Newspaper Page Text
I51KE5S AND HoFE-SIONAL B DIRECTORY I decorating ntin<- •• SURFACE VL ALL Protect P \ N ! » VO house tanging minting, pa paints, \r tiT ■ting, • , glass, etc. v: SON Phone 224-R 1. la W* \THS 0STKO ~~ 1 R1FFITH . -lans if- ' •: 2 • W : î-, Griffith c Res. 676 at : k Bldg. J ' i ii ■ <1 -inan I >. tu . urn School of hie, Mo, • Main St. ht L. ' (STS 0PT0V 1 . vorn EYES Gift to Man. NEGL. • » Jfiphv M' ' h'r< -SEE S! KSS" ^ p Siess Optometrist Shop Entrance oir-in St, ; Specialty 1 :]* Ea'T - r L I ESUE E. G AGE Optometrist ixamined Glasses Fitted Manfg. Optician ; broken lenses ! res I rei iated th* '■ ame day. . Main ■i . Phone 425 VETERINARIANS Sallatin Veterinary Hospital I'o/.eman, Montana O. L I» EVOKE anime Streets ,t-r black and Phone - -i ik'HM AKERS - JEWELERS I. W. il \NCOCK WATCH, n JEWELRY ] K AND PAIRING I : '.'T delivered, i I G STORE lOEHIEU'S ATT« )UNFA AT LAW [ian E. K. i; NKER ■ 1 1 v »»tary Public Building ntana. m - ien ia DOZt SI 01 -i y< OlAI. VM) WOOD m ( KF -i K AM) ROUNDUP m goal "A Lump, K Dry W f 1 ' I-EHRKI R and v a r '«ut and Egg for Kindling M)—PHONE 414 is—804 So. Black N r*U\ILWAY time-card. I NORTHERN PACIFIC. Going West. '■*t Ltd.3: 17 A- M. ress .3:15 P. M. .2:*0 A. M. .2:117 P. M. run via Butte; —No: th C( Un. p e n Lovai W Local G 41 arui 2U) % 'T\ r. ■ FV'ng j assengi rs from hp.iuled to slop- No. »■top at Manhattan to let off pa^eengers *ast of Billings. Going East. |)3 it ' i po m< - ■ No. : points wi Urn * North (' oast Ltd..2:29 P- M. 9 " Express....1:02 A. M. ~ duu Valley Ltd. .1:45 A. M. m ; Local ...10:50 A. M. 2 fit* scheduled to stop. paying passengers and to il MENARD TRAINS—SATURDAY ONLY. . 6.30 A. M. . 9:45 A. M. . 4:00 P. M. Ar. Menard.—. . 7.41 P. M. Bowman ozeaian o zerr, an ....... 8:00 A. . 8:80 A. . 6:00 P. .. 6:00 P. Ar Menard.. Lv. Menard. 4r Lv. Menard. CREAMERIES } f WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR BOTH 1 I Sweet and Sour CREA M Bozeman Creamery Co., Frank R. Pike, Mgr. 23 S. Willson-Ave. I I il Phone 143 j PURITY BUTTER IS BETTER I 1 IT SCORES 90 OR HIGHER WE PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR EGGS AND CREAM Gallatin Milk & Produce Co. 14 No. Willson-av V — Phone 66 SHOE REPAIR SHOPS a WHO'S YOUR SHOE DOCTOR? Don't throw away your old shoes (until you give us a chance to exam ine them. A little fixing here and j there may double their days of wear. MORTON'S SHOE SHOP 12 South Willson ; I TRANSFER & STORAGE t —— H. HARDESTY & SON Transfer & Storage Crating and packing of household goods. Country moving a specialty. Use the Yellow Trucks ,318E. Main. Phone 564 i W. T. HOGG Transfer and Storage Baggage, Piano, Safe and All Kindf of Heavy Hauling. Special atten tion given to the moving of house hold goods. We also unload cars of coal. 25 N. Tracy-Ave. Phone 34 J AUCTION SALES We Buy and Sell Ail Kinds of USED GOODS And Pay Cash for Household Articles. If You W'ant to Buy or Sell See F. L. BOH ART 410 So. Bozeman-Ave. ! Auctioneer. - ... ~ :r FUNERAL DIRECTORS H. F.WEST EMBALM ER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant MODERN PARLOR AND AUTO EQUIPMENT Ambulance Service Phone 797-R2 125 W. Main-St. E. W. Harland Emhalmer and F'uneral Director I.ady Attendant BETTER SERVICE Phone 564 318 E. Main. MILWAUKEE TIME-CARD Leaves Bozeman for Three Forks— No. 116...., (Via Belgrade Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only). .8:30 A. A vive Bozeman— No. 115... .3:30 P. ' Does not go via Belgrade on return trip from Three Forks). GALLATIN VAI.I.EY ELECTRIC Westbound —Departs. .. .6:30 A. No. 32—Daily... No. 34—Daily___4:00 P. East bound—.Arrive. .8:05 A. ..... 6:00 P. No. 31—Daily.— No. 33—Daily.— <i>iiit!!a<sitta;iiui :ini;:auintiia;iBi!(i,«ua.iri*:!!;,nr:! m u ■ a a i a i i i a a a.ia ■ a>.i: = j î ? 11 ? | j Z * I laiaaiaaait, ; H Wmt AdisU 10c Per Line, First Insertion; 5c Per Line, Subse- • 3 quent Insertions. Minimum Charge, 25c. All Want Ads Pavahle i Advance. No Book Accounts. ) ' m cheap; also good used, drop-head j sewing machine cheap. Call 45 West Î Babcock St. 2 27, 2tp j if î î î î î î ■ a a î a i ■ n i i aai i i mi FOR SALE—Good typewriter, very 1 SEVEN PER CENT INVESTMENT— For sale, a very desirable residence property in Livingston. Now rented and earning better than 7 per cent. ; For particulars, address G. D. Rich ard, Box 548, Bozeman, Mont. lOtf WANT t h f h ■ ! Äf give"particulars V ànd i lowest price. John J. Black, Chippe wa Falls, Wisconsin. j FOR SALE OR TRADE—Two splen did building lots on west side in Liv- ! ingston; or wil Itrade for good used, | six-cylinder car. Address G. A. Desch, 607 So. Willson Ave., Bozeman, Mon tana. 10 tf PER CENT TRUST FUND LOANS upon acceptable security, .any kind. • Long terms. Easy payments. Write Security National Finance Co., 519 North Main, Santa Ana. California.I 2 27 ltP WANTED—Men or wonien to take, orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men. women and children. Elim mates darning. Salary $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons, heathers, silks. International Stocking Mills,] NoiTistown, Pa. 1: s: « :: :: :: U « W «1 _I a. m.—Church school and B b»e ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ M M ♦♦ • # «» :: « s; ss ss «s :s ;s s: *♦ « • ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f ♦♦ M CHURCH NOTICES I » SS 9* ss ♦ « ST. JAMES CHURCH. Corner of Tracy and Olive. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. 9:45 class. 11:00 a. m.--Morning prayer. Wednesday, 7:30 p m.—Choir re hearsal. E. J. BELL, Lay Reader. F. W. M'KAY, Senior Warden. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. ages. 11:00 a. m—Public worship. 6:30 p. m.— B. Y. P. U. meeting, 7:30 p. m—Public worship. 7:30 p. ni—Wednesday mid-week A people's chutch with a warm wel sermon .»o' _ „ _ j I . racii« s«vke _ 8 8 ' S p m Lwedneauay m.d-week prayer service. Rev- F. R. Curry, Minister. Olive and Grand Avenue. 9:45 a. m.—Bible school for all service. come for all. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Dr. R -P. Smth, Pastor. Olive and Willson Avenue. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship ami ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH O. K. Davidson, Pastor. Comer of Grand and Olive. Sunday school at 9:45. MM wlek^rvto."-on Wednesday Mid-week on Wednesday. _ ! D4WT1? \irunmu niniciuv , PAANE MEMORLU. (JIRIM IAN CHURCH A. L. Chapman Pastor; residence, 112 South Grand Avenue. Corner Grand Avenue and Babcock. street. j Sunday services— 1 Bible Study 10:00 a. m. Sermon and communion—11 a. m. C. E. Meetings—6:30 p. m. * Evening Worship—?:30. Prayer Meeting—Wednesday even j ing ' 7:30 ' ! FIRST ( HURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST. 1U West Olive street • Sunday Services—11:00 a. m. , S unday school at 9:45 a. ni. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room in the Golden Rule.6 block, open daily except Sunday, from 1:30 to 5:00 p. aa. j 7:30 p. m. . LATTER-DAY SAINTS, REORGAN IZED. 10:00 a. m.— Sunéay schooL 11:00 a. m—Preaching service • m-—Prayer Wednesday, 7:30 p. service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. H- G, Klemme, Pastor. Sunday school—9:45. Regular morning service at 11:00 j o'clock. Evening sendee at 7:30. MORTON MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH Milton P. Hill, Pastor Corner Church and Lamme. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning preaching service at 11:00 o'clock. Epworth League at 5:30 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at tb^ church. M. M. THE SALVATION ARMY Capt. F. P. Stevens and Lieut H. W. Smith, officers-in-charge. Res., Gal latin hotel. Hall, 304 E. Main St. Phone 386-W. Regular Sunday Services; 11:00 a. m. Holiness meeting. 2.30 p. m. Sunday School. 6:30 p. m. Y r oung People's Legion. 8:00 p. m. Salvation meeting. Meetings Nightly at 8 o'clock except Monday *nd Wednesday. Everybody Welcome. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. r -ition j . 5 i g | r p i i n 5 I Ml u I S & L L U il L l) & , • ■ I * nin to9f!«Vl|ll8fl| _ Notice î«? bpTPbv crivon ' '- v Commissioners Gallatin County. i sale to commence at 1*16 o'cîïknm on Saturdav the 8th ihv rf vôr '' U924 in tht y Co«îfHnn«p of LîlîTo'! Montana the following fa o f .« estate situate and in "afd i i a tin Countv Montana and which has been regu ariv ^Tcônired bv CalHtin Coimlv^bv delfnau^rttax sale^tovrit* Lots 105 in6 and nn PafnWv ! division BowmanHo? Tract No ? fâifx'St H v-k is p r -,iu let"n n7P ni fl n ' ' No bid can'be considered for W | than the anou"t ef"hlfnouent ta^ a „d «"Is 7ae Gallatin County i -io B „L S ° rder B °" d C ° Unty ' . r t T tt \rptc; ! C t rWk rWL- tà Vhp Pr.«r,) Î 1 Co gX, f it Bozeman IL Td"' - th dav FoKr^rf iw' 1 " ' ' ' ' '*■ V, , ^ « . _' 1 v/vrir-r* mmi-mDc ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF SALE . 1 Estate of Mary Ann Marshall, de ceased. Notice is hereby given by the under (signed, administratrix of the Estate' 0 / Mar y Ann Marshall, deceased, to *he creditors and all persons having j claims against the said deceased, to 'exhibit them with the necessary vouch-| i ers, within four months after the first (publication of this notice, to the said administratrix, at the law office of Geo. D. Pease, in Bozeman, Montana, the same being the place for the transaction of business of said estate, in the County ÿ Gallatin. SUSIE PARMENTER, Administratrix of the Estate of Mary Ann Marshall, deceased. Dated Feb. 2nd, 1924. —Feb. 6, 4t - Estate of Owen R. Jones, deceased. G Notice is hereby given by the un- I dersigned, administratrix of the ' estate of Owen R, Jones, deceased, 1 the creditors and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, exhibit them with the necessaryi vouchers, within four months after the ' first publication of this notice, to the said administratrix, at the law office of Geo. D. Pease, in Bozeman, Mon tana, the same being the place for the transaction of business of said | estate, in the County of Gallatin. , j MARY E. LYON, Administratrix of the Estate of Owen R. Jones, deceased. Dated Feb. 2nd, 1924. I Fct >- «• «' , NOTICE TO CREDITORS SHERIFF'S SALE „ „ H. B. McCay, plaintiff, versus Ch ^ ::t, l ia Ro Vf e ' de^ndanL rr-,^ 0 - 7e so ^ / / fl e ^ A D?fe.Tt 2-W o'clikVi aVthêi door ' of the Court House, in the: City of Bozeman. County of Gallatin., all the right, title and interest of the 1 defendant in and to the following de Ufribed nronertv viz- . A11 th P at P art y 'of the NE^4 of the vwii of Seutior °3 in Township 2 : South f R ange 6 Ÿ.asi, M. P. M. in- j clu ded within the following metes and ! hounds to wit- 1 Beginninp at a point 22 rods north ' t o 0 . ds and 15 eas t of the Sou?hwestcorner of said garter | q Uar ter section, thence running east 20 rods, thence south 22 rods, thence west 20 rods, thence north 22 rods to P lace of beginning, being about 2% acres. The South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter 0 f the Northwest Quarter, all in Sec tion 23 in Township 2 South of Range East. M. P. M., containing 15 acres. : more or less. Together with all tenements, he reditaments, appurtenances, water rights and water ditches to the same j belonging, or in anywise appertaining, All the above land situate and being. in the County of Gallatin. Dated this 4th day of February, A. D., 1924. __ JAMES SMITH, Sheriff. By ORVILLE JONES, Under Sheriff. —Feb. 6, 4t - Frank G. Slaughter, plaintiff, versus Harry Siegel, defendant. right, title and interest which the de fendant, Harry Siegel, had, as of date of June 15, 1922, the following described property, viz.: Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen » -6>, in Block Forty-eight (48). Perk M dition to Bozeman, Montana, together with all appurtenances, therunto be longing or any wise appertaining. All the above property being in the County of Gallatin, State of Mon-U tana. Dated this 11th day of Febru-? ary, A, D., 1924. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff. _ By ORVILLE JONES. Under ^enff. ... Helen H. Ainsworth, plaintiff. versus Thomas I. Watt and Helen M. Watt, his wife, John F. Sinclair Com pany, a corporation, and D. L. Case, as receiver of the John F. Sinclair Company, a corporation, defendants. SHERIFF'S SALE To" be. sold at Sheriff's Sale on on the 8th day of March, A.. D., 1924' at 2:00 o'clock p. m., all the 1 Saturday SHERIFF'S SALE HbSTn* To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Saturday, on the 15th day of March, en D., 1924, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at ' the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin. State of Montana. Ail the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described proper ty, viz.: Northeast Quarter (NE 1-4) of Sec Twenty (20) in Township Two (2) North of Range Seven (7) East of : .he Montana Meridian, containing One ! Hundred Sixty (160) acres, more or less, according to the United States jGovernment Survey thereof. All the above land situate and be a ? * "TJ v° ! ^ ai ^ a 'in- Coated this 1.1th day of February, A. D., 1924. c JAMES SMITH. Sheriff. Bv ORVILLE JONES, Under Sheriff. Feb. 20 4t M. a SHERIFF'S SALE Alban Bodtne.^er of First State BanK - a corporation, of Livingston, Montana, plaintiff, versus Walter L., Johnson, Agnes E. Johnson. Commer cial National Bank, a corporation, M«- WiUiam Hruza, Mrs. Henry Jon row > ,Iohn Hruza and Etta Reber > de f ™ dants * * To be sold at Sheriff ' s f*\ e ™ Saturday, on the 22nd day of March. D., 1924, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman. County of Gal lalin ' State of Montana. All the right, l itle and interest of the defendants in and to the following described prop-, (5) i„ Block Two (2. of the Original Town site of Belgrade,} County of Gallatin, State of Mon together with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. ! Dated this 18th day of February, A. D ., 1924. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff. Bv ORVILLE JONES, Under Sheriff.' —F'eb. 20 4t 1 J SHERIFF'S SALE - John J. Yates, plaintiff, versus Louis ; Hedges and Abbie Hedges, husband and wifç 1 To be sold at sheriff's Sale on s a turday, on the 22nd day of March, , A D 1924t a t 2:00 o'clock p. m. at i the front door G f the Court House, in j thp City of Bozepian, County of Gal j a tiri. State of Montana. All the | right, title and interest of the defend ant in and t0 the following described property viz.: , The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1-4 NW 1-4) f Section Twenty-nine (29) and North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N 1-2 NE 1-4) and Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1-4 NW 1-4» f Section Thirty (30). One hundred sixty acres (160) of land, according to Government Survey, in Township One (1 ), North of Range Five (5), East. M. P. M., in Gallatin County, Mon-j tana, and also one (1) share of stock] n the Telephone Company that con-j nects with the house on said premises. together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments .appurtvn ances thereunto belonging, or any wise ( appertaining. . ! All the above land situate and being in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana. Dated this 18th day of February, A. D., 1924. n ' JAMES SMITH, Sheriff. By ORVILLE JONES. Under Sheriff, re ' j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NOTIOT IS HEREBY GIVEN that 9 «» 1 « 1 blds , f »r the construction of a roadarouml the upper point of the Rla £ k in 1 ' T.' , , p ' -• So ] ,tk Ran? p " , Ra f l ' r . >e r cieved by the Board of County Com missioned of Gallatin County Mon tana ' at the °" 1Ce . the ( ount3r ,v * crk G « !latin County, in the Court House a ,t. B^man, ! 0 cdock P- m *» on tke 2 ^ tn da 7 of R ebru-. at '', hich , t ™L they W1 " i publicly opened and read. Plans and specifications may be, s £ en L- , 1?, obtÄined at the of structrons n, a/ be obitamed at theoi-, *»<*«*£ ULSïïISr 0T ^ e Board of County Commission p.« reserve the ri ff ht to reject any or 31 bids B order of the Board of County Commissioners, by J. H, HARRIS, County Clerk and Recorder. D at ed at Bozeman, Montana, this 10 fh dav of February 1924. ^ day ot reDruar y' __ Feb . 2 0 2t _Miss . SUMMONS J j n the j ust i C e Court of Township No. Q ne - n and for the County of Gal latin ^ State 0 f Montana, before Paul j Davies, Justice of the Peace. Antone F. Tester, plaintiff, versus f John J. Tester and L. J. Tester, de- 1 fendants »tjje STATE OF MONTANA, to the said defendants, Greetings: You are hereby summoned to an- j swor the complaint in this action, . which is filed in said Justice Court, a County Clerk's Office, Bozeman, Montana. i t i j * <• «r rice oi this summons, exclusive dav of service. j -r^is action is brought to obtain a I judgment against you, and each of you. in the sum of $300.00, for 350 -, v ew ., p„ stf furnished to yon by the plaintiff, for 14 days work by the : plaintiff with his team for you, for i 2 6 additional days work done for you I By the plaintiff, and for 100 days ,, d an P d lodgii* furnished by the nîaint ,ff to said defendant, L. J. Test er, all of which were furnished you at Gallatin County, Montana, at your j apeejai .instance ~ 30th day of June, 1920, by tbe plain tiff, and which were reasonably worth the said sum of $300.00. All of which will more fully appear f rona the complaint on file in this action, reference to which is hereby m ade, the same being made a part of this summons. ■ J copy of which is herewith served up j on yoUf and to file your answer and seTve a copy thereof upon the plain tiff's attorney within Ten days after < '-«rrice of this summons, exclusive cf *he day of service, i This action is brought to obtain a i iuJgment against you, and each of u. in the sum of $300.00, for 350 posts furnished to you by the And in case of your failure to ap PAGE ELEVES pear or answer, judgment will be tak against you by default, for the re demanded in the complaint. Signed and dated this 8th day of February, 1924. Farmers* State Bank of Belgrade, a ti rhnrlpc T \Vhi*m unA .corporation, marier 1. Whi-e and PAUL J. DAVIES, Justice of the Peace. R. Wilson, attorney for plaintiff. —Feb. 20 4t SHERIFF'S SALE The Federal Land Hank of Spokane, corporation, plaintiff, versus How ard H. Girdner and Telia A. Girdner, husband and wife; Southern Montan« Farm Loan Association, a corporation. Anna M. White, husband and wife; Florence G. White; H. C, Hagelte; James H. McQuaigg; W. M. Pierce; Martin Vetleson, and L. A. Corlis as Trustees of the Three Rivers O) 8yn »ru's? Saturday, on the 22; d day of March, A. D., 1924, at 2:30 o'clock P . m. f at the front door of the Court lo-a.-e i«? the County of Gallatin. State of M«n '.tana, ail the right, title and interest «»f the defendants in and to the fol lowing described property, viz.: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S 1-2 and NW 1-4) of Sec tion Twenty-eight) 28), all of Set tion Twenty-nine (29) and the North Half 1-2 » of Section Thirty M». Township Three (SI North Tange Four ( II Fast, of Montana M appurtenances thereunto All the above land «ituat« in the County Montana, Dated thi/ A. D.. 1924. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale or. : ngn me beler.gir.g. and heir« , S* rtt e «f os' C 1 latin of Fer ch K JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By ORVILLE JONFL-. Under S 1 1 Pel . J J » Department e Land Office at Bozeman. Mont., Peh 2 3, 1924. Notice is herebv given that Otto Hess, of Manhattan, Mont., who, ot Fe b 1 1916, made Homestead En.ry, \ 0 011709, for NVs, Section 24,Town ; hip 3 x ort h, Range 3 East, M. Meri dian bas filed notice of intention mak è Three-year Proof, to estabihb to the land above described, be fore Register and Receiver of U. S. p and Office, in their office, at Row* ! man, Mmit., on the 8th day of April. 10 «>4 I Claimant names as witnesses: E. i. Rafferty, George FL Townsend. 1 f harles* B. Faris, D. C. Ward, all of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' the Interior, U. S. Manhattan, Mont. Non-coal land. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register. ^First Publication, FVb. 27, 1924.» (F ast Publication, March 26, 1921.» ANNOUNCEMENT - j bave installed a small pipe line pj an t to demonstrate the Artificial Glacier Storage Water System, on the b ar les Vogel Ranch, one mile North eaf; t of the Montana FTour Mills, pa rties .interested in storing water t b e mountains for irrigatior and other domestic purposes are vited to j nS p e ct this plan of water icprvation cc.ise.vat.on, E. V. BLANKENSHIP. 2 27 1-tp BUY Timothy seed at Sawyers, Boze man. Home-grown, Purity 9934; Germination, 94. Price $10.00 cwt —Feb. 20 3-tp weeks Mrs. William Heast.m, at their home \t a llsfin avenu'* on-Madison -■«>'— **f nJ P® 0 ? 1 « ,In "" ' , Madison valley attended the p io.u sale at the Postnrea« ranch near Carpenter's siding latrt Wednesday, r Qn <i «ivtcr. Mr? - Fay Drummond and S1 ^" a ; Gladys Asseltms and . .rs. Rogers, of Manhattan, c y»ent Morm. in Butte, shopping and visiting their WANTED—To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, M apolis, Minn. ,'W —10 4-t ^ » n n a n » » » » •,» ».♦ *♦♦♦»♦*« •• *♦♦**♦♦♦ *.• LOGAN NEWS ♦ * « M ♦♦ # * M M # • ♦ *♦ (Continued from Page Eight.) Mrs. J. M. Renault left last week •for her home in Butte after seven! visit here with her sister, Mrs. Gondron, ami other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bunnell en tertained at «linner Sunday Mr. anc friends. Little Miss Alicia McCall was a charming young hostess la=t Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock to thir teen of her young friends at her home Madison avenue, the occassion be ing her seventh birthday anniversary The ladies of the Madison valley advertising a dance to be g m in the high school auditiorium Fri day night, Feb. 29. the procéda to be applied toward paying for the player piano. Jessie Lorraine 8 ®° n Whitehead, children of Dr. and Mr«, q e. Whitehead of Bozeman, ham ^n quite skk witn the mesaela at tbe • <rrailf i nâf(m tc M r •*»« hom eof the.r gran lparente. Mr. art Mrs. Pat Flynn, but are gewtmg aloor n j ce ly now-. . ^ t ^ e c hji drt . n during their illness _ , The Woman s Community^ du!, m« at the home of M**s. P. A. Lang, last Thursday afternoon, with seventee* ^ orient. Om new member. ^ ^ Traff> ._ ived , Aft . er the business meeting was over, a s<K ia] time was en jo: "d and delicious refreshments «erved at five o'clock meeting will be with Mrs. The next meeting Ernest Haselburt on the north w j t h Mrs. John Powers acting £3 se on are Mrs. Whitehe: d ha? been sistant hostess.