Newspaper Page Text
F ALLEGED SPYS E .LOUIE It* Ove.' t® T own st is Followed By Penalty ! T urn to -t :0r«i5 iR'V ► barely 21 a former Villa had but having hen lost . i,...„ip «hiefra'n. . : from the I'larc/ and fullowed by ,r r * in aspect tomary l ive mon were cxe ;ad in the Juarez. Ilowing allegi'd Juarez over chiefs. mmander of ■ § i * * lex , , • to turn .. ui ionary I • r a » ! f /., 3 ■ :v («b itUr annoutu'cd that a j if les and pistols, to wns found rnuition. ,i i -en uncovered. were F» n .. oldest. ■ r ,-egi folk )DC -Ml ■ .1 ,,i ii Ti Us n ; n : isci nar ctery ' llP » J i cr if Ö , :♦ ;if'er the ci me ndemned men i, their fate during U T <•»» u , ' ter«} rayfce >^19 in* iere* ' mat' w'fvn of read wi n* or-I .• itti Some stood v.-d their hats, took ar ,I the en If r; I out m *Q their names were ;1 Tked in front of the I*. ?.s Die a fill* ; j ! i . au .H r.dio "Trust A ,e 9 ed ! W Vl ' " o rp0 ™ J, ' i engno ! mairifacture an | -*nnr n ' * " charred ' r '* e a .\ com 't* ' r !^mabimining a i ' ;'' u * n 1 efÄmi.v in radm apparatus and com- . „ including | guardhouse in i tood at rigid at ten- j n idol t - ■ tlon A! font >er#K k0 .Jin j n . the limp i : -r would fall to the Immediately was ,;«■ nd *>f fire • h roes. "mercy shot y obey. • • A rç of lad » ut named. nufaeturers of r.idio Tt •ompanes \ nil ins pm .»*nt it : within .'H days rdered to make answer to the further charge • be law against unfair in trade to the prejudice olnting y b pf * coni'»-'"'" 1 ' pwM ^ u New C'»Id Field tn Yukon Assays o! silver-lead from 000 to 1.2IH1 ounces Y. T -vjfc ir • r ' .r ton are common in the ht Bra ' ' district, w. cre ;i i.ew strilh i- been reported in tlie Beaver if strict. 00 miles from Kern» n letter received it Keiio City. He stilted ; _ ec Rivf •nrdilig to Hill. -i Archie I». Martin, former Die nipli,. r ihe Yukon territory legis jatV'i' — that 'vk field promises to become ' >vv i"! K'Mio f'ity. '8 S * a Helena grand jury in e ne-bon with the failure of the Mon :r Ban isr corporation, several naciiii- ;,co was arrived here hy ficp|!\ slier ffs and is being held in the til. for lack of S8.Ö00 bail, uct l V -mt;.: î officials. Cnsteel Arrested on Coast Oalif. George W. Cas Breaks Jump Record ^B in Harold Osborne, of the min),- \ : ' -ir dub. broke the world's per- 1 ' i » ;.*!"or high jump, when b?| ' • v 'i,e har C. feet. 5 1Ô-16 fn<4 - D r seventh annual Illinois Ath - nvitatlon imloor track aee The «.Id record was 6 feet, ArfcSS! 5 "ing to Lift Ban -iiv. Mo - Itnsioe o. r _I WIÎ l pc if tc (Fa* r' Jnd i by .i physician and - v. m here recently to , ■■'t' 6 *»vr*m* court for oh.hmon to prevent dis !:sf Arhncklcs pic- j tn ■ )D '1: ft w 7c erl :•» N? Livestock Values Less sVngton.—The total value of f-rnns and ranges of the _< S'tnics on January 1 1s cstl bv the department of agricul »74*00, decrease of ^B "i 5.1 per cent, as com h their value on January 1 a yet? live* ÜS1 on i IS* injj-cd in $200,000 Fire * Six persons were Injured * r (U >c •nd rt\ damage estimated at '» is f-aused hy the fire which ^ the Glendale apartments in rv, *wn di»j'rlrt h*re. Thirty iÄtT. Tp-f, rescued from the hnild 11«» - Fiume Italian Territory Lr<Vi i« r Mussolini and M. 1 M Ninchltoh. respective ■ " and foreign minister ol mve signed the treaty by urn- become* Italian territory. s 45 D ay Tribute to Lenine Vladimir Tlyitch Ulianoff, v f *r1d knew as Nikolai Ix»n M •r \\ ink • inbed. The followers of the ' »et Russia hailed him as ' ' " deiith than in life. , They ' oil, *u'led for hours in the bit 'd the bolshevik capital has ,n na» SO 95 50 Half a million people GeU i, r waded for eight hours In * * ,r Jtt ure e. » •ki below zero for the passing the temporary » squat Asiatic structure, tuiuti of a Tartar Kban. / 9 ; * T m of -M ml Helena Snow AttjHH ,4 Treasure Trove ; Capital City Man Will Melt Down Ice Accumulations to Recover Pearls î mon and found in unanticipated places, 1 but M. D. Chat field is engaged in that j fourni until a part of the string was returned to Mr. £ hatfield ■ with the iiiioruiaiion that It had been picked up in front of a business house, j a search of the spot revealed a few j morp of th e WeK and then with sev ~ . , . . ed m dig up the ice and snow in the»'. * r the intention of melting it vn< an( ^ ^ possible, restoring the str ' n ? intact to Mrs. < 'hatfield. Digging street is an unusual procedure, even in ! Helena, where wealth is quite com pearls right in the main occupation. Recently his wife lost a string of pearls. No trace of the prop- j erty was TROUBLES OF MONTANANS [RECLAMATION PROBERS HEAR Facts pertaining tô the reclamation P r <>je*«*ts in Montana were laid before government fact-finding commis s ' on * n Salt Lake recently by farmers from the Hartley, Sun River and Milk River reclamation districts. While considerable umbrage was manifest at the opening of the session there is every evidence that the government commission and the project farmers will arrive at some definite program j that will greatly aid the districts under Hancock, secretary of the Huntley irrigation district, stated that ehe project was $422.000 in arrears be V® 'r'vf f °r „ 01 w',n d i and maintenance bad been too low and j 1» Mr" "*•' •eeumulated. Another - renson for the deficit was that a largo j sum had been spent in drainage. He : recommended as a relief program that 1 A 40-year payment period be estab i'^bed. The.deficit be removed by the gov ernment. A „ money from penalties to to that project and not to the general question. J. Homer Frofits from sale »»f townsites to go to the project and not to the general fund. Adjustment of taxes, whereby the what he actually settler pays only owns and has paid for. Mr. Hancock cited some improve mcr»s on the prospect which he termed » lnil)r , )pf . r i v chosen and constructed." of the Lowe r Milk River Water Users' aseo- , c i nt i (>n> discussed the statement which bad bof . n bv df ,ipjr a tes from the p ro j ort ] as t week. He told briefly the bad condition of the farmers In the district, and stated that "many i have walked off and the wild growth h:iis again taken what hade fair to he fertile farm land. •• Later he added that under the pres the government can't ent conditions. • • M give the land away. stated that the project was never completed and that there was consider able faulty construction there. He recommended that tlie settlers he given 40 years to pay for the water and that all instances where the re claniatlon service made engineering mistakes should be checked and the 1 costs of the mistakes taken from the He » nmt to the settlers. 1 Samuel Ness, chairman of the water 1 users' association of the Greenfield division of the Sun River project, crifi cized a letter which D. W. Davis, rc elamation commissioner, wrote to Hn ; bert Work, secretary of the interior, concerning a petition which the water , users had sent Air. Davis, as mislead Hc said IS.Y settlers had sent a ; Ing. »" Comml«.lonjr Davl ^ j rofomm: this IMtof to fooi-otaor Work Mr Davis had commented upon the Tack of system in handling crops and th|s Rg one rP:ls<)n for the failure m-oiect Mr Ness Insited that ^ ttlprg bnd attempted to meet commions bv pvery way known to and bad boon generally unsuc cessful POOR BUSINESS FOR THESE GOOD FOR THE REST OF US Few people have been dying in This is the the state this winter, report of undertakers and of sales who sell to undertakers. The men number of deaths has not even been up to the average for sum time, when usually the death fraction of that In Even though the fall warm and open and some mer rate is a mere the winter. ! W36 folks complained that everyone would be sick, the general health has been good, and now that win ter has really come there has been change in the health situation. no Heavy Sheep Shipment* More than 19,500 sheep were shipped f rom Cascade during the last season, acr . 0 rding to figures made public. Of nU mher 310 were thoroughbred 8 t 0( .k which were shipped to breeder* wbb in the state. terminal market prices Of Interest to Montana Producers Week Ending Jan. 26, j j | J | MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN—Wheat. No 1 Dark Northern, $1.21%; corn, 73*; oats. 45%; barley, 80; rye, 66%; fl« x - CHTUAGO i LIVESTOCK—Cattle, |7.5O-f9.80i to t- *L35; lambs. $13.65; e^es $8.25. PRODUCE-*—Egg*. 89% ; potatoes. $1.3$. I ] | j I ■ — BELIEF PLUS TO ! [m m m[ Money Must Come From Private Sources Owing to Government Short Term Loans as outlined by President Goolidgc in a niess:, £ p to congress, will be developed at a general conference to be held soon in which representatives of banks, business and transportation serviws <vil , p art |,.ipa,e. Secretaries Hoover and Wallace have been called upon to jSuggest those to whom invitations Should be sent. Representation at the conference is P lann<S(l fo he national rather than sec \' U T'- A '""'" sh ^ *«— 1 '» »he 'grain-growing territory have presented . 4 . . .. m 'the most acute phase of the problem which the administration is endeavor j nr to nicct, the pressure <»n the farm er is considered to havo been trans Administration plans for the relief jof the northwest agricultural situation. ferred to the general western commun itv to such a decree «hat icon- than merely banking or credit measures will he necessary to effect a remedy. Administration officials are working on a plan for the formation of a syndl 1 cate'of metropolitan bankers In middle western cities who. it is hoped, may underwrite sufficient loans to relieve the northwes tern bunkers in the pres |fnt credit stringency, T . , . , , . If is indicated by treasury officials that the war finance corporation loans I . of federal aid. ^ut is was said that much of tne money , that must be employed to straighten ont the credit situation in the north- 1 W e§t will have to come from private , SOU pces because of laws limiting the enveniment credits to six or nine ,n " Mh *' pap * r - t v . ! In connection with the reported for matlon of the , la nkers- ^ndle.te It]" wag sn ; d that while the bankers would \ he fhe first line of monev sn p p i v . the ' government eventually would have to ^ af#k them up probably through the war finance corporation .or through PX t ens j on 0 f additional credit by fed- , pra l reserve banks. revert_. j ******★*★★★★★★★★★★★ ****** j i * p^MAMA. CANAL AT * ^ j . ★ ★ MERCY OF ENEMY, MANEUVERS SHOW ★ ★ Colon, Canal Zone.—The Pan- ★ ★ * ama cana j a t present is open to ^ attack by aircraft bombardment ★ # . Ulll raîds by (M , on iy air forces. ★ a< . ( . or tling to the report of the ★ £ ^. -v pf lrM of the # jolm maneuv ers between the ★ ^ p due Jin( j p,i a( . k fleets of the ★ ir ★ American navy. The critique of the chief rnn * pires. Admiral Coontz and Ma- ★ ■k jor General Hiqes. is completed ★ * * and will be sent to the war and ★ with fecom- ★ navy department-' k monda t Ions. ★ the umpires gave out the fol ★ in the meantime ★ ★ k lowing statement : • The objects of the exercises ★ were fully accomplished. The ★ weakness of the canal defense * The co-opera- ★ J . , * offh-or nnd two radio telegrapher« of the United States cruiser Tacoma were killed in the storm which swept this city. After the Tacoma went upon the rc**f. Captain Sparrow and 10 men re ma 'tied aboard. The wind made it -sury withdraw tho . r.-w which was working to get the Tacoma off the TTu* skeleton crew which had re was discovered, tton between the army and the ★ and the canal authorities A navy exceeded expectations. ; Cruiser Tacoma Lost; 4 Dead Vera Cruz.—Captain Sparrow, one M(f. mained «hoard the American Tacoma, wrecked on a reef outside | Vera Grttz. was rescued hy the Mexi can revolutionary forces during a hur ricane. Alvarez Castillo, personal rep resentative of Adolfo de la Huerta, was informed hy his chief. The Tacoma, is added, is now completely sunk. i 3.636.599 Cars Made Washington.—The output of motor vehicles in the United States during 1923 was placed In a commerce depart ment announcement at a total of 3, «36.599 passenge. r antomobiles and 376.26T trucks as compared with 2, 339,760 and 246.281. respective'- In 1922. Russian Plot Alleged London.LAn agency dispatch from Constantinople reports the discovery of an extensive conspiracy of Russian Many arrests are said commun i*t$ to have been made. Would Name City for Leader Moscow.—Following the funeral of xicola Lenine, leader of the common j s tic republic, who died recently, agitation has started to rename the C jty of Petrograd, Lenlnegrad in his an honor. Will Recall Warcraft Washington.—Orders for the with drawal of the American cruiser Rich mond from Tampico. Mexico, have been dispatched by the navy depart ment, and it is announced that as soon salvage work on the cruiser Tacoma Is completed the cruls Omaha and six American destroy at Vera Cruz also will be refolded from those waters. Decision to with draw the Richmond was made after advices were received to the effect that de la Huerta had abandoned the pro posed blocade of Tampico. wrecked as er ers i NEWSPAPERS NOW flRST CUSS MAIll NEW POSTOFFICE ORDER MOST FAR-REACHING STEP IN POSTAL HISTORY As a result of several months of. investigation and study by experts of , the post office department. Postmast er General Harry S. New today is sued the first definite, concise and ' complete program that has ever been'for put out hy the department for the mailing> tran?miäsion and deIi v e ry of newspapcrs . . _ . rhls order is most important. It is far reaching. It gives the same : pedition to newspapers as is accorded to l;rst class mail. • j The order is the result of pains • taking effort on the part of the post . office inspectors, under the direction of First Assistant Postmaster Gen-! eral B * rUett - Carefully worded an minute instructions have been t* ted |4o 9® employes engaged in har ling |the mail.-,, so that there will be of misunderstanding the , possibility* importance of getting newspapers the reader with a minimum of delay.» T le eagencc Q f t h e order is that newspapers shall nut be mixed with parcels post any point in their 1 , . .... j -spatch from the publishers of ices i un *0 their delivery to the addresses. Papers .-hall be handled by toem-j selves, and kept in constant transit. not being sent to railway terminals to he reworked. In other words, they are to handled in the same manner as fj rs t c i as<? rnail * An important feature of the order j .... ,_ no imblieat.on shall be K.ven ^ss etlicient or less expeditious treatment than at present. That means that publications other than i newspapers will not suffer one iota from this progressive innovation, ma( ie by the post office department. , Another striking feature of the . "f of " (fI ^ el , a4> ' f . • mad which are known to the busi ness world as "mixed mail. of mixed mail some times contain : ( Sacks »» I letters, papers, and parcels post, and often times the entire contents were treated as parcels post. This order will prevent a recurrence of that con dition Another important feature of the j order is that postmasters are re- ! quired to notify publishers in each j instance when they do not hit the dis ! patch which they advertise to hit; ! also to notify publishers when they addresses and are sending, to wrong to addresses of deceased persons, j I ! r RED PEPPER HEAT * i Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" ncrt'hurt'youl'antTit «ruînly'stops that old rheumatism torture at once. i When you are suffering so you can » hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest reJie £ known Nothing has such con centrate( j, penetrating heat as red pep pers j us t as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the i sore spot through and through. Pam ^Igist for a jar of RowIes Red p epp e r Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package. E ! / SHNE FOR . u 1 I ACHING KIDNEYS When Back Hurts Flush Your Kidneys as You Clean Your Bowels r| made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is in tended to flush clogged kidneys and help stimulate them to activity. It also helps neutralize the acids in the urine so they no longer irritate, thus helping to relieve bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive ; makes a de lightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to help keep their kidneys clean. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Saits to folks who be lieve in trying to correct kidney trouble while it is only trouble. By all means have your physician examine your kid neys at least twice a year. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, sometimes get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occa sionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region begin drinking lots of water. Also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is A - ' r / Publishers will also be notified when they are putting up their mail in an ; incorrect manner. Under the new system, newspapers will be made up in separate sacks plainly labeled with the word "News papers." If there are only a few copies of newspapers at the point of dispatch, they will be placed in the pouches with first cla«s mail or in separate sacks, even though the sacks are only partially filled. This order means much to the i American public. It is one of the most important and far reaching ! steps in post office history. It is thf benefit of those who desire to ; bave their newspapers placed before them at as early a moment as possible. iThis should keep both the city and the I _, , .. . , . . . ural population in closer and quicker ex-[touch with their several fields of ac i «vit^ 1 DECORATORS [ | —GLASS—PAINT—WALL PAPER— DIXON ®. DODvSON i PHONE 120-.I 130 WEST MAIN i ■ I f YOU'LL LIRE I » OUK MEATS AND MEAT PRODUCTS —AND— OUR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE 1 I I Just Phone 54 I 99 WE ALWAYS AIM TO PLEASE Main and Grand M I I The Sanitary Market » i I Money Grows ♦ t I I If you had a handful of wheat it would not make you one meal, but if the handful of wheat was planted, the harv est would serve to supply many meals. I à The same thing is true with money. The little savings ! will not purchase much, but planted in a reliable bank, like I ours, they accumulate and with interest added make a sum I big enough to be worth while. Money grows. The only | question is regarding the safety of the bank where your !| money is planted. The bank must be safe, reliable and f honest. Our bank is that kind. f A J | GALLATIN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK BOZEMAN, MONTANA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE S v ° T R « f » J .»A , I * SULPHUR SOOTHES i UGLY,ITCHING SKIN j ; The First Application Makes 4 Skin Cool and Comfortable * « ' ' if yon are suffering tVni eczema or some other tor turin g, cm harassing sics trouble > ou m.^ - jiiji kh W rid of *t bv specialist. U '' > U1 ' This sulphur preparation, because of its germ dcstro\ing properties, seldom *» ils to quickly suMacpitching, even ol SSî» toTJktn «ol i ÂÎ Rash aid blotches are healed right up Rowles Mentho-Sulphur is applied like my pleasant cold cream ami is periect , Wmles , You can obtain a smaii from any good druggist t «