Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL happenings car containing car, containing a man and wife, passed through Liv ingston for the east one day last week J A small tourist Mrs. Kate Shed, who was quite ill at the home of Mrs. Alex. Swanson, of West Babcock street, is now practi cally recovered. Bernard Copping, Jr., the Bozeman expert public accountant, cent business visitor was a re in Livingston, 8 / / / #ior ] u I'H Vic ✓ * J ✓ * ■ A Tim / * fo itt B- •: of the bv* a nat n ma.-r cflBr 1 ! Pai fen rail' ■; low < pra ï bet% . er ' I Ma< -ï a!' the V T adm r.: fort • B i ✓ u ■ l -i // 11 ON S iL Wm »-• *,v a / / ws m V mi K ' > V mi j M' mt 4 à ■ l-Ni iV\ im \ JL, Æ. m i 8 kx. < / : v$ i * V \ vft / » ! \ > f tii Cn / / 8 H aving decided to disperse my herd of purebred stock, I will sell at public sale at my ranch three miles west of Bozeman on the Huffine Lane, on éjk i\ / ï it : ✓ / ( a a * ï ✓ c / I pen A. I nog' quai • / w ✓ 9 COMMENCING AT 10:30 SHARP with Cim f Fort m W get at tion i the M F. I Brid. r t Ain^. head H. M( Big <■> The a bu produ of cri>| mUb. n « mm Lot 1—Bull, Prince Avendale No. 672408, Jan. 12, '18. By Master Avondale by Avondale. Out of Baby Lily by Postville Jack. Lot 2—Bull, Scotch Avon, 1158094, Sept. 3, 1921. By Stilton Count by Sulton Dale by Pride of Avon Out of Scotch Duchess 16th by Silk Goods by Choice Goods. l 0t 192 BUM ' SnowbaI1 Avondale No. 1038891, May 7 By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Lavendar Maid 2d by Baron Ury. Lot 4—Cow, Roan Almeda, 1014226, Oct. 2., 1920, By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Red Almeda by Lord Amaranth. Lot 5—Cow, Monarch's Gloster, 984011, Oct. 15, '19 By John P. 2nd, by Lavender Lad 2d. Out of Red Gloster 2d, by Monarch by Maxwalton Monarch. Lot 39—Red Heifer, June 9, 1023. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Red Almeda by Lord Amaranth. Lot 40—Roan Bull, March 2, 1022. By Prince Avondale by Master Av ndale. Out of Choice Victoria by Red Goods. Lot 41—Red Bull, April 24, 1922 By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Anna Davis 3d, by Red Goods. Lot 42 — Roan Bull, March 3, 1922. Prince* Avondale bv Master Avondale. Out of Lavender Maid 3d, by Let 43—Red Heifer, April 4, 192 By Prince Avondale by Master Out of Red Gloster 2d, by Monarch. Lot 44—White Bull, June 16, 1922. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Lavender Maid 3d. by Monarch. Lot 45—Red Heifer, August 5, 1922. By Prince Avondale by Master Out of Violet, 847323. * Lot 46—Bull, Sept. 11, 1922, By Prince Avondale by Mast Out of Red Lady Goods Lot 47—Roan Bull, July 12, 1922. By Prince Avondale bv Mast Out of Lavender Maid 2d, bv Lot 48—Roan Bull, April 16, ];j By Prince Avondale by Ma Æ Out of Lavender Maid by Laver ! Lot 49—Red Bull, March 27, 11*22. By Prince Avondale by Master A Out of Red Almeda 2d.'by Baron H Lot 50—Red Bull, April 1st. 1922. By Prince Avondale bv Master Out of Red Gloster by Red Goo. Lot 51—Red Heifer, May 3d, 1922. By Prince Avondale by Ma Out of Violetta by Red Good Lot 52—White Bull, March 25, 19 By Prince Avondale by Master Out of Red Lady by Red Goods Lot 53—-Red Bull, June 15th, 1922. By Prince Avondale by Master .*■ »ndale. Out of Ruba by John P. 2d. Lot 54- Roan Bull, June 2d, 1922. ' Prmce Avondale by Master Av Out of Anna Davis 4th, by John 1' t . Sept 11, 1 By Prince Avondale by Master Av. ndale. Out of Ked Lady 3d, by John P. 2 n J Lot 56—Cow, Betty Almeda, 10: 892, May Calf by side. By Prim e Avondale by Mastor Av. ndale. Out of Red Almeda 2d, by Ba. *n Fry. t Lot 57—Cow, Davis Goods, 103889 ;, March 27, 1 By Prince Avondale by Master Avondai®. Out of Anna Davis 3d, by Red Goods Lot 5b — Cow, Roan Lady Davis, 1038897. Jan. - By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Red Lady by Red Goods. j Lot 59—Cow, Prince's Anna Davis, 103S89®. P 1921, Calf at side. By Prince Avondale by Master Av Out of Anna Davis 4th, by John P. 2d.I Lot 60—Cow, Red Lady Goods. 10 ' '. ,(J 1921. Calf by side. By Pnnce Avondale by Master Avondale* Out of Red Lady 2d, by John P. 2d. Lot 61—Cow, Roan Ruba, 1038898, Jar.. ^ By Prince Avondale by Master . Out of Ruba by John P 2d. 10 Head Registered Shorthorn > I I » , 18 ' * V : » * 52 4 - r \ - V. Jk #• - * B Monarch. C a r $ \vordale. ■JhA U ✓ » 0 ¥? His ri Lot 6—Cow, Gloster Lady 984010, Oct. 30th, 1919. By John P. 2d by Lavender Lad 2d. Out of Red Gloster by Red Goods. 7—Cow, Red Alema's Ladv, 749381. 25th, 1918. By John P. 2d, by Lavender Lad 2d. Out of Red Almeda 2d by Baron Ury. Lot 8—Cow, Ruba 847322, Dec. 23, 1918, Red heifer calf at side. By John P. 2d, hy Lavender Lad 2d. Out of Red Almeda by Lord Amaranth. Lot 9-Cow, Red Almeda 3rd, No. 736716, Jan. 3rd. 1918. By John P. 2d, by Lavender Lad 2d. Out of Red Almeda by Lord Amaranth. Lot 10—Cow. Lavender Maid, 156663, Red bull calf at side, Oct. 21, 1912. By Lavender Mist. Out of Roberta by Roan Victor. Lot II—C *•; ''hoice Victoria 2d, 468422, March 10. .1915. By Red Ocnds by Scotch Goods. Out of Choice by Choice Magnet. Lot 12—Cow, Anna Davis 3d, 468424, May 8th, '15. By Red Goods by Scotch Goods. Out of Anna Davi c> LOt iîn3 C ° W ' La( y Amararth 2d, 207303, Feb 15th, By Lord Amaranth by L * 1 ' anfG Out of Pilot Strawberry by F * L ✓ same agen He nu the • . must tion* orgar keepi' forest of th, most tain i\ prfaicl oerfo men i The .rharg of th matei "pons 4 ndale. W Lot V March U 1 L e ■ •A ndale. > ■ - li; «V > ■ » 1038M*6 5 > * pV'* VH s s " i z 4 « \ vor, dale. Ury. r'-l ■v v - -V p* .A ? 70T Ï* k i *» £ * V - r-i V/ r. v . . r. AT» TiÉ ** • Av,», dale. Mist * Lot 23—Cow, Red Gloster, 468428, May 26, 1915. By Red Goods by Scotch Goods. Out of Choice Gloster by Choice Magnet. Lot 24—Roan Bull, April 24, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Anna Davis 3d, by Red Goods. Lot 25—Red Bull, May 6, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Choice Victoria 2d, by Red Goods. Lot 26—Red Heifer, Oct. 20, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Ruba by John P. 2d. Lot 27—Roan Heifer, March 22, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Lavender Maid 3d, by Monarch. Lot 28—Roan Bull, April 16, 1923. By Avondale Jby Master Avondale. Out of Red Almeda 2d, by Baron Ury. Lot 29—Roan Bull, April 17, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Lavender Maid 3d, by John P. 2d. Lot 31—Red Heifer, April 17, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Lady Amaranth 2d, by Lord Amaranth. Lot 32—Red Heifer, July 21, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale Out of Lavender Maid 5th, by John P. 2d. Lot 33—Roan Heifer, Oct. 16th, 1923 By Pnnce Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Violetta by Red Goods. Lot 34—Red Bull, March 10, 1923. By Prince Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of Monarch's Gloster by John P. 2d. Lot 35—Red Heifer, April 6, 1923 By Super's Master, 994145. Out of Anna Davis 4th, by John P, L °i 3 ®r;.^ ed Heifer, July 26, 1923. by ^ Iaster Avondale. Out of Rod i^dy 3d, by John P. 2d. 37^—Roan Heifer, Jan. 23, 1923. îw Av° ndale by Master Avondale. Out of Red Gloster, by Red Goods. 38—Rod Bull, June 25, 1923. rw Pr i n 5 e Avondale by Master Avondale. Out of La venae r Maid by Lavender Mist. A \'ndale. * ster A. < »rulale. •70 ■t»:;»iale. by Jeff Davis. — 2d. et h Fame. Lot 14—Cow. Red Lady, 463429, Fef. 8, 1915. By Red Goods by Scotch Goods. Out of Lady Davis by Jeff Davis. Lot 15—Cow, Lavender Maid 3d, 749380, Juiv 22 1918. By John P. 2d, by Lavender Lad 2d. Out of Lavender Maid by Baron Ury. Lot 16—Cow, Red Almeda 2d, 515517, Dec 17, 1915 By Baron Ury by Baron Waverly. Out of Red Almeda by Lord Amaranth. ale. . i. Lot o5— •>0 Lot SO—Red Bull, A, ril 17,1923. By Prince Avondale by ^Master Avondale. Out of Red Lady, by Red Goods. Lot 17—Cow. Anna Davb Uh, 36 9761, Feb. 8, 1919. By John P. 2d, by Lavender Lad 2d. Out of Anna Davis by Red Goods. FREE LUNCH AT NOON 5 Lot 18—Cow, Lavender Maid 1917. By Monarch by Man** Out of Lavender Mais Cd, 699753, Jan. 24, ? eiton Monarch. '.avender's Mist, Lot 19-Cow, Violetta. 4942S8, May 24, 1915, Roan heifer by side. By Red Goods by.Scotch Goods. Out of Red Violet by Montana Choice. LOt J?2~,oï« , D I ' av 'î d .r Maid 5th > 937313, Sept. 8th, 1919. Roan heifer at side. Hy John P. 2d, by Lavender Lad. Out of Lavender Maid by Monarch. Lot 21—Cow, Red Lady 3d, 937314rbct, 25, Red heifer calf at side. By John P 2d, by Lavender I^ad. Out of Red Lady by Red Goods. Lot 22—Cow, Lavender Maid 2d, 242633, 1914. By Baron Ury by Baron Waverly. Out of Lavender Maid by Lavender's Mist. * /■ TERMS All sums of $25.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit «f rUh« Will be given on bankable paper drawing 10 per cent. Three per cent off for c^h oTt^ «ums. No property to be removed until settled for h on *ime nr-]*!*. for 5, Ap y -1 * ed J. C. HUFFINE ✓ .s * 15.1* - } * / 1919. Miscellaneous Stock! pj Owner Nov 12, Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank, CLERK TOM GILKERSON, l a *» 3 y "" AUCTIONEER 1 Good Mule Colt, coming 1 year old. ^ No. 1 Milk Cow. ^ NO * M where he went to audit the accounts of a Park county client. George Moss, a prominent rancher frcm western Gallatin county, at/our 25 miles due west of Bozeman, wau ... . , a visitor in town last Friday and . Saturday to attend the Pioneers re. un j on an d g ran d ball. - ,, Mss Ada Jones, a well known young lady of this city, was notified recently that she had been accepted as one of the season's entertainers on the program of the Ridpath Chau tauqua. She was asked to report by April 1 at Chautauqua headquarter^ in* C hicago for a 24-weeks' engage-1 ment. Her act consists of childrens* stories and colored chalk-talks. Washington's birthday was appro priately celebrated in Bozeman la c c Friday in the high school and the. city schools through tne rendition o: 1. ^ , patriotic; programs» The# {federal building, county courthouse ana c?:; offices were closed, but commerce houses were OP® 11 f° r business a !l . day. - "Ski Hi" Prune Man Here R. E. Holdridge, a pioneer, who came to Montana in 1873 and settled on a ranch on lower Willow creek, but who is now engaged in the raising of prune plums, at his "Ski Hi" prune ranch near Riddle, Ore., was a busi | ness y\ s \x or f or the purpose of dis - , . »• ' posing of several tons of his famous K ® . . „ . .. . n . n .. "spring tonic" fruit to the local whole l . . .. . , t , j th ± t i,. v his attempt, and was told that they could not haml i e his product as he was not a mem ber of the prune growers exchange, the members of which deal through brokers and other middle men Hé is offering his prunes for sale at retail at 9 1-2 cents per pound delivered in Bozeman, and has taken quite a number of orders around town, He was unsuccessful in sale houses. While in the city he attended the re and ball of the pioneers' so union citties last Friday afternoon and eve ' the Harry L. Summers farm on the Huffine road, west of Bozeman, was purchased for an unnamed consider ation by N. L. Towne, operator of the Buell ranch, northwest of the city. who intends to farm the place next year as a dairy ranch. ning. The deal was Big Real Estate Deal The largest and most important real estate transaction so far this consummated recently w*hen year was handled by Simp real estate deale n & F TfUin I ranch rs and Yegen Bros. Bank. Following th I three Yegen I ings, Butte statement late depositor is to be that the three in • re-open, strong. »• Yegen Brother: are of a semi-p» not regulated as are national lane rfl cent r tank*,. i; arcir* r v ''*k tha t 'i off ; >■ cl. c irot'r. an.! S' - Olfrt ' ar * k tu oris ip< than ankmt^ ir, naiüfç J ev «r. v. . f •10 m In '■ at ^ bank,