Newspaper Page Text
m-!- = i Ghe NEWS FROM GALLATIN COUNTY Æ From Otir Special Correspondent» • * sukaviivr * SALEBV1LUS. : M m „ Bn»»«na»nn«K«»a Mr. and Mrs- Vem Mulligan have, moved into Salesville. Mr. Mulligan is employed in the blacksmith shop. Sam Willson, who has been at the Deaconess hospital for the past three weeks recovering from a suTgical op «ration was able to leave the hospital last Saturday for his home up the West Gallatin river. Mrs. Gibson, who makes her home with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. snd Mrs. John Stucky, was in Boze last Saturday on business. ind Mrs. L. G Atkins and two have returned from a pleas ant auto trip of two weeks, visiting Hardin, Rosebud and Reed Point, man nuiuicii rn and returning by way of the Yellow stone park. \ The Willson company gave the members of their force, with their' families, a delightful auto trip up tiiOj Gul- -i n river -ist Sunday, with an, at Karsts. ■ excellent dinner Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Atkins have re-! turned to Bozeman after spending a! few days with their son, L. C. Atiins,! tnd family at Salesville. Mrs- Walford and three children, from Oklahoma, have been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Malin the past; The Walker threshing outfit com-| menced operations Wednesday on the! anch. They also! Orvis week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McPherson and family motored to Anceney last Sun day, returning in the evening. Strorjg brothers' threshed on the Craig and Be.nice McPherson has been elect-, ed to teach the South Cottonwood ranches school the coming year. ; I i > s Georgia Hampton, a former SV-le^vlUo, visiteu .here friends. She will teacher in last week with teach in one of the Belgrade schools the coming year. , School begins ;n Salesville Tuesday; morning, with Mias Eunice Rayail and > Mrs. Sorells as teachers. | Mr. and Mrs. Jim McReynolds spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and W. P. Tcdd i Mrs John Cloninger spent , . * . ... ... Sunday in Bozeman visiting with Mrs., Clon'.ngers sister, Miss Lela Border,! who expects to leave soon for Kirks-; ril!. Mo., lo «peu.! tho win«r. i furnished the! Mr Mr. art The Papke brothers music for a dance at the ranch home; of Donald Christie, up Bridger can yon last Friday night. Mrs. C. W Overstreet and her sis-! ter, Mrs. Stanley A. Davis, returned! Wednesday evening from a visit of; tv. -< > weeks at Hail, Mont. They made trip by auto, and spent a few hours in Butte. | Don Christie and' the Mr. and Mrs. family, of Bridger canyon, spent Sun-j ■Jay visiting Mr. and Mis. Bob Gamp.; Mrs- O. C. Belt spent Wednesday ai the home of Mrs. L. Griffin. W, P Todd has purchased a new automobile. James B. Roan left the Deaconess' hospital Thursday for lus home. II« has recovered from injuries received' about two weeks ago, when a hay; stacker fell on him, fracturing a leg. i Mrs. L. Griffin was on the sick; lisi last Thursday Mrs. W. -1. Hartman went to Boze man Thursday from her ranch home! on the Gallatin liver, accompanied by! Donald Wessel, who spent twg> wrecks on the ranch. j Miss Kate Caivin lias sold her sum the Gallatin river to' the Mil-j mer home up H. E. Byram, ? re •vaukee railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kremer mo tored to Norris to visit with friends Saturday and Sunday, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs- Wallace Craig mo tored to Bozeman Saturday to do some ent of shopping. Herman Kremer had the misfortune to sprain his hand some way by pick rock one day last week, and mg up a it is very painful. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ft a a WILLOW CREEK. a a » ♦ a a a a a a a a a a a ♦ ♦ and Mrs. Margaret Dan Eames Powell motored from Butte last Mon day and spent the day with relatives here. _ The two-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Garnett is some better. Uncle Ben" Archer our local dray man, has been suffering from a car buncle on his arm. Buster Rask and brother Joe came down from Butte a few days ago end are employed on the Ruegamer ranch. Net Parker and are off on a a Mart Dickman, Lawrence Rasmussen will go to the fishing trip. They . Madison and then to Potosi. Mrs- Pat Gooley and children will move to town this week so the chil dren can attend school. Mr. and Mrs. James Hankinson au Sunday to visit with toed to Pony Mr. George Hanson. Arch Burns, 6f Butte, was in Wil 1 ow Creek Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas and family, *f Whitetail, were in Willow Creek Sunday, calling on acquaintances in the ^ e ^ erson district. j Clate HalCj Qf Pony> visited hisi brothers, L, C. and K. W Hale, Sun-i . I «ay- 1 Leo Drewiecke went to Bozeman ; Sunday. Erve Brown and son True returned from the Pacific coast last week. Morris Hoyle, Hollis Miller and True Brown went to Tice Springs! Sunday, going with a party of friends | fiom Three Forks. j Mrs. Ed. Walbert is expected home from St. James hospital in Butte next! week. | The school meeting scheduled fori September 4 was held September 1. Mrs- Frank Hilke has been quite ill, but is recovering. , Mrs. Bert Thompson and daughters visited friends north of the canyon; Saturday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Cleveland have moved into the Cherary house about a mile south of town. * Mr. Simmonds, of Bozeman, was in Willow Creek the latter part of last week, Mrs. Sophia Buttleman, Miss Meta Buttleman and Messrs. James Brad bury and Ross Parks will leave on September 14 for Milton, Oregon, to attend college. Mrs. Buttleman later! expects to take up missionary work- j Miss Black, of Pony, and Lee. Howls, of Willow Creek, were mar-| tried last Friday in Bozeman. Theyl were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lo,.| Mr. Sauer, of W inona, Minn., was j in Willow Creek Friday in the inter-, est of the Winona State bank. He| was accompanied by his wife and lit-1 tie son. I Harwood, Miss Growney arrived here last' Wednesday, and will teach here this 1 winter. j Mr. and Mrs. James Orr and fam. for California ily will leave soon • where they intend to make their fu ture home. Mr and Mrs- M. H. Dickman left. for Minneapolis Thurdsoay. ■ 1 began in the Jefferson; distirct Friday on the Walter Wil-j Hams ranch. The machine, owned by John Rogers, is doing good work. Alvin Cleveland returned home. from Bozeman Wednesday. He has 'been employed there all summer, ,, j at t u ... „7. Mr. and Mrs. James Hankinson and, Mr. Geiser were dinner guests oft Mr. and Mrs R. O. Briggs Monday night. Rev. George E. Glasspool went to ■ Milton, Oregon, on Friday, to attend j the Methodist conference. 1 Mrs. B. P. Archer spent a few days ; of last week in Bozeman, where she] She re- ; Mr. and Mrs. W- F. Hilke, Lorraine had some dental work done. turned home Sunday. Hilke and Jean Wnght autoed to Fromberg last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wright. A meeting of the school board ofi District 17 was he'd Tuesday nighti at the L. C. Hale home. Next Tues day night District 17 will meet Dis t riet 15 at the Willow Creek school house to discuss transportation for ehe pupils from the west end of the district. Mr. and Mrs Evans have rented one! of the James Hankinson houses and! will move to town for the winter. John Manning has returned from Kansas, where he has spent several months. ! Mrs. Hagen and daughter, of Three j Forks are guests this week at the! Will Harwood homo. j County Agent Bodley, Professor Allred, Agronomist Ogaard and Pro-j fessor Jensen, of ihe Montana State! College, held a corn demonstration on the F. C. Cleveland ranch last Wed nesdayx Mr. Cleveland has fifteen va rieties of corn planted and it is in splendid condition. A potato roguing will be held at the F. O. Cooper ranch next Tuesday, September 4- Ad the potato raisers are invited to attend. Experts from the college will be in charge of the work. . Mrs. P. A. Woodward is recovering from a recent severe illness. Dr. Bradbury was called to the Gar nett home Wednesday night to ad minister to the little daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garnett. Mrs. C- D. Norman and children, and left for Sand Point, Lucy Idaho, Wednesday. The remainder of the family will go as soon as thresh ing is done. Miss Rose Roberts is At work again in the Parks store, after a two weeks vacation, part of which she spent in Butte visiting her sister, Mrs Mar garet Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Wyoming, visited Mr, and Mrs. James Hankinson Wednesday and Thursday They are on their way to Torkio. R. C. Wilson and children and Mrs. Cora Wilson, of Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Neil and two daughters, Lois and Nellie, will leave for California next week, where they intend to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Burggren are preparing to take a journey to Min nesota and Duluth.! Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Etta Price, Mrs. Freda Walbert, Mrs. Hoel lein and Miss Freda Davis have re turned home from Potosi Springs Mrs. William Park returned home from the Murray hospital in Butte, where she has been confined for a couple of months, as a result of an; auto accident. ) Mr and Mrs. R. N. Reynolds havei moved to town fora couple of months.! __ . M + : Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward autoed to Bozeman, where Mr*. Ward consulted an opticiin. Mr. Geiser, of Butte, prominent Christian Science lecturer, was a g^t 0 f Mr- and Mrs. R. O. Briggs! t hj s we ek. Mrs. Geo. Sharpe will entertain the| Ladies' Aid Thursday at her home onj t fc e sou th bench. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Malloy and lit-' tie daughter are here from Butte.' j,. T Malloy is employed with the: threshing crew. They will leave ini about a mon th for Washington to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hankinson. Mrs- Olson son and daughter ar-1 lived here Wednesday from Wiscon-i sin . They were accompanied by Misai Benson. Mrs. Olson will teach the se venth and eighth grades. Miss Benson left for her home in the east Thursday. Ella Taylor and Kendrick Taylor returned from Waterloo last Sunday;** to attend school here. ; Mrs. Elliott, of Three Forks, was burt i ast Sunday in an automobile' accident coming down through the! p Q tosi canyon. Her son was driving' the car> and i n trying to pass another ! car went too near the edge of the, roadway and the car turned turtle., Mrs . E l, iott received « f«ctared shou ider. The rest of the family escaped with a few scratches. The 1 windshield on the car was smashed that being all the damage done to the car . ^ rs Elliott was taken to Pony! f or treatment. - it ft It n :: :: u :: n u :: : : : ; a » :: BRIDGER CANYON. g ,, t u t> „a Mrs. John Reese and childien, ot! : » » »♦ ♦< Bozeman, were guests for a days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C- P. Manry. I Floyd Christie, of Brackett Creek; was a guest several days last week! of his cousin, Earl Christie, j Miss Elva Budd, of Bozeman, has ' been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wicker several days dur- j , _, mg the past week. Misses lenora Foreman and Saval-! lah Eberhart, accompanied bj, Misses Ethel Cooper and Ma ? - Per shina, of Helena, enjoyed a trip thru * the Yellow'stcne park last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jeter and ily and John Jeter were entertained at dinner Friday by Mr- and Mrs. Paul Karlen. * Mrs. Fred Jump, who has been vis iting for the past month in the can at the home of her daughter. yon Mrs. Floyd Davis, left Wednesday for her home at Villisca, Iowa. Miss Marie Papke left Sunday for Salesville, where she will begin her 1 work Tuesday-as teacher in. the Ro chambeau school. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Camp, of Brackett Creek, motored through the canyon Saturday to Bozeman, where they | spent a short time shopping before going on to the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Camp, where they vis ited until Sunday, returning home in the evening., accompanied by their three daughters, Mabel, Elsie and i Josephine, who have teen visiting j relatives and friends in Bozeman and vicinity for the past week, Mr. and Mi*s- C. P. Manry, Albert ( Span, F. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Christie and family motored to Bozeman Hot ^Springs Sunday and spent the day. Misses Lenora Foreman and Savai vallah Eberhart and Clifford Smith left by auto Saturday for New Sa lem, N. D., where the latter will visit his parents a few days before going to other points in North Dakota to visit relatives. They expect to be gone a week. Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Murray, whoi have been visiting relatives in Can ada for a few weeks, have returned to Bozeman and are now visiting in the eanayon with their daughter. Mrs, Ira Jenkins and family. Mrs. Ed. Foreman was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sum j mers in Bozeman a couple of days last mers in Bozeman a couple of days last week while having dental work done. Mrs. John Rabe and daughter Ha zel motored to Bozeman Saturday and were accompanied home by Miss Sylvia Smith, who was a guest over Sunday. A community dance will be given at the Whittinan home Friday evening, September 7 Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gallup. Everett and Roy Curdy, of Brack ett Creek, visited in the canyon last week at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Christie. Miss Mary White, who has been vis iting with her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Fred Ham, and family, re turned to Bozeman the first of the week to begin school. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wicker. Otto Wicker and Miss Elva ' Budd were dinner guests Sunday at the home of M iss Cressie and Will Coaz. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMahon received word Saturday from their ton Arthur,, «C Bozeman, stating that they a the proud parents of a boy baby, named William Alcorn. The Bridger Threshing Machine company held a business meeting Tuesday evening at the Midole Bndg _. .. % schocl nouse> he majority of the . st0 <**>! ûe « * ere ^ esent and varu ™ 8 business topics were dis cu !j ed ^ apon ' airs - * rank L>av,s .. . , . D -- . their home in Bozeman Monday f £ter «W» « outing at the Pap suml ' ie t r c " ta "' e m the canyon for th L pa days *, ...... . u The Mld(il ® Br ' ager school, district f?' op ? ied Tuesda > morning wit Al "* 1 hol ^P* on teacner. _ " ^" d , * w oosley and H**" V * oos ' ey - of Sedan - transacte<i 1 bUhiness ,n bozeman and daughter Helen, of Bozeman are guests for a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davies returned one day last week. « a » a n tt » « « a a n WEST END. M » » » » « n « « « George Stublar returned Thursday f rom a mo tor trip to Roundup, where spent a few days with relatives, . - , ., , ,, , ... . . .. w u 01, • ° S °. ?Â./ t 7 n, fî„ ,he e''î nC S " **" f he8tnut SC: '° o1 house Saturday even - Thomas Jones and two nieces, of near Norris, called on relatives in this vicinity Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Werner and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. Elering at their ranch home near Bozeman. Leonard Sorenson and Joe Me Laughlin spent a few hours fishing on Brackett creek Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLaughlin, of Clasoil; Mr- and Mrs. O. Sorenson ' * and son Ray, of Greycliff; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sorenson and Mr. and Mrs..» _ , , . * tu <3 v, ç i ! e k 51 . ome j Unta 'ii a f A '!- ", at °î he Wer'' ° . , 1 nel ome ► une a> evening. Mr * an d Mrs. Ban Werner and. ( a ^ 1? er ".• ,en - unua y, aiternoon at the Pierce home. •, Mrs ten Verwolf and daughters,! ' . n , .C . J ' ®^a^the R vtvrnJ!- home* 1 a.ternoon at the B. Merne. home. : School will open Monday, Sepiem-j her 10, with Miss Ruth Antonsen re elected as teacher for the coming! year. Nels Jensen motored to Sedan Sun day and visited at tue A. J. Kanne - gaard home, returning Monday. been delivering dressed pork to the Bozeman markets during the past week. B. Werner has Fourteenth Sunday after 9:45 a. ra.—Church school. Bishopi Ö 8 **! 1 a :•: » r :: k »«:•;« u :: u :: » »,♦ ♦V CHURCH NOTES. « « » :: » » k n a » a » » ST. JAMES CHURCH. Fox will deliver a short address to, t ^,children- 1 11:00 a - ®- Holy communion and: sermon by the Rt. Rev. Herbert H. Box » suffrogen bishop of Montana, Choir rehearsal Wednesday, 7.JO P- Q1 * practice service. . 7:30 p. m.—Wednesday mid-week prayer service, PIDfl T da Drier < h Rev- F R CuS Minister Olive and Grand Avenue. 9:45 a m.—Bible school for all FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Dr. R -P. Smth, Pastor. Olive and Willson Avenue. 9:45 a- m,—Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship ami sermon. (i:30 p. m—Evening song and ages. 11:00 a. ra—Public worship. 6:30 p. m.— B. Y. P.' Ü. meeting. 7:30 p. ra—Public worship. 7:30 p. m.—Wednesday mid-week service. A people's church with a warm wel come for all. r ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH O. K. Davidson, Pastor. Corner of Grand and Olive. Sunday school at 9:45. Service 11:00 a. ». Mid-week service on Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. PAYNE MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH . A. L. Chapman, Pastor; residence, 112< South Grand Avenue. Comer Grand Avenue and Ba h eeek street. Sunday services— Bible Study—10:00 a. m. .Sermon and communion—11 a. ra. C. E. Meetings—-6:30 p. ». Evening Worship—7; SO. Prayer Meeting—Wedn e s d ay even ing, 7:30. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST. 16 West Olive » t r e at • Sunday Services—11:00 a. ». Sunday school at 9:45 a. av Wednesday evening testimonial maatiKsr at 8 o'olook i;30 to 5:U0 p. m. LATTER-DAY SAINTS, REORGAN 1ZED. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday school. , U .00 u. m.—Preaciung service • Wednej/day, 7:JO p. m-—Prayer service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. H. G. Klemme, Pastor. Sunday school—9:45. Regular morning service at 11:00 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30. MORTON MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH Milvon F. Hill, Pastor. Corner Church and Lamme. Sunday school at 9:45 Morning preaching '»ervice at 11:00 o'clock, Epworth League at S:30 p. Prayer me«ting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at th^ church. a. m. tu GALLATIN MEN ARE AT ROAD MEETING. With representation from every Gallatin county town through which the highway passes and the election of a local man as president, the an nual meeting of the Geyser to Glacier Highway association was held in Hel ena Thursday afternoon. J. A. Har ader, secretary of the Bozeman cham ber of commerce, was elected to head thç association fo the coming year. Display folders to be published, and disnosition of finance were important! a - täte meeting of the organ dations to be held some time in the near future. Butte was suggested as the meeting place. Plans for improvement of the high items of business disposed of during the meeting In response to telegrams from the V. G. Bee Line and Alberta-Montana Highway associations, steps were ta ken j ._ ' _ THIRTY-THREE YEARS AGO. From files of the Avaunt-Couiuer, September 11, 1890. Attörnev I I T S^ndors nf Hpluna -rttcomes -J- banners, ot Helena, 'vas in the city Monday. ■ I A four-hone team left this city '° f Castle on Monday last, loaded! with merchandise. j j The district court, in and for Galla tin county, convened on Monday last, Judge Frank Henry presiding — The Bozeman Bottling Works com nany is now delivery goods in a hana some new wagon. ! Dr. A. H. Hersey, who bas been vis iting in Butte and Helena for the past; week, returned home Monday morn ing. V. E. Tull left for West Gallatin basin Monday to look after his min-i ing interests in that locality. Miss Tessie left for Hel ena Qn Monday 1 course of study and continue her stud-j - n muglc j ■ I Miss Tessie Sperling left for Hel to take a special Mr. R. C Hije will start on his voyage down the Missouri and Mis- j sisippi next Monday". The launch will', Chas. Anceney, Jr., of Moreland,! spent a couple of days in tow« last i week, enjoying a short visit with his numerous friends. - are informed by Professor Rar m on that as the schools are filled to overflowing, no more non-resident pupils will be accepted. There are 395 pupils now in daily attendance. Miss Olla Lundwall who graduated last year from the Bozeman high school, is teaching in the Rees« Creek district. be made near Gallatin Mrs. C. S. Hartman and.' children expect to start months' visit on Saturday of this week- During their absence the Judge east for a three week- During their absence the Judge will probably have his hands full of W 1 . H. Tracy has purchased the old Episcopal church building in order to; secure the pulpit. He says that sec ond-hand pulpits are almost as scarce hen's teeth and are greatly sought campaign work. as after. Leslie Gage, who for several years past has clerked for several different firms in the city, is enjoying an out ing in the park. When he returns he will leave or Illinois, where he will learn the jewelers trade under an uncle who is in that business. Mr. Paul Davies left last Friday to take charge of the Pony school. Miss Bettie Chrisman, of this city, will be his assistant. Both have taught suc cessfully in this county for several years and they will no doubt give sat isfaction in Posy. . _ A. « bw h<i8»r. »r- (M.- Ar. oeney, of h m way all along the route were dis cussed. The stretches of road lying between Helena and Three Forks and Augusta and Choteau were mentioned as parts of the highway which should t receive particular attention- Action taken by the association for the im provement of the road in these dis tricts and other places will at the end; of next season make the Glacier to • Geyser brail a well groomed highway, it was said. A different system of marking the trail was decided upon. This year marking by paint in the same colors will be done, it is said, with a two by four timber used in places where it is necessary. The markers which have heretofore been used have been of a steel plate design. The information bureau at Cody, an • entrance to the Yellowstone park, will be maintained until September 15, it was decided, with plans made for its maintenance next year. Plans where by the co-operation of county commis sioners and others would be solicited by the association were adopted. Officers elected for the new year • were as follows: President, J- A. Ha rade r Bozeman; first vice president, J, C. Morgan, Choteau; second vice president, M. J. Sullivan, Alhambra; secretary-tteas urer, W. G. Ferguson, Helena. Représentatives —J. H. Sherburne, Browning; A. W. Wall, Bynum; Fred Schwarder, Dupuyer; E. J- Hirsch j berg, Choteau; J. H. Carmichael, Au gusta; F. M. Mack, Bums, Wolf Greek; Frank Hirsch iie.ena; J. R. Liddy, East Helena; Mike Sullivan, Alhambra; Beck Bar leau, Boulder; Hugh Broderick, Town send; Ben Briscoe, Strachan Logan; I. U- Danley, Man hattan; Ed. Avery, Three Forks; E. A. Steifel, Belgrade; L. W. Truitt, Boze man; Fred Stone, Salesville; Alex Stuart, West Yellowstone. i Gilman: J. H. * Toston; J, W. front rank this year. While in the West Gallatin basin recently he killed ten bears in two four the first and consecutive days, six the second. They consisted of three grizzlies, five cinnamon and two black bears. ! j j j from Bozeman that Hon. Chas. S. Hari^on is the choice of the Gallatin Republicans after Thos. H. Carter. The choice of the Gallatin Republicans is a gen tleman whose ability will command the consideiadon of any claims he may have upon the state convention. The news comes \ An unusually heavy rain set in on Friday night last, which changed to an old-fashioned snow storm dur ing the night, resulting in a four to six inch covering of the "beautiful all over the upper part of the valley I on Saturday- Most of it disappeared ! the following day, hut the highest ■ : foothills and the surrounding moun- ^ tains ate still covered with condensed precipitation of atmospheric humidity. It is rumored about town that Char ley Kinney and George Cox, two of the party of Bozeman boys who left for the park about s month ago, went out on a hunting expedition recently and returned to camp about 11 o'clock, j at night with a large bear. It is probably um:c esaary to state that the rest of the party were green with o«r and will not be content until they succeed .n doing as well, i After a brief but distressing Ul ness. Magdftlena. the beloved daugh ter of Mr * and Peter Ko ^ of this city, died. Lena was but 11 year,* and four months old; of unwonted quiet grace- of manner, and a univer j sal favorite ft v of a large circle of I friends. Her fbneral took place from i the Presbyterian church on Monday, j the 8th inst., the date of her death, Republican county central committee The executive committee of the Republican county central elected at the county convention con sists of the following; C. S. Hart man, chairman, and chairman of the coanty central committee; Peter Koch, treasurer; J- V. Bogert, secretary, Mr. Bogert declined twice when the «hove ticket was withdrawn and the following one adopted. O. P. Chis holm, chairman of both committees; E. F. Ferris, treasurer; F. M. Hig gins. secretary. Mrs. F. K- Armstrong and children will go to Atchison. Kansas, to visit Mr. Armstrong's sister for the winter, and in the spring will probably join Mrs. Armstrong's sister, Miss Fannie Lamme, in Europe. Mr. Armstrong follows as soon as court adjourns. Jas. Shedd, an old-time Montanan, dropped dead of heart disease In the White Cal fee lumber mills last week. Bert Cummings, « well knov mac fr»ms Salesville. took his young tHfe saw, and on the second . „„«I. USwwiH Uk«* "