Newspaper Page Text
\CLASSIFIED '— ADVERTISEMENTS —• aRM^VEir^ÄND^DKVELOPElTTANDS^ lA to 25 miles N. R. Spokane; on paved highways; extra good soil; spring brooks; grows grain, vegetables, hay, fruits; sev eral developed ranches; a few stock ranches with adjoining free range; $6 to $20 per acre; 10 years time; 6 per cent Interest; free lumber. Write owners for free book. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co., Elk, Washington. _ FOB SALE or will trade for live stock, excellent quarter section in Wells county, also 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractor, in good condition. E. W. Flaugher, Heaton, North Dakota. _ BUY NOW—Puget Sound land, improved, unimproved, dairy, sheep, chickens, fruit. Terms: details. F. Hopkins, Stanwood, Wash.. K. 1. _ UTAH. Idaho, Wyoming sheep and cattle ranches and Improved irrigated farms. Real snaps. E. Z. terms. Exchanges everywhere. Smith Realty Co.. Salt Lake. Utah. BUH IN KSSC HVNtF. S_ MAÏTirArTÎr^ÏÏPPmKS YOURSELF— Gas Tablets. Magic Polish, Carbon Re mover. Anti-Freeze Radiator Cement, Tire Repairs, Top Dressing, etc. Go into busi ness. Made cheaply. Profits enormous. Send $1 for 10 guaranteed formulas; full instruc tions. General Motor Supply Co., Box 115, La Crosse. Wls. CITY PROPERTY_ FOR^SALE^Four-Room House In Round up. Montana. $500. Lippitt, Shenandoah. Iowa. __ LIVESTOCK FOR SALÉ —One thoroughbred Holstein Bull, 21 months old. One new feed grinder. 8-ln. burr. 32 boiler tubes, 2 1-2 by 95 inches. One inside boiler tube cutter; cuts 2 to 2 3-4 Inches. L. Martin, Ross For k. Mont. __ F (> R S A I. E — 20 Rambouillett Delaine yearling bucks. Located 1-2 mile east of Cascade. Victor Sbra mmeck, Cascade, M ont. DÛ ROC-JERSEY Boars and Bred Sows that will improve your herd. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. E. Parham. 1-aurel. Mont. _ BUCKS FOR SALE 23# HEAD of Montana range-raised Bucks. •ne year old, and 500 head of California raised Bucks, two years old ; all of them Rambouillett breed. Address the Los Angeles Sheep Co. or S. T. Christian. Sun River. Mont. _ I »PULT U Y^ FOR 8 A LR_ FOR SALE—Choice White Plymouth Rock cockerels. $2 .each ; Flaughe r. Hes t on, No rt h Dakota. _ BOURBON RED TURKEYS, early hatched. Toms $«: hens $6. Mrs. C. C. Crary, Mott, No. Dak. __ PUREBRED BRONZE TURKEYS, not re lated. Mrs. J. B. Warrlnga. Laredo. Montana. trio. $5. E. W POULTRY .4NT) PRODUCE .WiyTItT^ - POU LRT 1 W ANTED IF YOU WANT best possible prices, ship vonr poultry to Zlmmernmn & Smith. 1152-24 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. Write for prices a nd t ags._ WTll"BUY' YOUR POULTRY and Eggs. One or a thousand. Gooch Poultry Co., Bnttc. Montana. __ WK ARE IN THE MARKET every day for live chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese Hlc-hest market priées paid according to qnalltv on day of arrival. Montana Meat and r'nmtulssion Ce. Butte. Montana DOGS FOR SALK_ BRAUTTFUL REGISTERED ~BULL PUPS SI' Bulld ogs, 501 Itockweod, Dsllas. Tex. BUY'DIRECT from breeder. (Termin Pol ice puppies b $20.DO und up. |H for particulars. Thee. Braa, Coeperstewn. N 1 •__ C R ÈBRKD AUSTRALIAN Shepherd mips. 8 months. H. C. Frazer, Spokane, Wash., Rome 1». iTTniT class English Shepherd £upa. and i>y Imported sires Eligible. Shinped on approval. Write pedigreed police dogs. Gerhard Welter. Hamburg. Minn._ FOR SALK—January delivery. White Police Pupa. Address Mrs. Richard T. Ringling, White Sulphur Springs, Mont. i _RABBITS^__ OH1NCMILLA FUR RABBITS for profit We bny yonr output. Prices right. Her -aan Miller, Greeuacrea, Wash. _ FOR SALB— MlWn^LANKOUP^^ WOLF AND^ofOTH^EXTRRMINATOR that get* them; got nine coyotes "»c night. Furs brought $121.50. Free circular George E dwards. Livtsgston. Montana RECIPES for Milk Ckocolate. Kating Chocolate aad Alusad Bar. Easy to make at heme. Milk Ckocolate recipes never before gives to the public. $1. Ro bert Gans. Pt. Marion, Pa, Box 8R8. WATER WILLS DRILLED—Write M B Warner Sand Spriaga, Mont IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT to sell or buy. write us aad we will tell yon how to get ia touch with the people vou can do business with. Write M N. Â.. Box S91, Great Falls. Mont. f _. VT „ h _«si irwuKv n * ~ - - -'SALESMEN—GUM-VENDING and Bowl ing alley machine combined; baa no equal; $11 commission on $28.50 sale; law-; ful everywhere. Write Honey Dew Gum company. 639 South San Pedro street, Los Angeles, Cal. SPLENDID opportunity representing Pure Silk Underwear and Hosiery manufactur cr to wearer. We deliver and collect, Write for particulars. Î Deal Direct Silk Mill, Warren, Pa. CAR OWNER WANTED as direct personal factory representative for year-ronnd business. Big profits for right man on ■essitv No capita* necessary. You learu our line quickly. Box 66», Battle Creek. Michigan MAKL BIG M O NEY selling KXCKLC1S household and food products. Biggest in Inter-Mountain Region. Exclusive territory Wru^' fh fnr pa n t ir?icniI^« ,l * P i 0 AROR 1 *TORY PRODUCTS TRk/cSrVuh R ' PROliUt rs CO., Balt Lake city. utan. ne< V __RU8SELIjJ?ICTURE8^^ AN EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT— Give yonr friends a set of western pic tures by Charles M. Russell, world fanions cowboy artist. A set of twenty (26) dif ferent full color last, for $8. a set stoae Apartments, Great Balls, Montana. S aintings. while they i. G. Stevenson. Black HELP WANTED SEND 25c for plan to make money from knitting machine. Box 414, Malta, Mont. CR VITAL POINT, Bamboo self-filling fountain pen; light as a pencil; strong. Gsaraatced for one year. Write for partic ulars. Agent's saaiple price, 66 cents. Agents wanted. For sale by Charles Kadas, Jr, 70S York St, St Fail, Mina. _MHDICAL_ <5lNCEÎrT8^ïrifflHALTY^WritrTor free illustrated book. Dr. Williams Saaa torlnn, Minneapolis, Minn. _ AUTO PARTS CUT YOUR REPAIR Good used parts for all makes of cars; satisfaction guaranteed. Over 100 models of cars wrecked. Billings Auto Wrecking Co., Hillings. Montana. ILL IN HALF. KODAK FINISHING SEND ROLL AND for oil itIoooy i»ti ntres. Ratisfactios gnarantoed V Photo Service, Fargo, w. D. FURS REFAIRE», RR- LINED « D, Re-lined, dona Satisfaction sad guaranteed Hoeack's Far Bense, Botte, Moataoa URS RBPAI mode ever. ASSATRR8, CIRMX8T*. BTC. LKWIS tk WALK HR. sssayers. <heml«t« 106 N. Wyoming. Botte. Moot., Rex 114 PERSONAL THB FTRHSIDB—Deceot and SeoriMe Germaa aad Americas ladies. Acquaint aaces whore. _ MARRY—Thoaoaado wool thy member« everywhere; qatckoMt moat satiofactor« reoalts; write, he ceaviaeed. Confidential taterestiag list FREE. Mrs. Rndd Bov 7!WM Sas Francisco, Calif arranged privately. Members every Write 78© R b oboe, Denver, Colorado. f M. N. A.—WK — 11-38-2» STATE BRIEFS W. 8. Pott*, freight and passenger agent for the Gerat Northern Railroad company at Fort Benton, has been transferred to Kevin. , 9 ♦ ♦ H. L. Cram of Prickly Pear valley, six miles ont of Helena, took 18 carloads of Netted Gtem potatoes from a field of 22 acres, or an average of 500 bushels to the sere. * A A John J. O'Neill, age 20, a Butte business college student, was instantly killed while working his first shift underground on the 2.200-foot level of the Diamsnd mine In that city recently. «>#<$> W. M. Johnson, Commercial club, __ __ dress the Great Falls Commercial club. Se cretary S. E. Peterson of the latter organ ization, has announced. president of the Billings has been invited to ad Edgar H. Lucas, Northern Pacific brake man, sustained serious, possibly fatal in juries, when he fell from the top of a box car while engaged in switching in the south yards at Garrison. .... *.> <s> Judge J. C. Huntoon has granted a per manent injunction against the trustees of school district 196, in the Moore country, restraining them from selling bouds on which a vote was taken in July, 1923. <♦> <»> <•> Lewis and Clark county won the silver cup awarded for the best collective dis play at the Montana State Potato show which was held at Butte recently. Eight counties were represented in the display. <î> «> 9 Charles R. Donally, who was In a hunt ing camp near Fouracre, not far from Su perior, with Philip Ray aud another man was discovered to be dead when bis com panions tried to awaken him for break fast. Yellowstone county will lie represented in the Montaan exhibit at the International Hay and Grain show, which will be held In Chicago, from November 28 to December 5, by 10 exhibit samples representing some of its outstanding products. 9 9 Southern Montana has rescued the last beet In its $3,000,000 sugar beet crop, the Great Western factory managers at Bill ings reporting the SO per cent portion of the crop that was threatened with loss as a result of the rains and snows, now out 9 -V 9 The Eastern Montana Utilities company, a recently organized public service corpor ation serving the electric power demands of eastern Montana, has installed a 1000 horsepower electrical mine plant located at north of Sidney. f enerator at its alrview, 11 miles 9 9 9 Members of the sixth district of the Mon tana Dentists' association met st luncheon in Great Falls recently aud elected officers for the coming year. Dr. L. A. Jeukin was uamed president; Dr. A. B. Whit more. secretary aad Dr. J. B. Baker, coun cilman. 9 9 9 Members of the Montana Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries will convene in annual convention In Butte, November 30, according to F. R. Venable, secretary of the Butte Chamber of Com merce. P. N. Bernard, of Kalispell, is president ef the organization. 9 9 9 A large number of horses have been sold and otherwise disposed of on the Tongue River resrvation recently, as a result of orders given out by Superintendent C. B. Lobmiller to the effect that all unbroken horses weighing 90 Opouuds be disposed of or killed as soon as pos sible. or less should 9 9 9 Judge Charles N» Pray In the United States district court at Great Falls official ly took notice of the creation of Petroleum county, in an order designating that coun ty as being In the Great Falls division of the court and in the 12th bankruptcy dis trict. Petroleum county was created at the general election a year ago. The Ana<onda Mill and Sraeltermen's union, through its board of trustees, has offered a reward of • $200 for information leading to the arrest of John K. Maslovar. Maslovar disappeared from the city early last summer, and shortly after his disap pearance a check of his books showed bis accounts were short approximately $1,500. 9 9 9 Residents of the Sun River disrtlct Im mediately adjacent to Great Falls, who have been petitioning the Great Falls school board for a school !»us to transport the children to and from the Franklin school on the west side during the stormy weather were denied their petition in the opiinion received by the board from At torney General Foot of Helena. <S> -$> The city council of Ismay, located in the eastern end of Custer county, has made ar rangements for the purchase, from the Fairbanks-Morse company, of an electric plant and equipment, the order for which is contingent upon the sale of bonds which i have been voted, being placed In order ! that no time will be lost in connection with the installation of the improvement. ❖ <•>€> In a petition presented to the Great Falla city eouncP. recently, the West Side Wcl fare club submitted arguments for the securing of ground adjacent to the live- stock pavilion on the west side and the per maneut location there of the Northern Mon tana Corn and Livestock show, and the building of a race course and providing grounds for a county fair. „ <8> ^ Montana's part in the canning Industry ; of the United States is becoming more pronounced, according to figures which Clarence Conrad of the Conrad Grovery _company, gave in a talk to the Advertising club luncheon in Great Falls recently. About 400,000 cases of Montana peas were canned this year, Mr. Conrad said. Mon ta,ia « berries are one of the choicest fruits « n «e canned goods market, he asserted. Another product of this state which is get tl "« into the ind " st £ % bena8 ' E« r i v an d continued cold weither throughout the country, together with ad ditio,,al ^cuisiid created by the closing 2° vvn an t hr »clte mines in Pennsylvania, have brought a return of old-time pros perity to the bituminous fields and the Roundup district is sharing in the good fortune. Mines near Roundup are work ing more steadily thau in several years and there is reason to lielieve the wel come activity will last at least until the Christmas holidays. The Stanton Trnat .ni Sn.lns. Bnnk Grnnt kalt, fn entitled to receive la.ut.88 now held as a special deposit by the re eeiver of The Baqking Corporation of Mou tana under an opinion handed down in the supreme court which directs the district court of Lewis and Clark county to make an order directing the receiver to pay this sum over to the Stanton bank or Its re 1 resentativea. This claim grew out of the closing of Tho Banking Corporation, a Hel ena com-em, and resulted in the filing of an actioa in the district court of Lewis and Clark county by the receiver of The Bank ing Corporation against the Federal Re nerve hank of Minnesota, to recover the above sum which he claimed was the prop erty of the Insolvent hank and was UlAg wrongfully withheld from him. STATE CAPITOL ❖ ♦ Bad weather during the latter half of September, when several heavy snows and rain storms were experienced .causing tho roads In many parts of the state to be vir tually impassable, prevented threshing and marketing of Montana wheat to the extent that shipments for the mouth feil off 2.767 carload s fr om those or the corresponding MARRY IF LONHLT; Join "The Shoc^i fol Correepondeore Club." Reliable: deo cripitoos free. Bex K6. Oakland. Calif. S. O. HUSETH GREAT FALLS, MONTANA Optometrist aad Optician Educational Crossword Puzzle By ROBERT K. SPEER. Assistant Director Barana of BBestleMl Service. DR. a. RALPH MeOACOHT, Professor ef Education. Celnmbla University. The purpose of THE EDUCATIONAL CROSS WORD PUZZLE in to teach the meaning and nee of words. In this the regnlnr cross word pnscle Is defective. Dr. Edward* L. Thorndike of Columbia University, the world-famous psychologist, has scanned ever 6,000,000 words from the Bible, classics, novels, trades and newspapers. He has selected 10,000 most common words. Onr EDUCATIONAL PUZZLE ia confined to these 10,000 words. The average person's vocabulary is 2,600 words. Why net In cre a se y oars T * s s / 3 J àn e 7 'O // s /7 /<f /S V /s {3* 23 w 3/ 33 36 \3s 30 3/ 39 37 38 3* 3S 33 37 3S 36 F *0 38 39 *3 *3 0 HORIZONTAL 1. The steam from the radiator will surely - the brasswork. 1. Tfce seldlers stood in donble —. Thee Every Honr. 1A. The picture was of the - - infant Christ. IS. The cotton is shipped In - IS. A weodsman 18. An 99 8. »I and the wearily on. is defined as "the pupil of the eye." "Water, water everywhere, but not n - to drink." 2A. I'll meet yon at the eornor ef May and Simpson -. 2L The President salutes as ho - past. 28. Canned fish made Mary very — ■ 26. It has beeome necessary for me to i». the agreement. 21. There Is no spilt milk. 28. The winning host traveled at a terrific la worrying over 38. . Is n compass direction. 82. There are Bornerons wayside ■ along the Lincoln Highway. 34. The police nee their billies te the rleters. 38. Row does the senp 31. Barbarlaa town. 38. The keeper was arrested fer selling - whiskey. 41. "A word to the 42. An 43. His condnct ? descended npea the sufficient." Is a aative ef Arabia. VERTICAL 1. Hsw many mast I tell ysa to ! X sm alone in the world, is n signal of daager. -keeper was a Jovial old chap. step? 2 . 8 . 4. The out to notify 5. The message was him. 8. I've Delias S p ^Tp S3QHE that story before. 9. I couldn't nnderstant the last - of the book. 11. The teacher demanded absolute from her pupils. o E B O n Copyright. 1825, World Book Co. (Educational Cross Word Pucale Book) for The George MatthOw Adams Service Montana, with an Indian population of 13,142, ranks seventh among the states of the country in this respect. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Charles nounces in Washington. On It is estimated that the Indian population of the United States, exclusive of Alaska, was 349,595. This is an increase of 2,093 for the last 12-year perio dians ia by far in the lead. Arizona is second with 43,950; South Dakota has 24,241 and New Mexico is fourth with 22,481. ment accounts very largely for the decrease meut accounts very largely for the decrease of 3,357 car loading of Montana commodi ties, as shown by the figures compiled by the Montaan Railroad Commission for that month as compared with the corresponding month in 1924. Car loadings for last Sep tember in Montana totalled 30,247, as against 33.604 cars in September, 1924. <î> <$> <§> T. Burke an une 30, 1923, year, and 18,976 for the past d. Oklahoma with 120.163 In Alleging that the Illinois Pipe Line com pany ia making an enormous profit on the investment in Kevin-Sunhurst oil fields and that the rate of 20 cents per barrel charged for transporting crude petroleum through its pipe lines is too high, the Sun burst Rqfining company has filed com plaint with the Montana Public Utilities commission, asking an investigation, bear ing and reduction. t « « Thousands of dollars will be saved to Montana grain shippers by an. order re ceived by the state railroad commission in which the Milwaukee railway extends the effective date of the cancellation the export rates on shipments of w'beat aud wheat products to western tidewater from November 19, 1925 to February 26, 1926. Similar action by the Great Northern and Northern Pacific is expected soon by the commissioä because of such action at the Helena hearing held in July. of #> * Montana's state railway commission is rseponsible for effecting another saving railroad rates to stock shippers of the Big Hole district, according to a decision of the interstate commerce commission received at the state house. The decision modifies rates on cattle and sheep from Butte points south on the O. S. L. to markets at Portland. Seattle and Tacoma. These rates weer materially increased by the ot!ffif în«'SÜ üw.Vnë'ÆV'lïS once been reduced to meet comtetltlon of lines having a shorter haul to market, g ^ 1 *° mar * et * iu 4 k # Due to the fact that the bids received Octolier 28 for the construction of thTur^ posed Women's building at the State coL lege at Bozeman exceeded the funds avail aide for that improvement, the state board of examiners has rejected oil mh« «Ad authorized the officiale of the coüéèire ta proceed to the erctlon of the some Jfîîde? force account The low bids for the gen era! contract and for the nlnmhint and heating and riectrica^ InstallAttAn * " tracts aggregated if«) 770 ^ ing to reject all bids the boa id .,nnn tlo^n of Governor J a Ericksîn ^ûth"? ized the officials at the collecta construct the building at a cost not to exceed $140, con After decld 9 9« Th « »tat« supreme court has affirmed the district court of Dawson county in the case of the First National bank of Glen dive. in which the hank sought a refund ( of taxes and won a Judgment for half tho amount asked for. -o So dense is the population In some parts of China that millions are forced to live on the water in boats. The Park Hotel o» 9 WSiBiiSfc' «sSJeSsw® #' Grant Yalta, Moat. î 81 AO « Day King Albert Is the - 13. May 1 have another 14. The bey - man's tale. 16. The city dweller woods with difficulty. 11. Radicals vent their — italistle group. 2L This is the Junction peint ef the P. M and M. C. -w 22. Tommy was a regular little - teday. of his people. , please? attentively te the old himself In the on the cap 23 . . Is a compass direction. 24. Such n- piny leaves me depressed. 28. He is noted for offering - Judg ments. 31. Get n poand of mixed 33. We'll never he able te get the ink out of the tahlecover. 84. We wish two chocolate Ice cream ——. to go with M. Can't yon get someone yea? 31. He said he weald he o'cleek. 39. "House to 48. One nt 1 , 2 qts. SOLUTION FOB LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE q1u|ms|h1e|s1 ft r □MDS^BBCCr m F O P THIS BUTTE MAN EXPLAINS IT WELL KNOWN MONTANA DRUG GIST MAKES A STUDY OF LIVER AILMENTS Filter Becomes Clogged; Many Ig norant of Cause of illuess Uutil the Symptoms are Traced to their Real Source. Poisoned ! Made sick by shear neglect! This ia what happens to countless numbers of met and - women here, perhaps in your own family, explains A. B. Jensen of Butte, Pharmacist of state-wide reputation. Every drop of water used in large cities runs through a gigantic filter where poisonous waste matter is eliminated aud the water made pure. People would soon protest if city officials allow ed this filter to become clogged. Water conld no longer be purified, impurities would seap through, and your family would be made sick by the very water that flows into your own home. Upsets Whole System Tet. this is exactly what happens ta you every time you allow your body's filter to become sluggish and clogged. This is why you wake up feeling dull and tired—tongue coat ed, bad taste In the mouth, and of fensive breath! Why do many suffer from such afflictions as poor diges tion, sour stomach, and formation of gas. improper movement of the bowels, sick headaches and « nerv of the system? Why Yon Fool Badly Yonr body's filter Is in yonr liver! It was put there by nstnre with definite work to do. About every fifteen minutes all of the blood- in yonr body passes yonr liver to be purified. But b be purified when your liver has become sluggish and yonr intestines clogged up with waste? How can it secrete the Juices that are essential to digestion? Hew can it supply the secretions Nature uses te oil your intestines so that year bowels can move gently, thoroughly and naturally every day? Quite naturally you suffer from these ailments until yonr liver has been properly cleansed sad toned, year stomach put back In condition and your whole system baa been braced np and made well and strong. through how can it Keep TUs FDtar Cbm Great aombers have gained quick relief from them complaints through the nee of Jeo-Sen nilis. ' This preparation of Mr. Jensen - * helps nature te cleanse and tone the liver, wake op yonr appetite, improve digestion and nourishment, tone the tired and overtaxed nerves, and send purer, healthier blood conning through yonr veins. Ur. Jensen Is no certain that hla dis covery will prove his theory that he givoo «way thousands of pills to convince onr readers ef hie sincerity. He wants every household la the state te try at his ex pense the virtues of Jea-Sso Liver pills. You may have a fall month's treatment free. Send la this ad and year name address. No Try (LARK'S TAX TOTAL A MILLION MONTANA MAY RECEIVE A BIG SUM FROM ESTATE OF LATE SENATOR Board of Equalization Officials Will Not Hazard Guess at Amount of Inheritance Levy; Butte Residents Estimate Figure, However. While the state board of equali zation will not hazard a guess as to what the state will derive from the inheritance tax upon the es tate of the late W. A. Clark, it is estimated by Butte residents who are close to the Clark interests, that it will probably bring $1,000, OOO into the state treasury. Attaches of the state board of equalization say that the estate may bring to the state any place from $750,000 to $1,000,000 but that it would be foolish at this time to make an estimate as there are so many things to be determined before the tax can be arrived at. According to R. D. Miller, secre tary to the board, the board has no information as to how nearly correct is the inventory and appraisement filed in court in Butte this week, and it will be weeks and probably months before the valuations can be reviewed and determined. There is the question of the situs of much of the property for tax pur poses to he decided. As the estate has until next Sep tember in which to pay its state tax before the imposition of interest, the state has ample time in which to fol low out its investigations into the matter of valuations before deciding upon the tax that shall be imposed. According to the inheritance tax law the money to be derived there from is divided equally between the general fund of the state and the public school funds of the several counties. Let them help yon. Adddreoo A. E. Jensen. Pharmacist, 401 South Montans Street, Butte, Montana. He la anxious to help yon. Adv. o Denmark now has a woman, Fru Bang, as minister of education. Retain the Chaim Of Girlhood '4£ f )K Clear Sweet Skia M Cuticura M Wffl Help You 'it JJj*Cnt|enn^Soj^Ev*r^»y START RIGHT! START WITH RRGIHTBRBD FOXB» Start with Stan . „ 8 8r*4—Pm 8ni Fra lift« stock of the highest Pali voi_ Visit oar ranch u4 look as sw Ws I» vite corrss non Inns. Montana Silver Black Fox Company Missonis, VtuHl »N Why Pay more when you can get what you want for LESS? —It Is of Interest to the farm ers of Montana to know that a great saving ban been brought about for their benefit in the price of Tractor Fuel, by the Sunburst Refining company, an independent home company At Great Falls. nil types of kerosene tractors and engines, including Fordsons, and gives even more power than kero sene, which is higher priced. This Tractor Fuel Is made front Sunburst Montana crude oil by a Montana company and Its making gives employment to Montana workmen and puts more Montana dollars into circulation, for the ben efit of Montana. Why pay more for high priced kerosene, when It has been proven that this Tractor Fuel, costing much less, gives better results? INVESTIGATE! —Pewerlzed Tractor Fuel eaa be ob tained at the refinery at Groat Falls, ia yonr owa coalminers at much less than the price of kerosene. It Is white, looks like kerosene, is tbor onghly refined and pari fled, having no offensive odor and works fine In Address inquiries to SSm,, SUNBURST REFINERY COMPANY Great Falls Montana Independent ^ 3 x; FREE Send name and address • for a free road map of Montana (in colors) sent free op request. / m SI Our SPECIALS -Beautiful Sets of Teeth and Finest Cold and Porcelain Bridge Work We have made ever 9.000 nets of teeth in Bane. We are * laklng more thaa ever today beoaune they look nstanil aad sire satiiifaetlua. We ane the REST MATERIALS aad oar prices are a«* low an the Best work will permit. Re fereacee b> the thoonaada. Teeth extracted FREE whea BEST SETS are ordered If yoar teeth are decayed, loose, or yoar gams pn* produc ts«. hare an attend te them at once. They will undermine yoar health— «horten yonr life. I personally attend to all operations and will be «lad to ex amine yonr teeth and quote yon price«. We can do four work wtthont delay. If yon Use ont of Bntte, It'« to yonr advantage. Onr office« bave M been enlarged and equipped with the beat of everythin« to do the beat work. If you have • broken oet of teeth we can repair it. Send It ■ In to the office DR. F. A . IRONSIDE Dentist Butte. Montana LARGEST DENTAL OFFICE IN MONTANA suited from the moisture, according to the grain dealers* secretary. MAY_ WASH AWAY FAT AID TEAM DF ACE # A ft E D With La-Mar Reducing \ 11 The new discovery. Results quick and amazing—nothing Internal to take. Reduce any part of the body without affecting other parts. No dieting or exercising. Be as slim as you wish. Acts like magic in reducing double chin, abdomen, ungainly ankles, wrists, arms and shoulders, lar breasts or any superfluous fat ou body. La Mar reducing Soap is sold on a mon -back guarantee at ail good drng and de partment stores the country over, or di rect to you by prepaid parcel post, If your dealer cannot supply yon. Price 50c a cake or three cakes for $1.00; one to three cakes usually accomplish Its purpose. Yon will be surprised at results. S ey LA MAR LABORATORIES 332 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, Ohle Sold and Guaranteed by Paxon A Rockefeller Butte, Mont. Great Falls Drng Co., Great Falls, Mont. i; 2? f •» ! '&7m Ul - •1 St# §1 ShLK-SHOT TIMER The SHUR-8HOT TIMER will enablo you to get more work done with your tractor and when yon save trouble yon save time, ell, gas and elbow gresae. Cranking a Fordson on a cold morn ing with » poor timer is no Joke. With a 8HUR-8HOT timer you get n hot spark and always on four cylinders, dust the thing for the Ford Car. too. Ask your dealer for the 8HUR-8UOT TIMER. Price $3.00.—Manufactured and fully guaranteed by S. O. HUSETH Montana Great Fall«