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d 4 0 AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY : SAl-Eb V Ali Kiwis of *$> Goe p? * Article«* , . Buy 'Tl BOHABl 1 4l j So. Bozeman iU 1 ' See ■ -Ave. rEOPATHS e », E. BEAN thic Physicisa 132-W 132-J gutof* Offre P * 0 " 6 phore tional Bank Bl iff. Id Na 8 ■N V. C. DAWKS Jil spathic l' J5( j Obstetrician , American ben* • v, Kirksviile, West rm n'x ■ P :i ■' - Sock lain St. i Phone ,pTOMETKlST> ECI V0UK EYES f ^ Precious Gift to , f an. ^EE SIESS" ■ £ sie«, Optometrist Boot Shop Entrance East Main St 55 ! LESLIE E. GAGE Optometrist ;ned—Glasses Fitted 9 « ifiÜBl Kufg. Optician (•»paired and broken lenses placed eh? same day. Phone 425 VETERINARIANS i : Lii r Veterinary Hospital I Boirman. Montana 0 L DEVORE Black and lamme .Streets Phone 235 DIAhERS JEWELERS F V. HANCOC K m ■ UCH. CLOCK AND ■ .TÎILRV REPAIRING c*IIed for ami delivered, i MR'S DRUG STORE ; ATTORN EY S - A T -1. A W "A L F. BUNKER - Notary Public !a ' Bank Building - -*?n an. Montana. "•'I- CvD WOOD ^-F-K AND HOI NDUPi COAL p'-P' Nut and Egg Wood for Kindling JHRKIMd—PHONE 414 '•« ïards-804 So. Black Nuire HEP AIRING KKI'AIKt.V; Hl- ^ air Hevanii! ■ rr ? rs,il,s :li nished 1 1 t v R F '■ E - Rideu Main St reel Nlway time-card Pacific *N* w«t 9 t Ltd. ^Presg time table ^Co. 4" a. m. P Li ? I ni . (! p. n run Butt* Passengers f ro to st sri) 2 ]( ( paying V: ! l(t "•« o( 'V, r* * ä **' SSy lw, Vu,,,'* 1 '»? Ltd, 1,5 10:50 I op. No. at Manhattan •tf passengers fidliags. 2:29 p. m. a. m. a. na. a. m. Passengers to stop. 1:02 : Kving r «AI\»Zii . «i* *• "• . *' m ' .. 7 . 4 , P ' ** ' 45 P m. ^heduled F *ÂÙk D ' s: CREAMERIES r ~r\ WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR BOTH Sweet and Soar CREA M Bozeman Creamery C® Frank R. Pike, Mgr. 23 S. Willson-Ave I ! M Phone 143 r --- PURITY BUTTER IS . \ B5TTER IT SCORES 90 OR HIGHER WE PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR EGGS AND CREAM Gallatin Milk & Produce Co. 14 No. Willson-av. Phone 66 SHOE REPAIR SHOPS — AUTO TOPS REPAIRED H - E When Auto Tops Repaired you need your or New Tops put on * just drive to— I O MORTON'S SHOE SHOP 30 S. Willson (Central Ave. Our Prices are Always Reasonable TRANSFER AND STORAGE H. HARDESTY & SON Tranrfer & Storage Crating and packing of household goods. Country moving a specialty. Use the Yellow Trucks |C18E. Main. i Phone 664 W. T. HOGG Transfer and Storage Baggage, Piano. Safe and All Kindt of Heavy Hauling. Special atten tion given to th*e moving of house hold goods. We also unload cars of coal. 125 N. Tracy-Ave. Phone 34 PAINTING AND DECORATING j f 'PROTECT THE SURFACE AND YOU SAVE ALL l ,1 or house and sign painting, pa per-hanging, decorating, paints, oils, varnish, wall-paper, glass, etc. SEE li N L .W. WATSON 209 West Main St. Phone 224-R FUNERAL DIREC7TORS i H. F.WEST EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant MODERN PARLOR AND AUTO EQUIPMENT Ambulance Service 125 W. Main-St. Phone 797-R2 --- . ' |E. W. Harland Embalmer and Funeral Director Lady Attendant BETTER SERVICE ! 318 E. Main. Phone 564 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT B. F. HOLCOMB Certified Public Accountant Expert Income Tax Service Systems Installed, Audits Examinations 112 Commercial Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 731 MILWAUKEE TIME TABLE Leave Bozeman for Three Forks— No. 116. _ 8:30 a. m. 1 V ia Belgrade Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays only) 'rrive in Bozeman— No. 115 3:30 p. m. (Does not go via Belgrade on return trip from Three Forks) GALLATIN VALLEY ELECTRIC Westbound—Departs No. 31 No. No. 32—Daily No. 34—Daily 6:30 a. m. 4;#0 p. va. Bastbound—Arrive —Daily ..... 33— Daily .... TORDAT Ar. Menid_ L». Menard _ Ar - Menard - Lv. Menard 8:05 a. m. .... 6:00 p. m. ONLY _ 8:00 a. m. . 8:00 a. m. . 6:00 p. m. _ 6:00 p. » (laaaaa Hüaua'a'iBnatiaüBüBiiaiiittBii l H Warnt Ad ouent i na J? Per Line, First Insertion; Q t Insertions. Minimum rv, or 5c Per L,ne » Subse- • Charge, 25c. All Want Advance. No Book Accounts I 1 Ads Payable in <ii::Biiaii 8 i'ai'ai'aMBiiai:afiaiir » •'• , t8iiaiîai l BitBiiBiiat!8Ma:!iiianBuBiifHa:iamnaiîii f ij£H si « b D Ë^b^r^ a »1.60 red à f Ä&Ätt I ÜS TR 4 CT %TStf L " FL0,iL co - ■— -— - __ • . Agents sell the „ei*™., . ! - Sr 5 Cte 1 *-K~»S nstown, Pa. 5-14-3L ■ - o_ o _ 0 _ f'Hiiuni rt o o — o CHURCH DIRECTORY o ; j ; l ' • ; LUTHERAN CHURCH ; j 1 PAYNE MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner PmhH a . . , brand A\enue and Babcock A. L. CHAPMAN, Pastor Residence, 112 South Grand avenue t OF CHRIST ■ ern hmll ED J° REN T~Small mod-! Bozeman, M„ d „^ 88 D > no : o — o — o o — o O — O o o o o first BAPTIST CHURCH Olive and Grand Avenue A people's church with a warm wel come for all. RE\ . E. R. CURRY, Minister FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Olive and Willson Avenue HH. R. P. SMITH, Pastor ENGLISH Corner Grand and Olive O. K. DAVIDSON, Pastor . FIRST CHURCH Reading rAn ™ ^ , n . mom m the Golden Rule block, open daily except Sunday, from 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. Capt. F. P. Stevens and Lieut. H W. Everybody Welcome __ ADVENTIST CHTTRCH ADVENTÎST CHURCH Registration of Electors For The Primary Nominating Election To Be Held in the County of Gallatin, Notice is hereby given, that all books of registration for the Primary Nominating Election, to be held in the County of Gallatin, State of Mon 16 West Olive street LATTERDAY SAINTS, REORGAN IZED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Willson and Babcock H. G. KLEMME, Pastor MORTON MEMORIAL METHODIST: CHURCH Corner Church and Lamme MILTON F. HILL, Pastor THE SALVATION ARMY Smith, officers-in-charge. Res. Gallatin hotel. Hall 304 E. Main. 'Phone 336-W. BOZEMAN SEVENTH DAY 415 So. Black Ave. Ernest Wethern, Elder. CHHrooacK» LEG ALS NOTICE State of Montana, Will Close Fri day, July 11th, 1924 at 5:00 o'clock P. M. Pursuant to the provisions of Sec tion 16. Chapter 122, Laws of Mon tana, Fourteenth Session, 1915, en titled "An Act to amend Chapter 133 of the Laws of 1911 Relating to the Registration of Electors in Counties, Cities, Towns, and School Districts," Etc. tana, on Tuesday, thé 26th day of August. 1924, will close on Friday, the nth day of July, 1924, at 5:00 p. m., and will be closed for the full period of 45 days immediately pre ceding the day of election, as afore-; said i Notice is further given that electors may register for the ensuing Primary Nominating Election, as aforesaid by ââîsï: appearing before a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public in the man ne. provided by law. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, th.s «th day of J °ne, j^h 'hARWS. County Clerk in and for GaUatin County, State of Montana. (First publication June 11, 1924) (Last publication July 9, 1924) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, June 10. 1924. NOTICE is hereby give» that Wesley Mcngelkoch, of Norris, Mon tana who, on February 13, 1922, made Additionai Homestead Entry, No. 015146, for SW^4 Section 28; SEM, Section 29, Township 3 South, Range i Fast Prin Mer. Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof to establish claim to the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION a 1 . 8 '.auB- l B ) .B.:B î :a l ia ( B a-a.-a«; tiffin.v-— Mo H „r ld McLeeS ' ° f Manhattan. geo. c. davenport. Register, IB, 1924) 16, 1924) Tn ... — Judiei.i tv ?*' "Î 1 9°? rt of The Ninth is " æ T ™' Peo ^ a ' a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. r . , McLees, Carrie A. McLees I rake-Ballard Company, a corpor ation C. Korslund, Julia M. Korslund, and ^eunty Bank and Trust Com pany, a corporation, Defendants. be sold at Sheriff's Sale bv jrtue of an Order of Sale in the î i. e iS tle d cause on the 26 day 0 f i 4 a î 2 o'clock P. M. at the ok™. °° r , t !^ Court Hous e of the aho\e named Court in the City 0 f Bozeman, Gallatin County, State of Montana, the following described real P v Pe !î. y L t ?" wit: Noi th Half of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of Sec - L° n *!! uni ber Thirty-one (31), Town snip Number Two North (2N), Range r Z. ^' n À ng 240 a , c T res - more or less, ac cording to United States Survey the i e „ of ;. _ „ tenement Ä and nements, hereditaments appurten ^ C 1 S ' ease , ments » water rights, water ditches and water easements and all other now belonging to or in any wise appertaining thereto. V A A of ^ aid lands being situated in * Count y of Gallatin State of Mon itana * j < j • —» — -V ^ ° L dune 1924. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff (First publication June 'Last publication July SHERIFF'S SALE I. Dated: Bozeman, Montana, This 26 P n ... T Bj Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. 1 + Prank Arnold, Attorney for Plain , tiff Room l, Thompson Block, Living ston Montana. 1 ^irst publication July 2, 1924) i (Last publication July 23, 1924) i t m. . . " j n doe District Court of The Ninth Judicial District of The State of Montanâ, in and for The County of Gallatin. , i ., ,.-T , _ In the Matter of the Estate of I Harnet C. Martel, deceased. ; H. L. Holm, administrator of the j estate of Harriet C. Martel, deceased, , having filed his petition herein, pray mg for an Order of Sale of all of the real estate of said decedent, which real estate is described in said peti tion. for the purpose and for the ! reasons in said petition set forth, and it appearing to the Clerk of said Court from said petition, the Judge of said Court being absent, that it is neces sary and that it is for the advantage, henent and best inU-r.sts ,,f the fs täte and of all those interested there ' ,n ». im ' ludm R the minor heirs, to sell ; real estate for the purposes and I said petition d ^ f0Hh " j It is therefor ordered that all the ; persons interested in the estate of ÄS «ril C J°r 1924. at ten'o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the Court room of the Court, in the Gallatin County Court City of Bozeman. Gal I ! a c. n 1 I i how ca ? s j ;Why an order should not be granted to said administrator to sell said real estate of said decedent; that a copv of this order be published four sue -1 cessive weeks in the Weekly Courier. a news nancr nrinted and nublished in the City of Bozeman, said Gallatin County. Dated June 16th, 1924. W L HAYS Clerk of Above Entitled Court NOTICE TO AH TAXPAYERS .Of Gallatin County Stete ,If M. ntenz, And To Whom It May Concern - Notice is hereby given that the assessment books of the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, for the j ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE (SEAL) ; ! j (First publication June 18, 1924) (Last publication July 9, 1924) year 1924, will be on file in my office on and after the 14th day of July, 1924, until the 19th day of July, in elusive, where they may be inspected by all persons interested. Notice is hereby also given that the, board of County Commissioners of the County of Gallatin, State of Montana. will convene as a board of equaliza tion on Monday, the 21st day of July, sr-YÄCa the purpose of correcting and equal izing the several assessments contain ed in said books, and also for the purpose of levying taxes for the cur-1 :"s.idWrd will meet in their office in said City of Bozeman, County and State aforesaid, at 10:00 o'clock A. M.. -on the day above mentioned, and will continue in session from day to day until said work has been completed and not later than August 11 th, 1924. All persons dissatisfied with their assessment should appear before said board and make known their gnev-J a "Çe. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. J. H. HARRIS., County Clerk for Gallatin County State of Montana. A nd d ^ y of Ju y ' 192 * Sec. 2052 and 2113. (First publication July 2, J92J) (Last publication July 23, 1924) NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE __ In the District Court of the Ninth Judicial District of the State of Mon ila": " and f0r the Couat * of Walter a Grafton r S P^'Tr"', vs * ., Grafton, Leha Pearl Grafton, otherwise called Lelia P. .. I Leial P. Grafton and Leila Pearl, ^afton; J ? hn W - Cheshire; Charles! Aihort viw,m^r otherwise WUHam T. Pigott, Plaintiff r '__ ja __ bra ft on, Groton, F*« tea. 0 -'-* * lu <i<K,rcf the Court Hoi. Ä C$ lÄiÄSJiÄ described property, via.: The northeast quarter (NE* 4 ) of j Section nine (9), and the west half of the northwest quarter (WH of j N W : 4 ) of Section ten ( 10 ), in Town-i»* rfhj P one ( 1 ) south, Range four ( 4 ) of the Montana Principal Meri -—JSfta»wtaus ! atln Rlver as decreed October 7, 1909, ! ln tile district Court of the Ninth 'Judicial District of the State of Mon tana ' in and for the County of Gal 1 latin ' situate in Gallatin County, j Montana; together with all and sin ! ? ular the tenements, hereditaments, f improvements, appurtenances, ease-! n ' ents * "'»ter rights with ditches,! j flumes, rights of way, and all other 1 ri & ht ! belonging or in any wise ap P^taining thereto. ; Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 1 2,?i day of June, 1924. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff, 0rv iHe Jones, Under Sheriff. 1 George Y. Patten, Attorney for . Plaintiff, Bozeman, Montana. (First publication July 2, 1924) I (LaS t - PUbliC " ti0n jMly 23 ' 1 924) NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAIJE _ j In the District Court of the Ninth the-Judicial District of the State of Mon - tana, in and for the Countv of latin. * C. Korslund, Plaintiff, vs. C. C ! Walker and Lillian B. Walker, De fendants. T\ be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat ; urday, the 26 dav of July, A. D., 1924, 1 at 2:15 o'clock P. M., at the front door j — —v »vu.» uv in the City of j Bozeman, in the County of Gallatin, State of of the Court House I Bozeman, in the County of Gallatin, scribed property, viz : The west half'of the southwest quar ter (W% of SWV 4 ) of Section five ( 5 ) in Township two ( 2 ) south of Range five (5) east, of the Montana Prin-i cipal Meridian, containing 80 acres, more or less, together with one share of the First Series of the capital stock The Farmers Canal Company, and together with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertn ning said lands being situ ated m the County of Gallatin, State of Montana. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 25 dav of June, 1924. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff George Y. Patten, Attorney for Plain-' tiff, Bozeman, Montana (First publication Julv 2, 1924) (Last publication July 23, 1924) Rp<?ktration for fKe. Qfot* anH Tmintv tri A ate nth at 5 oVlock P M F A wbo failed to vote in the General Election Nov 1°9?2, and have not since ^-registered, must, if they wish gis^f on^'or wbo voted in the Cener^ Flpotion N»vJ 9 °^ p 0 n"open from'lS'ovKn^n mtn 7 "olwk in the afterno^ 1 COUNTY CT FRTC ANTI RFropn ER IN AMD FOR^^GALLATIN COUNTY, STATE OF MONTANA. ^Fir«t nubliration Tnlv 9 10941 nublication Tulv 0 1094) . JUly ' ' 1JZ4 > NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR* I ' u,u ll> bUN IK AC I OKS - .*^1 ^HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the construction ,® f a steel and wire fence around the Gallatin County Fair Grounds will be Jf ceiv ® d . by tb « J? aUa J in County Fair !.Commission at the office of the Coun ty Clerk of Gallatin County in the ttÄ h Jul ?i. V 24 ' that said bids JP 11 publicly opened and read at ne ^t meeting following of the Fair commission. K1 „ \ P ro P° Ral h ) anks an< ! f " 11 in;tructu,n B may i;e NOTICE TO ELECTORS ^' a,n *? a ' th | offl « o! . S -J>- W.1-, tr' rp bounty * urveyor, in the Court H " useat ® aa t™ aa - ... . , .. t ' *. t onï g înî Lt! v ®, » a% adable the proposed work oi the mornterof T „,„ P 0 J ll ? e mor p iI 'fiT oi !'J"' y c 9 ^' 1 , 924 ' st ?rt to bemnde from .' ur ' • i or P office at 8:00 o clock \ F > P h ' j . ^'relect" anv'Tr deemed ,n the interest of the County, ■ ' f r r F J omm "' * K,n of ''U'lutm County by Secretary of thp Gallat ié County « , «.• of Julv m4 Monta " a th,s " d y> 1 ■ _ ^ SHERIFF'S SALE - Ge<.rge Foerschler, Plaintiff, versus d. W. Chandler and Mrs. D. W. Chandler, Defendants. hç RO j d a f Sheriff's 5îale on Sat urday on the 2nd day of August A. D. 1924 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front ,dnor of the Court House in the Citv 0 f Bozeman, County of Gallatin, all the right, title and interést of the de fendants in and to the following de Property, via.; The southwest quarter (SW%) of, the northeast quarter; and the north west quarter (NWH) of the south-j* tast quarter (SE14) and the north west quarter (SW* 4 ) and*™ 1 quarter (SE> 4 > of ft* 80 ®f ea8fc «W-ljf-îS./NWH) 0 °/ s^on n °„£Tu! (*?&*, eontifnin^TeO f ° UT all annnrtprum/'oc i I» o — ûcfgSj with all appurtenances thereunto belong. I ing, located in Gallatin County Mon I tana. rrom r and Vi ?f h th e "''% JA M E ? s ir * D - * «- «iÄÄ'i'S. i ^ ** *♦ S fc ! n ! * ! Clyde Park, accompanied Geore-P Rm« n , i . x . ... ar .• ." ' daughter, Nellie, ; f siding the week touring Yel ' lowstom * park. Mr. and Mrs ToVv I Bozemin m an and Mr. 3 ™ fami, y and Mr. and Mrs. AI red i N:ckels and son. Freddie motored to Livingston Sunday, for the dav i ... , a .v. i 1> .' 1, ' . a,l! Mr *- * -■oiles Bryan, of I I» 1 *? T mber, motored to the ranch j home of Mrs. Ivan's sister \fr« P MacMahon Thur«=dav t j ' ' Ihursday, to spend a few ! Mr. and Mrs. Bert M*>nrv of Boze 1 r"' * thnir daughter, h ," Ri ' yn ' on ' 1 P,tts ' * h " ls visltin * I her P are nts, spent F riday at the j homp of Mr - and Mrs. C. P. Manr>-. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C V Manrv enter Gal-ltained Mr -, r i at , ' r ' , tame ! Mr. and Mrs. John Reese 1 day. , Manry. : j , i>lT * and Mrs - Don Christie and amil y motored to Clyde Park. Fri da.', where they joined Mr. Christie's sister Mrs T ame« f'amn cni r r«*i * & ' s « a a n a n a bridger canyon K ♦ * ** a a a a a a a a a a a a (Continued from page 8 f Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Terry, of by M rs. Fechter, of sister Fee htei's and family, of Bozeman, at dinner Sun Mrs. Reese is a sister of Mrs. am j attend d th p i attended the Roundup, returning honie !n the evening. Mr. and Mrs P McMahon ranied bv * * ' y *^ r - an 'l Mrs. Arthur MacMahon mo iored to Boz man Hot Springs Frt (?av to cnpnd tha '. Miss Irene Wellborn, who has been attending school the past year is visiting at the home 0 f e davs. er v , week were> John Es ^ ar » Mr - and Mrs * P - MacMa b°n, Mrs. Nellie Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Oma, Mr. and Mrs! W. E. Wicker, Frank Zeman, Mrs. R * G * Ga,lu P* Mr and Voters and George H. Brown. N*l* Uiaig ' <0mer an '* Floyd " nd <Jarl Justa<J . Inotoml to Clyde Park Friday ami Saturday to attend the Roundup. Th? Lays entered the riding conteste and Homer took first place •• .. . nd,B * on batur<ia > - Miss Jean Thompson returned homc this week after spending the f „ .* _. . past mont h at the Emigrant fish hatchery, ployed. Miss Thompson expects , r * Thompson, at the iocal hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foreman r'T '\' " ecmp "™ d h > *'■ an<1 Mrs ^ and ^ an(i ; rs - ' ^ncy McCarty, of Boze Mr* and Mrs. Fred Krause and daughter, Olive, of Manhattan and Mr. and Mrs. J, W Oeder of Liv "■ 01 uv accom tteir guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryan ,of Big Timber, and in Bozeman during cousin. Mrs. Jadson Bailey and She experts to return to her home in Garfield county in a few i amily. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Carmen and family expert to leave this week for Manchester, Iowa, where Mr. Carmen has accepted a position with the Man. ehester Bureau of Fisheries, He has been employed at the local fish hatch for several years. Among the Bozeman visitors this Mrs. H. H. and two sons. in bareback t»i spend the remainder of her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W and man. a pleasant p.cmc, ■ uly Fourth at the Ross i'eak ranger i^tion, trusu 'es of district 40 was held Wed , , , „ . "e"'luy evening, July 2, to d.scusr matters relevant to the coming school term. The beard loni favorable ac tion on the employment of the prac " "r./ t.": t" rt mg class of the Gahat.n County high school for the last two months of th(1 tCTm A lar 8 e "umber of Bridger canyon UTs'" F «"* h Bo2 * man Hot S P r '" 8 «. " h ere they enjoyed picmcmg, dancing and the various amusements offered. Among those attending the celebration there ru n f .1 u , Zl °® 0ma amf Mr ar, d ,<loyd Davw and family, Mr. and M •r. Floyd Davi* and family, Mr, and ^rs. Albert Sparr, Mr. and Mrs W. S. Christie an/ i furv . nrA u * and ' am | y ' "/ and , 4r ' Lon Shook and f «™»l y . Mr - ar » d Mrs Mark Jac ob« and daughter, Mr. antf Mrs. H. FL (Jeters and family. John Jeters, Mr and Mrs. W. E. Wicker, Mr. and Mrs. T . ... . M T . -«hn Esgar and Mr and Mrs. Jud 0 « Bailey and family. A school meeting of the board of