Newspaper Page Text
, ! I I LOCAL HAPPENINGS ^ii ■ . — Ji j— M~s mm Prof. L. D. Conkling and family departed iast Thursday by auto for a tour of Yellowstone park. Dean James M. Hamilton returned last Thursday from a trip to Glas- ! gow, Montana. The condition of George W. Fland who has been a patient at the ers, Deaconess hospital for special care, remains unchanged. f Miles ( ity are visiting this wees at the home of Miss Helen Kendall Tracy avenue, south. Mrs. John R. Lowe and son Donald (> < n Mrs. R. B. Lobdell and daughters ha and Helen of this city, departed on the morning of the Fourth for an auto tour of Yellowstone park. Lei C.erk of the Court and Mrs. W. L. Hays and daughter Lola returned Friday evening from a brief outing at Karst's Kamp up West Gallatin. Lester Work, who Mr. and Mrs. arrived in Bozeman last week from California, motored to Karst's Kamp the latter part of last week to spend a few days. iTelen Sundahl, who has been Miss at -hf Deaconess hospital for two we» ks under surgical care, was di - charged last Friday and was taken to her home in Belgrade, yesterday, u Miss Lucy Adams, who has been ... , , , quite ill for several weeks at her T> , , „ home on Black avenue, south, was , « . , . taken Inst week to the Deaconess , .. , - . , ° R Pi a ' 101 s ^ ecia ca l * Mis y Luci.le Atkins of Hardin,, Montana is spending a few days this, week with her cousin L. C. Atkins and family at their home near Sales ville. Theodore Norman and his son and grandson from Springhill were among those enjoying July Fourth at Boze man Hot Springs. Mr. Norman live 1 on a ranch near the springs about 52 years ago. J. G. Woodworth, vice president of the Northern Pacific in charge of traffic, accompanied by Mrs. Wood worth, were visiting friends in Boze ; ! ! FOR DISTRICT JUDGE I am a candidate in the Aug ust Primaries for the office of District Judge. Republican ticket HARRY A. BOLINGER (Adv.—Paid for by _ H. A. Bolinger. _ ; i i j J ■ ! I j j Charter No. 4968. Reserve District No. 9. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK at Bczeman, in the state of Montana, at the close of business June ^0, i924. j RESOURCES Loans and discounts , including rediscounts, acceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with in dorsement of this bank (except those shown in b and c). Total Inan® ... .... . Overdrafts, unsecured . U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) . All other United States Government secur ities (including premiums, if any). Total . Other bonds, stock*, securities, etc. Banking house . Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection . I ash in vault and amount due from national banks . Amount due from state banks, bankers and trust companies in the U. S., other than included in items 8, 9 and 10.. Total of Items 9, 10. 11, 12 and 13.... Miscellaneous cash items . Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer . Total . i $1,138,306.93 $1,138,306.93 2,785.50 2,785.50 î 62,500.00 19,800.00 0 342417^ 325,000.00 • 91,179.84 2,376.02 j 232,027.69 58.094.11 2.459.81 2,797.27 294.957.63 2,797.27 3,125.00 $2,174,693.90 LIABILITIES < apital stock paid in Surplus fund . Undivided profits C irculating notes outstanding . .. C ertified checks outstanding C ashier's checks outstanding Total of Items 21. 22, 23, 24 and 25*! I - mand deposits (other than bank deposits) v° reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed).... State, county, or other municipal deposits cured by pledge of assets of this bank surety bond . Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 26. 27, 28. 29, 30 and 31. Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable af ter 30- days, or subject to 30 day s or more notice, and postal savings > : ( ertificate of deposit (other than for money borrowed ) . Other time deposits ." Total of time deposits subject to serve. Items 32, 33. 34 and 36. United States deposits (other than postal mgs) including War Loan deposit account and deposits of United States Disbursing officers . $150,000.00 100,000.00 201,423.27 61 *900.00 484.25 8.005.44 $201,423.27 8,489.69 605,910.49 149,649.33 se or 132,333.73 887,893.66 297,612.80 466,588.00 re 764.200.80 - ix 7 786.50 Total $2,174,693.90 State of Montana, County of Gallatin—ss. I» J- B* Baker, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of m y knowledge and belief. _ , .. . ' *ÊÊ- H. BAKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th dav «f July 1924 (Seal) j JOHN KOUNTZ, Notary Public in and for State of Montana,, residing at Bozeman Montana My commission expires March 4, 1927. Correct Attest: R. S. DAWES, GEORGE COX, JOHN WALSH, Directors. man one day last week. They de parted last Friday. Mrs. A. B. Place and her grand daughter Mis? Augusta Place depart - jed on the morning of the Foulh for Twin Falls, Idaho, where they will spend the remainder of the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Vieeland Place, oarents of Miss Augusta. About twenty young people from Bozeman enjoyed a picnic with Miss Rea Anceney on Spanish Creek, July Fourth. A generous supply of good things to eat was provided and fire works were displayed in the evening.! Miss Lois Smith, who has been spending her vacation in Bozeman visiting with her parents Rev, and ^j rs p s n rith } departed last week for Spokane, Washington, to resume her duties as dietitian in the Deacon hospital, Hal. W. Stewart, son of Judge and Mrs. W. R. C. Stewart, is visiting in Bozeman for a few days. Mr, Stew ar t i s an attorney and has been lo ca ted at Shelby for a year or so. but w ho bas now decided to open offices at Casper, Wyo. Major J. F. Keown arrived in Boze F urth man in time to spend the with his family. In company with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Glisson and son Frank, in the Glisson car. he and his wife went up West Gallatin, where they were joined by their son Wallace Keown and Lucien Waldorf an 1 a;! enjoyed <1 nner together, C. F. High and Mrs. W. L. HoL man came down last Thursday >rom A „ .. the High ranch up West Gallatin, * . . . _ ' Mr. High remaining in Bozeman on . * business for a few davs. • man returned last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. V. Lund and Miss Margaret Connors fflf Townsend ho , pt . nt Sat . >nd Sund at Mr. High's Mrs. Hoff home. A group of young women including Miss Margaret De Yoe, Miss Edith Marian Keeler, Miss Kuhns. Miss Carlie Reddout. Miss Helen Patterson, Maude Galleger and Miss Mar cron Pi house, and Miss Jane Mat thews from lota Delta, spent July Fourth at Karst's Kamp, going up Thursday evening and returning on the evening of the Fourth. Lewis Cowan and his son Jack Cow an arrived in Bozeman on the morn \ ing of the Fouth to visit his mother Mrs. Kate Cowan on Seventh avenue, north. Lewis will return in a few 1 t days to his civil engineering work j near Billings, where Jack has been 1 ..... . . with him for the past three weeks, Jack will remain to visit his grand- ' mother for several weeks. He ex CALVIN COOLIDGE JR LOSES FIGHT AGAINST RAVAGES OF BLOOD POISONING _ nr nnlininmilft aitti r Ql COümAGEOuS UnllLE j _ . . .. . .. . ' Physicians Use Utmost of Medical Skill in Effort to Check Dread Disease j j Washington. î 'alvin Cool id ge. Jr., j 17-year-old son of the president, died [ Monday night. July 7. at Walter Reed j hospital of blood poisoning. The end came after the t*oy had bat tied with the utmost bravery and forth • tude for fire days against a disease which had racked bis body with pain and sap|>ed the reserve strength of hi« frail constitution. President and Mrs. Coolldge, who had maintained constant vigil at the hospital, were at his bedside, hopeful, and cheering and comforting their son to the last. A sinking spell, the fourth he had suffered in 24 hours, brought death. Notwithstanding the use of oxygen and other restoratives, the courage which had withstood crisis after crisis and had beaten death off repeatedly, was unable to meet the attack. The col lapse began at 6:30 o clock and he era ,'i".l! y y nk , iDto He 'K**' at 10:30 o clock. Xn Every resource of medical science i whs brought Into play In the vain effort to save young Galvin's life. ,_ ft|ieration was performed on the left b*g Saturday. July 3, to drain off the poison and blood transfusions and oxy L'en were resorted to in the latter days of his illness. The 17. however, was natural strength of a boy of »•»Hinted on ne the pm. Crful resisting force to the creeping no,son. »ns unable to meet' most the issue, and after having fought a brave but always losing fight, he puc Tiie brokon b'is faine»! during a tennis match with hi* 1 brother. John, on the White Hotksp infection developed from ter on the right foot, sus- i . courts last Monday. June 30. At first, paying no attention to it, the youth developed an alarming condition by Wednesday night and physicians were summoned. The poison, however, once started spread so rapidly that medical skill was without avail. A number of - specialist* were called to act with ; White House physicians on the case j nnd a desperate fight for life was made ( by the hoy, who struggled in great pain and with a high fever. One of the final complications and [ the one which the physicians were »mahle to meet was the formation of ; ga son the stomach. The organ was | vrasioHl »»nr repeatedly in an effort to i put it in condition to retain nourish ment. but the effort was unsuccessful. President an»l Mrs. Goolblge bore up bravely. Soon after the death they 1 went t<* the White House, where the i elder brother, them. John, was awaiting j pects to return to Everett, Washing school opens in Septum- : — V ton, when her. Townsend-Bowling Nuptials Announcements were received in Bozeman this week of the marriage at Chevy Chase, near Washington, D. C. on Saturday, June 28, of Robert Swan Townsend,'of Washington, and Miss Adele Bowling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bowling, has a large unmber cf friends in J Bozeman where she was a student for Î a time at Montana State college. The bilde Another Water Spout Near Belgrade R. V. Spam, prominent rancher residing near Belgrade, was a bus iness caller in town last Saturday. He said he got a good view of water s P° l, t that struck and swirled in the vicinity of his residence during the storm on the Fourth a A similar atmospheric phenomena was noticed by him the year before on one of his Gallatin valley ranches. Turner Girls Return to Bozeman Avis and Shirley Turner, daughters I of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Turner, of! 425 East Babcock street, returned last ! week to their home in this city after! completing special courses in voice ! and dramatic art at the McPhaii i School of Music in Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Avis Turner expects to open a private school of music and voice early this fall in this city, while Miss Shirley Turner' has been elected to the position of supervisor of music j in the Bozeman grade schools. Another Store Handles Parker Pens As a result of the recent advertis ing campaign in the Bozeman Courier, pot on by t u e Parker Fountain Pen company of Janesville, Wis., another! prominent local store, the H. Pease & Co., prominent jewelers, have Put in a complete line of Parker and eversharp pencil«, in popular styles including Parker Duofold fountai pens the company has advertised so exten sively in all the larger national ma The other Bozeman stores Î ^bower Baths at Hot Springs Two commodious shower baths, pro J viding both hot and cool water for the bathers, one tor men ot ^ er * or women > have been installed at t ^ le ®° zeman Hot Springs, by the proprietors, Sam Collett & Son. The new showers are a distinct innovation azmes. handling the Parker pens are Hause & McCall, and the Roecher Drug ' man company. and the for the patrons of the popular lower West Gallatin pleasure and health resort and are being greatly enjoyed by the bathers, many of whom are using them both before and after leav I ing the plunge. The big plunge is 1 now drained and thoroughly cleaned j each night at midnight, after the (bathers have departed, and is again 1 refilled and ready for early bathers ! an( j swimmers by nine o'clock each Many Bozeman people are morning. I taking advantage of this feature of ladies have planned mid-week bathing parties at the springs. Dinners and suppers are now being served to a the plunge, and many Bozeman limited number of patrons by Mrs. Collett. this town who, every time he reads or hears of 40.000. or 50,000 or 60, ijqq fry fingerlings being. dumped into Gallatin county streams, „„ , Who says so. His ne ^ are wondering whether he doubts the accuracy of the count, or is trying to apologize for his wretched pisca torial ability. There is a certain fisherman in says: Country Gentleman Editor Here , John E. Pickett, of Philadelphia | p a ^ managing editor of the Count» - ; ; Gentleman, one of the big pubiica ti(mR of ^ Curtis p ub!ishinK com . pany, and th».' companion naper to the i i j Ten Register« Guernsey Heifei July ^ •9 A beginning at 2 p. m. sharp at Guernsey Dairy, Cor. Black & Lai BOZEMAN Five Twos and Five Yearlii These are of :he most popular breeding good individuals, and is our entire lot of istered heifers, so you are getting our Moonbeam of Llngerlonger Brutus of Sedan. NAMES and NUMBERS .150644 -. 142293 .95645 - 142290 . 142289 Media Juanita . Betty of Lingerlonger Select's Jane . Lela of Sedan . Moonbeam of Sedan Major*s Patroness Select's Onward Girl. Select's Jewel Guernsey Livestock CompaH .ääI'-SSSSÄ (TERMS CASH) H. ^ Saturday Evening Post, accompanied by Mrs. Pickett and their three chil dren, were motor tourists in Bozeman last Saturday, being on the Park to-Park tour of Yellowstone and Gla cier parks. They expect to continue west to California and make the re turn trip to the Atlantic seaboard by way of the Grand Canyon of Colo rado. Mr. Pickett stopped in Bozeman to visit with M. L. Wilson .former member of the faculty of the Agri [35i REPORT OF THE CONDITION r, F THE SECURITY BANK & TRUST C0» at Bvizenian. in the stale cf Montana, at the < 1< RESOURCES 1« Loans and discounts . Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . Ponds, stocks and warrants .. Stock in Federal Reserve bank .. Banking house, furniture and fixtures Other real estate . Cash Reservi Gold coin .. Silver coin . Currency . Due from approved reserve agents . Checks and exchanges for clearing house .... Other cash items .-. 4.2' ■ 'J fl .00 '•»n »'♦O') .Ml 3 •05 • ' ■ Oft - - ■ yv Total . 1 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in . Surplus fund .. Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid Individual deposits subject to check . Cashier checks Time certificates of deposit due within 30 days ( ertified checks . j T -">® certificates of deposit due on or after no I days . {Savings deposits subject to 30 days* notice . ßiHs paya bl e with collateral . y.-" »fl .oo • '• *b0.0fi KVi.OO 16 ■».(•g 4 & it l io Total i i ». j State of Montana, County of Gallatin—ss. I, W T . N, Purdy, cashier of the above named hank the above statement is true to the best of my k» ' w N PVRDY f a ,.f J ' * •L I». STREET H anc i i % 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me th s (Seal) ; > otar>' Public in and for the State of Montât.: 1 comm.saion expires Sept. 18. 1925. . )* u DOtej Correct Attest:— A. G. BERTHOT, A. C. f;. -j. HER ; fullest ext cultural <\ ( . colege, who . Washington. new duties Managern States Dej Mr. Pickett tana and r operate ar-î . his own in he can nt of n •' to It r ■ 4k •Ccid r.t *.-rr of, f; -*• Of , ' rf 'w n ^ Sf m e w a ■ si U ; <! ! rea?i' 't »•, er A