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i r r I ( Q ^ mm n |! U rt 1 Ï! . ..^ooooo? 1 a*** 00 * 0 PlT.I .ICATÏON t h Interior. U. S. v en'.an, Montana, gw L f s: 1 % iy^4. v v given that Sit * of West Yellow L ?tu *! h ' 0 on July ir »th, I application. IL^Ts.O-: 161. for ^ N A - j ttit of jaß (j I "• 8 . ; e ■ r D fr rip * South, Montana, If int.'- n to make ^tablish cl: tt to the >■ t0 . r ,hVd, Hef-re Register, •% t; s. Land Office, at vira or 20th day -pc a< witr- Tesse tmuel P. Eagle. Leb „ Horace r >. Bartlett, * ^ v^ô*ct'Vie. Montana. nxVENPORT. Beigster. ,?Aor July 23. 1924) in, 1924) L » r. ice :v. Bû< jk. -Orr I ver 1924- Î C' Augus Ration v FOR PUBLICATION A ■ ♦V(i îr.TLr : or. U. S. Montana, pany. by *. of West' Montana, who, on July , pre-emptp a applica o v 2 R. S. No. 016156, "ptock N°- 2S and Lot, \V( t Yellow situated in N% of ,r.hip 13 South, Range 5 ' Montana, has tiled •,5S™ !" proof, to establish ■ Receiver of U. S , / *■ <r erî °* 1 Tf&vt 8 red Bozeman. d ■£i that The ro 'V ? ■ T ; tile i. M r 46 Vicc-Prf er. lr Pi Hi ■ ra'' e Sec, L so- r >• No. of Vc-r M f : r; ,f,:; ", Bozeman, Montana, Lai d., of August, 1924 tzmes as witnesses; Jesse Samuel P. Eagle, Lebbens Horace G. Bartlett, all of; H re, Montana. ^KaC. DAVENPORT, Register. %■ publication July 23, 1924) ^KS^tion August 13, 1924) f D n. ^ J uni __ of the Interior, U. S, ' a* Bozeman, Montana, WT ii" hereby given that j t van Antwerp transferee t K L Pierce of Salt Lake v who on July 19th, 1924, Se-imption application, under •. R. S., No. 016189, for Lot : -<k No. 27, in West Yellow iTjtnsite situated in N% of ■ 4 Township 13 South. Range L'pnn. Mer. Montana, has filed intention to make final . «Ublish riaim to the land ' described, before Alex Stuart, Ccniissioner, in his office, at Yeilowstone, Montana, on the w if August 1924. witnesses- Mrs K Pierce Mrs. Roxie Bartlett!! 'IILiH. Cromer. CYiarles Gamer Yellowstone Montana. ATE FOR PUBLICATION nv, * v Æ ! k'fsi tie a n P Hoi V ' 1 ;o -m i'm h of! latin I ! : if :| u 'H, lerfi kin names a? ç DWENPORT ■-■■■-■.Xition July 22 1924) Käufe« August 13. 1924) " _ In- "t of ti-n Tntorinr TT ^ I J a- Bozf n Mm tar I I 4 *| fc-'f' « hereby pivpn that Mato I .Lp ' ' ch-t Rnrh ■"•»•Lake fiti Utah who on I l ( <°4 m( i, pro ..motion I \'o (ilfiRi f r i34, M ' jn VVV Yelîo'^tonê Sk. .i'uaied in Ni 34 ■*.11 South 5 F„et ■ ' ■ W* -u fuel noUee " ion to make Fin-il Proof to claim tf> the land alovpd^ before Register and Receiver Land Office, at Bozeman F *- on the 21st day 0 f August' " > ot August, . i r i'F. FOR PUBLICATION m l. j ÎÎT! name? as w-itnesses: ï"î e l, Hnrace G. Bartlett, t. George Ilfcndfcrson, all of r^tone. Montana. 'W yAVEXPORT. Register. » JS- cadon ,,u, y 23, 1924) Äation August 13, 1924) FOR PUBLICATION of the Interior U S Bozeman. Montana] 1 fl U. ^ t is hereby given that W TT b fSdt Lake Citv T T tah who 1924, made Pre-emption ^o. 016149, for T»t No. ^ 16, in West Yellowstone ,■ Heated j n x v, 0 # c o 4 H Snnth, Range 5 East' Montana, ha« filed notice , î to make Final Proof to L\'f lrr to the land above de t 5 ^re Register and Receiver - Office, at Bozeman l * tbe 2l?t day of August ^»r-^ names a? witness Stuart, Samuei I Yin.Jv R °xie Banlett all of to r Montana. ' r U, UAVEN PORT Register JS^tion July <j3 î 92 a\ a hon August 13 19^4) —---' ** P0R publication iBlW .1001 JÜ *1 Mfer ÎV» A ■ ®° zem a^M'ontana ' Jjii Siven that Jesse S % V of West Yellowstone ti ° n . jQl y L5th 192i! k s tl0 v Applic *tion, under '»sdlnV 0 - °16160, for Lots Tn Boc . k N 'e- 15 in w 'thin N% of ||X i h p !p « South Range 5 K . * i,0T ' tan a, has filed î 1 ? make Final ■1 NrihfcH L dairn to the land liSSl^^AlexStaS ner ' at West Yellow i|Ç? 1*84. ' * n 16th day of witnesses: YS 1) k awnfcg as H^le' G.' Bartlet^Mabd R MuSay! a Montana. ,-<??• C : DAVENPORT. Register. /t ' J * St Pjjbhcation Ju ly 23, 1924) < Last P ubhc «tion August 13, 1924) j- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - * Department of the Interior U S i^nd Office at Bozeman, Montana July I9 f 1924. ' NOTICE is hereby given that Bert l. Conklin, of West Yellowstone Montana, who on July 14, 1924 made Pre-emption application undei S~ 23*2 R S., No. 016153??« Lot No 7 ? l0Ck N °' 28 ' iri West Yellowstone Townsite, situated, in N% of Sec. 14, Township 13 South, Range 5 EaaL Pri n. Mer. Montana has füed 0 f intention to make pre-emption P'inal Proof, to establish claim to the ] an d above described, before Alex Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at West Yellowstone, Montana, on 'the 18th day of August, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses- Jav Whitman, David J. Fuller Wüliâm B Race, George L. Henderson, all of West Yellowstone, Montana. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register (First publication July 23, 1924) (Last publication Aujst 13.'^) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, • Tu J>' 1924. * NO! ICE is hereby given that Alex Stuart, Jesse E. Pierman and Samuel P. Eagle, of West Yellowstone, Mon tana, a partnership, who, on July 15, 1924 made Pre-emption application, No. 016171, for Lot No. 11, Block No.! 27, in West Yellowstone Townsite, within the N% Section 34, Township 13 South, Range 5 East. Prin. Mer Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish Pf^Taim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office, at Bozeman, Montana, on the 20th day of August, 1924. ' Claimant names as witnesses; i ; Lebbens A. Murray Horace G. Bart- 1 | lett, Laura Stuart, Margaret A. Croft all of West Yellowstone, Montana. \ GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register, (First publication July 23, 1924) (Last publication August 13, 1924) -— NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j Department of the Interior, U. S. j Ijan(1 Office at Bozeman, Montana, ^ NOTICE is hereby given that Laura j Stuart, of West Yellowstone, Mon tana, who, on July 15, 1924, made Pre-emption application, under Sec. 2382, R. S., No. 016173, for Lot No. 5, Block No. 28, West Yellowstone Town site, situated in N% of Sec. 34, Town sb * p 13 South, Range 5 East. Prin. Mer. Mont., has filed notice of inten Hon to make Pre-emption Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Re reiver of U. S. Land Office, at Boze man, Montana, on the 20th day of August, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Jesse ! E - Pierman, Samuel P. Eagle, Lebbens A. Murray, Horace G. Bartlett, all West Yeilowstone, Montana. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register. (First publication July 23, 1924) 1 (Last publication August 13, 1924) - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, .July 19, 1924. NOTICE is hereby given that Jay Whitman, of West Yellowstone, Mon tana, who on July 14, 1924, made Pre emption application, under Sec. 2382 R. S„ No. 016152, for Lot Nos. 1 and 7,1 Block No - 16 » in West Yellowstone Townsite, situated in the N% of Sec. Township 13 South, Range 5 East, Mer - Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Pre-emption Final Proof, to establish claim to the lland «bove described, before Alex Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at West ' Yellowstone, Montana, on the 18th day of August, 1924. I Claimant names as witnesses: Bavid J - Fuller, James M. Fuller, william B. Race, George L. Render Î son, all of West Yellowstone, Montana 1 GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register. ! (First publication July 23, 1924) (Last nuhlication Aueust 13 1924) (La.t publi at gu , ! ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, lJuly 22, 1924. NOTICE is hereby given that : G : W. Darlinton. Chairman of Board » : of County Commissioners, tor Coun by of Gallatin, State of Montana, of Rozeman, Montana, who, on July 22, 1924 » ™ ade Pre-emption application un der Sec. 2382, R. S., No. 016196, for Ix)t No. 9, Block No. 26, in West Yellowstone Townsite, situated in °* Section 34, Township 13 South, Ran £e 5 East, Prin. Mer. Montana, bas Filed notice of intention to make Pre-emption Proof, to establish claim to tbe l flnd above described, h®! 01 ® »®P«ter and Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Bozeman, Montana, on the 22nd day of August, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: S. P. Ea ^e, L. A. Murray, of West Yd lowstone, Montana and Justin n. Smith, John Robertson, of Bozeman, Montana. . . j GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register. (First publication July 23, 1924) (I^ast publication August 13, 1924) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, Jul y 19th 1924 * . , NOTICE is hereby given that Samuel P. Eagle, of West ^Yellow st °ne, Montana, who, on July 11, 192 4 » made Pre-emption Application, under Sec. 2382 R. S., No. 016161, for Lot Nos. 9 and 10, Block No. 28 West Yellowstone Townsite, situât^ on N % of Sec. 34, Township 13 South, Range 5 East, Prin. Mer. Montra«, bas tiled notice of intention to mal F e Pre-emption Final Proof, to estob h sb claim to the land above dee* r be d* before Register and Receiver of Ü. S. Land Office, at Bozeman, Montana, on the 21st day of August, 1924. StSrt?**^* "pSÎTt"? Murray Jay Whitman all of Woci Yellowstonef MonUnl ' GEO C DAVENPORT p 0( y; e f«, (First puW^atton July 23 (Last publkSon AuSfat ?3 P ion August 13 . 1924) NOTirw pad Dum mTTAVT v ' x ' r,JK " UB LICATlON np^rf^^f t * • T , „ i„ n j P Aj^ ent * I nten °r, U. S. TnK 1» ioo* at Bozeman ' Montana ' NOTirv t A Horapp r E wi hereby ,i that u' We ? J^ST 11924 * ^ ° n A Jul ? l 5th '| No. 4, 01C175 f^L^No" 5* mÄ' 16 and s4 of LotNo 7 Ri'iil Ï2* within fhl xvIV v îi ' B * 0ck *1°' ^ " totodfa 1 ÄÄ TownSito 13 5J?f u ° f Prin Mer Montana of intention to ^ natl ^ e ; establish claim to ttL^ 111 ^ I sSiaA IT ^imdUionw at West vînA^to«!* i Montana on tV ^ eüowstone, 1924 ' ** ^ day ° f Augast ' Claimant namps a» r«. . E Piennar Samiml P F-uri Ti"* 8 : A Murray S™ î?^JÎf g i5 J YilloîSSi Ctl rtj aU of West • ^GEOc' ÄnPORT, Relater. (First publication July 23, 1924) (Last publication August 13, 1924) I _ Department of th^ Tnt#^inr TT «î Land Office at Bozewian Montano July 15, 1924. ' ' NOTICE is herebv civen that a Blonda Pfrimmer, ofSalesviUe Mon tana, who, on March 14 1921 ' made Additional homestead 'entry No 015026, for EM> SE^ and ^W T ^' SE'4, Section 30 Townshin 4 South Range 3 East. Prin Mer Montana has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof to establish claim ! to the'land above deleribid before : Register and Receiver of U S Land Office, in their office at Bozeman Montana, AuS,"' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 1924. August, Claimant names as witnesses: Tom Perring, Edward Perring. Mary Pits gerald, C. L. Anceney. all of Sales ville, Montana. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register.! (First publication July 23, 1924) (Last publication August 20. 1924) * * NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. -Land Office at Bozeman, Montana, July 15, 1924. NOTICE is hereby given that Arthur W. Harwood, of Greyling, Montana, who, on June 11, 1921, made Homestead Entry, No. 015627, for NE V 4 , Section 16, Township 12 South, Range 5 East, Prin. Mer. Montana, has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank B. Sparrow, U. S. Commis sioner, in his office, at Lakeview, Montana, on the 26th day of August, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses : Alonzo Ebaugh, Jesse Pierman, Peter Kcrzenmacher, Ted Courtney, all of of|Greyling, Montana. Non-coal Land. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register. (First publication July 23, 1924) (Last publication August 20, 1924) - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Bozeman, Mon tana, July 19, 1924. NOTICE is hereby given that the following - named Pre - emptors have filed notice of intention to make pre emption proof on their respective claims within the Townsite of West Yellowstone, situated within N% of Sec. 34, Township 13 South, Range 5 East, Prin. Mer. Montana, under Sec. 2382 of the Revised fore Alex Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at West Yellowstone, Montana, on the 16th, day of August, 1924, Viz: Rmkie L. DeVnes Transferee of W. S. Widdows serial 016155, for Lot 'So. ll,VU*k No. 26. Ellis E. Murray serial 016157, for Lot No. 4 Block No. 27. Joseph Newman, transferee of John Gilmstead, serial 016158, for Lot No. 2, Block No. 27. T A Kirby Garner, serial 016159, for Lot Nos. 1 and 2, Block No. 28. Mabel E. Murray, serial 01613°. for Lot No. 13, Block No. 27. Dolly Bartlett, serial 016164, for Lot Nos. 9 and 10, Block No. 27. Monroe W. Bucy, serial 016165, for Lot No 5 Block No. 27. Clarence Bucy, serial 016167, for Lot 1 Block No. 27. Morris K. Musser, transferee of Ralph Johnson, serial 016168, for Lot ! No 10 Block No. 14. i Clarénce E. Lane, serial 016169, fori 1 Lot Nos. 1 and 7. Block No. 26. Dorothy M. Strieder, serial 016170, for Lots 8 and 14, Block No. 26. | Bertha Heise Gavin, one of the heirs for the heirs of Richard C. Heise, de- j ceased, serial 016172, for the Lot No. 13 Block No 26 i ''Samuel Harless, transferee of Andy | Mvcrs. serial 016174, for lot Nos. 4 a k Rinuk No 15 Margaret A. Croft, serial 016176, for Lot No. 6, Block No. 28 and NH of Lot No. 7, Block No. 27. David J. Fuller, transferee of O. E. Johnson serial 016177, for Lot No. 8, Block No 16 and Lot No. 1, Block ' Yellowstone Park Camps Company, V V it NnormAn Sec'v serial nL,« ToîX: 8 and 12 Btock mm, for Lot Nos. 8 and lg. tnoex ■ '_ , w . Yellowstone Trustees of West ) ellowstoiw Sî5,°?i Nos H 12 and IS 016179, for Lot Nos. 11. 12 »na i* John L. Dolan, serial 016180, for lx>t No. 14, Block No. 16 and Lot No. 6, Block No. 27. Osh A. Hedgecoak, »«rial 016181, for Lot No. 14, Block No. 15. Anna M. Bradley, transferee of Richard McTavish, serial 016183, for £> t No. 12, Block N«. 2«. Charles E. Bell, transfer*» of Louis V. Valentine, serial 916188, for Lo. No. 12, Block No. 16. Claimants name as witness«: J«««* E. Pierman, Samuel P. bens A Murray, Horace G. 0®r^«tt, all of West Yellowstone, Montana. fo^L^ A - Murray, aerial 016166, ' nam^I ^ 14 >. Bloclc No. 27, who * £ sse E ' 1 a Tr ff' u* CFn ^na™SSS; r^?-Ai ?A ^ EN f^ RT ' Register * (Fjrst Publication July 23, 1924) publication August 13, 1924) — —- • NOTICE OF TIME APPOINTED FOR PROVING WT! I FTP _ ' In the District Court Ninth Judicial Dist rict, State of Montana County of Gallatin. ' COUnty ° f | ^ the Matter of the Estate of* ^izaheth Sword Kirk, Deceased. ! Pursuant to an order of said Court, made 011 the 24 day of July 1924 ™ tice is b *"*y given, that ^tuX' the *&d day of August, 1924, at eleven o'clock A. M. of said day, at tbe Court Room of said Court in the °* Bowman, in the County of ? a,latin ' ha * appointed a7 the ^ nd place for provin ? the will of 11 sa id Elizabeth Sword Kirk, deceased, a " d for hearing the application of Thomas Sample Kirk for the issuance to him of letters Testamentary when and w here any person interested may appear and contest the same, (C otn^! ^ ^ ~ 8 __ ^ j W. L. HAYS, Clerk, By Jack Cruickshank, Deputy Clerk, Bids f° r the transportation of pup d s bo the Sedan School consoli dated district No. 38 Gallatin County Montana will be received by the board ?L t / USteeS until 6 P * M - Au g^st 16. n The route wiB be: Starting at the Pau Williams ranch and proceeding along public road to the west line of S ! ctlon 31 ' T2N » R7E ' Hence back to th li Pasco ! corner - Then south on p " bl,c road past the sch ° o1 hous e of «? . V"c ?» nda ? . He ? ce ® ast to tbe sp dan school. bids to be sealed, addressed to C '^ .°f, " No - 38 and BIDS WANTED corner. marked "sealed bid. • , board the ri «t h * t0 r « Ject any or ad b I ' ds b rc . oc , T * Jï , ?.t E *. w. (V< . ... /T Fl ! st P u blll( ^ tl0n . July (Last publlcat ion August 13. 1924) | 99 PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION , „ „ of Gallatin, State of Montana, a Pri-, : Nominating Election will be held » at wh ich the Republican, Demo- j ! cratk and other parties will choose ! t he,r candidates for State, District, - oun ^ y Precincts and other offices, uamely: n ^ ne ' ni bed States Senator, one R e P resen in Congress, one As : sociate Justice of the Supreme Court,, ! one Governor, one Lieutenant Cover-. I nor > on ® Attorney General, one Secre Ury of State one State Treasurer, j on . e Auditor one Railroad Com-j ™ ssl oner one '.lerk of Supreme ! ; ou / fc ' ,® ne Superintendent of Public Instructïon, one Judge of the Ninth Judicial District, one . täte Senator, f tbr . ee Representatives to the I^gis l*f iv e Assembly, one County Com missioner (six year term),one Sheriff, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 26th day of August, 1924, at the various Precincts in the County : y S?" n l y 'P r « aaurer . «P« <2*®* of the S one County Attorney, one County Auditor, one County Superintendent j ®£ v.- ho °h on ^ 9°" nty SnrT eyor, one; Public Administrator, one Coroner, , ^ 0 Justice of the Peace for each of V 1 ® vari £ us townships, two Constables ea ^ h of * be various townships. one . Central Committeeman for the io f ^ o dock noon and will continue until 7 ° Bated ^ 24tb day <>i July, A. D. ttaprtr J - "• «ARRIS. . , , . . Notice is hereby given that at a r ^ Ia ^ "l eet »?.Ç of Clty Commis sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Thursday, the 7th day of August, A. D., 1924, a Re solution of said Commission was duly passed and adopted, declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a Special Improvement District to be known and designated as Special 1 Improvement District No. 247 of said I City of Bozeman, Montana, for the purpose of constructing a sanitary County Clerk (First publication July 23, 1924) i (Last publication August 20, 1924) NOTICE sewer with necessary connections and manholes, on Mendenhall Street be tween Rouse Avenue north and Wal lace Avenue north within said City of , . . .. Bozeman, Montana; and declaring it to be the intention of said City Corn mission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of constructing said sanitary sewer, connections and man holes, engineering inspection and all incidental expenses in connection therewith against the land within said Special Improvement District, each front foot of entire frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for ita pro portionate share of such entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places. That the estimate of the approxi mate cost of constructing said im proven,ent is One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-six Dollars ($1866.00). That the total frontage of all property sajd district exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public >. 2g fee an(J the egtl . mated cost per front foot to be so 8pecic , ly as J ssed an(i taX ed is $1.388. That Thursday, the 28th day of August at 7:30 o'clock p. m. of said day at the room of said City Com mission in the City Hall, said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, has been designated as the thne and place when and where the said City Com mission will hear and pass upon all protests against the proposed im provement or creation of said Special Improvement District, and the land therein to be assessed, or either both or any thereof. That at any time within fifteen days after the first publication of this notice and any j owner of property liable to be assessed on account of said proposed improve ment ma ? mak * p ™**t a * a ™t said improvement or against the extent or nation of said S P ecial Improvement District in the manner provided by law, such protest to be filed with the Clerk of said City Commission at the City Hall of said City of Bozeman State of Montana, and such protest j or protests will be duly considered by said City Commission at the time and pl »ce as hereinbefore specified. That for a description of the boundaries of . said Special Improvement District No. 1 ♦ l * You'll Enjoy Yourself at Bozeman Hot Springs The Plunge is Thoroughly Cleaned Every Night DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Picnic Grounds Free—Private Parties Welcome SAM COLLETT & SON, Props. 1 » ♦ « Glass, Paint, Wall Paper I ♦ » * I DIXON <a DODSON ! * PHONE 120-J 136 WEST MAIN 4 ♦ 3HOH«HKHMH»OOCHKHKKKKKHKH>iKH>O<KH«HCKH>IKH>OOCHCKHCHCH>O0O<H><KH3 O Ù D Nu-Salt g Looks like salt—tastes like salt—is salt With the addition of iodine. A fine cooking and table salt a s TRY IT S Co. Cox-Poetter Drug Let us supply your needs 10 E. Main Phone 128 § Q CHÎHCKÎHÎHÏi34!HCH5^ûH3H5-CH5HÎH5H3O<HÛHûHOHCH5-OOHCH5HÔO-CHCHÛHCHCHCHÔOOO4CHCH3HfrCH5HÛH0HîrtHCrC , OO^îHOHOHOHÛHCHb^îH^OO^ÎHÎH5^^-OHÎH3H5HÎH5HOHOHCHÎHÎ^CHÎH&OOCHDHC^OO^^DCHÎ^O^K^OOO^HCHC^î^ SPEND YOUR WEEK-END FISHING AND CAMPING TRIPS AT Varst's Rold Sprigs Resort On the Gallatin Way to Yellowstone Park An Ideal Place to Spend Your Vacation 35 Miles South of Bozeman S D r. C C a ? TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS Postoffice: Salesville, Montana P. F. KARST Proprietor OTWt0HCH»OOO*<KHKHCH>i>H«H>OH«H>O*OOO<K>OHCKKKKH><H> OOCH?« O CKHKHÏO Blue Sky" Dealers « The fellows who are selling patent right territory, fake oil stocks, mining stock, shares in this, that or the other "sure thing" proposition, are all out after easy money. When they tackle you, remember that the really good investments do not have to be peddled arosnd but are gobbled up at once by the wise ones who are on the inside. The safe place for your money is in a good Bank like ours. Then if there are op portunities for safe investments we will be glad to give you the information. GALLATIN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Bozeman, Montana Member Federal Reserve System 247 reference is hereby made to the Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Bozemi declaring the intention to create the same, which ia on file in the office of the under signed Clerk of said Commission ia the City Hall of said City of Boze- man. State of Montana, and open for inspection to all interested partie» and to the public generally, Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 13th day of August, A. D. 1924. WALTER DAVIS, Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana.