Newspaper Page Text
Kalispell City will proceed on pay ing program, with asphaltic oil sur facing. Great Fall®—Government contracts Business Review For Past Week for 20 miles Glacier Park highway to cost $1,484,146. Shelby—Potlach-Adams deep test well is at 4,455 feet. Montana has 35,000 acres sugar beets this year, estimated at $2,800, 000 . Shelby—Eighteen oil wells complet ed in one week, 14 being producers. Montana will raisç 45,000 actes of beans this year. Harlowtcn — Times installs new $5,000 Model 14 Linotype machine. Shelby— Piding Royalty tract, 900 acres, sold to British-American oil in terests for $20,000. Baker—Gas Products Co. drills 940 foot gas well in 14 days. Baker Dome has 18 commercial gas wells, not a dry hole. row Wool crop for 1925 estimated to be worth $10,000,090. Crop was excep tionally good, many flocks yielding 12 pounds per head. Shelby—Eighteen oil wells pleted in 10 day® ending July 26, 11 new wells spudded in, and 40 strings of tools now drilling. Wolf Point—Great Northern pletes block signal system to Poplar. Dodson—County fair buildings be com com ing rebuilt and improved. Chinook—Huge sugar beets already being shown as a part of 1926 beet crop. White Sulphur Springs— R. J. Quig ley clips 88,000 pounds wool from 9,000 sheep. Judith Basin farmers find that far row-drill wheat came through last ■ t winter unharmed. Great Northern expects 500,000 bushels more grain on Butte division than last year. Shelby—First State bank expected Sleep To-night A good nights* rest will pot you in shape for the days duties or pleasures« asDR. MILES-. Nervine or soothes irritated and brings refreshing, restful sleep: éUjIour nerves Your money back the first bottle fails to help you. vote »«mttmmmmtmmwnmnitmmminmmiumiunmmnimHtmtm i mwimin a J i ' 4 i / ft. Se # After Alas Business # I USe t ! ( fot rice t'r 1 to be reopened stronger than ever. Great Falls—First Baptist church, recently burned, will be rebuilt at $41,705. Wolf Point—First threshed wheat shows 23 bushels good grain .per acre. Great Falls—Kibby Canyon road surfacing will cost $85,000. More than 50 per cent of used by Great Northern ini Montand is produced in the state. Shelby—Electric power will pump water seven miles from Marias rivet for city" system. Chinook — Hammond Engineering Co. buys large area on Cherry Ridge, as reserve for $2,500 pipe line from Chinook to Havre and Great Falls. Shelby—Big West-Alien No. 11 comes in 1,500-barrel gusher, 10th consecutive ptoducer on Allen lease. Mcntana.has a better lamb crop this year than in 1924. Ranges are excel lent. IEGALS SHERIFF'S SALE Strauss and Shram, Plaintiff, vs. James Huggins and Mrs. Mary Hug gins, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Thursday the 16th day of September A. D. 1925 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana. All the right, title and interest of the de fendants in and to the following de scribed property, viz.: Lots four (4) and five (5) of Block twenty-nine (29) of the Old Town of Manhattan, as shown by the records of Gallatin County, Montana. Dated tlhis 18th day of August A. D. 1926. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By Orville Jones, Under Sheriff. (First publication August 19, 1925) (Last publication September 9, 1926) SHERIFF'S SALE Frank W. Ham, Plaintiff, versus. William Lawrence, Lawrence, Mary S. Dawes and Wil liam H. Shelton, Defendants. To bo sold at Sheriff's Sale on Tuesday the 16th day of September A. D. 1925 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana. All the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described pro perty, viz.; The South Half of the Northwest Lillie Florence Northwest Quarter (SHNW%)of Section Twelve (12), Township One (1) South of Range Four (4) East of Montana Principal Meridian; excepting there from that part platted in the Ferris Addition to the Town of Belgrade, Montana, which plat is of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of said Gallatin County, to which reference is made for a more complete description of said excepted land; excepting part included within the following metes and bounds to-wit; Beginning at the point of inter section of the North line of said South Half (S%) of Northwest Quar. ter (NW(4) of said section, and the median line of Iowa Street of Belle view Addition to the Town of Bel grade, Montana. Thence east forty <40) rods; thence South forty (40) rods, thence West forty (40) rods; thence North forty (40) rods to the point of beginning; heretofore con veyed to Anna Eva Diefenderfer as recorded Page 54 of Book 41 of Deeds 6f Gallatin County; together with all and singular the tenements, heredita j menta and appurtenances, easements, j wa ter and all other rights belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto. _ Dated this 17th day of August A. D. 192o ' t a tv/mtc CMTTU T, n ... t JAM Ç. S SMITH, Sheriff By Orrüte J°nes, Under Sheriff f 1 "* pubhcaöon August 19, 1925 (Last publication September 9, 1925) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at a re gul a r meeting of the City Commis ^ . . be the intention of said Commission to create a Special Improvement Dis tnct to be known and designated as Special Improvement Distnct No. 251 of said City of Bozeman, Montana, for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer with necessary connections and sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Thursday, the 13th day of August, A. D. 1925, a Resolu tion of said Commission was duly passed and adopted, declaring it to manholes, on South Seventh Street between Harnson Street and Qeve land Street within said City of Boze man, Montajja, anch declaring it to be the intention of said City Commission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of constructing said[sanitary sewer, connections and manholes, en-j gmeenng inspection and all incidental expenses in connection therewith against the land within said Special Improvement District, each front foot of entire frontage thereof to be as sessed and taxed for its proportion ate share of such entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues alleys and public places. That the estimate of the approxi mate cost of constructing said im provement is Eight Hundred Eighty nine and 60/100 Dollars ($889.60). That the total frontage of all pro perty within said district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places, is 586 feet, and the estimated cost per front foot to be so specially assessed and taxed is $1.61808. That Thursday, the 3rd day of Sep tember, at 7:30 o clock p. m. of said Commission Changer, City Hall Building, said City of ^Bozeman, State of Montana has been Designated aa the time and piace when and where the said City Commission will hear and pass upon aU protests against the proved improvement or creation of said Special Improvement District, and the land therein to be assessed, or either both or any thereof. That at any time within fifteen days after the first publication of this notice any owner of property liable to be as on account said proposed improvement may m a k e protest against said improvement or against the extent or crcst---i of said Special Improvement District in the manner provided by law, such protest to be Wed with the Clerk of said City Com mission at the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and such protest or protests will be duly considered by said City Commission at the time and place as hereinbefore specified That for a description of the boundaries of said Special Im provement District No. 251 reference " hereby made to the Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman declaring the intention to create the same, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and to the public ge S y ' Bt Rn 7 om a n Mnwfowo nf A M n tM day of WA g^ A DA ^i| 925 * Clerk of the Commission. NOTICE REGISTRATION of Electors for the Regular City Election to be held in the City of Bozeman, Gallatin Comnty, State of Montana, will close Friday, September 18, 1925, at 5:00 o'clock P. M. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 566, Chapter 48, Revised Cod es of Montana, 1921 Relating to the Registration of Electors. Notice is hereby given, that all books of registration for the Regular City Election, to be held in the city of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November 1925, will close on Fri day, the 18th day of September 1925, at o'clock at 6:00 o'clock P. M., and will be closed ipr the full period of 45 days immediately preceding the day of election, as aforesaid. * Notice is further given that the electors may register for the ensuing Regular City Election, as aforesaid, by appearing before the County Clerk at his office in the City of Bozeman, as provided by law. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 17th day of August, A. D. 1926. J. H. HARRIS, County aerie in and for Gallatin County, State of Montana. (First publication August 19, 1925) (Last publication September 16,1926) ABU» d*e ««U won't py* notice op sale of real ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE I« the .District Court of Th« Ninth Judicial District of the State of Montana in and for the v County of Gallatin. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas J. Evans Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE^ that in . Pursuance of an order of the Dis tnct Court of the Ninth j udicial Dis . tnct of the State of Montana, in and ftr the Count of Ga i latln , made on ( the 25th day of July, 1925, in the matter of the estate of Thomas J. Evans, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at private sale, on or after Saturday, the 29th day of August, 1925, to the highest bidder for cash, in lawful money of the United States, and sub ject to confirmation by said Court, all of the right, title, interest and estate of said Thomas J. Evans, at the time ^ hig death and all the ripht> cf said estate other than or in addition to that of the said Thomas j. Evang at the time of hig death> in and to all the following Ascribed reid eg^te to wit* An undivided 'one-fourth of the North Half (N%) of Section T^ve (12) in Township Three (3) South of Range Seven (7) East of M . P> M; being in Gallatin County, Montana; And an undivided one-fourth of the Southeast Quarter (SE%) of Section Twelve (12) Township Three (3) 3outh of Seven (7) East of M> p M . Lot Four (4), being the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quart€r (SW%SW%) of Section Eighteen (18); all of fract ional Sec tion Nineteen ( i 9 ); the Southwest Q uarter o{ the Northwest Quarter (SW%NWtt) the East Half (E%) of the Northwe8 t Quarter (NW%); the North Half of the Southwest Q uarter (N^SWV*) and the South ea8t Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter ( se%SW%) of Section Twenty (20) . the West Half of the North eagt Quarter (W %NE%), and Lots Six (6) and Eleven (11) beginning the Wegt Half of the Sout heast Quar ter (w%SEtt) of Section Thirty (30); all in Township Three (3); South of Range Eigh t, (g) East 0 f M P . M being in Park County Mon taria An undivided one-half of the South wes t Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter (SW%SW%) of Section Sevcn teen (17) . the Nor theast Quarter of Section (20) and Lôts Seven (7) Eight (8) Nine (9) and Ten (10) being the Southwest Quarter (SW y 4 ) of Section Thirty (30 ); all in Township Three (3) South of Ran Eight (8 ) East M. P. M; being in Park County> Montana, Together with all tenements, here d itaments and appurtenances there unto belonging The terms 0 i 8alc are . Caah for a H ortbe e ity and intereat 0 { aa id deceaaed and of said estate in said real estate . Said sala ^ ^ , nb j ec t to mortgage indebtedness against whole o{ all of Mid real eatate mortgage ia dated February 8tb 1924 , and was given to Federal Land Bank of Spoklne for the sum of twe!ve thousand dollars, of thousand dollars, Bids or offers must be in writing and ^ bc reC e iV ed at the office of H . A. Boiinger, Room 3. Gallatin Block Bozeman, Montana, at which p]ace bida may ' bc ] e ft or delivered the administrator personally, or may be , iled in tbe 7 ffice J'the clerk of said Court at any time after the first publication of this Notice and befor / the making of „fc. Dated Augurt 7 th. 1926. xnwW wamt ttv Administrator of the Ertkte of Thomas J. Evans, deceased. ( First Publication August 12, 1925) (Last publication* August 26, 1925) SHERIFF'S SALE V. J, Bittner, Plaintiff. Walter S. Tibbies and Esther E. Donaldson, formerly Esther E. Tib bies, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Thursday on the 27th day of August A. D. 1926 at 2:00 o'clock P. M, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal latin, State of Montana. All the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described pro perty, viz.: The Northeast quarter of the North versus west quarter (NE*4NW*4); the West half (W%) of the Northwest quarter (NW^4) of Section twenty-three (23), the Northeast quarter of the North east quarter (NEHNE%) of section twenty-two (22), all in Township. Thirteen (13) South of Range Four (4) East of M. P. M., containing 160 acres, more or less, together with all and singular the tenements, heredita ments, appurtenances thereunto be longing, or in anywise appertaining. All the above land situated and being in the County of Gallatin. Dated this 3rd day of August A. D. 1925. JAMES SMITH, Sheriff By OrvOle Jones, Under Sheriff (First publication August 5, 1926) (Last publication August 26, 1926) - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . _ . lor, Ü. S. Land ^ Office^ at Billings, Montana, NOTICE is hereby given that George C. Rowland, of Maudlow, Mon tana, who. on October H, 1920, made . " y Act Feb. 19, 1909, ove ove ■ RAILWAY TIME-CAR NORTHERN PACIFIC TIME TABLE Going Wert No. 1—North Coast Ltd—4:00 a. m. No. 3— N. P. Express No. 41—Local No. 219—Local ...... . 3:55 p. m. .....2:55 a. m. .» 3:16 p. m. Nos. 1, 41 and 219 run ria Butte; No. 1 carries paying passengers from and to points scheduled te stop. No. 1 and No. 3 will stop at Manhattan and Belgrade to let off passengers from points east of Billings. Going East No. 2—North Coast Ltd.2:62 p. m. No. 4—Atlantic Express—1:17 a. m. No. 42—Miss. Valley Ltd.1:17 a. m. No. 220—Local No. 2 carries paying passengers from and to points scheduled to stop. 10:50 a. m. MENARD - 6:30 a. m. - 9:45 a. ra. -4:00 p. m. Lv. Bozeman Ar. Bozeman Lv. Bozeman - 7:45 p. m. Ar. Bozeman BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY THE BOZEMAN COURIER Published By THE REPUBLICAN-COURIER CO. BOZEMAN. MONTANA Entered in the Postoffice at Boze man, Montana, as Second Class Matter Under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL f Payable in Advance _$2.00 One year - Six months - Three months - 1.00 _ .60 WANT-AD RATES One livne, per word_ Two times, per word.... Three times, per word _ 02 .—03 .04 Four times, per word Minimum _ _05 ...26 1 PICTURE FRAMING We specialize in framing of all kinds V. _ ' ALEXANDER ART CO. CREAMERIES PURITY BUTTER IS BETTER IT SCORES 90 OR HIGHER WE PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR EGGS AND CREAM Gallatin Milk & Produce Co. 14 No. Willson-av. Phone 66 SHOE REPAIR SHOPS AUTO TOPS REPAIRED When yon need year Ante Tope Repaired or New Tops put on. Just l drive to— MORTON'S SHOE SHOP 30 S. Willson (Central Ave. Our Prices are Always Reasonable TRANSFER AND STORAGE H. HARDESTY ft SON Transfer ft Storage Orating and packing of household goods. Country moving a specialty. Use the Yellow Trucks 318E. Main. v Phons 664 W.T HOGG Transfer and Storage Baggage, Piano, Safe and AH Kinds of Heavy Hauling. Special atten tion given to the moving of house hold goods. Ws also unload can of coaL 25 N. Tracy-Ave. Phone 84 GEO. C DAVENPORT Ü. S. COMMISSIONER S. , Land Filings and Proofs Office Michi Bozeman, ■: * MILWAUKEE TIME TABLE Leave Boseman for Three Forks— No. 116. (Via Belgrade Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays only) Arrive in Bozeman— . _ No. 115 (Does not go via Belgrade on return trip from Three Forks) _8:30 a. m. ... 3:30 p. m. ' GALLATIN VALLEY ELECTRIC Westbound—Departs No. 32—Daily_ No. 34—Daily_ _6:30 a. m. 4:00 m. ?• Eastbound—A rrive No. 31—Daily _ No. 33—Daily _ ..... 8:06 a. m. ..... 6:00 p. m. TRAINS—SATURDAY ONLY Ar. Menard ..- Lv. Menard.. Ar. Menard _ Lv. Menard _ 8;00 « *•» _ 8:0C «. - 6:00 p. m. _6:80 p. m. If you want to buy, sell or trade anything,., A COURIER WANT AD WILL DO IT OSTEOPATHS. DR. W. E. DEAN Osteopathic Physician Off!«# Phone «2-W Bee. Phone 132-J Commercial National Bank Bldg. DR. W. C. DAWES Osteopathic Physician and Obstetrician Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Mnin St. Phone 371 OPTOMETRISTS DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYES "God's Most Precious Gift to Man." "SEE SIES8" A. E. Siess, Optometrist Specialty Boot Shop Entrance 85 East Main St. I LESLIE E. GAGE Optometrist Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Manfg.. Optician Glasses repaired and broken lenses replaced the same day. \ BUS AND TAXI SERVICE LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and Repaired CROCKETT Welding, Lock and Gun smithing 122 W. Main . . WATCHMAKERS JEWELERS P. W. HANCOCK WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY .REPAIRING Clocks called for and delivered. ROECHER'S DRUG STORE ROECHER'S DRUG STORE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW E. P. BUNKER Attorney-at-Law — Notary Public Commercial Bank Building Bozeman, Montana. vr AND WOOD mat to kny, sell A AD