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ii i V From THE WEEKLY EXPONENT Stock Judges Take Fourth California, Wahington, Idaho! Eoat M. S. C- Team at Portland Contest That Montana State won foiotii in the livestock judging con-1 Sesi held at Portland last Saturday, was the information telegraphed in early Monday morning by Prof. Me ChtrJ, coach. The team was cun-j ' ' five senior animal husbandry I.uke Dagna'I, Glen Forbes, STinton Weytiemeyer, Donald McMil lan and Leonard Jcubert, who left Bozeman last Thursday afternoon Wcydemeyer was Montana's high «•.an, placing eighth in the entire cen-j S* Washington, second, and Idaho, thud. Th " Tbf h .tek <iid P0t h "ve tirlTn ÎL : k '' J: V i , ;„ l r t •est until Monöa>, so that no word has been received from them yet. , •*r»r r-rl « : ( an That's Different It is, of course, presumptuous to to run other people* business, fcvt wlint if they ruthlessly run their business over vour affairs? —— - ? M ë'& x 1 » J S i Jk. ^ OLady Lady! • • • tfeere'd be sio resisting y$ar AT ALL at au.. if you'd walk off those few extra pounds . . And, for walking r£ ^ ® * oit extra pounds. « * % J * snow us anything half as Comfortable as Cantilevers !... Style all the while too ! ♦ • j ■ • A pair in point: V iss % Cantilevers for Comfort'Lovers ; j Specialty Boot Shop i *** .•9«, hi .* x . ' Built to stand hard knocks T U£ J yo I the hl r ever o :c of nous ribbed legs and gray f Top Nc . i h. -Jcl\ s w ill ;>t n*J!-.*«gc you pair of Loots. When y^*a see the Top Notch Cross on any style of boots, rub bers or arctics, you arc getting the Lind that have been tested under the hardest wearing conditions. In siush and snow and mire, they have made good. That is w hy the 1 op Notch Cross is a guarantee of mileage. Scores handling Top Notch Foot wear deserve your fullest confi dence^ 1 hose not having it will be glad to order for iOi it ill h M you. Jl B BA CON FALLS RUBBER SHOE CO Mater, of Top Notch Rubber and Canvat Rubber Sole Footu*u> IJihion Fklh, Connecticut I, SPSS it ; t; L TOP NOTCH SPORTING BOOT Qray toits. Ma Je also in short length, men's, boy j* anil youths' sizes. TOP NOTCH A A GUARANTEE OF MILEAGE JL X i M * W, 'M ! I j I i i i 1 WJ V '' k h 4 t \ ■ h I I t. < n ■fSP ■J: i i j I PDfKTV DpTFIIQ i | |l|)u I I I Cl UlU t„.j. . NE* REC08D _ Captain « f ««»kittens Kicks 17 j Field Goals in Game With i Poly Saturday j J w , „ -- „ j When Captain ''Frosty Peters j kicked 17 field goals Saturday in the I game between the Eofckittens and the -r CAPTAIN FROSTY PETERS Now Holds Worlds Record ; I — .Billings Poly, he brought to Montana ^tate the first world's record that the institution has held. It was a record of which the college—and Frosty— may well be proud. Tor in making it he more than doubled the former col legiate record that has been heb. since 1900. In making his record Frosty made good on 17 out of goal. When it is there was attempts at the considered that a strong breeze blowing throughout two of the three quarters ,that he quarter Frosty only made three out of seven tries, but in the second per iod, he got his educated toe to func tioning better, with the result that he made ten consecutive goals in this and the third quarter. was in the game. In the first "BLUE AND GOLD THEME OF ANNUAL »» "The Blue and Gold," that is to be the theme of the 1925 Montanan, Cover, paper, art work, every section o-f the book | tana " will emphasize this theme. An opening section in colors, a unique class section, a new section of campus life, and a " ganization section are some of the features of'the "Blue and Gold Mon different or ATKINSON SPEAKS AT CORN AND STOCK SHOW ! Takes Place of Former Secretary Wallace on Program of Great Falls Meeting I President Atkinson was in Great B alls last week, speaking at the ; nual Com and Livestock shew held an ! thei e on Wednesday, October 29. Secretary Henry C. Wallace, the late secretary of Agriculture for United States, was to have spoken, but Secretary Wallace's illness led to the cancellation of the plan, and President Atkinson t the was invited to speak in Secietary Wallace's place. The occasion w*as the second annual Com and Livestock show held under the direction of the county agricul tural agents and the chamber of merce. There were large displays of I corn, dairy cattle and sw*ine, and the j attendance was large, i Professor M. L. W'ilson, extension com (economist in the Montana State col lege was also present at the meeting and spoke. Professor M ilson paid tribute to the personal wortii and fine attainments of the late Secretary of Agriculture.. By sad coincidence, th^ ■Secretary's funeial was held in Des Moines, just when he had expected to speak in Great Falls. A tfumber of the alumni of the Montana State college were present at the Exposition. Mr. Gecrge Mor gan, M. S. C. '12. was the grain judge. Mr. F, E. MacSpadden, M, S. C. T7, the agent in Cascade county, had gen eral charge of the Exposition. Mr. J. E. Hodgkiss, M. 3. C. '12, of Teton county, and Mr. Bert Clarkson, M. S. C., county agent in Teton county, were also present. W. L. Shovell, M. S. C. '12, State Horticulturist of Mon tana, was in Great Fai s during the Exposition. While in Great Falls, President At l ir.son spoke before the combined business and professional clubs and also before the Civitar.s club of that *—— — « afternoon to see the bovs off on their) ~ With a " h 7 la,, f at L f ram 'f' Wy °™ n ** " eXt * ed ^ sday and another w,th the Den - ver University at Denver. Colorado, Saturday everybody was anxious to ^ J , a 10US t0 t at t e ad a big send-off. ^ ars parl J ed for blocks around the city. LARGE CROWD OUT TO SEE TEAM OFF de ^ made this very evident. Mid songs and cheers from the students on the crowded platform the train pulled out taking the warriors on . t0 thei f battlea in the best , of splnts and intentions of winning j th f* * w .° bi * fights ' Lambda Phi announces the pledg ing of Henry Swartz. CHI OMEGA ANNOUNCES ANNUAL AWARD - Beginning this year and cont'nuing as an annual custom, the Chi Omega fraternity is offering a prize of $15 to a woman student in Psychology and another of $10 in Economics. These prizes shall fee merited the cc-ed who receives the highest i grade for the most creditable work ^ in the two subjects respectively. Pro fessor Holst will determine, at the end of the winter quarter, who*will receive the prize in Psychology and Dean Hamilton will likewise deter mine who is deserving of the Eco nomics prize. This action, taken by the Chi Omega fraternity, is keeping with a national policy pertaining to Vo cational Guidance work. It is con templated that real interest will be evidenced on the in these subjects, in order to be de part of the co-eds. who will strive for creditable results serving of the prozes. I KITTENS BEAT POET 64 TO 0 All first Team Frosh Star In Helping Frosty Make Record Montana State's undefeated Bob kitten team romped over the Billings Polytechnic football team Captain Petei»s hang up a new* world's record for the number of drop-kicks in one game. Smashing and driving through the to help green and gold line at will the Bcb-jed kittens marched down the field time after time to place the oval in po sition for Frosty to boot it over. The credit, however, does not belong tirely to Captain Peters but to the whole team which worked, to to help Frosty attain his objective. Fetteny and Hurd did great werk for the Bobkittons on the lino, Lloyd and Sime "did their stuff" in the backfield. Lloyd's open field ning was nearly as brilliant as that of Peters. Sime played en a man, while run a great game in interfering for Peters' drop kick,. The frosh team's complete posses sion of the field turned the game into a farce. Cries of "Whoa! that's far "right there, enough, that's good," were heard from hers of the team H and "Stop! mem runners neared the five yard mark. Several times Peters nr/i i a *■ j 1 1 R s - jr ^ 0>J stoppcd on th e fiv» >ani line and wlien not tackled mere ly fell or set the ball down inÄa K Wa ; . ha " dicapr ' ed sever ®ly lack of kickers. All their at tempted kicks in the first half were' failures abd the kicking in the se<* 'sürïrvr seehed to be Poly 8 strong suit, were noticeable by their scarcity two short ones being completed for .h™* cr*, na k.. a vumpierea lor short ? y . the Kreen and gold. Poly's tackling m the first half w as clean and hard, but deteriorated in the la*t half. the Ia8t as I The Bobkittens nearly at will, the completed second half passes con tains a good deal of the open foot ball. Towards the end of the first quarter the Billings defense stiffened enough to rush Peters' kicking, caus ing him to miss several kicks. Sev enteen oat of twenty-five tries is the mark Frosty hung up for the world to aim at. collegiate football is made by Purdue against Rose Poly Exeter High school of Exeter, cernes closer, nowever. | ! ! j The nearest approach in seven goals tech. California, with a score of fifteen goals. In the fourth quarter when Frosty had made his record and with ten minutes left to play, practically the whole second team was sent in to push across touchdowns. Substitutions w T ere too nuremous to «-.lÄ.'argÄ Li Montana same. the pride of Montana State college.] ! our hopeful football team. The »tu j i , L , iL T , L y the lrUe Bobcal spirit, the large turnout was an as-j j su rÄnce to the team that they arc! being backed to the limit. This as keep track of, and the yardage was on Montana's side. Officials: De Wald and Knight. «»if BOBCATS LEAVE ON CONFERENCE TRIP j Have Hardest Games* of Season at Laramie Wednesday and Denver Saturday ! the train pulled out Sunday a f tern con, bearing with it surance will mean much to our men j when they are fighting for our ath letic honor on a foreign field with no crowd to back them. Not for years has the prospect for a conference championship appeared so bright for Montana State. While the ' Bobcats have the roughest part of their road to travel yet, they have gained our confidence in their abil ity to travel that read, and do it in a manner that will reflect much credit on the team, the coach, and the insti- ' tution. They have demonstrated fine : football ability and fighting spirit { since their first scrimmage. The Bobcats have unbounded faith in their coach, their team mates, and their school. In other words, they have the essentials of a winning team. Not yet this season have the Bob- I cats been called upon to show their | [reserve strength. Coach Romney has ! equipped his team with trick plays which will be used if the fceam gets in a pinch, and it is very likely that these plays will have to be used both j at I^xramie ar.d Denver. The Bobcats have their first game Wednesday, Nov. 3, with Wyoming at j Laramie, In spite of the fact that t Wyoming has been beaten this sea son, they have a strong team. The Cowboys are a team with fine morale and they don't know* what the word "quit" means. Coach Dietz is deter- j mined that his team shall win from Montana ar.d if his "Carlysle cun-1 doesn't fail, the Bobcats will j have a shifty trick team to fight. After the Laramie nmg game Coach Romney will journey to Denver with his Bobcats and have two days'l before taking on the strong Denver i "U'' team, Denver "U rest h is one of the streng conference teams this year, ! and will perhaps be the greatest ob- j setaclo for the Bobcats to get over ■ in their climb to championship heights. Coach Romney took the following j men with him: Hatfield, Winner, Mc Guin, Gregory, Wilson, Dobeus, Olscr, Bawden, Sullivan, Babcock, Hartwrig, Glynn, Cottam, Rivers, McCoy, Frank Neil was unanimously elect treasurer at the Junicr class meet ing, Monday the 27. After this bus iness, plans for the Junior dance, which will be held November 26, were discussed. Cowan. Pitt, Yedlicka, Joubert, Cleve land, Cushing, Belshaw, and Ennis. In addition, Coach Dyche and Managtr Andy Briscoe are making the trip. =jl BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur r Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com! pounded, brings back the natural color and , lustre to the h ^ir when faded, wafto'ga fh^mixlure X it at home, which is mussy and trouble *P me * Nowadays, by asking at any u n° Tt for 3 ycth ' s Sa * e and Sul P reved by the addition of other in 8 r ed* en ts, at a small cost Dont slay gray ( Try hi No one can possibly tell that vou darkened your ha.r, as it does it so naturally and £ ven b X, ou . dampen a sponge or soft brush . ^fith jt and draw this through y. our ha »L taking one small strand at a time ; by morning the gray hair disap pears, and after another application or two r your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Glass, Paint, Wall P a n DIXON ®. DOD\ n 130 WEST MAIN ^ ^ AUTO MACHINE We specialize in welding and ail kind« repair work. If you have a broken f-ame" t shaft, braces or anything else on your car \h^ metal, bring it to us and we will weld it >n u* We build teeth in ring gears rebuild them for about one-third the b an > Try Us—We Guarantee 6ur Work *** BOZEMAN WELDING AND MACHINE (Formerly Motor Inn) or "OH; 135 E. Mendenhall m i o-Operative ,• • • • ' This bank is a Co-operative inatit Ha lt co-operates with the Public, with its'w itors, with its Correspondent?, p exiSte help every one connected with it to vlZ You are invited to come in. a f * GALLATIN TRUST & SAVINGS Ei« I I Bozeman, Montana Member Federal Reserve System 9 n IM eu m. ' • » • v tit 46,501 Telephon® l/Vl 02 $ZJJ J m B I N FIVE YEARS this company expended more than $3,000,000 * gross additions to the telephone i ities of Montana. Long ^ 5iancc ?? have been extended, central °^ ce fS ment has been expanded and have been erected and acquired to no 1 the forces and the plant which g ivc • telephone service. tes*® Year after year new money poured into the telephone busing ^ relieve threatening congestion ^ prepare for the future demands o phone users. In good times or times the telephone business must^. tain its standards of prompt, and altogether satisfactory service* :: if in vie* - * We have but one object - to keep step with the needs o» 0 * pie for communication facilities. 'Bell System % r Om Policy—One System VslTensl Servie« UcH ef % i » The Mountain States Telephone &