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it From Our Special Corres o he NEWS FROM GALLATIN COUNTY i ntji ^ <0 < M , 33333 *• ♦♦ «♦ ♦♦ nnn ti «♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ «« * * *• a j r BRIDGER CANYON. S « >: x rz 3 3 « 3 » 3 3 3 it 3 « 3 a Mrs. Frank Zeman has been on the sick list for the past week, Bauline Brittan was a guest *•>* of Viola and Emma Christie. and Mrs. Ed, Foreman were guests Friday evening at the home Mr. and Mrs. J. Sandsness. P. McMahon has been busy during the past week hauling baled hay to _ Bozeman. John Clopton, who was awarded the ztmtract for sawing the lumber for ;. nty, was busy last week de livering some to Bozeman. Ed. Foreman, local forester, and M. A. McCarty spent several days last week at Ross' Peak station scaling timber. Mr«. Joe Whittman, of Sedan, has been visiting relatives in the canyon ï.rî now visiting her parents at Three Forks. Lon Shook left Monday for Great Falls, where she will visit for a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. E. Warren. Mrs ib-r, Mr. and Airs. Frank Hamp ten vvr*re dinner guests Sunday of ! ' nC jJT' ! ^ ma * rs. ack incoln, of Boze-, and Mrs. R. G. Gallup, who have be*n farming the Swanson-Bak nave . n farming the bwanson-Bak er ranch, have now g.ven possessian and nave moved back to their A number of the canyon people gathered Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Brittan and theawd them to a surprize. The eve mrg was spent socially and with cards ,, , . * . , . after which refreshments were served by the ladies. Among the Bozeman visitors Satur day were Mrs. Nellie Craig, Lloyd V.Tiite, Mrs. John Rabe, Mr. and Mrs,] Donald Christie and family, Mrs. W. E. Wicker, Mr .and Mrs. Fred Owens, Ix;n Shook, Mrs. C. P. Manry, Miss Crcssie and Will Conz, Ira Jenkins Mrs. Ed horeman and daughters ... a f ■' " , - !l |,:irty at Mt - F1ih - Mr. J. Thompson, who has been if! for some time, was taken to the hospitrl Saturday, where it is thought an operation may be necessary. and Mrs. Ira Jenkins and Mr. man, were busy the first of the week moving to the Swanson-Baker ranch, which they have leased for the com mg year. Mr. ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jacobs and little daughter, of Hoffman, spent a few davs last week in the canyon visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jeter ,returning to their home Satur day. and Ole Oma. WE ARE NOW STEAM All Kinds of ROLLING Feed for FEED Sale Benepe Elevator H. P. L AN DON day. 0<>Ch><Kh><hKhkh>0<hkhKhw OhCh><h>CKKh><h><h><Kh>0<^ B O » O The Place lor Watch Repairing o ö ? The repair work we do must be well done in every de tail. This is of very great importance to we stake a reputation for fine workmanship, responsibility and fair dealing, which is vital to our business. We cannot afford to have a dissatisfied customer. On each job us. All this is a safeguard for your watch and your pocket It means w*ork in making repairs, or cleaning and book. oiling, which adds years to the good servicec your watch wiU give. We want your repair work, and you want the kind of work we do. This is the place for wratch repairing. Bring yours here. g H. A, Pease & Co, JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS 6 W. Main Street The Hallmark Store SaturJay evening in honor of E. W. j and family and Harry , Watson and family, as they expect to leave soon; Mr. Watson for Wash mgton. and Mr. Rittenhouse for Lans Sun-j^.j^ a de ij c j ous supper was served j | and the Kuests preäented each fam . < ily with a half dozen silver knives an( i forks. _ ing, Michigan. The evening was spent with various guessing games, after H * :r " Born, Feb. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. 3 | ** M ».* « 3 » a 3 a 3 a 3 :: 3 3 * ♦ SP PlNGHIT.T. w ^ 1 I ] | a u » « » 3 3 3 3 3 a a « Alfred Forswall^ who was quite ill , with the measles, is much improved. James Gee, Jr., a daughter. j There was no school here Friday, Miss Kirk having gone to Bozeman to attend the funeral of Roy Davis. The Reese Creek Woman's club met Thursday with Mrs. Samuel Esgar and enjoyed their usual good time. Charley McGuire, of Livingston, spent the week-end at the ranch with his brother Lloyd McGuire and wife. Misses Edith Ballard and Leah * Will Crouse came out from Boze ' man Wednesday to visit his cousin, F. ^ Scheytt, and other relatives. He expects to go to Spokane soon. A dance was given at the Reese 1 Creek school-house Friday evening to i help raise money* for the new hard j wood floor. * Mrs * Joe Gowin , "'ho had a serious at * a °k of bronchitis, is much, better, ' J ^ "f db ' e Ket aroun(i the house a own,"««* now - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bright, and Hey. Jordon, who u.conducting ape cial meetings at the East Gallatin, church, were calling in the Decker community Wednesday afternoon. The Decker Fancy-work club met *-'th Mrs. F W. Parker Thursday. Several members were absent on ac count of illness, but those present spent a very pleasant afternoon. Lester Crouse made a trip up Bridg . . , , , er canyon vv ednesday to look for his . , .. hounds which strayed across the mountains the week before. He turned Thursday, having found them near Brown's saw mill. Harold Wright and Ben Walton j gave a coasting party Saturday eve 1 ning to about a dozen of their friends, After enjoying coasting and skiing | for an hour or two, a big bonfire was i built and a wiener roast was served with plenty of cotfee and toasted marshmallows. The young people all Î decided that a winter picnic was just ,as delightful as a summer one. ( guests of Miss Ona Metier and Mrs. Bonnell ,of Bozeman, were week-end î Alfred Walton. n 3 a !t a u a « tt a n K a *.♦ M ♦ ♦ M 3 BELGRADE » » a Mrs. Wayne Barnard spent a few Mrs. C. R. Grogan is spending few days in Butte visiting her friends, Mrs. V. R. Jones is visiting relatives in Butte for a few weeks. Mrs. Hughie Burnett and son, Boyd spent the week-end with her mother,! ! Mrs. D. E. McGuire. Abner Melton, of Springhill, was a business visitor in Belgrade Satur 3 3 3 3 3 :•: « 3 3 u 3 3 n 3 i hours in Bozeman Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Reining were : visitors in Helena last week. Arthur McGuire is spending a few days in Bozeman, visiting his aunt, Mrs. Hugie Burnett. jhe Rev, G. C. Cress, of Lewistown, held services at the Baptist church evening. Wilace Decker, who has been se riously ill for the past two weeks, is slowly improving. Friday Abe Decker motored to Bozeman Friday and spent a few hours there on business. George Decker and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bridges were among those who were shopping in Bozeman Thursday, Avey Mitchell, of Bostic, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Burnett, of Boze Among those shopping in Bozeman. Thursday were Mrs. W. F. Hardin, Mrs. H. F. Lynn and Mrs. Fred Bes man. se *te, all of Blegrade. Hugh Biggs motored from his home i at Belgrade to his ranch home near Springhill and looked a:'rer . ftoirs there Sunday. Little Miss Totsie Parsons is re ported to be seriously ill with measles, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parsons. , ; Miss Tillie Osness, trained nurse who has been caring for John Brink the past few weeks, returned to B^ze man. Mr. Brink is slowly imnro-ing. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hecox and Mr. and Mrs. W'esley Davis were among those who attended the Pioneer's dance, held in Bozeman, at the Elks' hall, last Friday evening. I Mrs * E. L. Heidel and Mrs. Jesse ; Kohinson entertained Mrs. H. S. Ma ^ raw ^ ednesday afternoon. Mrs. and Mrs. Magraw expect to leave for j ^ x p WT1 ' teacher of i the Decker school, who has been liv-1 ing in the teacherich at the school houi!c , has moved t0 the home of Mr ! and Mrs L|oyd McGuire> and wi „ I there th# remainder of ^ term Maurice Heck, who went to Röchest er> Minn a few weeks aK0 under went a surgil . a , nperation there and is getting along very nicely, according t0 a letter receivod by his mot her, \j rs ^ Heck of Belgrade ' g %yeet p ea Rebekah lodge reia* their regu ] ar meeting Tuodav eve m 1 nmg, rebruary ly. Attendance was A ^ ■ » 10 t so good as usual. Dainty re frcshment8 werc b Mrs w re-|^ Lewigf assisted by Mrs Charles Palmer Otto Fuelleman \ very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. ' Helprrude Chamber of Com j merce hel ' d theif regular mee ting Mon-, j day even j n g February 18 Uncle Sam Hampton spoke about holding a ban quet and f un f east f or benefit the Belgrade Community association, the date of which js not t known Jess Robinson> Roy Philip ; and sbel . Hampton were appointed to make arrangements for the banquet and funfeast - The , ' ollo * in « committees, were appointed for the year of 1924: j Street and road, F. N. Foerschler, E, j A. Stiefel and W. E. Parkin. Finance * and budget. Will Hardin, M. C. Smiley E. L. Heidel and Dr. V, R. Jones. Publicity, Shelton Hampton, Sam Al len and W, P. Porter. Membership, Roy Philips, David Bell and W. M. Fitzstephens. A good sized number were present and all enjoyed the .meeting. 3 » 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SALESVILLE. •% 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 : n Salesville raised $ 14.85 for the Montana tuberculosis fund by the selling of Christmas Seals. The auction sales held at the ft. P. Walker place Thursday attended and all things sold well. Ed. Antonsen, who has been spend ing several days with Robert Almich, returned Wednesday to his home in Manhattan. was vvcii Charles W r . Smith was called to Livingston on account of the serious i'lness of his father, A. J. Smith, who died Friday morning. Salesville people visiting Bozeman during the w*eek were, Mrs. Fred En ters, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Shelton, Sam McReynolds, Henry Adams, Mr. and Mrs, William Ralph, Portnell, Mrs. O. C. Belt, T. L. Col. 1 bein, Miss Stella Henderson. Miss Vinitta Lee and Frank Stone. Seymore Kent left Monday for his home on South Cottonwood, spent a few days at the Deaconess hospital after having his tonsils moved, after which he visited at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Erwin, w!u*e r» gaining his strength before home. The funeral services of Mrs. Mar garet L. Davis were Christian church in Bozeman Triday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev, A. L. Chapman officiating. The singer* were, Mrs. William Cowan. Mrs. P tamest ; Hi re goinj hold at the E. Herrit. W. D. Bell and W. T. J Brandenburg with Mrs. Brandenburg ! at the piano. The pallbearers were: J* M. Puckett, H. F. Johnson. Frann Stone, Fred Roberts Floyd Lillard ' ! The funeral ser and Keith Davis, vices were attended by a large num ber of friends sn3 the floral olfer j ings were numerous. #,♦ »• M •V M • » 3 3 : ÏI ».♦ j { A few of the young folks of this vicinity attended the dance at the jMuir school house Friday evening. Mrs. Joe McLaughlin, of Clasoil, is spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. A. Sorensen. Mrs. G. Graham and Mrs. Stock n i WEST END. 3 r: 8RS«öi:K»3«0«nK man were Livingston callers between trains Thursday. Mrs. Roy Cleveland and Mrs. Henry | Sorensen, of Muir, visited Mrs. Cleve- 1 land's daughter, Mrs. Andy Sorensen, Thursday afternoon, Among the Bozeman callers during ; the week were Mr. and Mrs, A. C. ; Akey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marble, Mr. | and Mrs. B. W'erner, J. L. Wells and • ; J. Hoffman. Mrs. Frank Nickelson, of Cokedale, spent a couple of days at the W'erner : home here. She returned to Coke- j j dale Saturday, accompanied by her sister. Miss Martha Werner, who will | spend a few* days at the Nickelson j home. ^ tt H tt tt XJ Ö • Î 3 3 *> 3 333333 K 33 > Mrs. Fay Drummond was a Man-■ hatUn caller Sunday. Mr. Hendershott fees a caller in | Townsend Sunday night, . Henry Holland was a Butte visitor Sunday evening. . M "' Phil ^ and Mrs - L - A - : Meadow spent Saturday shopping in j Three Forks, and Mrs * Geor K e Burnell vis ited relatives in town Monday night ^or a few hours. j from B511in S s » wherc she s P ent several ^ ays ^ ends - Mr ' and Mrs ' Postuma and ^ a »«»ly ' ^ ast wee ^ ^ or ^ as l» ! ington * where the Y expect to locate of! Wilke s Hale and Mr. Harwood were ! l"* 1 ™\' crs the fir5t of the week ! .jfrom Willow Creek. . j Mr. and Mrs. Art Street were] | guests Sunday at the C. A. Bunnell ! home on Madison avenue - ! n 3 3 3 :: LOGAN NEWS 3 :: :: 3 3 3 M »• • ♦ •• I John McCall spent the week-end here with his family, and left Tues day to take a run out of Townsend, i Mrs. John Graham has returned ■ _x> ai heir MB I (î A miv( i r ;J Today's best buy! lentl o hi hat vorl tad vou! IOQI ■3 vin VI 'f' N I /res he ■m factory aui ion s t::;::::::;:::: îîfHHiiî HliiHS s ; :: N. VI : Wm Vp E3SB& Quality and the new price combined make fresh Tuxedo the outstanding value in pipe tobacco. ^ 3 % Mr. and Mrs. -John Powers were ! hosts to a dinner Sunday to Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Olsen and Lenard Me Lees, Mr. anc j Mrs. r. a. Johnson motored to Three Forks Saturday after- j over noon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heichel were busi ness visitors in town Saturday from the Madison valley. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thompson were , guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. j The Logan school board has pur chased some health records, that will i he used for health purposes, children ; will participate daily. Order Your Bins Filled ? our for the Summer pta ian ake I » por ( .SPRING TIME WILL BE WITH I S SOON. VOIR LAWNS WILL BE SOFT AND EASILY CUT. FILL YOUR BINS NOW. At mrix •tes et." »r i do ease Load Lots V ■*! oach he f HOT BURNING MEADOW CREEK. * 8.50 FANCY BEAR CREEK EGG..... FANCY BEAR CREEK LUMP ROUNDUP LUMP . * 1 0 . 1 X) . 10.00 Tu or d< cay he t nd i fragi tfed \ o mi ■f hij On. Copeland Lumber Co. le 1 ept PHONE IH.J* 501 E. MAIN mu he e lie U 0 Mrs. hranl * -, ill at ;,er home on \ jeral days, but ip • fce^, Aren f> •i;nner Jiiarri er v Air. and Mrs. 0>. a > f r guests at a »> o V night at Mr. and V* ton's home on Vin<* J sou la. where he h; moved, ( John Powers the week from t u re* : 7 1* »tic row I leVf'f •H t ar " he F 2 all p 'U1 a*. ' ' ton,: Mrs. D. L. Drom from Glendive t* Charles Dross, at • north side, ' jfr.e rj (Continued 01 ■ KW,*,. :e <'