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Uhe News from Gallatin County ^ V* From Our Special Correspondents f ^ - j Mr. and Mrs, James Christie have moved to the Z. E. Sheeks ranch at Mrs. Sam Woosley and little son Keith have returned to their home in Sedan from Bozeman. Mrs. Arnold Pergande of Sedan is spending this week in Bozeman with friends. M iss Anna May Thompson of Se dan spent a few days this week with Mrs. Forrest Adamson in Livingston, Ira Jenkins took a load of dressed hogs to Bozeman Wednesday for the local markets. Miss Nellie Brown has returned Sedan. to her home from Clyde Park where she spent the past six weeks with her sister, Mrs. Vergil Terry. J. R. Inabnit and sons, Wade and Jihn left Wednesday for Chicago in charge of several carloads of cattle ! to be sold in eastern markets. Mrs. J. A. Powell accompanied by her niece Miss Beverly Bruce, return ed Saturday from Livingston, where they spent a few days shopping and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthus MacMahon ■ and family of Bozeman spent thj ! week end at the ranch hume of Mr. j and Mrs. P. MacMahon. j Mrs. G. A. Reichman has returned j to her home in Grandview, Wash., at- ; ter spending the past two weeks with ■ I Henry Woosley, who .has been run- ( ning the Hunter threshing machine in the Shields river valley this fall, has completed his run and returned ; to his ranch home at Sedan. Lester Woosley and Ulric Shellham mer have returned to Sedan from Bozeman where they have been thieshing with the Clarence Herron friends at Sedan. machine. Mrs. G. A. Reichman has returned to her home in Grandview, Wash., af ter spending the past two weeks with friends at Sedan and looking after business interests. Miss Ina C hristie was a guest over the week-end in Bozeman at the home of Geraldine and Marion Carlson whose Hallowe en party she attend and blacksmith shop have been completed at the Bridger ranges station and turther work will not be done for a The teacher and children of the Up per Bridger school entertained the parents living in the district at a Hallowe'en party Friday afternoon. A short program was followed by ap propriate games and refreshments. ed Saturday evening. The foundation for a. barn Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foreman left p Tuesday for Grandview, Wash., where they have purchased a farm and plan to locate permanently. They have disposed of most of their personal property and will ship the remainder to their new home. i he Bocsters club will held their first meeting at the Lower Bridger school house Friday evening, Novem ; V V\ o o li V u Where Quality Is Higher than Price y y O The above is more than a mere slogan with We sell the best clothing at prices asked elsewhere for the inferior kind. us. Let us prove it ** iS3U, S3b, $40, $45 / hi low ay 's ^ here Quality te Higher Than Price r o 8 ber 7. Everyone interested is urged to attend, as election of officers for the ensuing year and a program for club activities will be discussed. Noel Sallee, fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sallee of Se dan, was accidentally cut with an axe, just above the knee and blood poisoning developed. A physician was summoned from Bozeman and the injured boy was removed to the hospital ai Wilsall Tuesday, where his condition is reported satisfactory, j Mrs. L. D. Stevens and daughter, j Mrs. Charlie Woosley, and daughter 1 Pearl of Bozeman, were guests at the i Hallowe'en program and party given | Friday afternoon at the Upper Biid-1 ger school. Miss Vila Stevens, the j teacher, accompanied her mother and \ sister to Bozeman spend the week-end. Walter Mecklenburg of Bozeman elub met with the Bridger Wooley Monday evening to discuss the work of the club. It has been decided to keep the sheep for second year work. Reports were handed in by the chil dren present giving information about their projects, M * ibers of the Happy Day club held their first regular meeting this fall at the heme of Mrs. E. J. Pear-1 son in Bozeman on Wednesday, Nov. 5, with a very good attendance. Din nor was served at noon and the bus incss session was given over to the work of the organization for the coming year. The afternocn was spent socially. Among the Bozeman callers this 'week were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln ;and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jac {obs, Mrs. Fred Owens, Mrs. Ira Jan kins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sparr, Mrs. C. P. C. P. Manry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Oma, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gallup and family, Mrs. Floyd Davis, Will and Cressie Conz, and W. S. Christie, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson were treated to a pleasant snrjrise at their ranch home Saturday evening when a number of former neighbors and friends from Bozeman joined them for a few hours. The ladies brought with them delicious refreshments and everyone enjoyed the supper served a t the close of a pleasant evening j spent socially and with The Upper Bridger school was closed Tuesday on account of general election, which was held in the school house from 9 o'clock until 6 o'clock. r. g. Gallup, Mrs. W. E. Wicker and j. p. Wheat music. served as judges with Don Christie and Dave Clopton acting as clerks. At Sedan the election was held in the hall and Vance Church, Phil Lampten. Lester Reese and Les ter Woosley served as officials. The Sedan Ladies' Aid will hold its regular all-day session at the home ot j Mrs. Raymond Kannegaard, Thurs 1 d ay> November (». Mrs. J. T. Powell has been elected president of the or ganization to succeed Mrs. Z. Shocks who recently left Sedan to make her home near Belgrade. The ladies have ordered fifty yards of material which will be made into aprons and children's garments, to be sold their bazaar, to be held in November, They are rehearsing for a play which will be presented at the Sedan Hall in the near future. The aid was aise I in charge of the hot lunch which was served at noon on election day to th* officials in charge of the polls, and to a large number of voters who were present during the noon hour, The proceeds will go toward the maintenance of the Sedan church, (Delayed) bellow atone for the past few George Brown, who has been at "eeks supervising the installation of a saw he is locating there, spent wee k in the canyon with his family. Norman Barnard, who has been at Sedan with his son Carl lor the | P a§ f month, left this week for his home in Franklin, N. C. Mr. Barnard is interested in the lumber indus? I t v ! in the south. Vance Church of Sheridan has pur-1 c hased the Sam Foreman ranch in the Sedan valley. Mr. Church has been running the Brittan ranch dur the past year. Mr. Burch has brought in his sheep from the Bridger range where they were pastured during the summer, and expects to feed 1-300 head at his home ranch near Sedan this winter. The children and teacher of the Up P er Bridger school will entertain the parents at a Hallowe'en party at the school house Friday afternoon. A short wPi be followed short program wPi be followed by appropriate games and refreshments, daughters Emma and Viola, and Mr. Christie's brother, George, motored to Brackett creek Saturday evening where they visited until 3unday at the ranch home of Mr and Mrs. Jim Christie and family. General election will be held at the j be open during the usual hours, Upper Bridger school house Tuesday, Nov. 4. There will be no school in this district election day. The polls at Sedan will be at the Sedan hall to Miss Nellie Bro-wn, who has beeu^ with her sister Mrs. Vergil Terry at Clyde Park for the past six weeks, returned home Tuesday. Bryan Terry of Clyde Park drove over to the Brown ranch on business and re ' mained over until Wednesday. Mrs. A. N. Melvin and Walter Ridg way are spending a few days at Se dan looking after ranch interests here. They motored through from the coast where Mrs. Melvin holds a position as representative for the Princess dresses. Judge and Evelyn Foreman, who' are attending school at Mt. Ellis academy, spent the week end at the Bridger ranger station with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foieman. their guest. Mrs. A. D. Sheridan of Sedan re ceived w r ord this week of the birth of a sen to her daughter Mrs. Jack Hcbison, in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Hebison were former residents ot Redan and Mrs. Hcbison was Mis;;, Emma Sheridan before her marriage. | A community dance was given at the Wittman ranch F'riday evening, which was enjoyed by a large number of the people in the canyon. Music -;as furnished by the Hoell brothers ( of F'ort Ellis. At midnight a de V. licious supper was served by the la | dies. Miss Fannie Conz spent a few days , last week at the ranch heme of her sister Miss Cressie Conz. Miss Conz tame to Montana frojn Kansas City early this summer and visited sev eral months at the Conz ranch here. She is row located in Bozeman. Knowles Salee, 15 year old sen oi Mr. and Mrs. Sallee of Sedan, was ; seriously cut on the leg just above the knee one day last week. A phy-11 j sician was summoned from Bozeman, who dressed thc wound, but there are ' symptoms of blood poisoning develop- | in S The Boosters club will hold their I first meeting of the year at thc I cv;rr Bridger school FYiday evening. î jNov. 7. At this time election of of ificers for the ensuing year will take place and a discussion of the activ j ities of the club for the coming son. Everyone is urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Diasmore, ac companied by their two grandchil dren, Goldie and Raymond Dwight, I moved to Bozeman this week to be} jwith their daughter, Mis. Lor.iic Dwight, and her husband, who : LsiS slowly recuperating from a fractured ! eg sustained several weeks ago atjp the Brackett Creek saw mill. & , Dmsmore has been employed at the : T * * sea •iaw mill since eaHy last spring. Word-has been received from Mrs. S. Danbrcs, who left here two weeks daughter Peter and ago accompanied by her Emma and two sons Adolph, that they were now located in Blue Rapids, Kansas. They have a house and 10 lots rented and irtay decide to remain in the east perma nently. have made their home at Sedan for a number of years, expect to leave at'this week for Grandview, where they have purchased a farm and plan to locate permanently. They have disposed of most of their per sonal property and will snip the re mainder to their new home. g Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foreman, who Wash., a a a a a a a a a a a a a »1 * # a BELGRADE NEWS K « n n n : : n » a » » a « a « n Mr. and Mrs. George Barclay of Livingston were week end visitors The Sweet Pea Rebekah lodge will j hold their regular meeting on Tues day evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. The delegate to the recent assembly at Helena will give her report. Mrs. Frank Heironymous, who has been at the Deaconess hospital in Bozeman for treatment, was able to leturn to her home in Belgrade and is greatly improved. Mrs. Levi McCullough has left for CSarkston, Wash., to join her husband and son Jasper and make their home. 1 Mrs. McCullough's mother. Mrs. Ma- | thews also resides at Clarkston. Mrs. Jennie Cottier, a ho ha« been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Emma Sheperd, for a couple of weeks, re-1 turned last week to her home in Great Falls. i Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pi or and fam ily, who have been living in the Thompson house on Kennedy street for several months, have moved to the Damerell ranch near Bozeman. Mrs. Elmer Brundage and sons, who have been spending several weeks jwith her aunts, Misses Ella and Etta I Hall, have left for Dillon to join Mr. [Brundage and make their future * home. A very delightful Hallowe'en pro gram was given at the East Gallatin school on Saturday evening under the direction of Miss Silva Briner, teach er. At a late hour refreshments were served. A neat sum was made by the school which will be used toward the pu ^hase of a Victrola. Mrs. Ray Hubbard and Mrs. Far ker Stone entertained a large number ! of ladies at cards at the Hubbard home cn the south side. Seven la biés of five hundred weie at play, and high score went to Mrs. E. L. Heidel. sented to Mrs. flowers decorated the rooms. At the close of the afternoon a delicious lunch was served. Among the out-of town guests v ere Mrs. W. W. Spain c£ Pass creek and Mrs. Frank Mor gan of Sixteen. The guest prize was pre Merwin Price. Cut The Episcopal guild met on Wed W. F. | nesday at the home of Mrs. , Hardin, in her apartment in the Bel ; g ra de block. A very large number was spent piecing a quilt. It is planned to hold a food sale on November 8 at the Belgrade stole. This will be the last meeting at the Hardin home as I _ move socn to Bozeman where w jjj Mr . Hardin has a position with L. K . Pence. At the close of the after noon delicious refreshments served by Mrs. Hardin. Miss Bernice Cook, who were was seri ously hurt when the car in which she was riding turned over near Three ForkSj is sti „ at thc Deat%ne;s pital in Bozerçan. nation showed An X-ray exami a collarbone and five 9 I fi 11 9 1 11 I i 11 B B I 1 and once as a Nation, all for O* S'. sa are for ^ and one 0 11 Getting Dc —j ♦ I ft? _ h % t m* 9 * - r —your heat problem for the winter is the most pressing nfrht now. Coal days are àlready here. Soon now wintry wind* wiU blow and you will need COAL. Order now while prompt deliveries are possible. You'D find no better coal than Keene Roundup. Smith Bear Creek and Owl Creek. •' 'k'** ' m Pflse and phone us at number 15. CRAP* best Keen* FanO 7 1 .art COAC I 810 * Copeland Lumber Co. ! Ton Per ribs broken. Miss Cook*« mother, |*Mrs. Elben, was driving at the time of the accident. I tis believed that the blowing out of a tire at the tim« of reaching the gravel road caused the car to swerve and run into the Mrs. Elben ditch thus turning over, was bruised about the bead but the other occupants, two young girls, were uninjured. The ladies of the Baptist church gave a Hallowe'en party at the home of Mrs. Charles Allen on the south side, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and daughter Proyc, who will leave soon for Long Beach, Cali fomia to make their home. There was a very large number present to : 1 w mr m -, ft 1 r .■-> | \\ J §I * ip: ■ t v c » } «■ \j W 3 > T r ph y * % w Cv. -yi m n\ m 471 T H! W Em*'* MR > ■*, 7 h * * ; .-•n fr-M if In the Days °Â vi ti I 11 _ - » r m * r oor ■ • I : % I » I 111 .1 IRVING BACHELIER, ! I ; : , » COPYRIGHT b/ IR.VJNG &AC** 1 lL£ L : . : 1 -1 I T HIS story is the capstone of a brilliant ad enduring literary career. Mr. Bachelier waj engaged upon the actiu 1 writing for three years, hut it is the fruit of a life's reading and thinking, the flower of mature imagination. Here in memorable narrative r re the fine navof of romance, the quick thrill of bold deeds, the universal appeal of Again as in "A Man for the r has found inspiration in the I:, vices of a great American. Be most human, wise, engaging acter in our early history d. ..nates -cs," the author - and public sff Franklin.o* r.d lovable eh* the nova coura^;. Now Offered as a Séria I to RcaJetf enjoy th- c anr ( s torv the all r-e. suckers and *1 winne» - in keej it* The - >,*• •ir.g % -*h season. At a < Conti ,V u ~ « a a a D a a a • :: h a H ? H I the MHoi.e y Will P! i'o 't a * R* ent r* • « f irn pears n. ». <■ » . in st .« Suf, ♦ • I, ».* »♦ ** ** M 5 :•»