Newspaper Page Text
r ^ ^ From Qur Special Corresn o^d^ NEWS FROM GALLATIN COUNTY s a n :: ai M •* I* • # s t! « n n u s s « ** a • • LOGAN NEWS • * a a « n S 8 »e M ♦♦ »• ♦♦ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kilbirde were recent callers in town from their home in East Helena. Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Johnston and M-s. Fay Drummond visited friends in Tk'-ce Forks the first of the week. Mrs. H. T. Snow has returned from, where she was the guest I^tives for a few days. Mrs. Frank Caruso and daughter, Dorothy, left last week for Iowa to visit relatives for a few months, ... Heiley and John Powers were Manhattan business callers one day last week. M. C. Yeager, of Salt Lake City, aptnt several days last week visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs, Wol verton expect to rsove from Livingston to Logan in a 1 "s, and they will occupy the Johnson furnished apartments. Miss Dorothy Bevin returned Satur day to her school at Natal, after two-weeks' vacation at home with her parents. Mrs. Alice Phoenix and son, Robert, hare returned from Butte, where they «pent the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Thomas. K c: re Mr. and Mrs. L. C.Bevier and daugh t its been repeated that Jack Me Dnn -'i is seriously ill, and was taken to the hospital in Three Forks Satur Jav nieht for treatment. The towns of Pony, Harrison and Korns have .Tri-weekly service trains, . f j a ur . arge number of Lopan aeru ovci to Living.-ton to attend tne New "V ear's ball and report a splen ^ time. M?cs Bessie Antonson, of Three >rks, motored over to Logan last .>aiurd:r. an! spent several hours vis-j itinj friondh. Miss Camille Freeman, who spent ter, Dorothy, were guests at New Vcpri»' dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrr Herbert Dunbar, of Old Town. the holidays with her parrents in Livingston, returned home last Thurs resume her duties as teacher in tue Upper Madison. The rext meeting of the Woman's Community club will be held Thurs-j day. Jan. 10, at 2:30 p. m., at the heme of Mrs. R. H. Johnston. Mrs. U A. Meadow will also act as hostess. . a(! " ^ rom ranrb home near Trident ' J- portod tbat he had a carload choice hogs which he expected to <h, . p Seattle in a few days. .Jrs. Susan Nichols and son, Horace, have returned from Spokane, where they spent the holidays with Mrs. da ^»te r . Mr. A. J. Day, who and be remembered here as Miss " r '" * ° h * Grant Snyder, conductor operating train number 223 and 224 (the evening stub), has been displaced by conductor J. C. Driscoll, who has tak en a few days vacation. Upon his re Vr. Kessler was in town a few days tun., Mr. an.l Mrs. Snyder will re f™ t0 their f0 ™ er h0me in LiTingS - v p p , n . „r u „ , . 1,1 f am • a (>. Hal!, brake as th**>e trains nave been discontinued indefinitely, but the un ^»-landing among all is that these resume within three Mr. 0. A. Hams, of Manhattan, ft. .» represents the t'tory Rock Co,, ^nd is superintendent of other Story enterprises, was in town on business the other day, and reports that he has nun on trains No. 225 and No, 226, ha "e not as yet decided where they *"'fi "hump •• will trains tf.nnths. disposed of the entire ice cut at Three Forks, and expecLs to enlarge his ice ponda and do a big business in the future. î* 3 r :: M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8;!« •t n S BELGRADE ier, Mrs. Arthur Sandquist, Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cramer were eallers in Bozeman Thursday. Mrs. W. P. Hardin and Mrs. Bertha n 8 8 8 88888888 ♦♦ H ** »* Miss Alice Parker visited her sis Cook were callers in Bozeman Friday. Harold Wright and Ward McVey were business callers in Bozeman. ÄTedresday. Mrs. Matthews left for Washington Friday, where she will be gone for some time. Mrs. Harold D»»cker and children, and Mrs. Hugh Burnett and son, Boyd, are visiting Mrs. D. E. McGuire. Horace Morgan is a patient at the Foreman Deaconess hospital, receiv-* mg medical care. Mr. and Mrs. George Heck enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linney at .,ow Year's dinner. Mrs. Laura Corbly and daughter Marylyn, of Bozeman, were guests of ' — Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Davis at their ranch home, Thursday. Harvey Griffin was a business call er in Bozeman Saturday, from his ranch home near Springhill. Miss Jennie McCullough has been visiting Mrs. Mary Gowin at her rancli home for the past two weeks. Mrs. Josephine Brown was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bridges at their ranch home near Bel grade. Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Bridges were among those who attended the com munity day, which was held in Bel grade Wednesday. Among those who were shopping in Bozeman Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bridges, George Stimson and Jasper McGuire. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Hoy and family, who have been visiting Mrs. Hoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck, left Thursday for Seattle, where they plan to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hecox and son, Wallace, returned Wednesday from South Dakota, where they have been visiting their friends during the holidays. The Belgrade Woman's club met with Mrs. H. S. Magraw Friday after noon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. W. Orr. There was good attendance. The W. C. T. U. held their regular ! The meeting opened with a song. Next a prayer, scripture reading followed, , given by Mrs. Courtney. A prayer by Rev. Orr was next. The Misses Lillian and Lula Stone gave a vocal duet. There was a splendid attend ; ance. The next meeting will be Febru-1 Ä 6 - at the home of M "- w - p j Porter. people;-; | r: s td 8 Ü 8 8 8 Sd 8 8 ts S tS t? m ^ *.• WEST END 8 : 3 ' ' K . m e e « e *! M •« *■* «* ** ** * ..* j Raleigh Eukes, of Reese Creek, is meeting Wednesday afternoon, Janu ary 2, at the home of Mrs. R. W. Orr. spending the w'eek here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dewitt. at Reese Creek, on Jan. 1. a daughter. Mr. and Mrs A. C. Akey and family were callers at the Cash home Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Antonsen returned Sun day after spending her vacation in Sheridar. Wyomin*. Mrs. B. Werner, Martha and Bern | hard Werner spent »Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Werner. Mrs. E. Werner and daughter, Bum a dine. called on Mrs. J. L. Wells last Wednesday afternoon. I Esther Walbert entertained a num : ber of young friends at her home Fri day evening I H. F McDowell, the local station agent, left for Missoula Saturday to undergo an operation. School opened Monday, January 7, after having a two-weeks' Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Givens and children and Mrs. Mary Stublar spent Sunday with fritnds in Bridger Can ' yo "; J , w. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Char es Marble re turned to their home here last week after spending the past two v eer, with relatives in Gardner. Mr. Herman Johnston returned to • his home in Portland, Ore., a week ago, ■ after spending the holidays at the Î George Cook home. There seems to be an epidemic of lagrippe in this vicinity as several of | the neighbors have been seriously ill, but all are improving at this writing. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Lo, Angles, on Dec. 28, a boy. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Pearl Woodside, of Willow Creek, j Among those who were callers in ; Bozeman during the past week were Mrs. B. W erner, Mrs. Earl W emer, J. L. Wells, Nels Jensen and Bernhard ; Werner. Word was received here from Butte, stating that a pumping engine opera ted by Arthur Cole had blown up, the flying pieces injuring Mr. Cole quite hfdly. His injuries will necessitate b ' s reTna l n l n £ t >ed for several weeks. ^ r " p°* e » w hh a crew of men, was do improvement work at the Mount Moriah cemetery. He is well known •billow Creek. - 8 3 n H tj 0 *• 8 8 8 8 8 8 55 8 8 8 8 8 Tom Milan spent the holidays in Butte. Hankinson, Dec. 26, a little daughter, Miss Bum ice Nelson has returned home from Dakota and will attend the balance of the school term here. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 • • »* WILLOW CREEK NEWS •• 8 The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Hankenson died last Monday. Bom to Mr. and Mrs, Marshall 1 ■i 4 Will Gee returned to Reece Creek after spending the holidays here with relatives. Herman Johnson, of Portland. Ore., spent the holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and family. Pat Conners has moved his house hold goods to Limespur, where he has have been held last Tuesday evening wa spostponed on account of an epi a winter's job. The old-time dance which was to There are at the present time **. demie. 84 cases in this vicinity. We cannot change our natures. That is beyond our reach; The girl who's born a lemon. Can never be a peach. a a a n n 88888888 #,♦ * • BRIDGER CANYON. • # : ; « a » a « 8 « g « a « « a « Miss Pearl Swisher, of Bozeman, was a w'eek-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foreman. Mrs. Frank Jarvis was a guest Wednesday evening of Mrs. Ed Fore i man. Mrs. Paul Karlen and daughter, Velda, were guests, Friday, of Mrs. C. P. Manry. Viola Christie spent Monday with Pauline Bnttan, helping her to cele brate her fifth birthday. Ed. Foreman, local forester, and Fred Ainger made a business trip to the Flathead ranger station last week. Miss Eva Stucky opened the Upper Bridger school Monday morning after a two-weeks' holiday vacation, which s he spent with relatives and friends -i' n B ~ and LMngsto " ! Mrs. Florence Stratton, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. P. j Monry, and other relatives for a few' , days, left Saturday for Missoula, where she has accepted a position. Elvin Wicker and Wallace Johnson have returned to Bozeman and re-} sumed their work at the High School j spending the vacation in the canyon at the ranch home of Mr. Mrs. W. E. Wicker. Miss Velda Koch, who has been mak inf? her home in Cherryville. Kas., for some time> has returned to Bozeman and wi n rema in with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Karlen, at their ranch home . Eugene Todd, an employee of the fish hatchery, has been spending the Christmas holidays at Big Timber,! w jth relatives and friends, has re turned and is now on regular duty at hatchery. Mrs E i izabe th Whittman was tak-j en seriously ill Wednesday at their ranch home and was removed to Boze-( man to the hospital where she under 7« .n Ä from the effects of which she has recovered and is getting along as well as can be expected. Seth M Ainsworth, of the United sûtes bureaus of fisheries, who was appointed to fill the position recently vacated by H. D. Dean, just re turned from the Meadow' Creek hatch «nr near McAllister, where he has teen in char ^ e of a very successful f j e j d work w j t b Lock Leven trout, Ainsworth w'as accompanied by his wife and her mother, Mrs. Bassett. They will make their home in the new bungalow, where the Dean family lived while at the hatchery'. ^he Christmas and New Year's meeting of the Happy Day club was held Wednesday, January 2 , at the borne of Miss Cressie Conz. A good crowd was prese nt, considering the co | d wea th er . Two visitors, Mrs. Ross I d M Hampton were nre<»enL A f ^ d nner one o"Lk, 1 after which a Christmas box was en joyed by the ladies, and one was also p rov ided for the men, as a surprise f or them, which was greatly' enjoyed. The next meeting will be in two weeks at the home of Mrs Donald Christie, January 16. The Bridger Booster club held their regular meeting Friday good-sized crowd was present, s i der ing the severe cold weather. The meeting was called to order by Presi den t Ole Oma, and a short business session was held, after which a splen d i d given by W. L. Stook evening. A con ton. of Bozeman, on "Grain Market ing. 99 Another talk was given by Walter Mecklenburg, of Bozeman, on, "The Poultry Show" that is to be held in Bozeman soon. The regular program was postponed until the next meeting. The refreshment committee served sandwiches, doughnuts and coffee at the close of the meeting. 8ar38888888aaa«ö 8 8 a SALES VILLE. 8 « v 888888888888888 Bir. and Mrs. William Ralph spent a few hours in Bozeman, Thursday. •« — — Miss Agnes Bole is one the sick list with tensilities. John Holland had some grain chop ped for feed Wednesday. Fred Enders has been on the sick ; list for a few days. Harris Kirk shipped a car-load of sheep and hogs to Butte Thursday. Ralph Emerson, of Bozeman, spent < ! a few days last week with Dane Belt, j returning home Monday, Mrs, Helen Hyde, one of the teach -1 ç rs who lives on Spanish Creek, 1 a visitor in Bozeman, Wednesday. adrs. J. W. Kemp, who has been at, : the Deaconess hospital for special ' care for two weeks, was able to re i turn to her home Tuesday. Miss Ella Griffin, who is attending ; high school and staying in Bozeman, ' visited at the ranch home during the j holiday vacation. Charles Anceney, who is at the Deaconess hospital recovering from a fractured leg, was able to sit up for a little while Friday afternoon. Charles Smith, from up the Gallatin river, went to Livingston to see his father. Jack Smith, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Soi I'ranks, the latter being a daughter of Mr. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Overstreet, and three children, have returned from was I Butte, where they spent the holidays with Mrs. Overstreet's parents, and j other relatives. ; George ® trons and famUy - and j Henry Sterling, attended the G. A. R. meeting in Bozeman Saturday eve ! n ing. They returned home the fol lowing day. Mrs. Beatrice Holland has been in Bozeman the past week caring for; her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Smith, who has been quite ill at the Deaco I-" h T ,al ' where suV ' mit,w] t0 a second minor operation Monday. Lawrence Kent entertained a few of his friends, high school boys and PT»rIs, at a delightful house party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j Irwin Kent, Saturday and Sunday. They were served with a turkey dinner Saturday evening, and after the din ner they spent the evening dancing, and PEOPLE CARELESS OF ! HEALTH, SAYS BOARD Q January 1 , 1923. there have ^ bepn 549 case « of smallpox report t« the state board of health, with ^ "1 thftS * : deAths hav * Prevented by vac t^edTy^ Mon^ana^îîth ' ** ' " 'N It la true, the review states» that tba majority of cases of small pox ap ' peering In Montana In recent yean 1 bave been extremely mild, but there !a tM,u lhat we why smÄl1 P° x mav n< ^ at an T appear In a ^ ! and VZ'I typo of the diseaa. In recent ,««. people have neglected vaccination. Thia is the reason we are having so ; ma «7 cases of smallpox at the present tiuie - In raaQ y P la ^ ^ the state ! where small P<« baa made its appear ance ' the local and count y h ^ al »h efft ^ ms.anee^»»00.000 where the local health officer was a We to have over 800 of tbe school children I c&cclnated. | rtATE COLLECTS Q 41 from NON RESIDENT ESTATES INHERITANCE raxes totalling S 8 a 1 941 have been collected by the auta j board of equalization from non-real-, j dMlt «states, according to a statement issued by the boari. The state of the ! William RcK-kefeJler contributed ÎI' 20 ? " f J his an *ount. It was str^ed. Tbe InherI < J ance law> Into effoct ' Lfclû21 ' Date Bureau 11 Starts ys m w ' fyy r< j % •w ■rm £ Margaret Hartley of RwperU (Kaaaaa) CoUeg». baa opened itorMu, charging young n 30 «ata. She ray« eulton tee miin« boalura —the. Hri* ug* too. S3 HOME-MADE VARIABLE CONC Cara'tearJ cuf w/T/r sPaoe'ofp/ofes any air rent. me s/wctecf pan ion stets wM rrtf! Jurpptff /fyen/s arenofpro vtaec/.-. S' I ly*. ä foL.r here not blocks A a ; \\ Vs V / it i'.nu the! I ~1~ the! £tSr?p in •f Breop wr spacing nut B/nd/rrp post' toed pJa la U f h. I taster mfp solde , re j nie fir con- fA rec//o/7. m large/foie Spoor j nui f/ • , Casfptifsi -s •J* — ■■■■■ -, Full Details Are Given Above of the Method of Casting the P>atet i sembling the Condenser. i toi ! Tb* principle of the endeowr de scribed nere is not new, but its coo «ructions! details have been so sim piified that it can be made at home with very few tools. Sin< e its oper j «Gon de:*en ls up*»n tlu* distance sep aratln * 'he plates, it ran be used In two " ays : by har1n * * be p,ar<? * c, ose ' ^ is large enough plates from half to quarter of an inch the capacity is lessened to a point where the condenser can he used as a vernier, and when employed in this wa - v ver y selective results are obtain ab,e - Home-Made Condenser. The most important details of the condenser are the two idates, which are die cast at hoœe » in the following * P le< ® of «ardboard the ^* hl . hM _ t f ' ( " boar ^ ^ meUed p<>ur ed in tkrwigh , lot> M shown In the ac companylng llluatratlom When the flm u lt wUl ^ foimd ** ** mold doe * not 011 up i m 1° Jk Wh« ___ f e/ ^ C .. a ttLUC& 0 aJiow the air to escarp Ttieae not be j Ten a d e flt i e Tent n nection with the outside' air aa the mold works perfectly lt The of ™*tal Is important, as pore lead or solder will nut work right. A 'fZ "*«»'• »«•' ^ aad TLïZ rar Drlnrinf . h f . advantage of be'ng aulte ifrittl# so that it will not herd out of shaoe ! The Insulating material is then drilled and upped so that tüe rod ear __ GA 8 ÖLINE TAX amk TO AUTOMOBILE owner» and other users of gaaoline and gaeWine re finera in Montana paid to the »tare in taxes this year at the rate of two ' •« a gallon the total sum of $tOfV! ^f 104 » according to tbe calculations of f i T <,ullteation ' whî ^ i evy Tjj e _ ^ filling stations course, added to the n- gasoline, ao In realky It û the 'vm -mmer of gasoline who helped swell the »rate's treasury, : : 1 A GOOD RESOLUTK n 'vflll I hereby firmly resolve to take a care inventory of my prospective incon probable expenses during the year 1324. and to lay aside, regularly, stipulated sum each week out of my ary or earnings, and deposit it in a saving* account, so that, if necessary or expedient, I will be able to look the future in the face, * no matter what it may bring of either good or ill. and a « l r * A Savings Bank Account Never Brings Regrets Security Bank & Trust S 30 WEST MAIN STREET Vic* H. 8 . Been, President A. G. Berthot. W, N. Pardy, Cashier j -0 t rying the pl.t. ^ in its proper p*«:tioQ O» with the movable plate 1 * u means of a washer riding oc , a wire being soldered to and carried out to the other tq It may he necessary to use » \ washer on the rod to prêt«: . plates from ">u . Ing post cap on the threaded n pletes the condenser. Eliminates Danger of Sh« Editor's Note—If a piece of| cut to the size of the statinc. and fastened to it danger oft J* eliminated. . D °' al . ' " , r * u * «. _ _ } batterv" toi Tliis is ptr The fixed plate is fa««w insulaüng base, whi- h .tip. th J »mail piece of Insu lave? a-- m i the panel of the tT 11 an ' 1 mit * ' ne at the P / ate A large ho> << tomMM the center of tb 5u l U wi^e - Tj to ^untersink ». iosalr.* the nut on the movable p!a»^ ^terf»*re with the plates iwsj very cUme to «»ch other. After * nGmber of pllfe#!l br< '^« ' roni the flxed pi*» ^ ® b p e K Ub '.' k ® »hrouch the center .ad fut» n , end of a short-threaded nxî ^r*=. 1 two nuts and waJlhWT w< aöd wash,krs sht>uld ^ that P la te he wîth tbe rod I 8cl * nce * nd lav-a: '* a ^ * an! m an -' Ewy. Son, Fasf- th ! . * n b< ' : b * s ' ' otaer tb *' 1 the admission. ' S|| An Iowa yourii who bec^^" thl vrilünfyj v. fm "Now," , were well seate«!. more action for ?2 than J® in all your life." I don't know, \ 1 "$2 was all I A î license. said son votfre • fol n za •s«ij r 4 . :on, »•