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I . Prwwknt Tunc to Harvest K < nm Whot * r 4' n Ü* .* * V s 'S ■ ■ > ;> ;V m mm % : m #■> ,* i v ; : S; A Kansas harvest-sun best down on President IXajdfug as he gave *er the gas and threw the tractor to start the wUeat-cuttiug season near Hutch. ason. June 28, Then the President gathered up shocked" them with the remark, 'This Ut Ih»w ere do it In Ohio.'* Into gear beadles and I EXPOSURE OF NEW YORK WORLD LIE ABOUT MILLION DOLLAR JUNKET For some time the New York World has been making sensational attacks upon the coming trial trip of the Lev iathan. It has been alleged the trip would cost $1.000,000, and had been arranged by A. D. Lasker as a jun ket for his friends. The Democratic national committee has been parrot Mr. Lasker completely exposes the falsity and mendacity of the World's! campaign in the following statement: "I have refrained from answering what seemed to me an absurd criti •cism of the trial trip to be taken by the Leviathan next week, but I feel the recent statement issued by the Pemocratic national committee is such an unfortunate utterance that it should not go unchallenged. It will be a matter of great re gret to the American people, I ami sure, when all the facts are known, to learn that a partisan political com-i mittee has so far forgotten patriotism as to play party politics on a matter! which should be obviously non-par-j "What I feared would happen has happened. I was one of those who advocated a ship subsidy because I believed it was the only way to in sure a merchant marine in competi-! tien with the private shipping enter prises of foreign countries. I feared that if we had government operation it would merely mean that our whole shipping problem would be continu ously a football in party politics- The Democrats played their part in fili bustering against ship subsidy, guing that government operation was the solution to our merchant marine problem. Now, however, at the very first opportunity, when we are launching what we aspire to make ing these charges tisan. ar 5 j / > 35 East Main Street / They Will Look So Well on « * A (\ Your Feet GOOD - LOOKING Oxfords of fine, soft kidskin. These are the kind of shoes your friends will admire and ask you where they can get them. You will find these shoes wonderfully com fortable. They have a flexible arch that laces up to follow the exact contour of your foot arch, giving exercise as well as support to the foot. You will like the trim yet ample toe and the snug-fitting heel which have won friends for all Cantilever Shoes. A flexible shoe for your flexible foot Cantilever Shoe the greatest ship in the world, when, indeed, the heart of every true Amer ican should beat proudly over the achievement in reconditioning of the incomparable Leviatahn, we are con-1 fronted with the spectacle of a polit ical committee picking flaws and en-! deavoring by gross misrepresentation to muddy the waters "What are the facts? It would ap pear, on reading the statement of the Democratic national committee, that the trial trip of the Leviathan was suddenly conceived, and that guests were invited purely as a private jun ket. If that were true, the criticism would be fully justified, particularly in these days when, as President Harding rightly says, economy in government is the paramount need of The truth of the matter is that America, this very trial trip was fully provided for by experts engaged in December, 1919, by a shipping board headed by John Barton Payne, under the Dem-j ocratic administration. If the critics had only taken the trouble to look up the records, they would have found that the plans and specifications for th« reconditioning of the Leviathan were not hastily made, but that every detail, including the testing of the great ship in the proposed trial trip, was worked out long in advance, even to the last dollar that would be spent. The experts who,pi'epared the plans! and specifications for the recondition -1 ing of the Leviathan and who still; have sole charge of the work, were engaged by the board under John Barton Payne in December, 1919. More than 100 draftsmen worked ' continuously under the Payne con tract until October, 1921, in the prep ! aration of the plans and specifica i printed volumes, requiring over 1,500 j be taken. One reason for both runs [ was that only half-power should be generated on the trip to the dry dock, where the hull was to be a tions. These were embodied in three pages. Before the board accepted thés« specifications, they were re viewed by experts from all the big ship-building companies in America. Included in these specifications was provision for the moving of the ves sei from the reconditioning yard to th dry dock, to be followed by a trial trip on the high seas such as now will scraped, which had not been done for years "In January, 1922, the experts re ferred to, having in charge the recon ditioning. asked the present board, among other sundry items required for the completion of the Leviathan, to appropriate $120,000 to cover the cost of the trial trip, which sum in eluded the cost of guests. The ex perts then, as now, contemplated at least five days for the trip. At that time—fully 16 months ago—the board, consisting of four Republicans and three Democrats, unanimously accepted the recommendation of the experts and made the appropriation, At the same time, at a hearing of the house appropriations committee, in reporting the various items that went into the total of the Leviathan's re conditioning cost, the board included "The cost of reconditioning the Le viathan was more than $8,000,000. The cost of the trial trip, as proposed by the experts and authorized by the board fully 16 months ago, was $120, 000, of which $107.000 would have to be spent, irrespective of whether single guest was carried. It has been the universal custom on the part of shipping companies throughout the a trial trip. the Leviathan during the war, the navy, first having made sure her ma chinery had not been tampered with, but in face of some necessary repairs which are minor compared to those now made, sent the ship on more than a five days' trial cruise in southern waters—five precious days neces sarily lost to war transport, "It would be futile to array the opinion of the Democratic national ; committee alongside that of practical ly all the experts of our navy and American ship-building and operating companies- Fortunately the respon When the government took over sibility for a thorough test of the Le viathan is not upon the shoulders of the Democratic national committee, but rests solely with the United States government It is customary practice the world over to have trial trips for all vessels, but particularly extended trips before passenger ships like the Leviathan are put into .the regular service need only recall the extensive trial trips taken by the Lusitania and the Mauretania..* * * (( j " world to invite non-paying guests on the trial trips of new vessels, in or der that the complex organization and service machinery of the ships might be broken in. For that purpose the experts insisted that 400 to 500 guests be asked on the Leviathan's trial trip. Invariably shipping companies invite as guests th« people whose good will it is desirable bo win—journalists, legislators, freight men, exporters and importers, and others who could later be of aid to the ship's business. Just because the American mer chant marin« is a government enter prise does not permit us to ignore and avoid the best business methods of private holders of a private concern would not dream of challenging the invited list of its board of directors, and that is why the expenditure of only $13, 000 to pay for the food and comfort of approximately 400 to 500 guests is ap item that sound business judg ment ought not for a moment to chal lenge, especially when the total cost of $8,000,000 is considered as the in itial investment and tie $13,000 spent in this way will be returned to the shipping board beyond measure in the future. "If the Democratic national com mittee had only shown the same so licitude a few years ago for the $2, 000,000,000 of American taxpayers' money, much of which was wasted in careless management by a shipping board, under a Democratic administra tion, we would perhaps today be pay ing less money in income taxes and the Harding administration would be less burdened with the necessity of raising vast sums to pay interest on the national debt and passenger u companies. The stock £ yy FEDERAL HIGHWAYS WILL COST $258,000,000 THIS Y EAR TH« federal aid road construction for the calendar year will be about the same as last calendar year, cording to preliminary reports re ceived by the bureau of public roads. The read building season is well I ac un SMG TO HARDING IN VOTE TEST FOLLOWS WESTERN SPEECHES MADE OY HIM ON TRIP FORD HAS BIG LEAD IN THREE - WEEK TOTALS Returns from Twenty - Nine States In Nation - wide Ball oting Furnish Interesting Fig ures for study A noticeable steadying of the Hard ing vote was the outstanding feat ure of the third week returns in the nation-wide presidential voting test. Coming as it did with the presi dent's start on his Alaskan trip and his speeches enroute to the Pacific coast, it indicates that majority piled up by Ford in the first weeks of vot ing does not mean so much when his chief opponent swings into action. It also indicates that the president hit home on some of his recommenda tions and policies when he himself could explain them to the voters. Ford maintained a steady pace in all sections of the country, but in few places, except in the Democratic any, majorities, which choice in doubt until the last vote is counted, This presidential voting test, which is being conducted by the Publishers Autocaster Service of New York, closed last Saturday. The final re suits from all states, and especially the far western states, will be pub lished in these columns at an early date would leave the While Ford is leading Harding at this writing, 91,044 to 39,453, it is j very likely the returns from the west and northwest, where Harding was making speeches during the last week of the voting contest will cut down the lead very materially. Ford majorities are very positive in Florida, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,! Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan (his home state), and Idaho. But in other states, where he is not led by the president, the vote is fairly even, and can not be accurately judged until the final votes are in. Harding has a lead over Ford in New York, Illinois, Washington, Ohio, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maryland. Early returns from Idaho gave Borah (its favorite son) 961 votes but went to Ford with 1,117. The; president is running \a poor third there, with 112 votesj The remarkable vote piled up for former President Wilson is of course a complimentary vote, inasmuch as he will not be an active candidate for office. The vote for McAdoo indicates a strong sentiment which Democratic leaders will undoun .eily give sericus • ,i.s:deration. True, A1 Smith, f New York, is in third place and running close to Harding in this thi'ri week tabula tion, but it must be 'onsidere j that his own state. New York, has given him more than two-thirds of his total vote to date- In the country at large McAdoo is running far ahea' 1 of Smith—and it would seem that he stood in a fair way to carry the Dem der way and these reports indicate that federad aid work now under con struction will cost about $258,000, 000 as compared with $233,000,000 last year. The general outlook is better because a year ago the railroad and coal strikes were disturb ing factors. An >ther reason for more road building this year is the fact that the system of federal aid high ways under the new law has now been completed in 33 states and O. K.'d by the government, thus making it possi ble for the first time to proceed un der a definite program. Quart of Water Cleans Kidneys Take a Little Salts if Your Back Hurts, or Bladder is Troubling You No man or woman can make a mis take by flushing the kidneys occasion ally, says a well-known authority. Eat ing too much rich food creates acids, which excite the kidneys. They become overworked from the strain, get slug gish and fail to Alter the waste and poisons from the blood. Then we get sick. trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleep lessness and urinary disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys, or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, füll of sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, begin drinking a quart of water each day, also get about four ounces of jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before breakfast, and in a- few days your kidneys may act fine. Rheumatism, headaches, liver This famous salts is made from tkt acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for years to flush and stimulate the kidneys ; also to help neutralize the acids in the system, so they no longer cause irritation, thjis often reKevujg bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; makes. £ delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now an^ then to help keep the kidneys clear and active and the blood pure, thereby often avoiding serious kidney complica tions. By all means have your physv dan examine your kidneys at least .wice a year. ocratic fanner if Ford is- not the se lection. Pirst returns from California snow Ford and Harding in a neck-and-neck race, the former 235 to the presi dent's 221. Hiram Johnson, the fa vorite son, is running third with 175, while Herbert Hoover, another Cali fornian, is given 24 votes. Senator Reed, of Missouri, is a red-hot favorite in his own state. He leads Harding 1,537 to 341, but is himself topped by Ford with 2,473. Oklahoma is overwhelmingly for Ford, but casts consistent ballots for former Governor Haskell. Every one of the twenty-nine states so far heard from casts many and varied ballots for state sons and local favorites. The total of 5,291 votes, so cast, have been classified under scattered votes," and it would be an almost endless job to make entry here The seventh week of the Collier's Weekly fact-to-face straw vote, as 438; Hoover, 8 933* Leonard Wood, 4,652; Borah, 3,48'?; Underwood, 3, will be announced 4-7, Ford 73,724, to Harding's 45,596. Then comes McAdoo, 17322; Cox, 14,447; Smith, 12,684; Hughes, 12, 232, and John W. Davis, 2,898. The final vote in Collier's balloting next week. Its «HKHXHKHKKHKHKH><HKHKHKHKH><H><KHKHKHKHKHKKKHKHKHKHKrtH«» > j j ! ! ! j ! \ j ' Straw Hat Cleaner FOR CLEANING AND WHITENING PANAMA AND STRAW HATS Removes dirt and discoloration. Will not injure the finest straw Cox-Poetter Drug Co. ■ "Prescriptions a Specialty 10 E. Main Phone 128 j m i'ii /r li'lH m J r - I IRcservell k All of us like to think of a reserve to fall tack upon in the hour of trouble. In the last analysis, reserve is thrift. Thrift is the opposite of improvidence and waste. Thrift means better homes, better food and clothes; more comfort and enjoyment; less waste and anxiety. Money is the msigrnia of labor. It represents an investment in brawn and brain. It is the most elastic reserve. Money is power. It means ..liberty and a freedom from the curse of poverty Start today in building a reserve. Maybe in a saving account—maybe in a wise investment. We can help you in either. Commercial National Banki You Will Entertain For Mrs. Allin's Guest Not only one, but several of your friends as well as your self will have guests you will want to have to luncheon, dinner, or afternoon tea. You know how many visitors there are every summer. That means entertaining, and entertaining means silverware. You know you will need additional Knives, Forks, Spoons, and Serving Pieces. Buying them now will save worry, inconvenience and embarrassment. Our stocks are complete. Prices are as low as they are going to be. We would like to show you silverware. Come in today. TEASPOON SETS $3.75 » $13.00 H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers and Optometrists • W. Mate St. Th« Hallmark Store vote is from all states except Neva da and is indicative of city aad larger town choices, while the voting test being conducted by the Auto Caster Servie« is representative rtf the smaller town and rural America's choice for president. Studying the vote with the shows Ford the majority choice «I the voters in both city and country at this time. It must be admitted, however, that election is more than a full year away, and as to whether the voters will feel the same way and can force their choice through a major party convention is of course another story. latter nation-wide Collier straw vole. Nation-Wide Vote at End df Third Week. .91,044.... _39,453 .33,387 .15,270 .11,82* _ 4,896 _ 3,70ft . 3,592 . 3,084 _'... 3,003 _ 1,943 ..1 915 Ford _ Harding _ Smith _ Me A doe _ Wilson . Johnson _ Underwood ., Cox Bryan . LaFollette . Pinchot _ Hughes ... .. 1,901 _ 1,550 _ 1,534 _ 1,079 .. Hoover _ Reed .—. Debs _ Capper - Haskell (open) Scattered . 820 680 281 Total _ .222,217