Studio, was in our city : 'Wednesday and took quite a num i her of orders. Mr. lÿartlett \i^ a broncho buster and will exhibit some I of hi sfine riding at Manhattan on i the Fourth. mise was a great shock to the com -1 mumty m which he lived j T Price an d baby will leave for ! Limespur next week, where she will j Rev. and Mrs Glasspool have been ; quite sick with the flu. They were (/somewhat improved Saturday Woodside and Mrs. ! Allan and little daughter came down from Cardwell to attend the evangel ist meetings. Rev. Lyness went to Clancy last Sunday and preached the funera> sermon for the late Mr. E. T. Marks. Mr. Marks was a prominent stock man of Clancy, and his sudden de Mrs. Hugh j join her husband, who is employed Miss Monroe stopped off at W il low Creek last Friday on her waj to Bozeman, where her parents re reside. Miss Monroe is a nurse at the Murray Hospital, Butte. Miss Thelma Powell accompanied her as far as Willow Creek. Pat Conners returned home last Saturday-, after spending a couple ; n the lime quarry. The evangelists who are conduct ing meetings here in the gospel tent have decided to remain with us two weeks longer, Mrs. William Hankinson has been quite sick for a couple of days, and it | s thought her sickness was caused from the heat. She was better Sat urday. Tommy Kelly has been in very poor health for some time. He has not been able to do any work for many months i of weeks with the Sullivan brothers, 0 f Townsend, relatives of Mr. Con !-; „ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a a a a , jj n\ ~ ~ AI F<ÎVTI î F n * -Mr. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larson June 22 a boy. Charles L. Anceny and family.were, in Bozeman last Saturday from the Flying D ranch on Spanish creek where they are spending the sum mer. ^ j Mr. Henry Sterling returned from Kalispell last Saturday where he r.t tended the annual state encampment ners. of the Grand Army of the Republic for the past week Writer s Jev spent last Saturday in Bozeman on business. Mrs. J. C. Hall and daughter Bess ^t'sZZy lor a few hours Mrs Leslie Gage of Bozeman is spending a few days at the Miss Kate Calvin camp up the West Gallatin this week Mr. and Mrs. Dick Huddleson are visit from her parents. enjoying a Mr. and Mrs. Nate Morris of Missouri The road camp has moved further up the river to work the road west having been finished also of the bridge which is a good one. Mrs. Lena Griffin and daughter NelHe droye to Bozeman Wednesday an j had some dental work done. — . R «hon Those who were in Bozeman snop ^ transacting business Satur . ^ wpre; Mrs Fred Enders, Ella Griffi^ Mr. and Mr Vf^^or^P^or Mrs. William Ross Ms. g Mrs. Earl Badg.ey, Mi. - * ' C - Holland and daughter Bess, Henri. Sterling. , Mrs. William Ross bas been on t sick list. Miss Virginia Walker help ! ing her with the house work. ! Kremer Bros has their barn nearly | finished and are preparing to move the house and buildings on an aa dition. , „ . . The Salesville baseball boys went the the Ray school house Sunday to play a game. Mrs. Nettie Ellenburg was a guest of Miss Sylvia Smith in Bozeman for a week while the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Smith Was to the G. A. R. Encampment in Kalispell. She returned to her home Tuesday, corn ing out by auto with Miss Ketterer. Born at the Johnston maternity home in Bozeman to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Surface a boy June 29th. The eighth grade graduates re co* ' vtifr tes near here were: Agi os Bell, Daniel Cloninger, Noland McCoVre". Harold Larson, Caroline Foagin ?r>: ve Clayton, Russel Clark, Jhnmio .. ..ckland Fern Stuckey Fay Stuckey and the seventh graders who passed in hygiene and geography ai'ound here are: Ella Griffin, Vir ginia Walker, Emma Davis Mildred Lindall, Johnie McPherson Effie Lay and Francis Lay. Miss Bess Holland spent Thursday in Bozeman on business and shopping for a few hours. John Ambros Thomas of Salesville who has been ill for sometime and for the past month has been at the Dea coness hospital in Bozeman for spec ial care died at the hospital Friday morning at eight o'clock. He was born . R Fulton county ni j u i y 7 , 1858 and had lived near Salesville 33 years. Tbe funeral was held Saturday after nooR . at three 0 > clock at the Sales . ville cemetery. Mr. Thomas is sur vived by one brother M. L. Thomas of Salesville, and by two sisters Mrs. T. H. Tomlinson of College Place Washington and Mrs. D. W. Mary ott of Idaho. The big barn on the B. F. Walker ranch caught fire at noon Friday and was burned to the ground. All con tents was burned except some har 1 ness and a saddle. Ko insurance was i carried. The Salesville fire depart ( ment and a force of men responded i quickly and had hard work to save ; other buildings. The house across tbe road caU gr k t fire but was quickly ^ ()ut j{o W fj re s t ar t ed j s u n . known tinSKBttnnnUSnsni'; g. ~ tt LOGAN NEWS ITEMS. . j j ! a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Jesse Parrish, of the Hanson Pack in« Company, of Butte, is spending a . - , 1 ,** . fe« day s here on j Mr. and Mrs. Einest Hazelnurst left a few aays apr ° for a month ' s va ' cation with relatives in Minnesota Nonna, Gerald and Helen Wake ; spent Sunday in Willow Creek- I and Mrs. P. Raymond mo -1 teftred to Bozeman Saturday for a j few hours' shopping. | Mrs. May Wilson and son Allred' were in town from the Madison val -1 ley Saturday. _ I. J. Young and Ed. Keyset - , of Three Forks were business callers m town Saturday. Billy Davis was^here from Manhat tan on business Saturday. — • i Mrs. William Jenney spent Satur day in Bozeman, attending to busi ness matters. Jim Corbett was in town Satur ^eveningfrom his nome m the Mr! and Mrs! E. M. J. Weaver spent a few hours in Manhattan g-.urday. Miss Nan Malin and brother Jo seph were here Sunday irom their home on, tue Gallatin river, west of town. ' . Preston Gallaher, who is working the Madison road, left for his, home in Belgrade Sunday morning and remained until after the Fourth. William Cudney and his mother on motored to Bozeman Saturday to shop and visit relatives. Mrs. John Graham is on the sick list this week. Roy Romans was a caller in town Sunday morning from the Lower Madison valley E. Ryan left for his home in Boul der Sunday, after a pleasant visit here with his daughter, Mrs. William Carpenter and family at their home west of town. Hugo Norman was in town Sunday from the Horseshoe hills. Mr. and M-i. Karl and Sharman arrived by ante Friday night from ' heir home in Boise, Idaho, and were guests over night at the Binss home, leaving eavlv Saturday morning for Salt Lake City. Mrs- H. F. Lynn and son Herbert and Mrs. C. R. Grogan, of Belgrade, were guests Wednesday of Mrs. D. Swarmer, attended the funeral of Feien G. Sharman. Mfa. Elmo Rice and Miss Eliza beth Richards were in town Wednes day from the Madison valley. Mrs. Bert Ridgeway, of Townsend, spent Tuesday and Wednesday viait ng at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Carpenter. Jack Aldrich came over from Ra dersburg Wednesday to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Sharman, and returned to his home Thursday evening. He also visited his sister, Mrs. Olive Van Epps Mrs. Robert Belton came over from Helena Tlmrsday to look after inter ests here, returning Friday evening. Work on the new school building has been delayed for a time on ac count of shortage of brick, but they ar© hoping to resume before long. Horace Nichols Mrs. Susan Nichols, moved yesterday into one of the Be vier houses Mad ison avenue. and his mother, 'mm Tcm MacGowan, who was on his way to Missoula from Chicago, where he attended the intercollegiate track meet, and won second place in the discus throw, was a guest at the Be vier home Tuesday night. He left for Missoula Wednesday evening. Miss Anna Conley, who recently returned from a trip t 0 Portland, left Friday for points in Pennsylvania, where she will spend part of the sum mer. Charles Callaghan, of Bozeman, was one of the old pioneers who at teended the funeral <of Mrs. Helen G. Mi*, .and Mrs. J. Strachan and aon Harry spent a few hours in Boze man Thursday, visiting friends and relatives and shopping. Mr. (and Mrs. John Powers and Mrs, Eldora Olsen shopped in Three Fovks Friday . Sharman Wednesday. Miss Florence Sherwin, of Manhat- • tan, spent Wednesday and Thursday! as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dell McLess and family, at their home in Logan. Mr. and Mrs- Will Allen and moth er, Mrs. Kate James, were in town Wednesday from the Madison valley. Miss Lucille Quaw, county superin tendent of schools, was a business visitor in town Friday. Mrs. Frank Games and Miss Mar w garet Davis were business callers in Manhattan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs- Del! McLees and daughter June spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives on the Madison. Mrs. Sam Johnson has gone to Townsend to stay until after the. Fourth. Frank Boomer, a former resident of Logan, arrived a few days ago from points in the west, and expects to spend a few weeks with us. Dell McLees was a passenger to Bozeman Monday morning. is:tnnnnttunnnt:»nn XJ a SPRINGHILL. a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . Ge 0 [ si f™, C \ ms \ o{ Di "° n cam< ; °* er . '^' Monday to spend several weeks with her uncle and aunt,. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crouse, and other ' . man with his wife and baby daugh ten He was accompanied by his sister Myrtle, and broters, Eugene ard Irvin who are helping him with Elbert Axtoll received notice last W eek that he had been called on the Federal jury. He will report for ■ duty in Helena July 6 . Mr . and Mrs . Earl Metier and sons , Claude Metier came un from ^ homes near Duboi Idaho Sat , , j. j_. Albert Ford spent Sunday in Boze the ranch work this summer. _ to urdaj for a few days visit. They by way of Yellowstone and the Gal,at '" canyon and «port the roads very good nearly all the way s „ nday Scbool came up to Mil. Canyon after the school session and enjoyed a picnic dinner. Haying is in full progress in this community, being about earlier than last year, yielding very well and is n* p'y , '' ,1 ont quality. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Courtney and from near Belgrade and Mrs ten days .Alfalfa is sons Rebecca Blades of Walla Walla. Washington spent Sunday afternoon at the Goorge Metier home. Mrs. Blades is an aunt of Mrs. Courtney and Mr. Metier and is spending sev-| eral weeks in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warwood. and Miss Alice Corbly motored to Chico Monday afternoon to remain over the Fourth. Miss Georgia Axtell went to Butte the first of last week for a two weeks visit with her cousin, Miss Lois Tyke Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Evans of Leven - worth, Kansas, who visited Mr. Evan s sister Mrs. Albert. Seifert last year, liked the Gallatin so well that they returned this summer for have another visit. G. A. W. Carlson a former resi dent of Springhill, but now of Pom ona, California, arrived in Belgrade Friday. Mrs. Jennie Cottier of Great Falls Sunday to visit her bisters Mrs. George Axtell and Mrs. Emma Shep came pard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodrich of Bozeman spent the week end at the Albert Seifert home and picnicked with the Seiferts in Mill canyon Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen and son Wesley of Anaconda came over Sat urday by auto to- visit Mrs. Allen's brothers Wesley Davis of the Decker neighborhood, and Wilbur Davis of Shields river. Mrs. Emery Finley of Bozeman spent several days last week with her sister Mrs. Joe Gowin. Miss Jennie McCullough of Belr grade visited Sunday with Mrs. Mary Gowin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilmer of Belgrade and Mr. and Mrs. W®sle;r Rampe y of East Gallatin were Suiv day evening guests at the George Stimaon home. w .... M'iSr . For That Picnic Auto or Fishing Trip LET US SUGGEST ■ Bluhill Cheese Sliced Boiled Ham Breakfast Bacon Summer Sausage Sweet, Dill or Sour Pikles. Olives stuffed with pim entos. Black-seeded Georgia Watermelons. Canteloupes Bananas Cherries Berries » The world's famous coffee—Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand—55c, $1.10, $1.60, $2.60—the finest that money can buy. 0 - 0 - 0 * mos. H. REA (& CO. 24-Phone-24 — j Hd I i I I l- H 1 II I I II ■411111111 H M I 1 I H I H IM I I M I ! I V* Iced Tea Glasses ! New shapes and decorations in tall glasses for serving ! I i iced tea and lemonade are on display—equipment you have ! ! ! daily use for throughout the summer. ! £ A SPECIAL VALUE 6 Glasses for ,$6.00 Attractive patterns in long handle spoon, $6.75 to $17.50 • » H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers and Optometrists ; ; 6 W. Main St. The Hallmark Store fmumiiHm umimii 1 11111 » n 1111 1 11 m 11 v Its Value Is Incalculable T HE value of Telephone Tr vice can not be expressed in terms of cost to the user. Its measure runs outside and beyond dollars and cents. The hurried call for the doctor, the nurse, for aid of any nature, may cost a few cents, but the value of the call may be incalculable. It is difficult to think of any of the neces sities of present-day life that costs so lif î| in proportion to its actual value as dêei Telephone Service. In every department of life—business, domestic or social—Telephone Service has become an indispensable factor. Telephone Service can be as effective * • I and as adequate as the public demands only when the public and the Telephone Company are in harmony and united in cooperative effort. With adequate moral and financial sup port,' tiie Telephone Company, through efficient and economical management, hi enabled to fender service satisfactory to Mountain States Telephon« and Telegraph Co. m m k & -v