Sews Letter
State College
jjV) loh, P lrett ° r
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a lr Offer.
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With Blackleg.
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PjV'C it I ' '*i K '
check the
,00 i'
The Meat You Eat
Should be prime, fat, native stock, pro
perly aged and cured, and sold at a reason
able price.
fry Our Sausage and Smoked Meats
Courteous Service — Prompt Delivery
We always aim to please
Montana Products for Montana People"
The Sanitary MarRet
Hue Sky" Dealers
The fellow« who are selling patent right territory,
I fake oil stocks, mining stock, shares in this, that or
I the other "sure thing" proposition, are all out after
I easy money.
"Tien they tackle you, remember that the really
pod investments do not have to be peddled around
t*ut are gobbled up at once by the wise ones who
are on the inside. The safe place for your money
in a good Hank like ours. Then if there are op
portunities for safe investments w T e will be glad to
P ve you the information.
Bozeman, Montana
Member Federal Reserve System
Kleenburn Lump Coal
No clinkers.
It's just all coal.
Conies i
0 rock.
Burns nice.
Only three per cent ash.
10-ton lots or more, $8.50 per ton.
Let Us Fill Your Bins Now!
all large chunks.
Wyon-Noble Lumber Co.
Oftice: 120 W. Main St., Phone 4.
«JÏÎ *°* *** ** y 0re 4^ J
8 , ' , G W1S ®f t cajttlemen |
takes no chances. County agents
may be called on for assigne"
the work of vaccinating catle
Club Members Going to Fairs.
The boys and girls club members
of Blaine county are planning to make
up a carload of exhibits from among
i the winning products at local fairs to
to held in the county, and send it to
the Midland Empire Fair at Billings,
and arrangements have already been
made to take the county winners and
their products to the State fair this
fall. G. W. Gustafson, county agent,
.reports approximately 100 members
i in the boys and girls dubs in the
I county this year, with the pig clubs
more than upholding the reputation
made during the four years of their
existance. Last year Blaine county
pie club members took a good share
of the prizes in the club divisions at
the state fair and in several cases
went into the open classes and won.
This year these same club members
j are promising even stronger competi
The fine pastures and abundant
Dr,'hay crops of eastern Montana are
proving of great value to the cattle
men in the drouth stricken areas in
The Hay Situation.
[the neighboring states to the south
State Col
! and west. The Montana
. lege Extension service has already
1 prepared one list of owmers of sur
plus hay and pasture and sent it to
^ the needy ones in parts of Washing
ton, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and western
Montana and already a movement of
cattle W ,
Ibundlt nail f M ^ a*
aoundant pastures of Montana. A
second list of the owners of hay and
pasture w being prepared by R. B.
Millm, livestock specialist of the Ex
tension service at Bozeman, and this
oo will be sent to those who are
looking for places to put their cat
e - Names are coming in in great
num ers and the second list will
soon be ready for the mails.
Mr. Millin reports that while condi
lions in the sections to the south and
r ' . at have suffered from lack
Ox rain during the past season, are
serious as at first reported
there is sfîll o _11 j
, , ' considerable demand
I or hay and pasture from those who
have been burnt out. In the
tain slopes, foothill regions and for
est reserves the livestock ,in most
cases ,is doing well and the tendency
will be to move this stock direct
market when this range becomes un
not as
A warning against expecting too
high prices for hay is expressed by
Mr .Miilin. He reports hearing much
î speculation as to the possibility of
• reversal of the condition which ex
jested in 1919 when Montana stock
: men paid as high as |40 a ton
! bay. The disastrous results follow
"tg this experience in Montana
sufficient to prevent a repetition
' such prices. Cattle prices are on
much lower level than they were
i 1919 and this fact will also check
tendency to pay exhorbitant prices
for hay and feed. Cattlemen
send their stock butcher rather
than take a chance on high
feeds, says Mr. Millin.
Guernsey Dairy Association.
The Plains Guernsey Breeders' as
sociation has added another achieve- i
ment to the many that have come to
it during the past three years of its
existance. The association now' has
the champion two-year Guernsey
cow in Montana according to a re
cent report received at Montana State
college from the Guernsey Breeders'
Association of America.
Farmers and dairyman of the
northwest are interested in the Plains
Guernsey Breeders' association be
cause they represent one of the out
standing cooperative ventures In
Montana. When, following the close
troubles of drouths
and deflation settled upon the Plains
country it was decided that the farm
ing systems then in vogue were not
the kind upon which a prosperous
community could be built,
agreed that Plains needed a creamery
and through the efforts of F. M. Hill
county agent; Arnold Kruger,
It w'as
Then the organizers were con
fronted with the problem of not hav
ing enough cows in the country to
supply the creamery for profitable
_ Q 1- _ A<*ain the leaders in the
operation. A^ain tn .. o .._
venture took hold of the ^tuatron
and the Plains Guremscy Breeders
association was organized. George
association w ®
We*bster, chief of the dairy d
I 0 f the State Department of Agncnl
Ifnro and M A. Thorfinnson, who sue
turc a • county agent
i ceeded Mr. Hillman as county a.c
were sent out to scour the conn y
for frood Guernsey stock. Since then
u furors in the Plains country
the tait - . time
have added to their herds f rom xn
to time but always the effort has
the standards of the
aT1 d
farmer; E. L. Johnson, banker and
Ray C. Smith, creameryman
others the Pend Oreille Creamery
of Sand Point, Idaho, was
induced to put a branch creamery at
j been to raise
'herds by securing better cows
better bulls.
During the three years of its ex
! isiance the Plains
! come established as an institution in
) auusnea as an institution m
T h "* ***>">* a *»-™ d 1«
attainments in its cooperative efforts.
the practical success that has at- [
I tended its amortization plan of financ- I
j ing the organization, the numerous
winnings at fairs and stock shows,
and lastly this latest achievement oi
j developing the champion two-year
; old Guernsey for the state have
brought a fine reputation and a de
j pendable farming system Plain,
1 valley.
association has be
' *
j rw we.
et W. Sweet, former manager of
j ta e Montana Flour Mills company, re
moun-jeently accepted the management of
, the Gallatin Valley Milling
| at Belgrade, and will take charge of
the plant September 1.
to W. E. Parkins, who has had charge
at Belgrade for several
years, has
been promoted to a responsible posi
tion with the Fisher Flour Mills
ex- month^ and
their future home.
for j his mother have resided in the Gal
i latin valley for
company at Seattle, to which place ht
j and his mother and son, William, will
a move the latter part of the
where :hey will make
Mr. Parkins and
are J have a large circle of friends and
who will regret to see!
of j quaintances,
a them go.
Mr .Sweet has resided in Bozeman
for a number of years, having been
connected with the Story Milling in
terests until they sold their business
five years ago, at which time he w*as
made manager, and resigned his posi
tion just recently. Mr. Sweet and
family will continue to reside in
The Gallatin Valley Milling com
pany is one of the oldest and best
knowm milling concerns in the north
west and has been operated by vari
ous members of the Fisher family ftfr
many years. They also operate the
largest mill in the northwest, located
at Seattle, the rapacity being 6,000
barrels daily. All of the brothers
including O. D. Fisher, Wm. P. Fish
er ,Burr Fisher, D. R. Fisher and
Wallace Fisher, are actively engaged
in the management of the big Se
attle plant, which is one of the most
modem and up-to-date milling plants
in the United States .
The Rocky Mountain Fire Insurance
Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs.
Conrad Kessler and Bertha Kessler, j
his wife, and John Roempp, Delen- j
lîfbe sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat- ■
urdajr on the 18th day of September
A n IQ OA o 9-no n'nWV p u «»
front Hoor of tb#> Pnnrt in tbe
J™* °* * h n e pXht,
SuW Montena. 5S?ü»e right tfüe
and interest of the defendants in and i
to the following described property, j
V1Z " . « !
Lot (4), the southeast quarter of )
the southwest quarter (SEAi SWA4) j
( and the south halt of the south cast
| quarter (SH SE14) of sectioni nine
(9) the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter (SW% SWVi) the
eagt ha j f of the sou thwest quarter -
(E% SW%) and the southwest quar- ,
ter of the southeast quarter (SW%
SE%) of section ten (10) . the gouth i
y ha j f of the nort h eagt quarter (Ski i
i NE14) ; the east half of the north-1
j west quarter (E% NW%); the south-,
west quarter of the northwest quar-;
ter (gw^ NW14), the northwest
q Uar ^ er 0 f the southwest quarter
(NWV* SWVO, the north half of the
d southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter (N% SW14 SWVi) and the
north half of the southeast quarter
(N % SE!4) of section (16), all in
township two (2) north 01 range two
(2) east of the Montana Meridian.
The above property described is in
tended to and does cover all that por
tion of section sixteen (16) heretofore |
platted as the Townsite of Gallatin, I
excepting however, the following de
scribed lots in said Townsite. Lots
three (3) and twenty-nine (29) in
block twenty-six (26); lot twenty
three (23) in block twenty-seven (27);
and twenty feet off the west portion
of lot thirty-two (32) in block twenty
six (26) of said townsite.
There is also excepted from the
above tract the right-of-way of the
Northern Pacific Railway Company.
Dated this 12th day of August
A. D. 190.
By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff
J. T. Burch & Son, Plaintiffs, versus
John E. Shipman and Threasey Ship
man, Defendants.
To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat
urday on Hie 20th day of September
A. D. 1924 at 2:16 o'clock P. M. at
the front door of the Court House
in the City of Bozeman, State of Mon
i tana, all the right, title and interest
of the defendants, in and to the fol
lowing described property, viz.;
All that portion of the northwest
quarter (NW\4) of the northeast
quarter (NE 14) of section seven (7),
township two south (2), Range six
(6) east. Beginning at the east line
of said quarter, quairter section which
is 450 feet north of southwest corner
thereof; thence east 234 feet; thence
north 25 feet, thence west 234 feet;
! tana, will close Friday, September
19, 1924, at 5:00 o'clock P. M.
thence south 25 feet to place of be
ginning; excepting 10 feet off west
side for road in lot 10 and 11 of block
1; Perkins and Stone Addition to*
Dated this 20th day of August
A. D. 1924.
Bozeman, Montana.
By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff.
Registration of Electors for the
General Election, to be HeW in the
County of Gallatin, State of Mon
Pursuant to the provisions of Sec
i tion 16, Chapter 122, Laws of Mon
tana, Fourteenth Session, 1915, en
! tit,ed " An Act to amend Chapter 113
of the Laws of 1911 relating to the
registration of electors in counties,
cities, towns, and school districts,"
| latin,*' Stete" of" Moitena, on'Tuesday,'
1 the 4th day of November, 1924, will
, " ™ 1ÎW "' T ^ 1Qfk
Notice is hereby given that all books
of registration for the General Elec
tion, to be held in the County of Gal
on Tuesday
close on Friday, the 19th day of Sep
1 tember, 1924, at 5:00 o'clock p. m.,
( an( j will be closed for the full period
i of forty-five days immediately pre
i ced "ig the day of election, as amf-;
Notice is further given that electors
may register for the ensuing General
Election, as aforesaid, by appearing
before the County Clerk at his office
in the City of Bozeman, or appearing
before a Justice of the Peace
Notary Public, in the manner pro
vided by law.
Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this
15th day of August, A. D. 1924.
I County Clerk and ex-officio Registrar
i in and for Gallatin County, State
I of Montana.
HELEN- A. CHASE, defendants.
To bo sold at sheriff's sale
Saturday, the 27th day of September,
A. D.. 1924, at 2:00 o'clock P. M„
the front door of the court house
the city of Bozeman, in the county
of Gallatin, slate of Montana,
following described property, viz:
The north half (N^4> of section
nine (0); and the fractional north
half of the noiiheast quarter
of NE 1 ^) and the southeast quarter
of the northeast quartet (SEU
NEV41 of section eight (8); and
nine (9) of section five (5), in town
ship one (1) north of range one
east, of the Montana Meridian,
taining according to United States
government survey 433 acres,
or less, with all of the appurtenances
In t*l:e District Court of the Ninth
..Judicial District oi the State
Montana, »n and lor the County
poration, plaintiff.
a cor.
ing, said lands being situated in the
county of Gallatin, state of Mon- ! d
Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this
22nd day of August, 1924.
Orville Jones, Under Sheriff.
Geortre Y, Patten, attorney for
plaintiff, Bozeman, Montana.
(First Pub. Aug. 27, 1924.)
(Last Pub. Sept. 17, 1924.)
? statp of Elizabpth Sword Kirk ' p
deceased. . .. ,v
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned. Executor of the Last
Will and Testament of Elizabeth
tfe d a gai £ ^ceased, to exhibit^them 1
neces?ar y vouchers, within
ten months after the first publication •
f th - ti to the «aid Executor at
he^law office of Geo. D. Pease, Boze.
Montana, the same hein* the ;
, a( . e for the transac tion of business I
f pefatA ; p f u., t -ountv of Gal
a ^i n '
ExeC utor of the Last Will and Testa
. m ent of Elizabeth Sword Kirk,
Dale<l at Bozeman. Mont, August 23.
(First Pub. Aug. 27, 1921.)
(Last Bun. Sept. 17. Î92 4.)
Henry Topel, Plaintiff, vs. Henry
Wood, Ella Wood, Owenhouse Hard
ware Company, a Corporation, The
Belgrade Company Limited, a Cor
poration, C. N. Wood, Assignee,
[George Foerschler, Commercial Na-:
tional Bank, a Corporation, P. W. [
Weisraandel and B. D. Weismandel,
Defendants. :
To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat
urday on the 13th day of September
A. D. 1924 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at
the front door of the Court House in
the County of Gallatin, State of Mon- i
tana, all the right, title and interest ;
of the defendants in and to the follow
ing described property, viz.:
The sooth half of section eight (8).
Township Two (2) south of Range
Two (2) east, M. P. M. in Gallafln
County, Montana, with all the appor
tenances thereunto belonging or any
wise appertaining.
a ^ llth *** " Aof1Wt
a. L». lift*.
By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff.
H. D. Bath, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Bozeman, Montana,
August 8, 1924.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Albert M. Evans, of Biozeman, Mont.}
who, on July 30, 1919, made Home
stead Entry, No. 014831, for EM»
NEU Section 20; Lots 5 and 6, Sec
tion 21, Township 1 South, Range 6
East, Prin. Mer. Montana, has filed
notice of intention to make Three
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Regis
ter and Receiver of U. S. Land Office,
in their office, at Bozeman, Montana,
on the 26th day of September, 1924.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George Crittenden, Joseph Gamble,
Othneil Bohart, James Walker, Je*
all of Bozeman. Montana.
Non-coal land.
GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Register.
(First publication August 20, 1924>
(Last publication September 17, 1924f
Susan H. Kingman, Plaintiff, va.
Roscoe Prather, Ruby V. PratLc^
Hennepin Mortgage Company, a Cor
p° ra tion, and Manhattan Mercantile
Company, a Corporation, Defendants.
To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat
urday on the 13th day of September
A. D. 1924 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. aft
the front door of the Court Hour© ia
the City of Bozeman, County of GaL
latin, all the right, title and interest
of the defendants in and to the fol
lowing described property, viz.:
j The north one-half of section thjrty
three, Township three, north of rang©
' three east, M. P. M. in Gallatin Coun
By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff
ty, Montana,
A. D. 1924.
Dated this 12th day of Augurt
Judicial District; ot
>f the Niiitt
State cf
»• ( ounty o f
In the District ( u
; Montana, in and i\ r
, Calla tin.
fd<> your a ul s ' c \ { f '
1 Oberen: upon u.e plaint»»fs
, with n twenty days aîte» tne set vue
of this summons, ex« lurive of th«* .lay
! of service.
I The said action is brought to oVtta
a judgment of tbi- < mm decreeing
! that the bonds of matrimonv hotv/ eï
I the plaintiff and defendant be dis
solved on the ground of deserli <n.
All of which will more fully appear
from the verified complaint on fi's
in said action, reference to which 1»
hereb >' "l ada ; thr !U ' ,r ' e b<?inc raade
a 5 aI J , of thls summons
And ,n casp r,f fs ' b j T, ' t?,
fear or answer, judgment will b.
at I ta l'. e 5 gainst you by default for th*
in ; rel ' pf . demanded in the complaint,
Atteat: , Mv hand and the Sea of
i s . a,d Dmtrict Court tins 25th da. o.
! ,«^7. ''
• , , , pi,-*
! By Jack fViuckshank, Deputy CWk.
1 Geofrge Y. I at ten B^zcrn. ,
tana, ^ttorney for pinmti •
of (First Pub. Aug. 27, - •)
lot (Last Pub. Sept. 1», 1. - .)
_ _ „ .
EMILk J- S-OV EN OUR, defend t.
T° b e so>d at shernTs sale at
» »I
LILLIAN LUX, détendant.
The Stale of Mont aria,
named defendant, L.l tan
You are hereby s tmm
swer the complaint in
which is
1 clerk o; t
the above
med t » an
this act'.on.
■ oi. tee u*
t ne
id' which
y <.Ul r
is herewith served
:« co]'\
-»»on you. and tfc
W. L. HAYS. Clerk.
K. W. HALE plaintiff.
v s
T° b e
o'clock. P. M., on .-sturday the - -
»y of September A D. 19-4, at .t*
front door of the Gallatm counej
court house, in the city of Bozemaiw.
county of Gallatin .and state of Mon.
tana, under and by virtue of the or.Vr
of sale issued in said action, the fol
lowing described real property situate
in said County and state, to-wit:
The east half 0 f the southwest
quarter, and the south half of the
southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter, and the south half of the
southeast Quarter, of section 16, ex
cept the right of way of tho Northern
p .. ie railwav as n „ w
,v ' * v ,, „> t (, e northeast quarter.
the east nail oi tne non-ni-d.
and the southwest quarter, of . e» •
21; the southwest quarter of the
Â^^of 'JxSt ^
nghts of way of the Gallatin Valley
and Northern Pacific railways as now
established: the west hair oi _
northeast ouarier the southeast
quarter of th*' northeast quarter, an<5
the east half of the northwest n.jar
ter. of section 29. except the ti ■ht»
of wav of the Northern Pacific anc
Ga latin Valley railways as now
tablished: lots'7. 8. 10. 11 and 12
block "F" of Gallatin G»ty, accorjun?
to the plat of Akins survey th'*r. of.
all that portion of the town sit- oî
Gallatin Citv. according to A :TI J
survey thereof, described by meter
and bounds as follows: beginning u
M»e southeast corner of sector 1«,
thence 250 feet northerly alon
east boundary line of saul seen- *>
thence we.-terly and parallel to iw
south boundary line of said sec
a distance of 1320 foci, more or evi
to the west boundary line ot
southeast mi arte r of lht '^
quarter of said section, thence ^ •»
feet southerly said we?' ' , '
aT*Y line to the sou.hwest corner m t ©
southeast quarter of the soutnea»
quarter of said section, thence ca.
ly 1^20 feet more or less, along the
south boundary line of said section 10
the point of beginning, excent *tre. *
and alleys; all that -ortiou of
latin City, according to Akins survey
thereof, described by ' metes
bounds as ~ ws: ' ^ ^
northeast corner of »* \
garter of bb * „
section . „„.h hound
•«»» .westerly along the north bound
il , r ' 'g, ° * ' ' f , P I
eagt quarteT of scutheast quarter
thereof, thence 4f»0 feet, more or less,
southerly along the west boundary
line of the southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter, of said section,
thence easterly 1320 feet .more or
less, and parallel to said north bound
ary line of the southeast quarter of
the southeast quarter of said sec
tion, to the east boundary line
thereof, and thence 450 feet northerly
along said east boundary line to the
point of beginning, except streets and
alleys; and also any and all water
rights »water ditches and easement*
for the irrigation of said lands or any
part thereof.
sections are located in township two
north of range two east of the Mon
tana Meridian .according to ihr
United States government survey.
By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff.
Bozeman, Montana, Aug. 25. 1024.
(First Pnb. Aug ?7. 1024.)
'(Last Pub. Sept. 17, 1924.)
All the aforesaid