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^professional directory ] mebi £? _ e. MARKE i Hi i b-r ror - B01 il N ÆL 1 «»'"7m r I K E ' ' C rcai«cr> p pike, Mgr. boy to.. yp Phone 14 4 A ve - IS •butter un ÎTE : 90 OR HIG11E/Î ^fcREAM ß Produce Co. phene 66 iV al" Milk on-av j 1 ! siiors ffr'n Tirro tops * I da repaired need your »hen yo u tato Top 5 y f * Top? P « 1 01 Repaired or ■ on, jii-t j I drive to— U SHOE SHOP Ejüson (Central Ave. Lire Always Reasonable J CE IRA eTR AND STO Udesty & SON Ljfer & Storage I I L picking of household Uy moving a specialty. tie Yellow Trucks 1 Phone 664 ^ F f. T. HOGG Lifer and Storage life). Safe and All Kind* k Hauling. Special atten L to the moving of house-. U. We also unload cars Phone 34 I kt-At«. -J AND DECORATING T THE SURFACE YOU SAVE ALL" h. m : and sign painting, pa 1 , decorating, paints, si, wall-paper, glass, etc. SEE F l.W. WATSON f Hain St. Phone 224-R I PAL DIRECTORS f.west m AND funeral director kdy Assistant V parlor and auto ■ equipment Imbalance Service •St. I'hone 797-R 2 —'N Harland pi» ^Funeral Director j Attendant *• . ^ SERVICE Phone 52 1C ACCOUNTANT !• HOLCOMB ! P* Public f !r,C0, »e Tax Stalled, 1 E ' J »ination Nan L Phone 731 Accountant I Service Audits Pank Bldg. • ILWaY TIME-CARD. 8 >V TIMF f \!!LE ° oi «g West ■•P. ^.3:60 • tx »>ress a - m. *li • -*:5 a p. m. a. m. ■ ' a, i 2 rio < 1 wyinif , iron * j stn u stop - No. 1 p a t Manhatiaa , C '»M to let Of „ %tje g Lt( * 2:46 p. m K <- 1:07 a - »>• l Ltd -l : 07 a , off passengers ; I Billings. a. m. ' ( ' rs tu st °P : 8 Paying C 1 Nl| ( i,E V\iih Pi 6:30 a. m. a. m. P. m. P. m. . 9:45 . 4:00 7:45 If you want to buy, sell or trade anything, A COURIER WANT AD WII*5, DO IT — . OSTEOPATHS DR. W. E. DEAN Osteopathic Physician Office Phone K2-W Res. Phone 132-J . Commercial National Bank Bldg. DR. W. C. DAWES Osteopathic Physician and Obstetrician Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Martin Block 37 West Main St, Phone 371 OPTOMETRISTS DONT NEGLECT YOUR EYES 'God's Most Precious Gift to Man. SEE SIESS A. E. Siess, Optometrist Specialty Boot Shop Entrance 35 East Main St. ft 4* I V r LESLIE E. GAGE Optometrist I Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Manfg. Optician Glasses repaired and broken lenses replaced the same day. 10 E. Main Phone 425 BUS AND TAXI SERVICE r ERICKSON TAXI-CAB CO. Bus and Taxi Service y Remember the phone number 314-W n JEWELERS WATCHMAKERS F. W. HANCOCK WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Clocks called for and delivered. ROECHER'S DRUG STORE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW E. F. BUNKER Attorney-at-Law — Notary Public Commercial Bank Building Bozeman, Montana. COAL AND WOOD If you want to buy, sell or trade anything, A COURIER WANT AD WILL DO IT IL FURNITURE REPAIRING FURNITURE REPAIRING and Chair Kecaning Some Good Bargains in Refinisbed FURNITURE W. E. RIDER 229 East Main Street « MILWAUKEE TIME TABLE Leave Bozeman for Three Forks— _ 8:30 a. m. No. 116. (Via Belgrade Mondays,'Wednes days and Fridays only) Arrive in Bozemnn— 115 . n .0 .... O • u Ö p. m (Does not go via Belgrade on return trip from Thrci Forks) Westbound—Departs No - ^—Daily No. 34—Daily GALLATIN VALLEY ELECTRIC 6:30 a. m 4:00 p. m No. 31—Daily . No. 33—Daily .. Eastbound—Arrive ...... 8:05 a. m . 6:00 p- m RAINS—SATURDAY ONLY Ar. Menard _ _ Lv. Menard ... Ar. Menard .. Lv. Menard . ..... 8:00 a. m ..... 8:00 a. m ..... 6:00 p. m. _ 6:00 p. m 1 MONTANA WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW U-crth „J 3n f y ~ More than $10,000 j every day" ? hauled in here i produlo y ~ TW ° hundred "'I wells-are 'with *'k KeVm Sunbur!,t field i/iment- SoV^". tW ° years ' ^velop ' °. b dri11 ri S s now at work. Syl L , t ® r ' Anderson No - 3 recently fin r S «ord 33 I ' 61 in U days - 3 hours - record speed. Helena—State has 337 fish fry i varieties. Havre—Lutheran church sephs load, dedicated vice. distributed 24, m past five months, 12 on St. Jo for public ser v Sugar beet - ^ or Billings ff r fact °ry aggregates 90 carloads. Missoula—Timber sales from tional forests during past quarter to ft lo,18o,000 feet, for $31,564.69. To tal national forest trict crop na cuttings for dis worth 36,421,000 feet, were $100,383.65. Stockett—Grading begun highway in condition for winter. Great Falls—Illinois pipe line ear ned 136,091 barrels Kevin-Sunburst oil during August. Lewistown—Glenhoma Oil company well near Buffalo to resume work on well, now down 842 feet. Troy Snow Storm Silver-Le%d mine sinking three-compartment shaft, three shifts daily. Helena—Kevin-Sunburst oil field ! output for three months, 397,743 bar- i rels. without inter to put Libby Water and Electric com pane installs N new auxiliary steam Power plant costing $7,000. Miles City—Northern Pacific placing old Tongue river bridge with new steel structure, rupting traffic or changing rail line. Great Falls—20,000 tons of smelter slag being broken up and shipped for resmelting. re Dillon— Drilling Beaverhead Alberta oil prospect well proceeds fa vorably. on j Melstone—Sixteen cars of cattle ! and one of sheep shipped in one day. Eureka—Larch Products Company mill expected to be ready to run by ! November 15. j cate it will run on 24-kour basis. Advance orders indi Forsyth—Northern Pacific instiling j $10,000 turntable to save locomotive time. Billings—Midwest's Putman weil in Big Lake field producing 15,000,000 foot gas flow, at 2950 feet. POWER LINE IS PLANNED TO HOLLAND SETTLEMENT Mr. Fitzsféphen, the representative of the Montana Power Co., cf Bel grade, was in Manhattan last week in company with U. S. Stussy, the power company's general foreman, says the Manhattan American. The idea was to look over and find out whether or not the building of a power line to Amsterdam and the Holland church would be a feasible proposition at this time. « « « « « « M nun« ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ U Î* • ♦ « IT'S A FAR CRY _ H the davs depicted 44 « Back to tt in "In the Days of Poor Rich- tt tt ard," but it's a good thing for tt ♦♦ Americans to recall those days. tl tt tt « tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt They bring to mind the things tt for which our fathers fought tt and the ideals which they tt handed down as a priceless tt tt heritage. t ♦ *♦ tt tt tt « tt ». TO DARKEN HAIR * APPLY SAGE TEA Bring Back Its Look Young! Natural Color, Gloss and Attractiveness Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beauti fully dark and luxuriant. Just a fe,w ; a. revciatton i. 1 caked oi £*.»>• apj* 1 C«* your nair is lauiug, . Mixing the Sage lea and Sulphur rex inc at k-me, tnoui. 1 , An easier way is to get a bpe ot Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at^ny drug store all ready I° r This is the old-time recipe improved by the addition of other mipedients. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and By darkening your hair with \\>eths Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so natural!}, evenly. You just dampen a sponge soft brush with it and draw this througfi your hair, taking one small strand at^a time; by morning all gwy hairs have disappeared, and, after an other application oj two, your hair be beautifully dark, glossy, soft and so or comes luxuriant. PASSPORT THIEVES BUSY IN EUROPE Scores of Stolen Papers Are Reported Weekly. Hamburg.—American passports and foreign nassnnrtk. « r .. . ; States ,re rr, .T".f" r v »"«' 1 ireld ip'.,™, leir weipht in ^ Europe, and passports 11 v : r, ' 1>us . v on trains, in hotels anq or. steamers and wharves. Scores of stolen nassuorts upo r«. consular It is a frequent occurrence w ho I is •>! t puq i vised document for America 'tô have 1 . 1 s papers stolen hefor,. he sails a mopiioine , . * : .fiii.Il« 1 f warned by consular olb.ors to keep the numbers of their ■ ported weekly t«» American officials. for a foreigner passports, and make speedy reports of theft to the nearest consul, so that may be canceled from the papers Washington and steps taken vent imposters United States. to pre frorn reaching the Travelers are warned not to leave their passports in their luggage, even if it is locked, and ad vised to carry them in inside pockets beyond the reach of sneak thieves. 1 be situation lias become particu-j lari y bad immigration There American into effect. since the new law went 3,200.000 Vets Fail * a 1 r o to Apply for Bonus Washington.—Announcement applications for adjusted compensation have been received thus far from 1 , .°. 00 , 00 <) veterans by MaJ. Gen. Robert C. tant general. Veterans entitled to coin pensatlon total 4,500.000. Davis urges that the applications of the others be tiled promptly. Of those 850,OUU examined so far about 400,000 have been passed and certificates for amounts due have been forwarded to the veterans' bureau. are evidences that organized gangs are dealing in papers supposed to guarantee entrance to America, can easily change names and photographs and descriptions. While Forgers purchasers of tillered pass ports will probably come to grief soon er or later, there are clamoring for admission to the United States that sharpers market for their so many persons find a ready stolen wares. that was made recently Davis, adju General "Our force of approximately 2,500 clerks is now working at maximum speed and efficiency, Davis. » * said General The War department Is now ready to receive, verify, and certify an average of 30,000 or more applica tions daily. "It is imperative from the stand point of economy In the administra applications i i tion of the act ami consequent saving to the taxpayer that those veterans who intend to avail themselves event- 1 ually of the benefits conferred by the i act should make their now. French Scientist Makes Synthetic Petroleum Paris.—A French scientist has suc ceeded In producing synthetic petro leum, it was announced here recently at the scientific congress, which has as its object the relief of France from foreign oil monopolies. The man who may revolutionize the world's nil trade is Professor Mailze of Toulouse. Starting with vegetable and animal oils, he said he had been able to reconstitute gasoline with ail of the properties which characterize the fluid when it is taken from tlie earth. The only obstacle to the cheap, unlimited production of synthetic petroleum, he said, was the production of cheap vege table and animal oils. Frame being one of (be countries which contains no natural oil fields, there has been a great effort here for some time to find a means of pro during a substitute tor toe high-priced foreign-controlled product. Farm Land Melts in River Neannnn, Kan.—Acre after acre of fertile goil is gradually dropping into the Missouri river at two sharp bends west of Nearman, on the Missouri Pa cific railroad, where th*; river slowly has been eating its way through ripen Ing corn fields and .melon patches t«» ward the Kansas bluffs for several months. Cow as Shield and s Gun Rest in Shooting Stockvitle, Neb.—Will Schmee kle has sent to the stockyards at St. Joseph an old red cow that had served him most effi ciently as a hunter of wild ducks and geese. The cow had been efficiently trained along this line by Schmeekle and when he went In the quest of the wild water fowl, instead of a dog he would sally forth with the red hunting I *£ 4. 0 V». X That part of Nebraska where Schmer!:*- lîv*»? N dotted with numerous lakes and streams, where wild ducks and geese like to feed When Schmeekle would 5 see a flock of ducks or geese 5 alight on one of these streams ô he would go on the off side of 5 the cow, crouch down low and, 2 guiding her by one ear, tuaneu 5 ver her close to where the birds 5 were feeding. When he got £ enough to the birds he would ( straighten up and the buck shot fly. usually bagging several of the. birds at one shot. The old cow was not in the least ' disturbed by the shooting. ^ s LEGALS o SHERIFF'S SALE Mil,ers Natio * al Com * , pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, versus Walter H. Mack; Wells-Bickey Com. ; pany, a corporation; W. D. Bell, Conn ty Treasurer of Gallatin County, and Gallatin County, Montana, Defen ! dants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat ! urday on the 22nd day of November • A - D - 1924 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at i the front door of the Court House in | î h 5 Ci ' y f f Ko ?F m f'' Co "" ty . of . G ?V Jf' m ' 'a - °J Mont«». All the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described pro per tv viz • All of Section Eleven (11), Town ship One ( 1 ) South of Range One (1), j West of the Montana Meridian, to 1 gether with all and singular the tene | monts, hereditaments and appurten I ances thereunto belonging or in any } wise appertaining. Dated this 27th day of October A. D. 1924. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff, (First publication, October 29, 1924) (Last publication November 19, 1924) - SALE OF ESTRAY To be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the 13th day of November, 19*24, at one o'clock P. M. at the Joe Parson Ranch, 13 miles Northwest of Bozeman, in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, the following described Estray: One ( 1 ) Red and White Cow. 2 years old, branded on left hip. m This Cow was taken up in the local ity of the Joe Parson Ranch and the owner thereof can have same by ap pearing and proving ownership prior to date of sale. F. G. Slaughter, Stock Inspector. (First publication October 22, 1924) (Last publication November 12, 1924) NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the County Commissioners of Gallatin County, Montana, will offet for sale at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, sale to com mence at 1:30 o'clock p. m. on Sat urday, the 29th day of November, 1924, in the Court House at Bozeman. Montana, the following described real estate situate and being in said Gal iatin County, Montana, and which has been regularly acquired Gallatin Lots 14 and 15 RWk o t 'U ! |r „ , ' ' ' - ant * 3° Block 1 ^, Lots 7, fe, J and 10 Block 14 Bellamy Place Subdivis ion, Bozeman, Montana. County by delinquent tax sale, to wit: No bid can be considered for less than the amount cf delinquent taxes and costs due Gallatin County. By order Board of County Com missioners. By County Clerk, as Clerk to the Board. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 29th day of October, A. D., 1924. J. H. HARRIS, 10-29-41 SHERIFF'S SALE Capital Trust & Savings Bank, a corporation, Plaintiff, versus John E. Burchard and Mary H. Burchard, his wife, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat urday on the 8 th day of November A. D. 1924 at 2:00 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the Court House in the city of Bozeman. County of Gal latin* all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the fol lowing described property, viz.: Southwest quarter (SWV4) of Thirteen (13); East half of South west quarter (EV 2 SWY4 ), West Half of Southeast quarter (WY£ SE Y 4 ), South Half of Northwest quarter <S% SWV4), Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter (SWV 4 NEV 4 ) of Section Twenty-four (24); West Half (W%) of Twenty-five (25); and Northwest quarter (NWV 4 ) of Thirty six (36). all in Township One ( 1 ) North, Range Four ( 4 ) East, Mon tana Meridian, save and except, how ever, a strip of land along the e^st side of the lands in Section 25 and 36, containing four (4) acres used for road purposes and save and except a piece, parcel of of width being fifty (50) feet on each side of the center line of the revised in Ouch! Aching Joints, Rub Rheumatic Pain » Rub Pain right out with small or Ota St. Jacobs Oil." : i . inai éi Rheumatism is "pain" only. Not one case in fifty requires inter nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. "St Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as good for sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. . main track of the' Northern Pacific Railway as now or hereafter surveyed through Snd across the following de scribed premises; Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter (XWA4 NW14), South half of Northwest quarter (S*4 NWT4) and East half of Southwest quarter (Elfc SW*4) Section Twenty five (25) Township One ( 1 ) North, Range Four East, (4E) Gailatin Countv.^^Montana, containing 10.13 acre«:, more or less. Said mortgaged land containing ia all nine hundred five and 81/100 (905.81) acres, mor^ or less, accord ing to the United States Government survey thereof, together with all water, water rights, ditches, reser voirs, reservoir sites, aqueduets, ap propriations and franchises upon lead ing to, connected with, or usually had and enjoyed in connection with the said described premises and each and every part or parcel thereof, whether represented by shares of capital stock in any ditch company or by actual individual ownership, or otherwise, which are now owned, or which may hereafter be acquired by said gagors, during the existance of this mortgage, together with the privil eges and appurtenances thereto be longing. Dated this 15th day of October A. D. 1924. mort JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff (First publication October 15, 1924 Y (Last publication November 5 , 1924i SHERIFFS SALE In the District Court of The Ninth Judicial District of the State of Mon tana, in and for the County of Gal latin. Hollam Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, versus P. M. Abbott, Katie D. Abbott, his wife, Ralph Beach. Nelle Beach, his wife, The First Na tional Bank of Three Forks, a bank ing corporation, Labor National Bank, a corporation, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder tor cash on the 8 th dav of November 1924, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., of sail day, at the Front Door of the Court House at Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, the following described pro perty; North half of the Northwest quar ter, Northwest quarter of the Norik east quarter of Section 27; also ail that part of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 27 lying South and West of the Ncrth ern Pacific Railway Company's Right of way; Southwest quarter; South west quarter of the Southeast quar ter of Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 22 Township 2 North of Range 2 East, M, M., and all that part of the North west quarter of the Northwest quar ter, the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter, Southeast quarter quarter tion 22 Township 2 North of Range 2 East, M. M., situate and lying Soule and W est of the Northern Pacifie Railway Company's Right of Way as maintained through said lands, con taining 505.65 acres, more or less, to gether with all the buildings, struc tures and improvements situate there on, and all water, water rights, fran chises, aqueducts and appropriations, upon leading up to, connected with or usually had or enjoyed in conneeHoa with said premises or any part there of. Dated October 15th, 1924. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. J. A. McDonough, Great Falls, Mon tana. Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication October 15, 1924) (Last publication November 5 , 1924» 0 - . .. . M . . ... and the ««lowing described tk' o Z 'L * . v , T Je Southeast quarter (SEV*) ; the Sg P f ^ Quarter + /owV/* an< \ th c Southwest quar ) of the Northeast quarter *)'. of rt Sect / 1 ?? fourteen (14) ia Township One ( 1 ) South, of Range ? ne 'V East of the M °otana Meri to ^ether with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and 7 P urte uances thereunto belonging or m * rv * ^ n th 15th day ° f 0ctober A * SHERIFF'S SALE S. J. Race, Plaintiff, versus Sa® Juan Stephens; Wells-Dickey Com pany. a corporation, Frank Stephens, and J. A. Price, Receiver of the Wil low Creek State Bank, a corporation. Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Sat urday on the 8 th day of November A. D. 1924 at 2:15 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the Court House :a the City of Bozeman, County o£ Gal latin, State of Montana, all the right* title and interest of the defendants pro ap JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication October 16, Ï924) (Last publication November 5 , 19241 SHERIFF'S SALE Louise W. Taylor, Plaintiff, versus Eugene Thorndike, Administrator of the Estate of Lamoni Howls, De ceased, Susanna Howls, Willow Creek State Bank, a corporation, Lou Har wood and Wells-Dickey Company, ® corporation. Defendants. To he sold at Sheriff's Sale on Safc ' . • :: c 15 tu ' - H A. Ü. 1924 at 2:00 o'clock 1 J . M. at tae -ront door of the Court House in the CMy of Bozeman, County of Gallatin. State of- Montana, nil the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described viz.: f <± :>r\j property. The North Half of the Southeast quarter (N% SE M ) and the North east quarter (NEU) of Section Ten ( 10 ), in Township One ( 1 ), South of Range One ( 1 ), West, Montana Mer idian, containing Two Hundred Forty (24d) acres, more or less, according to the Government Survey thereof Dated this 20th tiny of October JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication October 22 , 1924) (Last publication Noyember 12 , 1914)