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l UNDERTAKING. .£. W. Harland Embalmer and Fvneral Director Lady Attendant BETTER SERVICE Phone 692-Rl 219 West Main H. F. WEST EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant MODERN PARLOR AND AUTO EQUIPMENT A mb« la no? Service Phene 7M-M2 125 Went Main St. . LESLIE E. GAGE •ptometriet Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Manfg. Optician Glasses repaired and broken lenses repaired the same day. 4 Phoae 423 14 E. Main 4 DR. W C. DAWES Osteopathic Phy««»* and ObatetricJaa Graduate-American School of Osteopathy, Kiricsville, Mo. Martin Block 37 West Main St. Phon« 371. DRS. DEAN AND GRIFFITH Ostéopathie Physicians Office Phone 132-W. Dr. Grififth Phone Res.678 Dr. Deaa ^hone Res- 132-J Commercial National Bank Building. JAMBS E. ELLIOTT Physician and Surgeon Commercial National Bank Block Phone 195-W. Residence Evergreen Apartments Phone 195-J. Gallatin Veterinary Hospital Bozeman. Montana. O L, DEVORE Corner Black and Lamme Streets Phone 235. ê < E. F. BUNKER Attorney-at-Law—Notary Public Commercial Bank Building Bozeman, Mont. F. W. Hancock WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Clocks called for and delivered. ROECHER'S DRUG STORE. RAILWAY TIME-CARD. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Going West Ns. 1—North Coast Ltd.3:47 A. M. No. 3—N. P- Express.3:55 P. M. No. 41—Local.. No. 219—Local . .2:10 A. M. .2:27 P. M. Nos. 1, 41 and 219 run via Butte; No. 1 carries paying passengers from and to points scheduled to stop- No. 1 and No- 3 will stop at Manhattan and Belgrade to let off passengers from points east of Billings. Going East. No. 2—North Coast Ltd.-2:29 P- M. No. 4—Atantic Express....!:02 A. M. No. 42—Miss Valley Ltd... 1:45 A. M. .10:50 A. M. No. 2 carries paying passengers from and to points scheduled to stop. No. 220—Local. MEN A RD TRAINS— _7:00 A. M Lv. Bozeman. Ar. Bozeman.... Lv. Baseman..... At. Bozeman.,., _ _10:45 A. M. ... 4:30 P, M. ... 8:30 P. M. It is said that about a fourth of the members of the senate have gone abroad this summer to study condi tions in Europe. The information they absorb will be reflected in the sen* ' Tp know how flood a oiflarotto rpally can 6o mad* you must try LUCK STRIKE "ITS TOASTED CONVICTIONS ALREADY FORMED absorb will be reflected in the sen* torial debated of next winter ' ButL io ueDates oi next winter. ßut, there is no reason to look for any ; change in the policy of non-entangle ment in European affairs. Interna tionalist senators who have signified I their willingness to sacrifice Ameri can interests are not going to in crease their love for Europe by their visits Europe oy ineir LEGALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS County Clerk's Office, Bozeman, Montana. 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the construction of Concrete Work will be received by the Board of County Commisisoners of Gallatin County, Montana, at the office of the County Clerk of Gal latin County, Montana, in the Court House at Bozeman, until 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 6th day of September, 1923, at which time they will be pub licly opened and read. 2. Plans, specifications, proposal forms and full instructions may be obtained at the office of S. D. Waldorf, County Surveyor, in the Court House at Bozeman. 3. The Board of County Commis sioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technical ities as may be deemed in the interest of the County. Registration of electors for the reg alar City Election to be held m the City of Bozeman Gallatin County, State of Montana, will close Saturday, September 22, 1923, at 5 o'clS P. M. ' ' Pursuant to provisions of Section 16, Chapter 122, laws of Montana. Fourteenth Session 1915 entitled "An Act to Amend Chanter 133 of the Laws of 19U Relating to the ReS istraüoT of EIectors in C^unül' Cities °Towna and School DiïSs '' ' 1 owns, ana ocnooi mstnets, Notice is herebv oWn Q ni books of retri^tration for the rU ! lar City EUction^ to be held Ä City of Bozeman. County of Gallatin State of Montana, on Tuesday, the '! 6th day of November, 1923, will closei on Saturday, the 22nd day of Sep-L tember, 1923, at 5:00 P. M., andt will * I 1 j BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF | COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. By J. H. Harris, County Clerk and Recorder. Dated at Bizeman, Montana, this 29th day of August, 1923. NOTICE. etc. ( G. W. HENKE Cigar Mfg. t •1 Factory N. Wallace Bozeman, Montana ê WHO'S YOUR SHOE DOCTOR? Don't throw away your old shoes until you give us a chance to exam ine them. A httle fixing here and there may double their days of wear* Morton's Shoe Shop 12 Sooth Central MILWAUKEE TIME-CARD Leaves Bozeman for Three Fork ....8:30 A. M No. 115_ (Via Belgrade Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays only). Arrive Bozeman— No. 116 (Does not go via Belgrade on return trip from Three Forks). -3:30 P. M. GALLATIN VALLEY ELECTRIC W eetbound—Departs. No. 32—Daily_ No. 33—Daily M ....6:30 A. M. - .-4:0© P. M. Eastboniid—Arrive. No- 32—Daily._ No. 34—D*ily._ .8:06 A. M. -6:00 P. M SATURDAY ONLY. Ar. Menard.. Lv. Menard._ Ar. Menard.. Lv. Menard_ -..8:45 A- M -9:00 A. M. -6:00 P. M. ' °0 P. M. b* closed for the.full period of 45 days immediately preceding the day of election, as aforesaid. Notice is further given that the electors may register for the ensuing Regular Citv Election as aforesaid, by appearing before the County Clerk at his office in the City of Bozeman, ryr appearing 1 beforp a Justice of the Peace or Notarv Public in the man ner provided by law. Dated at Bozeman Montana this , M0Tltana ' C. N. Wood, Assignee, Plaintiff. versus Henry Wood, Defendant. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Thursday on the 27th day of ^eptem-! ber A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, all the right title* and interest of the dant in and to the following described Property, viz.: 17th day of August, A. D. 1923. J. H. HARRIS, County Clerk in and for Gallatin County, State of Montana. First publication August 22, 1923. Last publication, Sept. 19, 1923. SHERIFF'S SALE T £f , S o 0 , ut £ Hal t (S ^ ) °/ 0 , S | ctioa El{rht Township Two (2) South of Ranee Two (21 East, in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, con taining 320 acres. j Dated this 5th day of September A - D. 1923. „ ^ T JAME T ? SMITH, Sheriff, O^dle -Iones, Under Sheriff (Fl rst publication September 5, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) Western Loan and Building Com pany a corporation Plaintiff versus Howard J. Shephard, Julia Shephard, John M. Pitt, Clara Pitt, and The American National Bank of Three fendants""" 1 *""' " cor ""' ® To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat urday the 6th day of October A. D. 1923, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, the following described property, viz.: In The District Court of The Ninth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Gallatin SHERIFF'S SALE i I Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this i 4th day of September 1923. j JAMES SMITH, Sheriff | By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. Lot five (5) in Block forty (40) of Milwaukee Land Company's Firs,t Ad dition to the Town of Three Forks, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, together with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining. W. W. Jenney, Plaintiff, versus O. W. Gilhooley, or Owen Gilhooley, who are one and the same person, and Mary Gilhooley, Defendants. T° be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat urday on the 29th day of September A. D. 1923 at 2 o'clock P. M at the Store building situated on Lots Six ( 6 > and Seven (7) of Block (2) of the ori 8 inal townsite of Logan, Gallatin County, Montana, known as the Gil hoole y Store and the following de scribed personal Property, viz.: A11 ^"liture and fixtures of every kind an d description now contained in the store building situated on Lots (6 > and Seven ( 7 > of Block (2) of the County, Montana, also the following de scnbed real property, viz.: rt f A Ri° f i, L ^ S Sl ^ol 6 end Seven v 7) 0 LJ? Q fe k ?Y° (2) ® f ll t ÿ ° ri « , " al » f te °. f L ^F an ' Çal^tm County, Montana, together with all and sin gular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, easements, water and all other rights belonging or in anywise appertaining. Dated August 29th, A. D. 1923. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication September 5, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. George Y. Patten. Attorney for Plaintiff, Bozeman. Montana. (First publication September 5, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING West Gallatin Canal Company NOTICET IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a meeting of the stockholders of the West Gallatin Canal Company will be held in the Court Room of the Gal latin County Court House, at Boze man, Montana, on Saturday, the 15th day of September, 1923, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose of adopting By-laws, electing Directors, and considering the matter of clean ing and enlarging the canal of said Company, and for the transaction of fore the meeting. By Order of the Board of Directors. Dated August 29th, 1923. GEORGE T. BOND, Secretary (First publication August 29, 1923) (Last publication September 12, 1923) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on September 8, 1923, bids will be open by the trustees of School District No. 28, Gallatin County, Lower Madison School, for the transporting of all children of school age in the district to the Logan school, a distance of seven (7) miles. There are fifteen children in the district, probably thirteen to be transported. To make the entire trip would be three miles farther. Persons desiring to bid on Loth routes would have a distance of ten miles and fifteen pupils to trans port. If two busses are employed, it will be about seven miles for each bus and about six or eight pupils tor each bus. Busses must be in good condi tion. Foot-warmers must be provided in cold weather and side curtains also. Drivers must sign contracts to start at a certain time and arrive at the school at 8:45 A. M. Trustees of District No. 28 have the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be opened on Sept Lo >gan The ember 8, 1923. - (First publication August 29, 1923) (Last publication September 6, 1923) -*r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - Department of the Interior Ü. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana/ August 14, 1923. Notice is hereby given that Bennett! 1 M - Ford . of Grayling, Montana, who, ! on August 12, 1922, made Homestead entry, No. 015785, for SE%, Section! 116, Township 12 South, Range 5 East, Prin. Meridian, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Bozeman, Montana, on the 10th day of October, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Lon Ebaugh, Guy Williams, Charley Coun-1 ter, Alex Stuart, all of Grayling, Mon tana. * Non-coal land. ; GEO. C. DAVENPORT, 1 Register. (First publication August 29, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) defen--gether NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman Montana I August 22^1923 Montana, l Notice is hereby given that William ' G. Hanna, of Norris, Montana, who. 1 on March 10, 1921, made Homestead 1 (Entry, No. 015529,' for SW*4, SW^ ! Section 27; SEV* Section 28; NE%, NW y 4 SEV* Section 33 and W% N W Section 34, Township 2 South, Range 1 East. Prin. Meridian, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore James A. Flint, U. S. Commis sioner, in his office, at Pony, Mon tana, on the 2nd dav of October, 1923.1 Claimant names as witnesses: James T. Fisher, Soren Mortensen, Herbert C. Hudson, Jonas W. Knight j a n 0 f Norris. Montana. HFO r DAVFVPOPT * * Register (First publication August 29 1923) (Last p ubHcation September 26, 1923) SHERIFFS cai v _* ' w R Hnlmpo Plaintiff Charles Holtrate Ralnh C TTnlt>-atP , j^aura B Hol<>-ateH P M Ashbaueh' | V.' aS*, C. C Ä and Harley clint 5 n ; Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Mon day on the 17th day of September A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal lating, State of Montana. All the right, title and interest of the de fendants in and to the following de scribed property, viz.: The lands and premises and pro perty directed to be sold by this + perty directed to be sold by this SSZTcSSfriSg of ^Montana, and^rticnlariy deyribe d as follow., Wii« FiVhf n South, Range four (4) EastM. P. M. We°st f ° r Gallatin eS River *to Charles Holeate as of date of Julv 1st igßß an( i a i so eiehtv-five inches of the waters of the West Gallatin River, decreed to the said Charles Holeate as ^ a *. e -f j une i g * igSd both of f J 1st, 1889 both f which decrees were duly entered and Iaad ® m the sul i, °^ W A D * ? el1 » Jr *' als» versus F. K. Annstrong et ? ls », whlc jl. said decree is of record J? tbe °t f . lc , e of the Clerk of this Co « rt - which is hereby referred to and made a P art this decree, to ^ etber with all water ditches, ease ments, tenements and appurtenances belonging to the said land, premises. ^ , A D th,S 16th of AufrUSt A D - 19Z3 - JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones. Under Sheriff (First publication August 22, 1923) (Last publication September 12. 1923), SHERIFF'S SALE Alice A. Howard, Plaintiff, versus Dwight L. Dir, Hildegarde A Dir, and First State Bank of Livingston, Mon tana, a Corporation, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's sale on Wed nesday on the 19th day of September A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana, right, title and interest of the defen dants in and to the following describ ed property, viz.: The east half (E^) of the north east quarter (NEVi); the east half (E^4) of the southeast quarter ( S E M ) ; of the * southwest quarter (SW^4) of the northeast quarter (NE Vt) of section 34 in township north of range 7 east of the Montana Principal Meridian, containing Two Hundred (200) acres, more or less, according to Government Surveyor, Gallatin County, State of Montana. All the Together with all and singular the ances, water-right, water ditches, be longing or in anywise appertaining thereto. 1 Dated this 22nd day of August A. D. 1923. John P. Sinclair Company, a Cor poration. Plaintiff, versus Fredrick Roy Jones and Ora May Jones his wife and Farmers State Bank of Wil sall. Montana, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Wed nesday on the 12th day of September A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana. All the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described pro perty, viz.; Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4) and Twelve (12) and the North Half (N%) of the Northeast Quarter (NE%) of the Southwest Quarter (SW%) of Section Twenty (20) in Township Two (2) North of Range Seven (7) East of the Montana Meridian. All the above lands situate and being In the County of Gallatin, State of Montana. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication August 22, 1923) (Last publication September 12, 1923) SHERIFFS SALE Dated this 13th day of August A. D. 1923. ' JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication August IB, 1923) (La st publication September 6, 1923) - SHERIFF'S SALE -.. . The First National Bank of Three Forks, a Corporation, Plaintiff, versus Clark Maudlin, Defendant. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on i Thursday on the 6th day of Septem - | ber A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. j at the front door of the Court House : in the County of Gallatin, State of i Montana. All the right, title, estate ! and interest, which the defendant had, ! and which was on the 24th day of j February, 1923, levied on and at ; tached in said action, of, in and to the following described property viz,: The South half, the Northeast Quarter and the East half of the East half of the Northwest Quarter, of Section Eleven, in Township One | North of Range One East of the Mon tana Meridian, according to the United States Government Survey, to with a certain water-right of 200 ir ? che f> miner's measurement, ap propnated in the year 1866 as per year as per Judgment and decree of the District I Court of the Ninth Judicial District, l f the State of Montana, in and for ' the Count y of Gallatin, which decree 1 1S . rec . ord ? d m the office of the Clerk 1 ° A sa ' d Court at page 153 et seq. in ! Bo ° k 7 of Judgments. Said real pro pe " y ®»d water-ngnt at the time of said attachment stood upon the re 2 cords aa,d GaHatm County in the me „? f cla J k Maudlin and Agnes A. Maudlin, and Now m name of Agnes A - Maudlin. . Also !ots one and two, and the Smith b . ?£ . N ° rtaea ^ ^l arte F. °* 4 ./ ec ; l 10n tw £' in 1 ownship One North of f* an ^ e Gne east of the Montana Mer £ 1&n ' wording to the United States Government Survey together with the appurtenances and all the water riçhte . thereunto belonging, which property stands upon the records of Gallatin County in the name of £1«* Maudlin and Agnes A Maud in^oÄ Äirtih of Range One East of the Montana Meridian, according to the United States Government Survey together tbe appurtenances and water ri £ bts thereunto belonging, which U ^ n th fa"" ld ' °1 Slt/Är CoU " ty ,n the " ame ol a A „ + i, aU 3: in ' | - .. , , , at * he Cüunty of Gai '" t,n ' State in 0 t\ im, j . . - aoo Dated this the Rv n de- ?Pi>«t 1 rînMir n t fnn^A n mi if i Q 9 i de (Last P ubl catlon September 5, 192o) ! NOTICE OF SALE ! *} " in and for th€ c oant y / G allatin. Merchants Trust Company, a Cor fiïïjJgE' °veîsus S W** W ^Simmons' Cora . Simmons, Charles À. Hills, as Admillis . t r atoi ' of the Estate of Alonzo McMilin (also known as Alonzo C. McMilian), Decmww^ J. L. Clark and "r?* V L. Cmrk, Defenännts. of j 4 ' Sheriffs Sale on the f 12th day of September 1923. at two 0 > clock p. M ., thereof, at the front *' d <x> r of the Court House in the City et 0 f Bozeman, Montana, in the County of Gallatin, the following described property, to-wit: to The South Half of the Northeast Quarter, Lot Two and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section j Four and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Ten in Township One South of Range l°" e West ' M - P ' M ' JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff Stephen J. Leahy, Plaintiff's At : torney, Wibaux, Montana (First publication August 16 1JB) Last pu blication Septembe r 5, l™) NOTICE OF SALE , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION at in 5 in Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, August 13th, 1923. Notice is hereby given that Roy M. Surface, of Salesville, Montana, who, on February 3rd, 1923, made Ad ditional homestead entry. No. 014138, for Lots 1, 2, and EMjNW 14, Section 30, Township 3 South, Range 3 East, Prin. Meridian, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register ana Receiver of U. S. Land Office, in their office, at Bozeman, Montana, on the 18th day of September, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles L. Anceney, Frank Hargrove, Martinus Polder Lyman Wilcox all Salesville, Montana. the GEO. C. DAVENPORT. Register (First publication August 15, 1923) the j (Last publication September 12, 1923) SHERIFFS SALE John F. Sinclair, Trustee. Plaintiff, versus R. F. Bohart and Effie Bohart, his wife, and W. O. Hutchinson. Trustee. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Wednesday on the 12 day of Septem ber A. D. 1923 at 2:45 o'clock P. M. ■ at the front door of the Court House j in tne City of Bozeman, County of j Gallatin, State of Montana, all the : right, title and interest of the defen ! dants in and to the following described j property, viz.: seven (7) eest of the Montana Mer idian, containing 640 acres, more or less, according to the Government Survey thereof, together with all ren ements, hereditaments, and appurten . PVHHPPi Mice» thereon belonging endI the im provenants of whatsoever kind and nature situated thereupon or which may be hereafter placed thereupon and all water rights, ditches, reset voirs, reservoir sites, acqueducts, dams, appropriations and franchises upon, leading to and connected with, or usually bad and enjoyed in con nection with the aforesaid described land or any parcel thereof, whether represented by shares of capital stock or by individual ownership or other wise, or which are now or which may All of section thirty-five (35) in township three (3) north, Range be hereafter acquired during.the ex istance of the mortgage and used in connection with the above described lands or any part thereof. All the above described lands lying and being in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana. Dated this 14th day of August A j D. 1923. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. | (First publication August 15, 1923) (Last publication September 6, 1923) - I ! 1 ! Flora McManus, Executor of the 1 Estate of P. W. McManus, Deceased, Plaintiff, versus Carl John Roggow. j A. C. Roggow, Iva S. Roggow, The National Park Bank, a Corporation, t The Farmers State Bank of Wilsall, : a Corporation and Avery Company! a Corporation. Defendants. ; To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat urday on the 15 day of September A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. al the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana. All the right, title and interest of the defen dants in ami to the following de scribed viz.: SHERIFF'S SALE , scribed property, viz.: : The Northwest Quarter (NWV 4 ) of i Section Twenty-two (22), in Town ; ship Three (3) North, of Range seven i (7) East of the Montana Principal Meridian. Together with all and sin j gular the hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging, or in ; any wise appertaining, and the rents, issues and profits thereof, together with all water rights, water ditches. dams Humes, irrigation ditches, can als and acqueducts, apnronriaticns, including shares of stock in any wate» ditch or irrigation company or cor ; poration thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. All the above land situated in the County of Gal latin, State of Montana. Dated this 14th day of August A D. 1923. of of °1 ol i JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication August 15, 1923) (Last publication September 5, 1923) SHERIFFS SALE John F. Sinclair and Woodlié! Thomas, Trustees, Plaintiffs, versuî R. F. Bohart and Effie M. Bohart, hi» wife, John F. Sinclair Company, a Corporation, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Wed nesday on the 12th day of September I A. D. 192.3 at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at j the front door of the Court House, ii 1 the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described pro perty, viz.: All of Section Three (3), (Less six (6) acres sold to Barnard and Sons), Township Two (2) North Range Sever, (7) East of the Montana Meridian, containing 634 acres, more or les» save and except 3.82 acres heretofore released from the lien of the said mortgage and situated in the North west Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter (NWViNWU) of Section Three (3) and described by metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at a poinl in the Easterly right of way line of the County road as the same is no»» constructed and laid cut across said Northwest Quarter (NW'4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW14) from which the Northwest corner of said Section Three (3) bears North forty four (44°) degrees thirty-eight (38') minutes west Four hundred eighty two and 7-10 (482.7) feet, thence North eighty-five (85°) degrees, forty-five (45') minutes East paralléî to the North line of said Section Three (.3) Three hundred (300) feet, thence' South parallel to the West line of said Section Three (3) Four hundred Sjjjjjj!® î iv l 4 }|L 2L?'°£ tb Eighty-five (85 ) degrees, forty -fiv. tlunty ^d, lh«ca North | Twcnty-lour (24' ) degrees, twenty. three (23') minutes. East along said right of way Four Hundred Seventy four and 3-10 (474.3) feet, to the point of beginning, containing three and 82-100 (3.82) acres, more or less, together with all the tenements, here ditaments, and appurtenances thereo* belonging, and the improvements o! whatsoever kind and nature, situated of which may be hereafter placed upon and all water rights, ditches, re servoirs, reservoir sites, acqueducts, dams, appropriations and franchises upon, leading to, and connected with, or usually had and enjoyed with tht aforesaid described lands, or any par cel thereof, whether represented by shares of capital stock or by actual individual ownership or otherwise, or which are now or which may be here after acquired during the existance of the mortgage and used in connection with the above described lands or any ' part thereof, all the above lands de scribed to be sold situate and being io Gallatin County, State of Montana. Dated this 14th, day of August, A. S. in on of JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication August 15, 1923) (Last publication September 5, IR23J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. I^nd Office at Bozeman, Mont., July 30, 1923 Notice is hereby given that EdwarC N. Courtney, of Grayling, Mont., who on February 14, 1920 made Home stead Entry No- 014705, for the SWH, Section 16, Township 12 South, Rang* 5 East, M. P. Merikhm, has filed no tice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the laoai above described, before Prank B Sparrow, U. S. Commissioner, in hi» of(ice t Lakeviev, Mont, on the ID* . _ - Q 100 „ day °: 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Peter Kerze run achet, of Grayling, ; Mont.; Charles DePrance. of Cray ; ling, Mont,; Alonzo E Ebaugh, <jf Grayling, Mont., and Jess E. Piermao, of West Yellowstone, Moot Non-coai land. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register. First publication August 8, 1923. Last publication September 5, 190-