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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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r* h# <mi Sprinkled Vith Golden Value Cash and Save the Difference Economy News i hat I and Better Values — 3Buv f I c 8 N wf 11 ger or t A I 54 1 a\ i a f' r A IS c; v 5 < vWf 1 (XI OVK 5 j o Prices That Talk! They Say "Good-bye" to All Our Remaining Fall and Winter Merchandise! i (pu n < RADICAL ARE THE REDUCTIONS! So emphatically do the prices talk that they will convince you that NOW j s the time to buy if you would save substantially in providing the necessities of your family and home. Come, and Save,, 72x90 Essex Sheets, Pair 95c I / 81 Inch Pequot Sheeting 59c — is a WOOL AND COTTON CHILD'S HOSE . ! LADIES'$1.69 SILK HOSE, NOW . 69c $1.25 I ;cn —Tau>e sheets are of fine seamless quality. They wear well urd wash very nicely. Our sheets are torn by hand to insure straight edges after laundering. Good fine weave, durable weight, bleached a pure white and nicely finished. Special, 95c. —A fine quality sheeting, closely woven of select cotton * c yarns. This is one of our bright spots in fine sheetin« . You will find it entirely satisfactory. Used for both and pillow oases. Launders nicely. A pure white shet- I 0 ing which retains its pleasing appearance. 50c. (he r » —A fine hose w'hich has a fine ribb and good elastic tops. Gray heel and toes, comes in black only. Sizes IVz to 10. —This silk hose is one of the best hose ever put on the market for the price. Comes in all popular colors. Mzes, 8L> to lOVfe. « 9 ntt, . _/ 17x34 Heavy Huck Towels 12c 36 Inch Hope Muslin, Yd 15c t* —Every home finds much use for these bleached muslins ivitle: It makes up nicely for night gowns and undergarment^ and may be used for many household purposes such as for « making up sheets and pillow cases. This is an old re le brand and you can't go wrong on it; 15c. —N r~ 15c WHITE CURTAIN SCRIM . 15c MERCERIZED CRO CHET THREAD 10c I 0 < —Good quality cotton huck towels, woven of absorbent cotton yarns, hemmed ends, neat in appearance and extra large which is a feature of these towels most women like. Give lasting wear. These towels are regular 19c values; special price 12c. I — Quality couldn't be better for the • money in any crochet, thread that we oTer you for 10c. : —White and ecru, in plain patterns | I only; regular 15c value at 10c. Down- [ stairs Store. -- 1 lot oi rtiO' i _ II f — 36 Inch Standard Percales, Yard 19c 17x36 Fancy Turkish Towels, Each 21c SI BLEACHED TABLE i DAMASK . 69c p* ° 29c VALUES, CHILD'S PINK BLOOMERS . 19c the —This practical fabric for house dresses, bungalow apron«, men's shirts, children's dresses and rompers, is offered I 8 ® 1 1 to you in a standard quality. It washes remarkably well, the; t retaining its freshness after repeated launderings.* This fine percale usually sells from 25c to 29c; now. 19c. —Good quality, bleached a pure white. A Turkish towel wove of absorbent cotton yarns. Has a neat blue border and ends are neatly hemmed. A servicahle towel for every day use. Also very attractive in appearance and washes nicely. Regular 25c value; special price, 21c. , 4 :s j —-Bleached table damask, 58 inches j wide; colored borders, in blue, pink and yellow'. ~ -- ■ ; —Children's jersey bloomers of good quality, in pink only. Sizes 8 to 14. I _ i H v.„ ly i d r ided iritb aplr imu rity lit < A SALE OF INTEREST TO ALL MEN!! A 4 11 lx I :*'-3 3&HST A Few Fine Staple Sports and Conservatives IB <| j ay < * irtig fe, « (Ct I i OVERCOATS MEN'S SUiTS «*0? * •y. <> Æ } —Look! men, here is a chance of a lifetime. Below' we list every overcoat we have left in the house and the price which we have put on them means that w'e want to sell them. —2 Men's, belted model. Herringbone coats, regular $16.50 values, now $12.95. —1 Men's, belted model, Oxford gray, overcoat, regular _ $27.50, now $21.50. —1 Men's, belted model, plaid back, overcoat, size 40. regular $17.50 value, now $13.95. —1 Men's, belted model, brown, full lined, regular $29.50 value, now $23.50. —1 Men's, 44-inch, Moleskin, full sheeplined coal, lar $29,50 value, now $23.50. —1 Men's, corduroy, three-quarter length, full sheep lined, leather trim, regular $20 value, now $14.95. Men's and young men's suits in sports models, double breasted and single breasted models in form fitting and conservative styles of fine serv iceable worsteds in brow'n, black and blue with fancy stripes. Stylish, well tailored of durable quality at— * i US, iW V m >. weave, o\ er ES A i / / m & B * Every Suit in the House Reduced sa 'EE' ,ro £ l AI k overcoat, i —You may scour the city high and low—and we hon estly believe you v/ill not find values the equal of these. We've gone the extreme limit. First, in getting quality merchandise—and then marketing it as low as possible. —Group No. One—$18.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits Now $13.95. —Group No. Two—$23.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits Now $17.95. —Group No. Three—$24.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits Now $18.95. —Group No. Four—$29.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits Now $21.95. —The Famous Style-Plus Clothes are Entered in This Sale, too— —Ever note the impression a well-dressed man makes upon en tering an office, at the club, at every social affair? Just buy a Style-Plus Suit and you will immediately notice the difference. In this fine lot of suits you will find a model that has been made for you. —Regular 830.00 Values During This Sale for Only $23.95— 1/ regu J rs. I year >w of |bc ■ S «er /s m n m 1 $ / »V, £«i m I * OUR LEADER VALUE ed A ? ning •t a LEATHER LINED MOLE SKIN VEST— 25 INCHES LONG—LEATHER SLEEVES —This vest is truly a bargain. * I As warm as a heavy overcoat and as durable as strength tested material.' and strong seams can make it. The body is lined with suede finished cowhide leather, making it windproof. Chocolate ; color split cowhide unlined sleeves. Knitted collar and and wristlets; two pockets. We have most sizes. ner * rkinci a newt deat rela allai ie ft in ch Ve st I $ 5.95 y.*; : ■%. Ni I G i i ;X at I Serviceable lYousers of Tough Brown Moleskin Regular 15 Cent Men's Heavy Cotton Hose Special Purchase of Men's Woo! Union Suits —We had a daring offer of 100 dozen pure wool Springtex union suits, which came to us the first part of January. The price was so low' w r e did not hesitate to take the factory up on the deal, so we are passing the buck on to you. If you don't need any more underwear this year, take our friend ly advice and get at least two suits of this splendid bargain. These unions are tailored to fit in every re spect. We have all sizes in grey color; regular $1.69 unions for— Drastic Reductions On Men's Wool Shirts —We have just got 65 shirts in this lot left and they are going out because we would have to carry them another year and we are offering them to you just at the time of the year when you need them. Made full and roomy, man ufactured by one of the largest and most reliable factories in the United States. We offer you a shirt that sells from $2.95 up to $3.50 anywhere at the low' price of— 8 or Î mm :>! 'Sm a; $2.25 I G. 12 V 2 C > î, a a : rs. L I bach I aire, > nd s j ; wed ! low er y to » irst m: t —Trousers of moleskin cloth are one of the stand ards of garments for men w ho are out of doors much of the time. The fabric is closely woven and its wide popularity is due to its great strength and wearing quality. Equally suitable for w'ork or sport. Do not show soil easily, and their appearance is al ways presentable. Made with strong seams and re in iorcement in the regular cuff bottom style. Now is the time to get a pair, for you will need them in the spring anyway. a —'Through a lucky pur chase we can offer you o ne of the best hose values we have ever seen for some time. Men w'ho like the feel of a soft cotton sock, who know hosiery and c; r* recognize good servie comfort at a glance will enjoy these. A. medium heavy w'eight for winter or year 'round wear. Ma c from an excellent quality of closely knitted cotton. Heel and toe reinforced with mercerized cotton. Tops comfortable elastic ribbed knit. Sizes, O'd to 11^. 7ZÜ WT / * fl * i fj Î '■</ ;<y y < I m > m i m & 1 < > on ;.y I (Co n y> % w \ IB $2.95 $1.95 ■ I Mens Heavy Cotton Unions $U9 —Here's a real bargain in a man's cotton union, and the reason is that we want to clear our shelves for spring merchandise, which will soon be rolling in. crotch. i Boys Fine Wool Suits, Each $1.951 7r? nlL»f 200 11 l »y»; fine wool cashmere suits, the lots *„! Boys Heavy Horse Hide Mitts a . k good * wa rm mitten for the boy who insists * WMÄäSäjsT his mitts Boys Heavy Corduroy Caps, at P«M U u e eir" Ä C N,oeKl^B Boys Percale Blouses, at Each malfe^hiA > !i >US |? quality is closely woven and the ffnp a ;w Me P ur P°» e «birts. SuiUble for dress wear. gives the shirt a neat appearance. 12 to 1 14 Quart Dish Pans, at Each 49c * —We are offering you a 14-qt.. granite dish pan, which no other store in Bozeman can offer. We had to buy 100 dozen of this fine dish pan, but we can get rid of them very easily. t It is well tailored with closed f » Mens Horse Hide Mitts, Pair 49c Extra Large Milk Can Strainer 79c —This mitten is only another proof of McCracken's superior buying. They are of heavy horse-hide, faced with a fine wool bal k, well stitched and w r ill stand lots of hard wear. —Extra heavy tin, reinforced top and bottom; an article you pay at least $1.25 for anywhere else in town. Regular $1.25 value. Down Stair Store. Mens Blue Chambrey Shirts, at 69c i — Our leading value, and a whirlwind of a good shirt. Made big and roomy, sewed w'ith the best of cotton thread; one pocket, on left-hand side. Sizes, lAVt to 17. c'CR ACREN' S Canvas Leather Faced Gloves 29c Department Store BOZEMAN, MONTANA —An every day necessity is this wonderful canvas glove, which sells regular for 39c; this glove has a strong elastic knit wristlet. I mi ...