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5= I I i Y NEWS FROM GALLATIN COU « * ♦ * «nan«»»»««»«»» tt « LOGAN NEWS HEMS. « tl tttttttttftttttttttttttttttttt -attendance a ß Mrs. Dell McLees and daughter June «pent Friday in Manhattan visiting relatives Homer Thomuson, of Three Forks, was a business caller in town the last Sherman Stockton arrived Thuts day from San Francisco to visit his mother, Mrs. D. Phoenix, and family. Sherman has been away for the past three yeartj, and says he finds many changes here during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright anJ .... ...alvin, of TV.ree Forks, were bunoay visitors with Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McDan iels. They came over Saturday even mg to attend the basketball game and of the week. dance in the auditorium. Frank Plettle, of Livingston, visit ed his. sister, Mrs- Julius Ehman and family, this past week, and took in be ' " ces both Friday and Saturday nights. Mr- and Mrs. Charles Dross have aone to Living ton to visit relatives for a few weeks. ^ { Mrs. Haçry Eliston is over from Helena, visiting her daughtr, Mrs. George Cobus and family. Miss Norma Wake, ho has been attending high school at Manhattan, returned a week ago, and has enrolled here in the junior class Mrs. J. Johnson has returned from! Clancy, where she visited her mother. Mrs. Olive Van Epps was a Sat urlay shopper in Bozeman. Mrs. Van Epps expectr. to leave soon for a vacation in California Mr. and Mrs. Ned McLees and chil dren were in town Thursday from the: Madison valley and spent the day with relatives and friends. Mr. Graff, of the Town.end cream cry. attended to business matters in town Thursday Harry Mudgett, of Livingston, was •eeting old friends in town one day Bernard Bertrand of Deer Lodge, left Tuesday for Butte, after spencJ ing several days at the Malin ranch on the Gallatin river. Miss Jean Murray, of the high school faculty, was an end of the wee* vifitor with Miss Hope Mouser. Among those attending the basket-1 ball •»?,*" e in Manhattan Friday night the Misses Hilda Benson, An-1 Lynch and DoDrothy Bevier. ~| .. were geliaa Miss Eleanor Childs, of the Man na.ltan high school faculty, was a dinner guest Saturday night at the Bevier home. In spite of the sudden severe snow storm Sunday evening, a large crowd 2 young people motored to Three Kurks to attend the play, "Strong heart," at the Ruby Theater. Mrs. Dave Phoenix fas a Manhat tan caller Friday. County Superintenden Lucile Quaw spent Wednesday and Thursday visit-. ing the school hdre. Mr, and Mrs- August Johnson shopped in Manhattan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell were in from their ranch home Saturday night to attend the dance. Mr. and Mts. Joe Parent, of the Madison valley, were in town Friday night to attend the high school dance, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darllnton were in from their Madison valley home r. and attended both the Friday and Sat urday night dances. ► Mr- and Mrs. H. C. Haeglie andi children, of Manhattan, were Friday | oight callers «& town. Miss Margaret Brown, school clerk ol this district, attended to business matters in Manhattan last week. N. A- Smith and Mr. and Mrs. daughters Norma and Charlotte, of Trident, attended the basketball game and dance here Saturday night. Mrs. Walter Hall and son are the guests of Mrs. Hull's mother at Muir for a few days. - tt ?s a SPRINGHILL tt SK ~ « nunnnnnuxtnunuun Harr Ingram of Dillon is the guest • of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandquist. Miss Lucille Stout of Bozeman i» «t the John Walton home for the gammer. V "Dumbell Ed. Randall □ . D D Ö D B D 1 D D D B D Q D f o O B O ODD i r i r itart i l * >'~J~r7T-n J. > j ■ j». i ' » ft _ ^ y* * Z«« at ôongretli - X It« Dum • htU ioaç« yew ge wrong do con + »top-put Comity , m a L-* .. Composer — i— J * % jt A ■ . I m t ôfwmblinç, 1 ' I ! I \ : ■: Dirsdtng ! - t 1 d i V» Bwmbt 11». T ■ ■ - ■■■ » - «4^4 •; C D O O B M --Q O P P p. p m nw* > ira, .i y Mrs. Charles Sandquist was a suf ferer from the grippe last week. The Springhill Aid met with Mrs. Alfred Walton Thursday afternoon, but owing to so much sickness, the was small. One of the pleasant social events of the past week was the party at the J. A. Forswall home Friday evening. A large number were present and spent a very enjoyable evening with music and games. Mrs. Forswall and her daughters served delicious refresh ments at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Biggs and Mn. and Mrs. Law rence Hecox of Belgrade were out of the neighborhood guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ward McVey and Mr. and Mrs. George Metier attended the funeral of their uncle Zade Morgan in Bozeman Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sandquist and Miss Marie Kirk were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crouse. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Melton were called to East Gallatin Friday by the death of Mr. Melton's sister, Mrs. Frank Helwick. Mrs. Helwick grew to womanhood in this vicinity and had their sincere sympathy to the sorrow ing relatives. Miss Alice Parker came out from Bozeman Thursday, having finished the semester exams at High School. A. E. Cramer delivered a car-load of milch cows in Bozeman Monday, — — ■ - ■ ■■■—— a wide circle of friends who extend tt ; » BRIDGER CANYON. • U » a | ttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >__ a Raymond Ross war a guest for sev ^ al last week at the home of ;* r * and ^ rs - Christie and fam ^ Mrs R G Gallun and fam inr an P öirs * uallu P and lam Û V were entertained at dinner Sun day by Mr. and Mrs- Ole Oma. ! Miss Hazel Rabe -pent Friday night a «d Saturday in Bozeman, returning hoirie Saturday evening. The farewell dance given Friday night in honor of Henning Peterson at the Whittman home was well at-i tended and all* reported a fine thne.j Music was furnished by the Hoell| boys, and delicious refreshments, were served at midnight. Bert Manry, Jr., of Bozeman, vis Bed a few days last week in the Can yon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.! P- Manry and Mr. and Mise. W. S Christie. Among the Canyon re^iidents wfio attended the State Farm Bureau con Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jenkins enter tained at dinner Sunday the follow ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owens, Miss Cressie and Will Conz, Carl Petenon, Mr, and Mrs. If. H. Jeter and family, John Jeter and Bert Manry, Jr Henning Peterson, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Boze man and the Canyon for several weeks, left Tuesday for his home In Canada. The Bc\sters' Club will hold their regular meeting Friday evening, Feb ruary 2- The meeting will open at g o'clock sharp. Mrs. McFatland and Mrs. Stewart, of Bozeman, were guests Friday of vention in Bozeman Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W- E. Wicker, August Hopf, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Christie and Ole Oma. Mrs. W. T/Thompson at the fish hatchery. Frank Swanson and Miss Erma Bigelow spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bigelow, near Bozeman. Andrew Johnson drove to his home at Sedan Wednesday by way of the Canyon, after spending a few days in Bozeman on business. George Brown Lpent a few days in Bozeman last week on business. k a « » » » « k « tt « n » » WEST END. *4 u tl nnanxtxnu a nnunnn Mrs. E. D. Cash and Mrs. A. M. Cash were callers at the Werner home last Tuesday afternoon. John Altice of Muir, who has been spending the past two months in Vir ginia, returned home last week, and brought back a bride from the east. Len Verwolf made a business trip to Manhattan last week. Misses Dora and Martha Werner spent last week in Billings, at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werner. The' neighbors of Muir tendered a surprise party on Mr. and Mrs. J. Altice last Tuesday evening, time was spent socially and refresh ments served at midnight. Miss Dina Verwolf took the eighth grade examinations in geography in Bozeman last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Werner and daughter, Burnadine were callers at the Verwolf home, Sunday afternoon. Miss Lucille Pierce is spending this wgek with friends in Bozeman. Among the Bozeman callers during the week were Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Cash, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Werner, Mrs. A. Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. B. Werner, George Stab ler, Andy Sorensen, J. L. Wells, Bill Pierce, N. Jensen, Bernhard Werner The and Leonard Sorensen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham and family and Lester Woodring motored to Man hattan last Tuesday and spent the day with Mrs. Mary Watson and son Bill. Mrs. R. H. Davis and daughter Pearl of Muir spent a few days dur in the week wdth Mrs. Davis sister, Mrs. Joe McLaughlin, at her home in Clasoil, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. L. Verwolf and daugh ters, Helen and Bertha, and son Guy visited at the Werner home a few hours Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buettner, who are attending college in Bozeman spent the week end at their ranch here. . Mrs. Amos Marble ®^ er " w ™ liar J o^Uvingston' and*Mr ^.j rs j> ert j^ eese Mre * 0 * Sorensen and son. Ray of r» 0 i„ ni u, lfl n f £ f ew davs last week ^ ra Verwolf nf ManW(L , , verwolf of Manhattan spent a family* here* * br ° ther ' Le ° and Mr and Airs Ed Cash Mi**** iwu . J ? r * d bd Cash ' Mlsses Ruth Anto " sen and Dora and Martha Wer P * r ' Bt * rn J iard Werner and Nels and S lg ard at endcd the dance . £ at the ( ^ estnut school house, Satur ay eve pmg ' _ ~ *• w SALESVILLE. n C ts «rtKaKajtjjtjaöttnö« with music. The Misses Ruth and Dora Richard son gave a party at their home last Friday evening. The guests spent the evening dancing and playing cards, Miss Marynard favored the company Miss Mary Sloan and Miss Grace Street who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis near Shedda Bridge for a few days last week were once teachers at the Salesville school. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Philips is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. He was at the hospital. in Bozeman for special care about a week. Mr. Elmer Strong went to Bozeman Saturday to receive treatment for a sore thumb which may have to be amputated. Mrs. Alice Dennis of Washington is visiting her father Mr. Becker. George Gibson who formally lived in Bozeman, died at the ranch home of his daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Stucky near Salesville Wednesday morning at 5:45. He had been a re sident of the valley for 36 years. He was born at Derby, Vermont, June 15, 1841. He is survived by his wife and by one daughter Mrs. John Stuckey. Funeral services were held at the West chapel Friday afternoon under aus pices of Christian Scientist. Will Kremer is visiting with his brother Herman Kremer. Max Overstreet, young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Overstreet who has been quite ill is reported on the road t<f recovery. Quite a few of the farmers around here attended the Farm Bureau meet ing in Bozeman Saturday. The American Yeoman held their regular meeting last Tuesday night. Mrs. A. H. Black returned home last Thursday from a visit to her sis ter at Livingston. Those who attended business and shopping in Bozeman Saturday were: Mr. William Todd, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holland, Mrs. James Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kremer, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blan kenship, Miss Virginia Walker, Miss Agnes Boll, Mrs. L. Griffin and two daughters Ella and Nellie, Mr. and Coiner, Mr. and Mrs. George Poor, Mrs. Fred Enders, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mr. George Carter and Grandson George, Strong Bros., Miss Bernice McPherson, Mrs. Roscoe Holland, Miss Florence Almich, Mrs. Steve O'Don nell. Miss Gladys Dunn missed several days of school last week on account of sickness. The boys athletic club are giving a masquerade dance at the Lockhart Hall Saturday night Feb. 3. Mrs, I. N. Minis returned home Tuesday from Bozeman where she visited with friends for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis, Mr. antf Mrs. E. W. Coiner were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Orvis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Coiner. tt Among those transacting business in Belgrade Wednesday was A. A. Bridges, Jasker McGuire and Homer j Bryant. Franklin Schyett was a visitor to Belgrade Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Jasker McGuire and naaannnanauaaana F « n DECKER ITEMS. a a a « a a a a a a a a a a a „ w p , . M R . W Parker f an ? ^ ^ McMasters were guests of Mrs. Ward I Mc Jey Priday ' . „ ! Un.Emm* Sheperd and son Henry spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jasker McGuire, Among those transacting business h, Bozeman Mrs. E. S. little son were visitors in Belgrade Thursday. Earl Stimson to High returned school Monday morning, having been absent for a week on account of sick was, Cloninger and son Vincil, Arthur Mc Guire. Carl Stimson, J. R. Randall, ^ r ' an< * ^ rs- Clarence Decker, Mrs, Bell McGuire is quite ill with LaGrippe. Charles Schyett of Sixteen has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Sch yett, for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Sandquist were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sexton Sunday. Wesley Davis is reported sick. Funeral services for Mrs. Frank Helwick was held at the East Gallatin church, Monday at 11 o'clock. Remains were interred in the Springhill Ceme tery. Mrs. E. S. Cloninger spent the week end with her husband at Livingston, who is quite ill with tonsilitis. Vincil Dean spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. Earl Bircket, of Bozeman. Mrs. Mary Gowin is reported sick Mr and Mrs. Ward McVey attend ed the funeral of Zadoc Morgan, which was held at Bozeman Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. R. McGuire who recently had an operation at the Bozeman Deacon ess hospital is getting along nicely. Mrs. Zadoc Morgan died at the Deaconess hospital early Monday morning, Funeral services for Zadoc S Mor gan, who died Friday evening, was held at the Harland parlors in Boze man Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Interment was made in the Morgan cemetary. Mr. and Mrs. A A. Bridgea re ceived a letter from Gua Series, who winter. He says he likes California very much. is making his home in California this FAST BASKETBALL GAME. The Manhattan and Three Forks girls' basketball teams met at Logan Saturday night, and resulted in a score of 9 to 9. Immediately following, the Manhat tan high school boys and the Three Forks high school boys played one of the fastest and snappiest games of the season, with the core tied at 11 to 11 when the whistle blew to mark the end of the second half. The Man hattan boys scored five points in the' i extra period, making them vicsorioiu The« auditorium of the Logan school) was crowded to capacity for the dance j after the games- The Three Forks, orchestra furnished splendid music. ; tos, 1 cup celery, 1 cup walnuts. HI pint olives- Put the cheese through a potato ricer. Chop the other ing re diente and mix ail together with H cup mayonnaLe. Arrange the salad lettuce leaves and add 1 teaspoon, of mayonnaise to each plate. by a jeure of 16 to 12. ■ IN THE KITCHEN Cheesn Salad. This is a fine winter salad. Use 1 pound cream cheese, 4 chopped pimen on Chocolate Drop Cookie«. The kiddies can't get enough of! thea* chocolate cookies. Grown folks j like them, too. The ingredients are 1 cup of sugar, H cup Shortening,! 1 egg, Vs cup sweet milk, H teaspoon! soda. 1H squares chocolate, 1 table-' spoon vanilla, 2 cups flour. Nuts mayjthe be added if so desired- Drop the bat-; ter from spoons onto greased pans. j • Bread land Butter Pudding. j A very good pudding may be madej by removing the crusts from four! slices of bread- Spread each slice with butter. Buttera deep pudding . di. b and plac© a slice of bread in the 1 bottom. Sprinkle over this a layer! of currants, then place another slice of the buttered bread on top, and re P«* thia process until all of the breau has been used. Beat together until very light 3 eggs and 2 ounces of The Beat Pot Roast. For a hungry man this it the best you can prepare, and it is easily made, tugar. Add to this half a pint of milk and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Pour this over the bread and currants in the baking dish. Let this stand one hour, then bake the pudding in a quick oven for 20 minutes. Serve with cream. .f / N Lm! kj tE f * 7. ► Is Your Home Happy? Can you get results farming with broken down tods? No! Can your family keep healthy in a dark, drafty house ? No ! It is good economy to have a comfortable house, built to suit the special needs of your household. Plan today to start the new house. We can help you. Copeland Lumber Co. F. H. R RICHARDS, Sales Agent 501 East Main Phone 82 piece from the Get a short thick ,"round the best cut—about 50 cents' worth. Dip it in flour and sear both sides a rich blown in pure fat or ortisco. Do not u..e fryings, as it »poils the flavor of the gravy. Fry with it 1 large onion, then lift the meat into a casserole. Lay the onion on top of the meat, salt and pepper it and add as much boiling water as you will need for gravy. Cover the meat and place it on the stove where R win 'simmer. In about an hour a<£ 1 tomato and l green pepper cut very fine A half hour before dinner add 2 tablespoons smooth paste in water, to the gravy, Serve the meat with dry rice and m ashed potatoes. -— i ____ _ MONTANA MAN FINDS IT flour blended to a j IS WILD BACK BAST LIBBY, Jan. 29.— B. F. Maiden, the attorney who went east to look into 'the value of an old family beirlonm. writing from New York to a friend here, tells of some of his experience* « the wild and woolly country beyond Mississippi- Among other things ho says: , "The Twentieth Century Limited was boarded by pirates before the i r ain got oast Englewood, leaving Chicago, but no one seemed specially fussed by 'em, so I kept my gat in ; oM rusty grip along with my solo otek and Doc Baxters prescription. and did the nonchalence stuff, as though being held up and robbed wa* my specialty. And whatever my spe c.alty may or may not have been, there's no doubt about theirs. "Well, they got it all right, and It s just as well they did, for if they ha I rot their brothers here in this hos telery would have taken all the yel low taxi driver left, anyway. Talk about second story men and such, the operators are 22nd story men and there is not a vacancy on the force. And the batting averag« ol the least of these is above 1000. And, of course, none of the real top rt tchers among them have worked on me, either " ♦ * i.