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ÖCfD4>Q-O-O-O-CH>(>ÖQHCHBH3^343flHCHJW>CH0hO' LEGAL 7i^O-CH^OO0^<KH3O43-a-D-OXh&O-CHCHCHCHÏQ NOTICE OF ELECTION— CON5T1 TIONAL AMENDMENT Chapter 97., .. . "An Act for the Submission to the qual ified Electors of the State cf Montana of an Amendment to Section 10 of Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Montana, Relating to the Qualifications of County Su peri n tendent« of Schools and Schoo! District nrfirerm " BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF MON TANA: Section 1. That Section 10 of Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Montana h< amended as hereinafter provided and that the qu*~tion of said amendment be subraitt ed to the qualified electors of the State of election. Section 2 That Section 10 of Article IX : of the Constitution of the State of Montana be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : "Section 10. All persons possessing the qualifications for suffrage prescribed by Sec tion 2 of this Article as amended and such otb r qualifications as the legislative as •en.hly may by law prescribe, shall be eli- j giMc to hold the office of county superin tendent of schools or any other school dis triât office " Section 3. Separate official ballots shall b. provided »t the general election to be h.-: I in November, U24, which shall have r, W ,h.r~n .1 .? Strtta. » of Article I' of the fons.itution of the s *ate M .tana as amended by this Act. and below same shall he printed the words. Against the foregoing amendment to the Constitution. I or the foregoing amendment te the Constitution. — Each elector =ball designate his prefer- ' ence !>y marking au "X" in the square be-| fore the proposition for which such elector, desires to ovte. Section 4. The votes cast for and aaginst j th *' ajB.-ndinent above proposed shall be can-j va cd. determined and declare! as provided j t- 'h.- relierai laws of the State of Mon . ... . ti.n d. All acts nnn parts of Acta in i :ct are hereby repealed. i This Act shall take effect and j 1 force from and after its passage j »""royal. Secretary of State j of th- of do tn • a. r. he a- <' -I March 7. 1923. 11 r-> \ SEAL) UN'TRI) TATES OF AMERICA, TATE OF MONTANA. ss. I. T. tnat tee foregoing is a true and cornât j ' . nn «ft ® n ^} b ' ed: An Act for the » ubmis'-;. n to the Qualnfed Electors of the j * V n *"«° r " n ^ meadrn ® nt to See-j tioi ,0 > • Article lx of the Constitution j a ^ e °, Montana, Relating to the j Qual.r mations of County Superintendents of Fchoe and School District Officers. , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have here- ! n t my hand and affixed the Great ! cf the State of Montana, at Helena, | 'apital, thw 1st day of August, A. D ' ! "An Art tn ProvM, for thr ,„bn>i»loa | to thr Qii.-ilifiod Elector, of th, St.t, of Montana of an Amendment to the Const! riition of the State of Montana by adding ( Thereto an Article to be known as Article v XII i Providing for the Payment of Ad-j justed Comnensation to Bonn FîH» Bp«. ! i;Ws of the State of Montana Who Served en Active Duty in the Army. Nan or Ma ^1.« Corps of the United States In the World; War and U, Such of Said Persons Who Be-j Ing Citizens of the United States Served in the Naval, Military or Air Forces of Any of the Governments Associated With ! t)c Unitetl States During Said War. and Authorizing the Incurring of an Indebted ness; Authoring the Issuing of Bonds : ■ Providing for the Levy of a Tax. 1 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATIVE Ta'va MBLY ° F THE STATE OF MON- I TANA: Section 1. That the Constitution of the nte of Montana be amended as herein a.ter provided, and that the question of •uch amendment be submitted to the qual- i ified electors of the State of Montana nt : the irencral election to be held in Novem- I ^Section 4 ' T~ Th th r • ' M , That , the Constitution of the , State of Montana lie and the same is here unto S»*a' th .192; C. T. STEWART. Secretary of State. L-v't publication, Oct. 29, 1924. NOTICE OF ELECTION—CONSTITU TIONAL AMENDMENT Chapter 137 înow[T I - f,*s T Y YiT* \ an article W»! article XXII, and to read as fol l0WB . —, wioto thn ni rit t ♦ . .J" or ' W to r^litnnl I°h Patl ?" t,9ra and loyalty, If rnA - h0 rrst, !?. de °? tb ® p tate ' c d i? recognition of the splen-; îwi[ «i" 1 " 1 î n * he var man Fmniïe ? St ?, t f 8 a ? d th ? ,, Gpr - man Kmpire and its allies, there shall be iaùid tO P n r r C t h H P0 !T O, r» I h °- . Was regularly callel .enlisted, drafted, inducted or com rnissiotied and who served on active duty in the Army, Na\-y or Marine Corps of the United States between the sixth day ïf Apr,! Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen and it * 0 ^ F 'i V0 r th u* Day « of ^ ov ®mebr, Nineteen twT^ntS^ în r " h 0no<1 lonir u r tha ' 1 j ° months, and to each person who. he t?me " of ,tlT0 ? United States at the .VuTy in the Zv h0m g; Ber '; ed op nctiy '' S of ti ™ m ' , ' tary of . air . fpr ^ of United Sates during n th""° C,af ql ^ th the Irai allied pow.-rs between ' th<» " C0M c April Nineteen Hundred <siî l «w,* Xth d 5 r *£ f eleventh dav of November rod Eighteen, for* a period' long^th«^ 1 ?!?' months; and at the tin-,, nt i?^ ^ a »? two, listment Induction conn- «! ^n* 1 ' 3 ° a ' ' , en * * U. f^rVes^' orthe^ s£t7 IC o r f Montana, the sum of To n Dollar« « 0(W for each month or maior fraction 7h™i that such person was n,-t!^ Ing said war. whether before of after v? vember 11. 19 Î8 . not to /x^d how^r « ^I«w if HinwÄ'W f b l '! provided, that such person« who bäv« ^ reived extra compensarion from any othe^ state, or nation other than th« United Mates for such active service shall not he «nies« 0 * 1 tb° rnrYlprT " , ati°n under this Article C led 5 h 1 amopnt of u compensation «0 re c. ned n less than they would Tv euitle-» to hereunder in which event thev sh- ! ré. tbe difference between the corr.pen«n on allowbb. under this Article and the :££" <tzr::£° n nW ^ ]y r,C ^ ♦ her tb t 8tate ""tion, provided fur ♦her that persons who have received greater componction than the regular pay of the Army Navy, or Marine Corps and com mo-1 tatimi for quarters and subsistence, shall r t he entitled to receive compensation un-* d-»r this article unless the amount of the Article XII, Section 1. waa ♦bl7 compensation so received is less than I they would he entitled to hereunder, in vhich event they shall receive the difference ! between ,he compensation allowable under! [•il» Of »I 0 a 7 d »k 8UC ï ° Ttra compensation. In in th0 d08th ° f any " uch Person while raid to 7- rv,ce an . *M ua l «mount shall be ♦ Î * t ." arv iving widow, if not re- t mar ,rd the time compensation is return tori' " ,n .r-r . h * n(> 7! dow apd left child- i ♦L* . ? h . iB # »«r'-lving children, or in ä »' ; Rect o-, ' V T be ' v '' , P««»* u-ed in S 'h/b'* <V 1 SäSF: «nœutances amounting to a diahoaorabl» ^ * fl ^ lK>n0rable du - charge, and such further information as the State Auditor may require. Such eertifW cate shall be presented to the State Auditor or his representative together with an hon orab.e discharge or release from active ser vice, or in case of its loss a properly au. thenticated record of service, or in the event that claimant is sli . in the service a pro pe r > authenticated record of all active service ppr ~™. d by claimant, or if the same be prea0 "J!? b > wldo t 'T' c " d 0 t ï ZtS '•vi'ience o, death, to ether with Pr°Pfr j authenticated reco 1 rd of serv * ce - aad the bUte Auditor shall endorse upon such di.-charge, fT 1 ®* 16 ® record of active service the fact - bat lt was made the basis of the app.ion ^ion ; and shall return such discharge or re lease of record of active senvee to the claim ? nt f . r ' nd »^» forthwith draw his warrant I« the name of the claimant upon the Vet «Tan's Compensation Fund for an amount equal to Ten Dollars (Î10.00) for each and ev er >' month of active service, or major portion thereof, subsequent to the sixth day of April.! Nineteen Hundred Seventeen, not exceeding *mwever a total of Two Hundred Dollars, '*200.00), and the State Treasurer shall pay such warrants from the veterans Compensa tion Fund. In cases where application for compensation is made by the widow, children or parents of a deceased veteran, such person shall furnish the same information as though the application were made by the deceased vet eran, and the State Auditor shall prepare an appropriate form of certificate to cover' ,;uch cases. Compensation allowed to the children of deceased veterans shall be paid t- the guardians of such children, which KU l ardian if appointed by the courts of this «täte, shall serve without compensation and j n the discretion of the court without bond, , nd „ - ta „ be the duty of every County attorney in this state to appear in the courts pr render any other necessary legal assist ante in behalf of such children in so far the provisions of this Article are con erned. wrthout compensation and no public ofifeer shall collect any fees in any pro cecding brought in behalf of such children to secure compensation under this Article. , The* State Auditor is empowered to make such additional resasonable requirements i from applicants as are necessary to prevent fraud or the payment of cornpensat'on to per- f (sons not entitled thereto. j "Section 4. The State Auditor shall furn uh free of chafge, upon application there^ | for. the necessary form of certificat» to all 1 persons entitled thereto, and may establish a* different point* within the State .f Mon tana officer at which there shall he l;ept on file for the use of persons covered by this Article a sufficient number of form. « *f cer-* tificates so that there may bo no delay in the payment of this compensation. The State Auditor may authorize the county auditor, or county clerk .or both, of any county of the state to act for him in receiving applica tions under the provisions of this Article, .and shall furnish such person with the pro }x . r certificates to enable him to accept such application. The State Auditor is au tborired and directed to procure such print ; n( - and office supplies and equipment, and employ such ;»ersons as may he neces san. in order to properly carry out the pro visions of this Article, and all expenses in e 11 i-ro<l by him in the administration of this Article he paid hv warranta upon the Vet praTH * Comnensntion Fund Compensation Fund. "Section 5. For the purpose of providing means for the payment of compensation hereunder and for paying the expenses of administration the State Board of Examln f>^,ri7ed th !. m 'r^^4 ^i ^ d dl*®®*®«! *2 [he nul^P^of "»hi« a ArflrU. InA iï (Kp r«mp If Mill ' fn onj ^ th' îmôn'n tS ,oS, " MiU lion Fiv, Hundred Thousnnd Doll»-. (*4.500.000.00) in excess of tho constitu tioral limitation of indebtedness of the State of Montana and over and above any bonded indebtedness of said state heretofore créât oA nr imnrr^A ■ u j obligated The bonds provided for in this Article shall be issued in denomination of One Thousand Dollars (f 1.000.00) each, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding | five and one-half per cent (6%^) per an num payable «emi-annuallv on the first davs of January and July of * each vear at th^ office of the State Treasurer of the State of Montana, or at some hank in a citv out side of the State of Montana designated by the State Treasurer- =uch bonds shaM he ° dated on the first dav of January or th» ® first day rf July and shall become due and navable twenty (201 year« from their Hate and he redeemable at the option of the State Board of fiSmineA at any ^ time after te^ ® (10) vears from their date' at unv^Interest paying period The bonds herein referred to shall be in siich form as may he prescribed by the Attorney General and approved by the Stat ® Board of Examiners, and shall signed by the memhers of said board and issued under the great seal of the ^tnte of TTie Adjutant General shall advise with and assist the State Auditor in the per formance of the duties of the Auditor under this Article. Montana, and shall he registered in the of fi ce of the State Treasurer .Said bonds shall have interest coupons attached thereto cov «ring the interest due semiannually, which coupons shall be executed with fax-single signatures of all the members of the State i Board of Examiners, and the signing of said coupons with said facsimile signature I Fba11 ^ rocognlzed as sufficient execution of ssid coupon« on behalf of the State of . | Montana. ( tv. t , ... ... . * r 2 yif 2^ J n g 119 article shall | • di P® 9 ®« b v the State Board of Exam-, "fth "h't »««nee they .ha« deem 1 \Z Ï Z r ? CBrry - i I.m j U |v ^ pro^visions of this Article ; pro less *t h a n^i t s ° p a r n v a 1 ue a b< " *" X '°*'* of for 1 man its par value. : Bonds issued under the provisions of this V*:; 1 * 1 : ha1 ^ investment for any of the funds of the State. ' "^tion 6. The money arising from the sa1< * ° f of bonds Bha ll be deposited ,n th ° State Tr ® asa Yy to the credit of a !-P®®»al fund to he known as the "Vereran's ^ omr f n ' satinn Fund" which shall he used o r «he payment of the compensation pro vided in this article and for paying the ° f a ^^^ratlon thereof For i r - 7^- ,° f carrying out the provisions ? f there is hereby appropriated 1 rnTY1 >bo Veterans* Compensation Fund the ' ' ur ? ?! ,, F ° UT ^'llion Five Hundred Thons ;, 1 nd ?° ,,ar » (*[.^0,000.00) or so much th ^ ,, M M « y âS », I >rction 7. All payments or allowances ! "J*" ' hU Art "'* aha|t ^ | ' ^ a ; ] . | taTntî ° T , apd from ? ®' T V and «ale ) i " n p *"' ution - ' "^«on S. That there shall be levied ;® nua1 y a tax not exceeding one mill on 1 bo do,1a f all property in the State of ' Montan«, «uhject to taxation, which s«M ! tax n ' ben collected by the County Treasurers : tbe of the State of Montana shall ^ them accounted fn- and naid into th J >ta U Treasury of th- State of Montana and I *« by the State Treasurer placed 1- nr f | 1 credited to a fund to he known a« th» "V- ' ^mpensatlor Bond Betirement Fumf 1 «nd which fun-« «hnH be used excln-c- ! ^ or ,Vp Payment of th-» principal and ? ! terest accruing on said honds nC,Pa a ' i ! terest accruing on said honds I "Section 9 No char - mode hv anv agent nota«"® public or atto- — fop „ servie» in ! ronre-tion with obtain, g the allowance a« Provided for by this Article shall h» r^4 Hired hv the state and any pemon who a consideration discount« or attempts to dis "o«"*. or for a consideration advances money t «non any certiifcate or certificates issued pursuant to the term« of thl« Article VhaB i ^ «rulltv of a gro«« misdemeanor "Pectlon 10. Anv person, who with Intent s ; w ssru ää r or the purpose of obtaining fund« provided 1 & Ar*Jr B gft V , '. drl ®* B authortrlng the issuing of *»"* |B " amount not to exceed Four Mil ; lion_ Five Hunderd Thousand Dollars (Sî, 500.000.00), and providing for the levy 1 i of a tax. i Against the amendment to the Constitu 'ion relating to the payment of adjusted i compensation to bona fide residents of the i • of Montana who serevd on active duty ; j n th,. Army, Navy, Marine Corps of the 1 United State9 in the wor i d w>r to such j persons who. being citizens of the United States served in the Naval, Militarv or Air J fo . rc « of ogvernments associated with f ne XJ nited states duririg said awr: au- i j thorizmg the incurring of an indebtedness : i authorizing the issuing of bonds in an i am ount not to exceed Four Million Five i Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4.500,000.00). and providinR for the , evy of a _ . ® j S^fne ^ thï ' * r ' c n e * before _ the proposi ■ t,op for whlch sa » d elector desires to vote. | 1 section 4. That the votes cast for and j against the amendment aobve proposed shall j be canavssed and determined as provided by ! ! the general election laws of the State of 1 Montana. ( Section 5. All Acta and in j ■ conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6. This act shall take effect upon its passage and approval. Approved March 8, 1923. (SEAL) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF MONTANA ' as. I. C. T. STEW'ART, Secretary of State of the State of Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an act entitled : "An Act to Pro vide for the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the State of Montana of an Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Montana by Adi,.* Thereto an Artlcfc?to Be Known as Article XXII. Providing for the Payment of Adjusted Compensation to Bona Fide Residents of the State of Mon-! Una Who Served on Active Duty in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States in the World War and to Such of Said Persons Who Being Citizens of United States Served in the Naval. Mili lar >' or Air Forces of Any of the Govern Associated W'ith the United .States During said War and Authorizing the In-, rurring of an Indebtedness; Authorizing the Issuing of Bonds; Providing for the Levy »» a In TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand and affixed tho Great Seal of the State of Montana, at Helena, the Capital, this 1st day of August A. D 1924. the C. T. STEWART. Secretary of State l ast publication, Oct. 20, 1024. "An Act to Submit to the qualified Elec NOTICE OF ELECTION—CONSTI TUTIONAL AMENDMENT Chapter 131. tors of the State of Montana an Amend ment to the Constitution of the State of Montana. Adding Thereto a New Article, Providing for the Acceptance and Adminis tration by the State of Gifts, Donations, Grants and Legacies for the Creation of a State Permanent Revenue Fund, for the Cre ation of a State Permanent School Fund, for the Creation of a Permanent Revenue Fund for the Unievrsity of Montana, and for the Benefit of other Useful. Benevolent and Worthy Objects ; and Authorizing the State to Administer Other Funds Together with Those Hereinehfore Indicated " BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OP THE STATE OF MON TANA: Section 1 That the Constitution of the State of Montana be amended as hereinafter « irov i dod - a P d that the question of such amendment be submitted to the qualified elec .«>« r *'^ ^ l'oé , 1 ' 1 ' o TW fh ' J? 24 '*,*, *• r ♦». % C ° n8t, i^ 10T1 % T *î he :° f i, l*™ J adding there to a npw Article to be known and des Ing^nd a r Artic,e Tw®Pty-One (21). read and VT X oi T 'v tv c* ♦ 21) ?** ?! h JJ ehy and covenant to accep t from any natural person or t'fP 0 ""• «"'de or outside of the State, p,ft3 ' dona tions. grants and legacies in any n % Hund r ed ", Dollar! * each - for the creation,«® f «.State Permanent Revenue Fund, for the reat i«« of a State Permanent School Fund, F u r nd th fpr ° f P f e ™ &r \ ent Revenue Fund for the University of Montana, and for ^ . B ®« ef, t «* scientific, educational and ba «1t«ble work subject, however, to all the r « v,si . ons and hm ,ta . tl 1 ons of th,s artir1 ® .. Sect,or 2 article 21). The State fur the î! • Rreos .. and covenant« to hold in trust all suc . h , contributions (jdfts. donations, grants, S!n v le Sd*tL' ïnÂ""^ ^ Same I^ rpet ; ^ apply the net earnings thereof therein directed, subject, however, to the limitations °„ f 1 . thi9 Act . . , «f p f 21 ^ # The *u^original a11 conbnbpt, o nR fw the State L S ,1, r^% Fun !Î' /° T S Ute Per I I'S / U "J- a T pd . for Flânent i i tbe Umversity of Montana * Wed \o «uch funds respectively and I ^ om ^* P ®f pa ™ b,e , and ' pvlo,abl ® Parts there ?!■„ Contributions^for other objects may con . ,n . a P rov,s 'on to the effect that the net ( oarmngs thereof, or part of the net earnings, R hall be added to the principal for a certain | length of time, or until it has reached a cer tain amount, or until the happening of a cer tain event, but such contingent event shall i not be more remote than permitted by the laws effecting perpetuities: but no contribu con ^ ipipR 9Uch Provision as to nccumu lations shall be accepted by the State until it {ms been approved by the supervisory board hereinafter constituted, which board shall have power to reject any sum contribution tbat » may deem unwise. .. " 0Ctl ? n ,, 1 J of Artl<d ® 21).. The State Treas keep a permanent record of all ; l? ch p ' îf' « lon al»ons. grants and legacies, j l* ^ the . ° f ,he ,!river ' , tb ® purpose I ? f »! ie COI } tr,bu t ,o n. or any other essentia! , acts relating thereto. A duplicate of this Ä .tVl* ^^'7 ^ ^etusHv «« - rhnli h ®. Preserved per 1 ™ me . mor,tt '• tb ® »«vers a ! h , ,n «®ciety The Legislative ; ***'«!! t«m® to time make pr.i ^ R ^ f n o i^ SU V ta ^. pu ^ ? ity ® anc ®rrilng the I Woî" o , n J* Ar t*®l® 21). The same State | ®? ard apd pff .' a ®" {hat have charge of the ) ^,"0 ! fJ nd »Î f Ä^t ♦ T.»° v the V ''' Vr ' «f thi V« * f Ï 5ha11 haVp th* funds 'îdSS^Îtera»» un^Th™ 15 ??- 1°' in 1 these funds «hall be i-v^ted ? a rt'®^. AM ' fund to be ' imoJT * • v ®*tml as one common ! SSSnS Trust J dos, ® Pat « d «h - : a ,.... contribution 'î? d {„ L0CaCy î»î ,n, Tn « «h surh ^nrd sh«!! 0 'T™ th ' ,n ' J ^loon^ ^actlcahV ^ into I Section (i lnf bt l 0,1 *„ , | of 21 > , All investments ' Hveh- P. h ?' ! h0 " af v e,y and conserva long» omll bp ^iven to ! t „" n 7™, J®®n r ®d by first mortgogea on nroducino- f« homes or on cultivated ami t n nroducino- f« « homes or on cultivated ami i SÄ".™; L'liüÄ all Montana Bo^ . 0, ^ uplb r a P®®". and also to nose« All® « k { 7 Ued for . ® d u®ational pur r^avahle l! ♦v. h ,oai ?" t . and bonds shall he which * a -7 ,or ! ,zatl o n Plan. No loan in fifty r s a mortgage shall ex n f the^r^l^? f 1 . of th ® »®tual cash value Iminsh^n ^ V f n " 8W-a P ty - No farm vrara „ ! a ,on »t® 1 r P®nod than forty ertv'^sha'î? hL° f 0 ®" T Ured on rceidence prop tf vear« M f ? r * lon *" P®riod than h»sr. LIT 1 ? an F, T u red on town or city ill ? Äf» vratme/t " eror, 7 th ®*® investments In aS tk&rniuarÂîr aggflgsawÄSi SfSSSffgSaS® work, or otherwise and educational | and well beh^Tf 5;" th ® PW«i All long term investments shall be on the amortization plan. Further regulations and limitations concerning these investments shall h® Provided by law. Section 8 (of Article 21.) Whenever the j security given for a loan is liable to dam- I age or destruction by fire, the insurance company accepting the risk shall be absolute- ! !y liaole to ^ staU , for the fu „ amoU nt I of the policy, and the policy iteelf shall specifically recite such full liability. The State may itself provide for insurance on any property constituting security for its loans. Section 9 inf Article *>i » The T-eo-:«l»tive A-.-mhU- m-»- nr " ... n- wa»« and mean- Vr>r 1 bwinninv or increàsïnir T fl JZSl* 2 * hf fhi« of the funds created, or authorized by this Artic1 ®' Section 10 (of Article 21.) The State of : Montana sha n accept for investment und ad-, ministration together with the aforesaid funds constituting the Montana Trust and Legacy 1 fund, but as separable parts thereof, sinking ; funds, permanent funds, and cumulative , funds belonging to the State and it* political subdivisions, and also other funds designated by the Legislative Assembly, when requested to do so by the authorities having the care and custody of such funds. All such funds • and the accrued interest, less the State cum pensation hereinafter fixed, shall be repaid when due. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Public School Fund« of The I State, which school tund shall be adminis tered separately as already prescribed by the! constitution. Section 11 (of Article 21) The State shall ! ; be entitled to receive as 'compensation for , . the administration of all the fund* admin- 1 isUred under this act one twentieth d-'O.i of all the interest collected 'hereon each £.r On tlj ÎSTaTÏT olmtaTi Sch year, the State Treasurer shall transfer to the State Genera! Fund such one twentieth (1-20) of all the interest collected during the i year, less all the losses ascertained during ! | the year, which losses shall be deducted from the one twentieth constituting the compensa- 1 tion of the State. The balance of the inter- j est collected shall be the net earnings and ( shall be credited pro rata to each and every fund constituting the Montana Trust and Legacy Lund that was in the keeping of the | | p täte on January 1st of that year, based , the total thereof on that date, and shall be; ! added to such fund, or held available for the ! ■ beneficiaries as the case may lie. Sums due i beneficiaries shall be paid out during the en- j j suing month of January as far as practica-' ' hie. III: Section 12 earnings accrued to Revenue Fund shall thereto until it One Hundred (of Article 21.) All the net the State Permanent annually be added 1 has reached the sum ! Million Dollars <?100.-| Thereafter only one twentieth net earnings shall b* u00.000.00». j of the annual j added to the fund itself, and the remaining nineteen twentieth.- of the net earning* shall be used for the general expenses of the State. * s ®Çtum 13 (of Article 21). All the net i earmn K3 accruing to the State Permanent 1 Sch 2°l. Fund shall annually be added thereto j unt ^ if bas reached the sum of Five Hund ( ^ Million Dollars (?'>00,000.000.00). There a ^ t ® I l or, iy on ® twentieth of the annual net earnings shall be added to the fund itself. and tbe remaining nineteen twentieths shall a 2 nua,,y h® apportioned to the school dis tr icts of the State on the basis of the ag F»^F at ® actual school attendance in each dls trict durin F preceding school or calendar year by persons between the ages of six and ®>Rht®«n years and shall be used exclusively for ®<l uca tional purposes, subject to such regu lation9 an d limitations as may be prescribed i by ,aw | Section 14. (of Article 21). All the net,' j î? rn ! n| " accruing to the Permanent Revenue * f und for th ® University of Montana shall j annually he added thereto until it has reached ! the sum One Hundred Million Dollars uU" T'X 00 .nnJ^ to «rn"™,°"'t»lr£ odilJd to thé nineteeï twentieth.; k1 Va £ a n the efl^atio^nl Inïrii.tï^n. fnl thx Jf' u* \ then compris * b ® l :"*^ ,ty °[ u ?î 0 ^PnH n nL Y n 2 1 ine »Sffregate actual attendance in each mav bT^d** ' Ch ^° 1 ° r ^ses nrne^v -fin^tp i a1! , pnr : these inTriraifnn^ lïihîî?* V th th<? T' rk °l however, to such ^ï* t,0 " 5 .* nd limitations as may be pre scribed b> law. Section 15 (of Article 21). Whenever the PUI J°®® fo ^_ wh,ch a c .^ r ^ a ' n ®entribution was ^ accom f p ; shed : or f . can ™ ,0 4 n ^^ ascertained^ or followed, then the total I amount of such fund shall be transferred to, j the State Permanent School Fund and he , a Permanent and inviolable part there- | j of .All contributions without a specified pur ' Pose shall h-* credited to the State Ferma ' nent School Fund. Section 16 (of Article 21.) Should the time ever come when any of the three afore-, »«id permanent funds become so large that no further Increase is necessart* or desirable. I S*m f." BUch caBP ; the ^»«'ative Assembly j «hall have power to provide for the use of! all of the net income from such fund for the all of the net income from such fund for the purp o3® for which it was created, or it ma* use the one twentieth of the annual net ir come which was to be added to the fund itself [° r ^ the • r 5 at,on of other permanent revenue funds, or for any other public purpose that it may deem wfse ; provided. none of the foregoing provisions of this sec tion shall apply to any of these fuuds until it has reached Hie specific amount fixed by this Article. Section 17 (of Article 21). The Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of Mon tana are hereby made and constituted' a su - pervisory board over the entire mH™ ni.»— timToTallthe funds createdor aphorized hv this article and the income tWfram During January of each -ear thi- Yr^i shall review the administration ^for the^pre ceding vear It shall decide »n «• disputed points arising in the ad-uni t-rtlo of the funds whene^r m.uSsd î Ï a beneficiary, by a StTte Official charged with some part of the administration oî îhe fund, or any other interested party; and it ; may do so upon its own init : ativ* It .hn'l j be the duty of the supervisa-v hoard to do I and perform all arts and th,ng? Tl may *Verr , ;ecet*rary in order to cause the board and officer* having direct charge o f these fund* ^ ^ same caSuîiy und S in fu.l compliance with the provisions of thL ortie| e and such further législatif i a«" m -k ; h- enacted relating thereto. The -'Jeri. t ,r »he Supreme Court «hnll he Ex-Offiei: Clerk this Supervisory Board. .^V° n ,S ' of Article 21). The f tive Asserr.hly «hall from time to euch I H | I M to ° arry il 't° ®^ f -t »"revision. of this article. . Sectio . n . .*• parate official ballots shall be provided at the general election to be ndd in November. l'»2t which shall have print 'd thereon all of Article Twenty-one (2H of th ® r o n8t >tution of the State of Montana as, ' ^I^ed by this act. There shall a «Ô ^ ^nte,l on said official ballots, below th^ ^ a,d article, squares and the words lows: however, that b > win '»■> e»,a.-t m: v •ie^ as fol For the above written amendme nt to the Constitution. Vaph ol . . » sh î^ „fîî®* 01, approves this amendment nrfnL7 k .» an ? 5 . n ' h ® m'[kanY- elector who ejl»^ X . ,n _^ h « «®®ond s<iuare. thfs ^ V ? t ** caat for aad against amendment shall be canvassed j and declared as provided bv^the St ?!? ° f Mop tana. » . 5 U A J ! act * and parts of p,ovi ' 1 "" of ,hi ' Ä ' *» au-rak UNITED STATES OF AMFRIr a - STATE ° f ,CA ' wSl'S äI Against the abî ment to the '» written amend Constitutinn. square above reject« it shall act« in -j are copy of to the an C. T. STEWART. Secretary of State 29, 1924. Last publication, Oct. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Dl AUCTION SALES I We Buy and Sell All Kinds of USED GOODS And Pay Cash for Household Articles. If You Want to Buy or Sell See F. L. BOHART Auctioneer. 410 So. Bozeman-Ave. OSTEOPATHS ' DR- W. E. DEAN Osteopathic Physician Office Phone 132-W Res. Phone 132-J Commercial National Bank Bldg. I V _ / DR. W. C. DAWES Osteopathic Physician and Obstetrician Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Martin Block 37 West Main St. Phone 371 OPTOMETRISTS DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYES ''God's Most Precious Gift to Man. "SEE SIESS" A. E. Siess, Optometrist ! Specialty Boot Shop Entrance 33 East Main St »• I C V LESLIE E. GAGE Optometrist Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Manfg. Optician Glasses repaired and broken lenses replaced the same day. ,10 E. Main Phone 426 VETERINARIANS Gallatin Veterinary Hospital Bozeman, Montana O. L» DEVORE Corner Black and Lamme Streets Phone 235 — J WATCHMAKERS JEWELERS F. W. HANCOCK WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Clocks called for and delivered. ROECHER'S DRUG STORE i , j : I ! 1 ' ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW n E. F. BUNKER Attorney-at-Law — Notary Public Commercial Bank Building Bozeman, Montana. COAL AND WOOD t BEAR CREEK AND ROUNDUP COAL Lump, Nut and Egg Good, Dry Wood for Kindling iCARL LEHRKIND—PHONE 114 Office and Yards- 804 So. Black I I - FURN IT U R e REP a IR1N (; r i furniture repairing ®nd Chair Recaning Some Good Bargains in Refinished FURNITURE w. E. RIDER 229 East Main Street ! L_ V., RAILWAY TIME-C^ kee NORTHERN PACIFIC TIME MILWAl TABLE f for W* VT Going West No. 1—North Coast Ltd. „ No. 3—N. p. Express ... No. 41—Local . No. 219-—Local Nos. 1, 4i an( j 219 No. 1 Leave Uo/em an .. 3:47 a. m . 3:55 p, m. . 2:10 a. m. and \rnv,- in Hort***' .Via Bel grant vs . 3:15 p. m. run ria Butte: tarries paying passengers from and to points scheduled to stop. 1 !! n l N0 * 3 Wil1 8t °P at Manhattan an elgrade to let off passengers from points east of Billings. Going East N'o. 2 —North Goaf- Ltd . No. 4—Atlantic Expi No. 42—Miss. Valley No. 220—Local No. 2 i from and to .1 Vi • I* c 1 1 'J0 No. ft;,. re'.urii rij I nun CM I MÏN jm Wfslboui^ ... 2:29 p. m ess .. 1:02 a. ni. Ltd. 1:15 a. . 10:50 a. m. paying passengers Nm. 31—P* b - Daily Daily. ;—Dai y ■ N N . & m. Fa 3 points scheduled to stop , No. r asi* MENARD TRAINS—SATFBDA' . 6:30 a. m. . 9:45 a. m Lv . 4:00 p. m. Ar. Fv. Bozeman . Ar. Bozeman Fv. Bozeman _ Ar, Bozeman Ar. Menard Menard - Menard Menard *• Hie*, H ' j CE FOî Sa <*H c R E** '^an (, 1 ii. !b °n-Avt 41 O*» B t IJ £ TÎ J u ' «ES », V HIGH £ ( »GS ■ M - \\[. ( • «I I i, ! • : •F, •Ml ■ ■ 18 " hen J hi New Tt drive tt* NH ÜÎTOX'S S ■^-ri ■ •* v ' • • " Mbon ir Our Ce* are Alt »H srK R and HARDEST^ ' i'antfer 4 rv- - ' ' and j Iri ■< ! «e 31 h I •lain. V. "- T. Hoi| Transfer uj$J Bab traire. Piano. Saft^J ,"f iiea' 'tier. Hauîir.g. '• 'T. to the is. We tig of coal. - ' V ' racy- At*. PAINHNG and dm r "PROTEa THEM AND YOU SAÏÏI I ur h; use and rip J l-i -hanging, decoa^j -'.rr. >h, xra!!-pi:«jJ SEE L AV. WAT» 209 West Main & M FUNERAL HI , h. F.m L ' • \ LMER A.VDFÜ^H DIRECT® Assj* MODERN r.\i:L0Ri»B EtlLIPMEVT A nihulance 12', v. Main St. M V. E. W. Hail 'nier and Fuff*' Lady AttenaS RETTER ^1 * i V. UI.IC dCCOD . F. bûlfl VY Iß ; . rt if it'd I'uh-'f • i \pert Income Sv Insttfc^ ExairiD* t! * j ial N*» 1 phone TiD \m I, j • (»mmen » ■