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UNDERTAKING. A E. W. Harland ,v Embalmer and Funeral Director Lady Attendant BETTER SERVICE Phone 692-RI 2Î9 West Main H. F. WEST EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant MODERN PARLOR AND AUTO EQUIPMENT Am balance Service Phone 797-R3 125 Weet Main St. LESLIE £. GAGE ®p tame trist Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Manff. Optician Glasses repaired and broken lenses repaired the same day. 4 Phone 423 10 E. Main 4 DR. W C. DAWES Osteopathic Physician and Obstetrician Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. 37 West Main St Martin Block Phon« 371. DRS. DEAN AND GRIFFITH Osteopathic Physicians Offic« Phone 132-W. Dr. Grififth Phone Res.678 Dt. Dean Phone Res 132-J Commercial National Bank Building. JAMBS E. ELLIOTT Physician and Surgeon Commercial National Bank Block Phone 195-W. Residence Evergreen Apartments Phone 195-J. Gallatin Veterinary Hospital Bozeman, Montana. O -L. DEV0RE % Comer Black and Lamme Streets Phone 235. 4 E. F. BUNKER Attorney-at-Law—Notary Public Commercial Bank Building Bozeman, Mont. F. W. Hancock WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Clocks called for and delivered. ROECHER'S DRUG STORE. Central RAILWAY TIME-CARD. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Going West. Ne. 1—North Coast Ltd.3:47 A. M. No. 3— N. P- Express.3:65 P. M. No. 41—Local... No. 219—Local ..2:10 A. M. .2:27 P. M. Nos. 1, 41 and 219 rtm via Butte; No. 1 carries paying passengers from and to points scheduled to stop- No. 1 and No. 3 will stop at Manhattan and Belgrade to let off passengers from points east of Billings. Going East. No. 2—North Coast Ltd.-2:29 P- M. No. 4—Atantic Express....!:02 A. M. No. 42—Miss Valley Ltd-1:45 A. M. .....10:50 A. M. No. 2 carries paying passengers from and to points scheduled to stop. No. 220—Local I * MENARD TRAINS— SATURDAY ONLY. - 7:00 A. M. 10:46 A. M. - 4:80 P. M. .- 8:30 P. M. < *T Lv. Bozeman. Ar. Bozeman._ Lv. Bozeman.. Ar. Bozeman.. Ar. Menard_ Lv. Menard_ Ar- Menard_ Lv. Menard-. .8:46 A- M .9:00 A. M. - 8:0« P. M. ' P. M. ' 'j-f; -I n a xxKtxxxnnxxHxxxxxxvxxxn » 55 » « CHURCH NOTES. SI » xx*:n*:xxxxux*txKxxnxtutxn ST. JAMBS CHURCH. Corner of Tracy and Olive. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. 9:45 a. m.—Church school and Bible class. 11:00 a. m.—Mofming prayer. Wednesday, 7:30 p- m.—Choir re hearsal. E. J. BELL. Lay Reader. F. W. M'KAY, Senior Warden. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Dr. R P. Smth, Pastor. Olive and Willson Avenue, 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship and sermon. 6:30 p. m-—Evening song and practice service. 7:30 p. m.—Wednesday mid-week prayer service. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev- F. R. Curry, Mi ni« ter. Olive and Grand Avenue. 9:46 a- m.—Bible school for all ages. 11:00 a. m—Public worship. 6:30 p. m.— B. Y. P. U. meeting. 7:30 p. m—Public worship. 7:30 p. m-—Wednesday mid-week service. A people's church with a warm wel come for all. ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH O. K. Davidson, Pastor. Corner of Grand and Olive. Shnday school at 9:45. Service 11:00 a. m. Mid-week service on Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. PAYNE MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH A. L. Chapman, Pastor; residence, 112 South Grand Avenue. Comer Grand Avenue and Babcock street. Sunday services— Bible Study—10:00 a. m Sermon and communion—11 a. ra. C. £. Meeting«—6:30 p. u. Evening Worship—7:30. Prayer Meeting—Wednesday «▼< ing, 7:30. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST , SCIENTIST. 16 West Olive street • Sunday Services—11:00 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. nv Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock Reading room in the Golden Rule block, open daily except Sunday, from 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. LATTER-DAY SAINTS, REORGAN IZED. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday school, 11:00 a. m.—Preaching service • Wednesday, 7c30 p. m.—Prayer service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. H. G. Klemme, Pastor. Sunday school-—9:45. Regular nforning service at 11:00 o'clock. Evening service at 7:38. MORTON MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH MilVon F. Hill, Pastor Comer Church and Lamme. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning preaching service at 11:00 o'clock. Epworth League at 8:30 p. ra. Prayer me« tin g Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the churcli. G. W. HENKE Cigar Mfg. Factory 3F8 N. Wallace Bozeman, Montana « WHO'S YOUR SHOE DOCTOR? Don't throw until you giye us a chance to exam ine them. A little fixing here mid there may double their days of wear. away yeur old shoes Morton's Shoe Shop MILWAUKEE TIME-CARD Leaves Bozeman for Three Forks— No- 115 (Via Belgrade Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays only). Arrive Bozeman— No. 116 _ (Does not go via Belgrade on return trip from Three Forks). 8:30 A. M -3:30 P. M. GALLATIN VALLEY BLECTFIC Westbound—Departs. No, 32—Daily_ No. 33—Daily » —6:30 A. M. — .4:09 P. M. Eastbound—Arrive. No- 32—Daily_ No. 34—Daily... _.6:05 A. M. -6:00 P. M OIL NEWS •••««•••••■••••■••a TREASURE STATE ACT VITY BRIEFE Y RECO HATED Brush creek In Fergus county is the latest thing in wildcat in the state, and is occupying considerable space in the activities of oil operators. The Brush creek structure has not had much at tention since the Ohio drilled a water well in the early history of operations in Cat creek. The claim that one water well or one dry hole does not condemn a field is now blossoming into a reality as far as Brush creek is concerned. The Republic well was started on the Oiltana dome a short time after the Ohio failed to get oil in its test to the east. The Peerless Producers' syndicate is now finishing that well, after the Republic syndicate run out of funds and had reached a depth a little below 1,400 feet. This well is located in the west end of the field and Is now on top of the Tensleep sand, with a very good chance for pro duction. According to reports there are some 15 oil companies either drilling or ar ranging to drill In the Baker field in the eastern pert of the state and more than a million and one-half dollars will be spent there In the next 12 months In development work. The Baker field, in a way, resembles Cat Creek but ac cording to the government has no faults. It Is probably the biggest field In the state, running from Glendive in a southeasterly direction for more than 100 miles. Although the drilling for oil is deep, It is believed to have a good chance to bring in wells equal to those of Salt Creek, as Its formation was of the same period as that of the now famous Salt Creek, having been caused by the Black hills' uplift. Discovery of a trickle of oil from the top of the casing at the Gladys Belle Fryberger well, in the Kevln-Sunhurst field has given the hole the rank of a producer and potentially proves a con siderable acreage on which prospect ing ceased nearly a year ago with the classification of the Fryberger as a "duster. 1 / That the well was flowing was discovered a short time ago whea officers of the Gladys Belle were drlw ing by. When the well was brought in last November there was a slight showing of oil and considerable water the latter causing the location to be abandoned when the water could not be pumped out. Drilling at the Baul«y dome well near Denton, has been stopped and the casing pulled and taken to Alaska bench, 10 miles south of Lewlstown, where the syndicate Is doing some prospect work. The well at Bauley dome had been put down to a depth A to extended over a period of three years. Water, sa steaming hot. mat each bailerful of It must be handled with a hook. Is coming up In the Black Hawk well in the Flatwillow structure in Fergus county where the drill Is pound ing away at a depth of more than 4,000 feet. The Black Hawk is the deepest well in Montana. Drilling on the second Ohio well on the Guinn dome southwest of Malta, is going steadily ahead. The well was spudded in recently and is utilizing the gas from the first well, which waa struck at 520 feet and destroyed tha rig. Belle Brown well on Sweetgrass Hills, has resumed drilling from a depth of 2.560 feet. It is believed the Ellis sand will be encountered before reaching 2,700 feet. Montana - Canadian - Gladys Homestake Exploration Howling No. 3, Kevln-Sunhurst field, blew Itself in with a production of 2,400 barrels per day. This well Is controlled by the Homestake Oil company and the 1 Texas Pacific Coal & Oil. For the quarter ending June 30, 1923, the state of Montana collected about $113,000 for gasoline consumed in the state. The tax Is 2 cents a gallon. The well of the Moshy Consolidated Oil company In Cat Creek will prob ably be a small producer from a depth of 1,900 feet, the oil coming from th* second sands. The well of the Whaley Oil company op the Flat Willow structure has drilled through the Ellis sands at a depth of 2,005 feet. The company may carry the well to the Tensleep sand. Gerard Ryzek of Great Falls, R. D. McPherrln and associates of Califor nia will drill a well, known as McPher rin-Garrison No. 1, 13 miles northeast of Carter. Frantz-Woods well, of the Mutual Oil company. Cat Creek, Is at a depth of 1.400 feet and has failed to find th« second sands, which were "logged" at 1,200 feet. The Illinois Pipeline company trans ported 78,498 barrels of oil from th« Kevln-Sunhurst field In July. Midwest Snyder No. 1 on Shooter structure In the Lake Basin, the Si* has spudded ln Lavadeur 3-A, a Mid-Northern well In west Cat Creek, has been ahan domed at 1,788 feet. Gordon Campbell No. 2 well. In the Kevln-Sunhurst field, has again been placed on the pump after being shut down since last fall. Petroleum Exploration, Western Kenny No. 2, came In as a commercial prodneer In the Kevln-Sunhurst from a depth of 1.600 feet. The Neudlgate well on the Kootenai dome. Is down 580 feet and has drilled through 98 feet of coal strata. The Ethridge Royalty cluh ha« s-"*d ded in a well 1% miles from Ethridge^ where the company owns 520 acre*. Markham No. 1. on the Teton Kidga structure, Is drilling at 1,875 feet. WEDNESDAY, SEPT., 26, 1923 WANTED—Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. Elim inates darning. Salary $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons, heathers, silks. INTERNATIONAL STOCKING MIL International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. LEGALS CH>D-CKKKKKKKHKHKJ*D NOTICE Teachers' examinations will be given at Bozeman on October 4-5-6 at Y. M. C. A. rooms Thursday and Fri day and in the Court room on Satur^ day. All teachers teaching on per mits or whose certificates expire be fore next June, are required to write on these examinations. Teachers who have credits to apply on examinations must present them at the time of the examination. Missoula and Bozeman summer credits in subjects granted prior to 1919 have expired. All credits in other summer schools prior to 1921 have now expired. Correspondence work with Dillon, Missoula, and Boze man are permanent. No credits are acceptable from institutions outside of the state. Teachers holding tempor ary certificates, must present them at the time of the examinations. A schedule of the examinations fol lows: Thursday, October 4th History—8:00-10:00 A. M. Civics—10:00-12:00 M. Grammar—1:00-2:30 P. M. Theory and Practice—2:30-4:00 P. M. Spelling—4:00-4:30 P. M. Friday, October 5th Arithmetic—8:00-10:00 A. M. American Literature—10:00-12 ;00 M. Geography—10:30-12:00 M. Reading—1:00-2:30 P. M. Agriculture—2:30-3:30 P. M. Physical Geography—2:30-4:00 P. Physiology—3:30-4:30 P. M. School Laws—3:00-4:30 P. M. Saturday, October 6th School Management—8:00-10:00 A, M. Principles of Education—8:00-10:00 A. M. Elementary Psychology—10:00-12: 00 M. Educational Psychology—10:00-12: 00 M. (First publication Sept. 26, 1923) (Last publication Oct. 3, 1923) M. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1 of the Acts of the Eigh teenth Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana, the tax sale of pro perty for the delinquent taxes for the year 1922 will be held in front of the office of the County Treasurer in Bozeman, October 1, 1923, com mencing at ten o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until all property on which of. 2t j these taxes are a are disposed penalty of ten per cent will be added all unpaid taxes for 1922 on that date. C. Korslund, Plaintiff, versus I. S. ; McLees and Carrie A. McLees, De To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat urday the 6th day of October A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the court house in the City | of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State I of Montana, the following described property, viz.: The southwest quarter (SW%) and the north half of the southeast quar ter (N% of SEV4 ) of Section thirty one (31), in Township two (2) north of Range four (4) east, Montana Principal Meridian, containing accord ing to Government survey 250 acres, more or less, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, easements, water and all other rights thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, said lands being situated in the County of Gal latin, State of Montana. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 12th day of September, 1923. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. George Y. Patten, Attorney for Plaintiff, Bozeman, Montana. (First publication Sept. 12, 1923) <J.ast publication October 3, 1923) W. D. BELL, Treasurer. In the District Court of 'Phe Ninth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Gallatin SHERIFF'S SALE fendants. SHERIFF'S SALE Owenhouse Hardware Company, a Corporation, Plaintiff, versus Harry Fridley, Defendant. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat urday on the 6th day of October A, D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described property, viz. : The Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-Eight (28), Township One (1) North, Range Three (3) East, con taining 160 acres all in the County of ' Gallatin, State of Montana. Dated this 7th day of September A. D. 1923. I JAMES SMITH, Sheriff I By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication September 12,1923) (Last publication October 3, 1923) j SHERIFF'S SALE The First National Bank of Butte, a Corporation as Trustee, Plaintiff, versus Manhattan Malting Company, a Gorpo To he ration. Defendant, sold at Sheriff's Sale on Wed nesday on the 10th day of October A. D. 1923 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. the front door of the Court House the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana, the following described property, viz: All and singular the Malting Plant and Property of the Manhattan Malt ing Company, to-wit:—All of Blocks numbered Twenty-six and Forty the Original Plat of the Town of Man hattan, as the same appears in the plat of said town on file in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of said Gallatin County, Montana, in eluding the malting house, elevator, machinery, fixtures and appliances of every kind and nature whatsoever used in the conduct and operation of the malting business of said Manhat tan Malting Company, together with all and singular the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there-, unto belonging or in anywise apper taining. The lands and premises to be sold are situate, lying and being in the County of Gallatin, State of Mon tana. Dated this 10th day of September A. D. 1923. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication September 12, 1923) (Last publication October 3, 1923) SHERIFF'S SALE C. N. Wood, Assignee, Plaintiff, versus Henry Wood, Defendant. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Thursday on the 27th day of Septem ber A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, all the right title and interest of the defen dant in and to the following described property, viz.: The South Half (S%) of Section Eight (8), Township Two (2) South of Range Two (21 East, in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, con taining 320 acres. Dated this 5th day of September A. D. 1923. a tv urday the 6th day of October A. D. 1923, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, the following described property, viz.: Lot five (5) in Block forty (40) of Milwaukee Land Company's First Ad dition to the Town of Three Forks, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, together with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 4th day of September 1923. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. Y. for JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication September 5, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) In The District Court of The Ninth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Gallatin SHERIFF'S SALE Western Loan and Building Com pany a corporation, Plaintiff, versus Howard J. Shephard, Julia Shephard, John M. Pitt, Clara Pitt, and The American National Bank of Three Forks, Montana, a corporation, De fendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat Plaintiff, Bozeman, Montana. (First publication September 5, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - . Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, August 14, 1923. Notice is hereby given that Bennett M. Ford, of Grayling, Montana, who, on August 12, 1922, made Homestead entry, No. 015785, for SE*4, Section 16, Township 12 South, Range 5 East, Prin. Meridian, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Bozeman, Montana, on the 10th day of October, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Lon Ebaugh, Guy Williams, Charley Coun ter, Alex Stuart, all of Grayling, Mon tana. Non-coal land. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register. (First publication August 29, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) -- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, August 22, 1923. Notice is hereby given that William G. Hanna, of Norris, Montana, who, on March 10, 1921, made Homestead Entry, No. 015529, for SW^4, SW 1 ^ Section 27; SEVi Section 28; NE Vi, NWV4 SEV4 Section 33 and W% NW V4, Section 34, Township 2 South, Range 1 East, Prin. Meridian, Montana, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore James A. Flint, U. S. Commis sioner, in his office, at Pony, Mon tana, on the 2nd day of October, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: James T. Fisher, Soren Mortensen, Herbert C. Hudson, Jonas W. Knight all of Norris, Montana. GEO. Cl DAVENPORT, Register. (First publication August 29, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) Notice is hereby given that on Sep teraber 29th, 1923, the trustees of school district No. 31, Gallatin County, Montana advertise for sale the school huilding which formerly belonged to District No. 71, Fish Hatchery, and now consolidated with District No. 31. Said school house is located on the south side of the road between the Story Mill school and the Fish Hatch NOTICE Sealed bids will he received and opened on September 29th, 1923. The trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids received. Address bids to Mr. A1 Grantham, Bozeman, Montana, Route No. 4. Clyde Williams Elmer Huff A1 E. Grantham Trustees, School District No. 31 ery. at in in SHBRIEF'S SALE - W. Jenney, Plaintiff, versus , or Owen Gilhooley, the same person, ana w. O. W. Gilhool who are one ai î urday on the 29th day of September A. D. 1923 at 2 o'clock P. M. at th« Store building situated on Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) of BlocL '*) of the original townsite of Logan, Gallatin County, Montana, known as the Gil hooley Store and the following de scribed personal property, viz.: All furniture and fixtures of every kind and description now contained in Mary Gilhooley, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat the store building situated on Lots (G) and Seven (7) of Block (2) of the original townsite of Logan, Gallatin County, Montana, also the following described real property, viz.: All of Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) of Block Two (2) of the original townsite of Logan, Gallatin County, Montana, together with all and sin gular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, easements, water and all other rights belonging or in anywise appertaining. Dated August 29th, A. D. 1923. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication September 5, 1923) (Last publication September 26, 1923) SUMMONS In the District Court of the Ninth Judicial District of the State of Montana in and for the County of Gallatin. Frank R. Hargrove, Plaintiff, vs. Helen Hargrove, Defendant. The State of Montana, to the above named defendant Helen Hargrove: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service. The said action is brought to ob tain a decree of said Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be tween the parties hereto, on the grounds that on April 2nd, 1922, you left the plaintiff and his home, bed and board, and deserted him and went to Danville, Illinois, where you have resided seperate and apart from the plaintiff, and against his consent, for more than a year last past. All of which will more fully appear from the verified complaint on file in said action» reference to which is hereby ma de, the same being made a part of this summons. And in case of your failure to ap pear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. ATTEST: My hand and the Seal of sa id District Court, this 24th day of Sentember A D. 1923. Court &al m. R. Wilson, Attornev for Plaintiff, (First publication Sept. 26, 1923) (Last publication October 17, 1923) f W. L. HAYS, Clerk. - f SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court of The Ninth Judicial District of the State of Montana, In and for the County of Galatin David Humbird, Thomas J. Hum- bird, and William H. Famham, Trus- tees under the will of Jacob Humbird, Plaintiffs, vs. Clayton H. Morse, Robert Nisbet, Hazel B. Nisbet and Gallatin Valley Realty Company, a Corporation, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale by vir tue of an order of Sale in the above entitled cause; on the 24th day of October 1023, at 2:00 o'clock, P. M. a t the front door of the Court House 0 f the above named Court; in the City 0 f Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State 0 f Montana, the following described rea l property: xhe North Half (N%) of Section Thirteen (13) in Township Two (2) North of Range Four (4) East of the Montana Principal Meridian, contain j n g 320 acres, more or less, excepting therefrom, however, all that part of the Northwest Quarter of said Section, lying West of the public road, known a s the "Dry Creek" road, containing 9 acres, more or less, together with a ll ditch and water rights, for irriga tion or otherwise, or any interest therein in connection with said land. Together with all and singular the privileges, tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances, thereunto belong i n g or in any wise appertaining, All of said lands being situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Mon tana. Dated: Bozeman, Montana, this 24 day of September, 1923. 1 JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. Frank Arnold Attorney for Plain tiffs. Room 1 Thompson Block Living ston, Montana. (First publication Sept. 26, 1923) (Last publication Oct. 17, 1923) SHERIFF'S SALE Barbara Spieth, Plaintiff, vs. Ruby M. Bohart, Defendant. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Mon day on the 22 day of October A. D. 1923 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, Coun ty of Gallatin. All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described property, viz.: Lots One (1), Two (2), Four (4) and Five (5) of Section Twenty-six (26), in Township One (1) Smith of Range Six (6) East, M, P. M.,*. con taining 153.49 acres, more or less, ac cording to the United States Govern ment Survey thereof: and lots Three (3), Six (6) and Seven (7) all in Sec tion Twenty-six (26) in Township Or» (1) South of Range Six (6) East, M P. M., containing One Hundred Eigh teen Hundredths (118.14) acres more or less, according to the United States Government Sur vey thereof together with all the ina provements thereon and all and sin I gular the tenements, hereditament*» and appurtenances thereunto belong i ing or in anywise appertaining. ! All the above lands situate and he 1 ing in the County of Gallatin, State • of Montana, Fated this 22nd day of September A. D. 1923. and JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. 1 (First publication Sept. 26, 1923) j (Last publication Oct. 17, 1923)