Newspaper Page Text
■V . -s 5 *.' - £ * i I ■■ ■*.* vä*> 2 », è V. âjr» f| r r. ■X i « I •> .. y _ ; i y •> ip W'm m i r -r ' .. m ij hi «' m&w . -v, Vx 9X •tÆ % i fit (Cfi *•< n ci jjS-S a* * ■ ill' >■ & i ><■ -r f : r ; -. m S , m m a 8 Âà 1 iom the "white terror" .u a delegation of Osage Indians 3—Madison Square Garden, New York, in it welcoming amnisis lo Moscow Bulgarian refugees who aad lieu i Work and Commissioner ©f Indian Affairs Burke remdving mf flio government to manage their money, atfonal convention will be held. : ; a ■ . it fro n : — VIEW OF B F CI/rMTO II *1 * ll u SZIl I w Captures Demo ntion, Which ew j V i b n on June 24. jnvt; A R D W. PICKARD By ! TBV aptured the Demo i«mai < »an «-ntii.ii «»f 1024. will I»** held in Madison June 24, and < •• **r.s and armisiunent pur :-reparing (<» <-ar«- for several •Imusand visitor- who are ex Unit time. - c b ti«n n op«-: « ho for? «dr* ||ed Wh* iitiuiial committee met in i . v,.u' V IL. Chiron an,I St. I..M.U . .... . »«<•"< «n Tues lay, bids f«*r thet \Uiw • n Bvei. --.i iB f ! ti lth ran fee «»f $205,000 cash and es of the convention bull, ffered almost as much, it ■ !«•■ 'en b> «-«>usi<ieration «>f tin», the great majority of âéga o> would have t<» travel if iht* P|g • held on the Pacific coast. ring withdrawn, th** final ^Bm<"-<I ; New ^ ork, 57 ; San I ran JPelf! elan- wer«* especially <-oncerne«l - fiolitlcal effect of tLIs choice, '.'Ado© managers. It was said, »mewhat dismayed, fearing tlie n»i« r.«-.-s would injure their It was held that A1 e m na A TO fl m c t! can «tot en use. I certainly, and Under .vood, prob ■euld profit by the selection. 'Hie m the party ranks art^ not at all t»»r tin- wet sentiment has its isq; rters in New York and vicinity H«- metrnpolis always appears to Kfre than moist. The Wall Stn-et _jo also jumps up. It is not con H«- that William Jennings Brvan ||ie» ed With the selection of N«*w t w* nation.-! committee adopted a on recommending t«» lia* states Ifciblf. ' the delegates at large shall Imiicn. It was also decided that vastly different from ^■■opost-tS by Secretary Mellon and Pf mit reemeu attending the sl'.all pay their own travel I Sh hotel expenses. •Hi of ts business, the ■ ! H body to pay its respects to |üé Tr ident Wilson, and presented h o a resolution of appreciation of Î n| '■merits and Idcnls and of P i s syvop.iy recovery of health con i Having dis committee iSs:i >KNT < < M »LIDT.K'S »tr ion managers now profess to ntHuinutmn «>n the first ballot. ^Be«li\ l>;s chances will he greatly •*<1 if comrivs-* passes a tax re precon » hi!! nut tu the people at large. ■ I cader i ongwortb is working 1° bric 6 this about, and there la | ci * r ' tl «t Le will succeed in I ** the house Is concerned. But rarvrat« see In the slim Repub- j majority and the insurgency In ^ s chance to get the j Vt of the Republican radicals for IT <»wn tat measure and thus to P*** he cr* fit. ITie main point of 1 is still the maximum sur m«urgent* last weok won test of strength In the fight to j l ! '* the rules. By a vote of 208 V the houfte adopted an amend the rule which th* put Into effect more than «Ko and which prohibited a mondment« » i» 1 ■ • «ae to the particular section j 9 t .rare offered Modi ilea- | J ^charge mle a« that l«gia i - mo; <0 easily be smothered \ ^ 'owed, and the Demo ' announced they would { ' r *• w *ih a view te • »n everyday article« clerking They believe uiaater enough votes to <lh» v *y* sad means committee »^ k < * ration ef bill* of this char ■ • 5 h «fi» on the fieot and revenue bills unless they lorn* f «lull«-« Äthv* ° Kn,In ,D they m , %y lll ' u u ' P«*«» wirh ^Rllric h ' * Insurgent »easier Curtbi of 1 »n«1 tt 1 * not agree with the He* k _ n«-w plan,, for finan« Ing a *«d ^ WB ' bonus m (eat Whf'k were preaauted to the auinission taxes and u>-e the proceeds r ° I>!1V ( ,,Mnus - The annual yield 1,0111 t,H ;,<i,ui * ss ' on Dixes is about $70. Kansas, Republican whip, proposed to retain in modified form the exisiing ! and Senator Curtis estimates . .. . ..._ ^ that this wou.rl come within $1.090.000 j ol vicetmg the annual cost of the ' i bonus. Scuntor ( opeluml of New York, 1 Democrat, introriuced a bill providing ! for a straight cash bonus to ex-service ! men at the rat«* of $1.25 a «lay for each i day of service, with a $625 maximum ; j j j j payment. The t«»tal «*«»st of the bonus j tinder this plan is estimated at about ! $1,5011.000.000, and Senator Copeland I would have the 'treasury department 1 Issue bonds to ibis amount. \ ENATOR ('AltA WAY of Arkansas violently denounced Albert B. Fall, former secretary of the interior, -IS Wednesday before the senate commit tee that is investigating Fall's leases ° f naVal 7 * Prv ation s to private per ££ 'S' for ' ^ the Arkansas senator; If the people In eharse of the Amer lean navj are to he believed when thev say our very national existence de pends upon the navy as the lirst line of defense; when they tell us we would be b»st without the navy. an«l then seil every drop of reserve fuel for the navy, I ask how much more infamous It is to have sold every sallon of reservo oil than It W..S for Benedict Arnold to try to sell only a rooky fortress on the Hudson river? "I know there is somethin* wrong with the source of Mr Fall s money, and I know that every reading man and woman in America will know that AI ; b( ' rt B Fh11 ' the se<TPt « r y the in terior. sold every gallon of the Araer 1 ican reserve fn<l1 to oil «P^ulators. one of whom boasted he would make $100, 000 ' 0CK ' out of his share of the loot * 1 "° f course * 1 rather imagine if It were not for m Y distinguished friend, the P resent attorney general, all these men would he indicted. But I am con scious as long as he sits at the helm i 1.1 thf * White House and he absolutely at the Department of Justice they may Immune from any prosecution In the HENANDOAH, our giant dirigible which Is to be used In the coming arctic expedition of the navy, was glv cn an exciting test Wedneî»day night. federal c«mrts. ' j Saloon league. scandal of the failure to enforce pro I hibitlon was the worst in our history, Hnd be voiced what he called a "gen . G OVERNOR PINCHOT of Pennsyl vania also did some denouncing, ! at the annual convention of the Anti He said the national ! eral demand" for a congressional in vestlgatlon of the prohibition enforce i rnPn t unit of the government. ! -— S Moored to her mast at Lakehurst to see how much wind she could stand, the big ship was tom loose by a 72 mile gale and driven northward. Capt. Anton Heinen and his crew* of 21 speed By got the dirigible under control and after flying as far as New York harbor they turned her nose south again. looae the Shenandoah was once more safe in her hangar, little injured save for the tom nose covering. Her «*rew was unharmed and unafraid through out the wild ride, and (Captain Heinen, who has had wide experience with alr craft, saya she is without doubt the strongest constructed «hip of her type ever built, Seven and a half hour* after she broke BNKRAL DAWKS. I* formally ac cepting the chairmanship of the commute« of expert* to Investigate Germany's capacity to pay, delivered a characteristic speech In which he bluntly denounced the pollticlaBa and Nationalistic demageguera" who lu crease disorder for their persona! pr ofit , and asserted the first thing te he done to avert the moat cal ossa I G bankruptcy the world ha* ever eoen te te atabllise currency and beip Oor maiijr to recover its economic produc tivity. The committee has begua gathering the view* of financial au thorities. and hR* Invited Herr Schacht, president of the relebshank ro tdl what help bad been offered in hin recent visit* to I-oadon. Zurich *ad Aniftterdain. It 1* asuerted that Dawes means to steer the InvestIgaflno to ward methods of raising an Immediate loss for Germany, probably not over $3^.000,000, to «tablilae tbe mark. * '-Mn of the franc to a record low point inov«"! the French government to a delennination to effect great orniev. including the abandonment of big public works for a time and tin* « utting <»f the government pay roll, arul to lwrea »> taxation 2 20 per c«>nt. Exchange rates reacted to this, the franc recovering sharply. ING GEORG?] formally opened the British parliament Tuesday, and the Tory government in the speech from the throne made a last desjier ate effort to rally the Liberals to its support and keep the Laborites out of power. The speech was long and «lull and contained an extensive program of minor reform, including various schemes for the relief of the worker and the farmer. Ramsay MacDonald, Labor leader, announced that at the earliest possible moment he would K move as follows: ,. T , . , ... f< £ „.ajelty that' n.ajëat'ÿ" i »dvlsers Have not the confl i d " ce 2* tha boase " . , °, n Thu / sd ^ 11 f s< »" ,h - ' rt " ,, ' ran !' ad 7 ," f "' e L "''' r ' ,ls ' * n •'" d . lo a " ">« of ,he T, - riM •>» »«• ! ondl,,(: the l ' ab,,r " 1 " ,lon and announc ' i ' „ , ... . . " ail for ,bp ,as ' we,,k - h( - said - knew i " e Rtr, f* den,and for hira to beoome ,be su '; ,,,r °J thp " umr U »coonting i the 8av,or of the coimtI *y meant doing underhand deal lo keep ont of I l' ar U " hi ' b b J »" ™nstltu 1 ,i0 " al ™ lps r> was , f B | 1,,ed '« «• Mr Muc ? onald - « s g e,h >° ll >« commons, denied tliat the Labor party favor«*«! any revolutionary plans, se cret or otherwise. ing that when it was called up the ; following Monday he would vote for i it and advise all his friends to do the None who had not read his same. j th, * re is not reason to believe that the cllTn ax will be the defeat of the revo Intlonlsts. Just now the activities of the armies are centered mainly about Tampico, and the United States gov ernment has found It necessary to warn the rebels that It will not coun EXICO'S rebellion seems to bo moving toward its climax, and M [ 4ay severe shocks were reported from Sendai, Japan; Bogota. Colombia, and Bombay, India. tcnunce a blockade closing that port } to American commerce. The cruiser Ta«*«.ina was ordered to Vera Cruz, but ran aground 16 miles from Vera Cruz. i ! T oKYO was terrified and consider ably damaged by an earthquake that vvas the severest since the great temblor of last September. About l thirty persons were killed and many buildings in the capital, in Yokohama and ottier places were wrecked. Next BNIZËLOS found that after all it was necessary for him to become premier of Greece, so he assumed that post and formed a cabinet with Rous 808 as foreign minister. Renewal of British friendship and aid is now In dicated and it Is predicted Greece will Join the English-Italian-Spanish com bination In the Mediterranean to re s t ra i u French ambitions to dominate V Europe. Greece may need English help to keep Saloniki from Serbia. Veni selos is openly favoring the establish ment of a republic and probably will | be Its first president. He, however, deprecates the expulsion of the royal family and has insisted that the or ganisation of revolutionary army offi cers be dissolved before the plebiscite is held. ■ ; F ARMERS and manufacturer« sf the Middle West, in convention Is Chi cago, adopted a series of resolution* for presentation to President Ceolidge and congre««. They oppose govern ment price fixing; approve ef co-op erative marketiag of farm products; commend the Department* of Agricul ture and Commercs for their work in ... . . the foreign marketing field; favor a reforestation movement; ask material i reduction of all taxes; urge that Imml- j grant* be limited by quality and t*wner«hip or operatlee ef railroads, ! '7;' f vi tori«: -ppow .«tempi. «. deprlfe te. Supreme court ef It. prlm.rj enaction of determining the validity of congre»- I hi''Q «! «rtjon. atul want Mild« Shoals i developed primarily fer the produc* ! tien ef ferUUaer. economic need»; oppose government I MT nil Al FAKFB ITILUIIl/IL 1 il IV Li 11 : III-V Imj LU |v| fl UlLlI 111 1 IllullU FAKE DIAGNOSTIC METHODS OF JEWISH PHYSICIAN ARE AIRED IN COURT i Immediately folowing the death j from pneumonia in San Francisco, i early last week of Dr. Albert Ab J rams, a Jewish physician and surgeon,. j who claimed to have discovered j ease, the Unite<l States government, ; through the postoffice department,!, ! opened it« cast against Dr. Mary Le coque, practititioner of the "Abrams method," in the United States distrie, i court at Jonesboro, Ark., on charees of using the mails to defraud. The tv ,man doe,or had been a student of the late Dr. Abrams, and was a les see of one of his electronic machines the operation of which was declared by a special writer in a number of r'. tides appearing recently in the Ec r. horn, (Mich.) Independent, as one of (the greatest and most criminally rep rehensible fakes of the centurv a new method of electronic diagnosis of dis The exposure of Abrams and hi- ake method of diagnosis, given Ford's 3 »+ g O'] wide publicity through Henry "International Weekly,'' accorded practically 'he public press and none of the tel egraphic press associations, can he learned, carried stories of th w'a no mention in so far ar c exposure. Abrams claimed (hat single drop of human blood sent to him on a a piece of common blotting w r hen reacted upon by his machine, could be made to accurate, -y show the exact nature of the di ease, the sex of the paper, s from whom the blnod was taken, whether married person or single, and even if the person was in love. His claims were so extravagent that a special writer was employed to conduct a scientific investigation, as the result of which Abrams was declared a faker and his j machine was worthless for the purpose for which it ■ was intended. It was ala:» scientifi cally demonstrated that there was not enough electricity going through the multiplicity of coils and reostats on the machine to show a positive reaction on the most delicate electric gauges or meters in existence. Ab branded absolutely j rams, s»j far as could be learned, nev er publicly denied the accusations i against him, but continued uninter- j ruptedly to fleece an«l mulct the pub- ; lie, of- who Bamum used to speak | so tenderly. Abrams was born in San Francisco | He claimed to j Calit., Dec*. 8, 1863. have attended numerous medical in- j stitutions in this country and in Europe, and was the author of sev eral electito-medical works of doubt ful value. He was also the inventor of the machine by which he claimed he could determine, by means of its electronic vibrations, the name and nature of disease, if any; the sex: whetheT married or single; the ap proximate age, and the nature an J scope of the love affairs of son from whpm any per just one drop of blood could be secured on a piece of blotting paper. He also maintained a sort of school, from which he conducted a corres p^ndence course for students who j paid a fee for entrance and tuition, and who paid a large sum down, and so much per month, for the use of the machine in their office, wherever it might be located, lease basis, on a contract As the result of his claims for his alleged discovery, the physician acclaimed by many as the originatm was ot a new theory in medical science that would revolutionize the practice of medicine. By others, including the American Medical association special investigators, it was declared that his system was without value and his method a plain fake. In the criminal and sixit now being conducted in Jonesboro, Ark., the de iendant, Dr. Mary Lecoque, and wit b., RED PEPPERS END RHEUMATIC PIS When you arc suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers, instant re lief. Just as soon as you apply Red fepper Rub you feci the tingling heat, In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the conges ** on — an d the old rheumatism torture is gone ° w * es ^ ed f >c PP« r Pub, made from itote p ' t Kt r5 ipVonk"u" y it Î2 I um bag 0> neurit», backache, stiff neck. sore muscles, colds in chest Almost instant relief awaits you. K et *be genuine, with tbe name Rowlc? on package, Be sure to nesses testifying in her behalf, stat under oath that all human ills Can corect * y diognosed, not only through the analysis of one drop of lîl€ P atien t's blood, but also faom the patient's handwriting. All diseases were included in the declarations of the witnesses, one of whom was Dr. -Underwood, a profes. sor in the school founded in San. Francisco by Abrams. Dr. w»'od testified that a correct diasrno Ur ier . S1 , S COU,d be made from a sin * le drft P of blood on a blotter. Other defense , witnesses who qualified as "experts weie Dr. Cora Smith King of Wash h ' P ' ^ ^ ^ Danner. 1 ^government rested its case af *T r 11<rf sent,n S testimony regarding) t , ree ^ <>Ked te3t cases which it is aim€< î w ® re submit,ed tü Le 'T* T to" 05 *' , ini ' p,,ttor EI,lott , of th e postoffice .P^ iy \ n " for thp 8a,dblood specimens c™ H * the 4 ma " 8 '° I,r - ***** ACCO 'l in,f *° Mr ' K! ' ,. „ * ° due * agDosed J ! " , foma!( ' troub! ® when th, 8ppp,men - he 8aid . was taken ' °" the , hand of » healthy man. aa0t ^ er lnstan «h the inspector tes t'f'C'l, a drop of blood from a chicken was submitted. % gov . w'erc one In He said Dr. Lecoqtie patfent suffering from »numerous ills, including malaria and tubercules. In a ttird test, Elliott testified, a second specimen from the hand of a healthy man was submitt Lecoque reporte tnc blood was that of an animal. found the e«l. He said Dr. A splendid record in securing con victions for violations of State and Federal forest fire laws during 1923 in Washington and Ore gon, according to the Forest Service, CAUSING FOREST FIRES IS COSTLY IN THE NORTHWEST was made YOU'LL LIKE OUR MEATS AND MEAT PRODUCTS —AND— OUR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ■ ; Just Phone 54 I : Î WE ALWAYS AIM TO PLEASE Main and Grand A* n 1 ♦ The Sanitary Market * CKKKh>C r> 00 * 00 CKKfôv 5 0 We are closing out all of our Phonographs and Records now. Anyone interested in buying the best machines made at below wholesale cost is invited to call and get our prices. To clean out, we are of fering phonograph rec ords in stock at— a m j t i hi Ä Vi C LÉ M Cc ij ■ r 35c im a* ouAi.-ry *> '*r CtTAS A.8 A Ctfci. EACH 0 v ■ 3 Cox-Poetter Drug Co Prescriptions a Specialty N lô E. Main Phone 128 § O 0<- > ornoc CH«KH*D-a - ■ ■ - Money Grows If you had a handful of wheat it would not make one meal, but if the handful of wheat was planted, the harv est would serve to supply many meals. The same thing is true with money. The little savings will not purchase much, but planted in a reliable bank, like ours, they accumulate and with interest added make big enough to be worth while. Money grows. The only question is regarding the safety of the bank where your money is planted. The bank must be safe, reliable and honest. Our bank is that kind. you a sum GALLATIN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK BOZEMAN, MONTANA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 4 United Spates Department of A culture. During the fire season fcfr | est and police officers caused the ar rest of 177 persons and secured coun convictions in 167 cases. Carelessness with fires in wooded artas within tfcasc States has outlawed for many years, and both • federal, State ami local authorities cooperate closely in ajjprelK.iuIiig violators of the laws. F ines and costs ,, 1 ' r n l ' a ue Government,-* ! destroyed amounted to $9,950. Arrests for leaving un^xtinsruished in the 167 convictions amounted to •SI,530 and civil damages covering the »wned timber j ; i act prohibit--«» by a , Washington State leeislat camp fires amounted to nearly half the total and brush burning without a permit in the closed season amount ed to 12 per cent of the total. Thf j remaining ",S i»er cent oi j included car«. the to A; smokers and land ntly allowed liru. is to na ■ j owners who negl .m j to spread from prh tiona] forest areas, ce' land us ate «»r wh«* in ! ways started forest finest One conviction was secured ia throwing a railr<»ad train, an lav passed » v t v » Was h in gton for ! cigarette r mm lighted a re in 19'** i : ; SULPHUR !S BEST I ; i TA fl PÄO 'ID lin V I | I tLEAK Ur UULl, \ BROKEN OUT SKIN » I ! Î -J !•••■ " « »i 9 ». Any breaking out or skin irritation i on face, neck or body IS OVCVCù'Pt quickest by applying Mcntho-Sulphur says a noted skin 'pcciabst. Bccaust of its germ destroying properties, ; ing has ever b< cn found to take th place of this sulphur preparation * ! instantly brings ease from the itching burning and irritation. M«u b .o-Su!phur Heals coema nju j It seldom fails to relieve the torment I iiOC 4 disfigurement. A little jar Rowles Mentho-Sulphur may be ob tained at any drug store. It is like cold cream nr u?*c