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i » s CAc NEWS FROM GALLATIN COUNTY & From Ow Special Correspondents j I DIG PACKAGE ft ü4i ,r 15? » a a a ft a a a a » a a u • # " ft tt LOGAN NEWS ITEMS. . a 8 n a « a a a a a a « ft « Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and | daughter, Ena, left Monday morn ing for Califomia, to spend the win ter. 1 hey had not decided when thej, ^ ?eft on any particular locality and it is possible Mr, Johnson says, they may like California well enough to locate there permanently. i i ! that Harry Dai'lington and family spent} last week in Helena attending the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Dell McHees and daughter, June, spent Sunday with relatives in Manhattan. Joe McQuillan and T- Hailey mo tote ! to Bozeman to spend Sunday. ola Leary of the school faculty spent the week-end at their homes in Butte. Miss Angeline Lynch and Miss Vi Mis. Fay Drummond was a guest the last of the week of Mrs. Boyd Rose in Three Forks. R. H. Johnson and family were re cent visitors in Sappington, at the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loom vs. County Superintendent of Schools, iMss Lucile Quaw visited the Logan «chon! last Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Be vier left Satur day night on the.. Milwaukee from Three Forks for Lewistown, where fcbe will resume her school Monday morning Dr. and Mrs A Verdun of Butte i and Mrs. J. Hartwm of Bozeman, were Sunday fruesta of C. W. Logan ?.t his home west of Logan. Tht do 1 >r enjoyed the day fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belton en Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jennev mo cored to Three Forks the first of the week and spent the day with T. J. Young and family. It is reported that Mrs. Charles Dross is seriously ill and was taken tertained their cousin, Miss Stella Sullivan of Townsend, a few days last week to the Throe Forks hospital. Miss Viola Learv and Miss Eileen; Funk attended the Saturday night' iance at Bozeman Hot Springs. Hans Larson and family spent the week-end in Pipestone visiting rela tives. Carl Hopping and J- M. Olson oi ''Kelly" as he is familiarly called, kft Tuesday for the ccast. They are making the trip by auto and expect to have a great time and probably will decide to locate in California. Their many friends wish them thé best of luck. Mrs. John Powers and Mrs. Frank Johnson attended the Helena fair on Tuesday and Wednesday. 5 tt tt tt tt tt K » K tt tt tt ft ft ft tt WILLOW CREEK. ft *» 8 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ft tt tt tt ft ft Mr. and Mrs. Dale Riley enter tained at dinner Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reece Roberts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kelly and family and Mrs. Mona Howls. Mrs. Freda Walbert Davis, Blanch Skinner and May Growney went to the Madison fishing last Saturday and remained over Sunday. Mr- and Mrs. Whittsett of Corval 5s, Mont., are visiting their daughter Mrs. Walter Mack and family. Mrs. Johnson of Logan was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan last v r eek. Miss Florence Nunn accompanied Miss Adkins to her home in Pony for a weeks* visit, Lyle Hoover drove down from Hel ena Thursday night and took home ils wife and baby, Mrs. Tom Walbert, Mrs. Walter Mack and Mr- and Mrs, C. H, Bell feave soon for Idaho, to spend the autoed to Bozeman last Thursday. Mr. and MVs. L. W. Hale expect to winter. George Taylor and Joe Ward arej busy this week putting a cement j bridge in at the Cooper crossing [ They have just completed a cement; headgate for P. A. Woodward. j Mrs. Conklin and family have} moved into the house formerly occu pied by Will Kelly and family An auction sale was held last Sat urday at the C. D. Norman ranch. Mr. Norman intends going to Point, Idaho to reside. Rev. Jinnett, our new pastor, preached his first sermon here last Sunday morning. The stork called at the W T ill Flah erty home last Thursday and left a baby boy. Mother and son are getting along nicely and six sisters are endeavoring to make him feel at home. 1 Sand Walter Williams has been suffering with a severe attack of rheumatism. ! Mr- and Mrs. Harry Devries and daughters are visiting Mrs. Devrie'sj sister in Missoula. Willow Creek was well represent ed a ^. s j- a ^ e f a i r and se veral priz es were awa rded to contestants from I bert y Harold Archer took several prizes on chickens, including first on White Leghorn cockeral. Frank Coo per received one first and: several other prizes on Poland China hogs and ]yii ss Alice Hawes also brought home a first on hogs. We are very proud of these records and hope this will encourage others for next year. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Williams will move to Willow Creek for the winter to take care of Mrs A. J. Woodwards Henze! j property. Mrs. Woodward expects to spend the winter in Washington with her daughter, Nina, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Murphy and Mr. Healy will leave soon for Cali fornia to spend the winter, potatoes, Dick Fabrick and brother of Three F. E- Henzel and J. E. Orr went to Butte last Friday to dispose of a car Forks called at the F. E. ranch one day last week. Francis and John Lane of Three Forks were in Willow Creek Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. James Hankinson autoed to Reese creek Sunday. R. J- Roberts, and son Russell, left ( for California last Wednesday. They j are making the trip overland and will be accompanied as far as Wenatchee, Washington, b 7 Will Kelly and fam dy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reel of Norris were in Willow Creek Saturday and attended the Norman sale. Miss Hazel Norman is stopping at the Ed. Garnett home this week, pre paratory to leaving for Idaho next Sunday. Gus Lardis went to Butte last Sun da >' Mrs. Ed- Walbert has returned hom e St. James hospital in! Butte, where she recently underwent! 1 an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Park and Mrs. I were shopping in Three Forks last Wednesday. Miss Sue Norman went to Man Morris Bjetke hattan Sunday to visit friends for a few days before going to her new home in Idaho. Lester Williams is expected home this week from the Madison reserve where he went to round up cattle two 'weeks ago. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt BELGRADE NEWS « » tt » tt t: » tt t: » « t: tt « » « « Mrs- Morgan Hoffman, and Miss Bonnie Stepheson, of Belgrade, were shopping in Bozeman Saturday. Mrs. D. P. Stone received word of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Shunk. Mrs. Shunk was formerly Miss Louise Stone Mrs, W. F. Hardin of Belgrade spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Robert Dunn at Bozeman. Among those from Belgrade who attended the state fair in Helena were: Miss Octa Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hecox, and son, Wallace, Miss Mary Taylor and Mr. and Mrs W. J. MaTcy. Miss Stella Daugherty, formerly of Belgrade, is now located at River side, Califomia. The Women's Helping Society of the Baptist church met with Mrs. Walter Gilmer Thursday afternoon. Matters of business pertaining to the welfare of the church were discussed. Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Gilmer. Mrs- Nel Hamilton and daughter, Geraldine, left for Rochester, Minn., Saturday night, where they expect to be gone for a few weeks. Among those who were shopping in Bozeman Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray An gell, Mrs. Emmett Huf fine, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cox, Hugh ie Burnett, and Mr. and Mrs- A. E ; Bridges. I George Wise, who has been in Cal- | if orn i a for the past few months has returned home and is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Aiken. The Episcopal Guild met with Mrs. Conrad W T ipf at her ranch home Wednesday afternoon. They dis cussed the work of the coming year, The ladies decided to hold a cooked food sale at the Belgrade store Sat-, urday, October 6. Refreshments; served by Mrs, Wipt. The next meeting will be with Mrs- F. Miss Florence Penwell has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robert _ Mr. and Mrs, Cosley left Belgrade! Wednesday morning for Hood River J Oregon. Mr. Cosley has been con-| were M. Byrne. Dunn, of Bozeman. ductin « a bart,er sho P in Belgrade) for the past few months. Fred Kerzenmacher of Grayling, i Montana, is visiting with his broth-j er Walter, of Belgrade. Mr- and Mrs. F. W. Parker were} callers in Belgrade last week. ■ n a a a » a ft « » k a a a a a « tt : a i tt WEST END. » «•# tt » tt tt » tt » » tt : : n tt » tt Mrs. A. Button and daughter, j Jessie, of Bozeman, spent a few days with Mrs. Button's parents, Mr. and Mrs- J. L. Wells here, Mrs. L. Verwolf and small children visited with Mrs. Carl Werner Mon day afternoon. Mrs. Earl Werner and daughter, Burnadine, Mrs. B. Werner and Dora and Martha Werner were callers at the P. Hoell home near Mount Ellis Wednesday afternoon. Amon gthe business callers in Boze man during the week were; Mr. and Mrs- E. Werner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. B. Werner, ^ rs * Nellie Malmborg, J. L. Wells, Mr. and Mrs, A. C. X Jensen, George Sublar, Everett Giv» ens, Bernhard Werner and Nels Jen sen Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buetlner were Livingston callers Friday. J. L. Wells was a business caller Bridger Canyon one day last week, Martha and Bernhard Werner J*»*. » Bozeman, Sunday. were dinner guests of Mrs. J. A. Pet t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt » tt tt tt BRIDGER CANYON. 4# Mr - and M«- Era Jenkina and dau £ hter , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mur r f y ' entertained at dinner Sun day by Mi*, and Mrs- C. P. Manry. M J rl ^ nd Stanley T'hompson were week '® nd f ue ® ts _ a ^. the home of Mr * and Mrs. R. G. Gallup. Mr. and Mrs. I. Sanders and fam ily, who have been farming at Sedan for the past year, have been busy the past week moving to Wilsall, where Mr. Sanders will be employed for the winter months. Mr- and Mrs. Floyd Davis were guests Tuesday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ham. Arthur McMahon of Bozeman has « tt! ttttttttttttttttttgttttKStt been visiting in the canyon with parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McMahon for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompson mo bofcred to Butte and spent the week end visiting friends- Mrs. Thompson is the instructor of the Middle Brid ger school. Miss Luella Jeter is now visiting with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jacobs, at their home near Chestnut. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barnard have re turned from Spokane, Washington, and are now visiting at Sedan with their son, Carl, and family. Among the Bozeman visitors dur ing the week were Charles Papke, George Brown, W. S. Christie, Mr. and Mrs- Jeter, Alfred Nickles, E. W. Caswell and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Metcalf and family. Clark Kennaguard has returned to his home at Wyolo, Wyoming, after spending a short time at Sedan, looking after business. Threshing is now being^ delayed in the canyon due to the stormy weath er. The machine is now at the Whit tman ranch, having completed for C. R. Metcalf, H. H- Jeter, Era Jenkins and 01© Oma before the storm. A number of Sedan residents mo tored to Livingston last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. A. Stevens, who died at their Sedan home Saturday night. Mrs. Stevens had been ill for about a month be fore her death. Besides her husband she leaves two children, a boy, seven, and a girl four years of age. Their many Sedan friends wish to express their sympathy to the family, Lester and Henry Woosley spent Saturday at Sedan. The boys both with threshing machines in the! valley are Charlie, Adolph and Peter Dam bres have returned to their home ini the canyon after spending several weeks in the valley threshing. Supt. W. T. Thompson and Eugene Todd of the fish hatchery spent last week at the Madison station, inves tigating for new spawning fields and were fortunate to locate two. Mr. Thompson returned home Saturday and Mr. Todd remained for a while; longer to assist S M. Cumsworth with the wt>rk - Mr - Cumsworth went up to the station the previous; week - * 2 > X X m * », x ■ wSS/SStti x Mmw Iffêuarattipp ffirrttfiratp nmmttp gom* 18Ut*btrfc |karla ✓ > I'Sfm I iJjgS h / i du That any Mnad of BLUEBÎ7.D PEARLS purchaicd from WC VJ UCnCU U-CC aav jeweler in iSoLiütcd Stc;. . cr Canada, will you per* ■ fc-tly anJ that it will give you the servies yew have a right i a expect. If for any reason you zr: c! : «*ati»dcd, you may rco;m it to the ■ -a s'.tr from xrï era It was purchased, or to us, v»i;h this guarantee, and he or we will exeliai-ge it lor v- • X 9am « :c- -, * I rf x * - X Th- ENSHEL' COMPANY. Inc. mm^rsof BLUEBIRD PEARLS h -ast 34th Street, • New York j .1 X Cr X DATE X ! Jeweler's Signature. X n ' W/ -A State. City. < 9 4 J' ' Purchaser's Ni ✓ il * .State. City < x ; « X X X H. A. PEASE (Û CO. Jewelers and Optometrists 6 West Main Street The Hallmark Store Women's New Smart Fibric Coats $ 29.75 « M 9 r/ t m and > aJ*. $49 n 0 The gracefulness of the slender silhouette was never more accentuated than by these beautiful coats of Marvella, Luxona, and other rich pile fabrics and mannish sports coats. The colors are log cabin, black, navy, kitfox and mixtures. Sizop 16 to 44. 9 Lace Curtains - Ready Made | n . 1 i Men's Shoes at Special Prices Lace Shoes and Bals —col ors black and tan. We have just received a shipment in the new laces and nets—ready made for hanging—specially priced; let us show you. A really good Hose for Children 29c pr. Black and brown. FF&H Army FF&H Hanau $4.25 { $2.85 I $5.95 { $8.75 Don't wait till this sale is over, but come in to day. Bargains in odd numbers and odd sizes—but all sizes in the complete showing. SALE OF WOMEN'S Shoes $1.39 — $2.39 $3.39 — $4.44 Pumps, straps, oxfords and high shoes in all leathers, patent and suede. Your size is here now. since face O *5. 5 B f ✓ L® THCSTORSQe / I J Miss Jean Thompson has resumed her studies at the Montana State college and spends the week-ends with her parents at the hatchery. BöööRU«S«ß«a«4öB * n SALESV1LLE, ** F uttununannnnnnna M rs. w . A Carlyle> who has been very sick and was ^ken the Deac . on ess hospital for special treatment, j was able to go to her ranch home j Sunday much improved. Mrs. Radford McQuire was shop j ing in Bozeman for a few hours Wed fl * Miss Vanitta Lee of the Salesville bank spent last Sunday in Bozeman, visiting Mrs. C. N. Wood and daugh ter I nesday. Jimmie McReynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McReynolds, who was hurt about two weeks ago by falling off a separator while play in £» was able t0 S° to his home from the Deaconess hospital Monday. A message was received by Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis Friday that a 5aby ^ rl was born t0 their son . s wife« Mrs-Ajrthur Davis of Garden City, California, Sept. 27. The baby girl was named Margaret Jane and is the first granddaughter in the fam r !.. 1 r ily. nr ■ Mrs. Frank Stone motored to Boze man last Tuesday and spent a few hours shopping. The Christian church dismissed the Sunday school and all church servi i (Continued on page 11) I