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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
THE BOZEMAN COURIER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1922. PAGE THREE : ■ I 1 ■■ i n 1 « NSlpo' f » j n» MRS. S. F. ELLIOTT AND SON HAVE DECIDED TO QUIT FARMING AND MOVE TO CALIFORNIA. THEY WILL DISPOSE OF THEIR LIVESTOCK AND FARM EQUIPMENT AT AUCTION, ON THEIR RANCH SEVEN MILES SOUTHWEST OF BOZEMAN / "* s j { » i 1**4 3 f 4 c t Big Free Lunch Served at Noon Sale to Start Promptly at 10 A. M. wasmm » iSOBSSa ssz&s&œ 70 Head Cattle 70 • • 30 Head Registered Shorthorns '."'4 j •i ^ r j. : • y is* £1 I- n A* V 4 ^ ■ •• v" *■ II 4 l. I IÎ ' ii r ' t \ » jt-V. • ■ • jar ' v jf, - -, - Avondale - Villager - Maxwalton - Monarch and Cumberland Chief Breeding i ii [4* A ■ fi *> ! ? 5 ÎI i O ■X' Mr li M • Î •r -A>.är4 « - * tB ii Hi r - 40 Head High Grade Holsteins 40 f f M I 3 . * ! 1 A# M ■ L ■ » . » r. V M ii«*'# V V ÂV .* v^'s. «■-. i?<fi dL t • «df*!: -* v * ■fr LOT 6— LOT 1 LOT 11— Banner Bearer, 342587 Supreme Duke, 389886 White Wildeyes,' 223250 Golden Treasure, 757790 White Ruby J., 614832 July 2, 1917 Dec 31, 1922 LOT 7— Helpful, 166977. January 23, 1913 Pasture bred calf at foot Lady Treasure, 1088401. April 23, 1921 Pasture bred LOT 12— t ii Miss Helen, 64406 H. Summers Lady Cumberland, 733311 . 3 LOT 2 Blythesome Dale, 377355 Lady Davis, 2nd, 200523 Cumberland Chief, 301999 Viola, 86884 Golden Treasuie, 757790 Lady Davis, 4th, 763738. April 5, 1918 Oct. 10, 1922 LOT 8— « Viola Snowball 214724 Calved Dec. 6, 1913 Fresh in January LOT 3— Golden Helpful, 1088400. April 3, 1921 Jan. 2, 1923 LOT 13— Helpful, 166977 Violet's Cumberland, 509337 Gallatin Maid, 589357 Royal Star, 481462 Griff Lake Cherry, 206182 Golden Treasure, 757790 Cumberland's Maid, 733310.. March 15, 1918 Calf at side LOT 9— Griff Lake Cherry 2d, 654409 March 4, 1917 Oct. 17, 1922 LOT 4— Golden Girl, 1088399 April 21, 1921 Pasture bred lot 14— Montana, 631857 , Blythesome Dale, 377355 Red Violet, 2nd, 200528 Blythesome Dale, 377355 Victor's Violet, 96577 Golden Treasure, 757790 Red Violet, 3rd, 763739. Jan. 29, 1918 Calf at side, pasture-bred LOT 10— Montana, 631857. Sept. 6, 1917 Calf at side. Fresh in Apr. Miss Treasure, 1088402 June 22, 1921 Pasture bred LOT 15 Miss Monarch, 679601 I.OT 5— Violet's Cumberland; 509337 Gallatin Strawberry, 562986 Springdale Monarch, 441482 By Maxwalton Monarch Violet's Cumberland, 509337 Lady Cumberland 733311 .... Jan. 19, 1918 Pasture-bred salf at side Miss Monarch, 697601 Sept. 11, 1917 Calf at Side Cumberland Belle, 1014903.. March 31, 1920 Pasture-bred calf at side Miss Monarch, 679601 Helpful. 166977 LOT 16 LOT 17 Bull Bull Cumb'land Chief, 2d, 426737 Lady Davis 4th, 763738 Silver King, 511282 Cumberland Joe, 1054474 Oct. 13, 1920 \ Golden Treasure, 757790 Sept. 12, 1918 Golden Rose, 143058 « Cattle Two Complete Sets Household Goods Machinery c One Black Team of Mares, weight 3100; age 9 and 10 One Black Team of Mare, weight 2900, age 7 One Bay Team of Mares, weight 3000, age 7 One Brown Gelding, weight 1300, age 3 One Bay Filly, 1 year old One Black Gelding, 1 year old One Roan Gelding, 1 year old Four Spring Colts One Bay Saddle Horse, single-footer, age 7 1.2 Head of A-No. 1 Holstein Milk Cows, six just fresh 15 Head of 2 and coming 2-year old Holstein Heifers. Fresh in January and early spring One Registered Holstein Cow, 9 years old. Freshen December 1 One Registered Holstein Bull 9 months old Eight Head Coming Yearling Holstein Heifers Four Head Coming Yearling Holstein Steers ALL CATTLE ARE TESTED FOR TUBERCULOSIS One Dain Stacker Two Dee ring Bull Rakes One Deering Mower One Keystone Side Delivery Rake One Van Brunt Grain Drill One Disk Harrow One John Deere Gang Plow One two-section Drag Harrow One Hay Tedder One 3 Vi -inch Wagon and Box One Slip Scraper One 3 Vi -inch Half Truck Wagon and Rack One 16-inch Breaking Plow ; - One No. 4 Bob Sled, Rack and Hog Rack One Pea Attachment for Mower Tools in Shop One 20-gallon Iron Kettle One Pea Straw Stack • . . One good Davis & Sons Piano One good Edison Phonograph with Records Two good Ranges, Columbia and Monarch Two good Heaters, Hot Blast and Estate Oak Two Dining Tables and 12 Chairs One Buffet and one Sideboard Solid Oak Davenette One Duo fold Two 9x12, two 6x8 Rugs, all good One Library Table One Writing Desk One Organ One Oak Hall-Tree One Folding Bed Four Iron Beds, Complete Four Dressers Seven Rocking . Chairs One Davis Sewing Machine, good One Stand-table One Kitchen Table 4 > B TERMS-—All sums of $25 or under cash. Over $25 one years time on bankable paper drawing 10% in terest 3% off for cash on time sums. Two Sets of Dishes, nearly new Two Washing Machines One Fire-proof Safe Lots of Cooking Utensils Two Fur Overcoats, one new Fifty feet of Garden Hose Several Dozen Cans of Fruit Sharpless Separator ral Milk Cans Mrs. S. F. Elliott & Son, Owners Securtiy Bank and Trust Company, Clerk Harness Three good sets of Breeching Work Harness One good set of Lead Harness Several Collars One MUk Cart One Stock Saddle One Burton Page Milking Machine One Hundred Seamless Sacks Several Dozen Chickens. White Leghorn? and White Wyandcttes ft One Two good Rifles: . 22 and 25-80 Caliber Several nice, clear Comforters One and a "half acres of good Irish Cobbler Potatoes Great variety of articles too numerous to mention ELMER L. STREVER, Billings and TOM GILKERSON, Bozeman, Auctioneers & sa .