Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIED - ADVERTISEMENTS - F Alt ML AMD 8 FOR SALE CUJ^OVFH^iD^EyELOPEDT^NDS^ L> to _5 lilies N. E. Spokane; on paved highways; extra good soil; spring brooks; grows grain vegetables, hay, fruits; sev eral deveioped ranches ; a few stock ranches with adjoining free range; $6 to $20 per acre ; 10 years^ time ; 0 per cent interest; ft-ee lumber. Write owners for free book. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co., Wa shington. _ FOIl SALE—.312 acres in Western Lane County, Oregon. Suitable for cattle or sheep. Forty acres in pasture; unlimited range. Small house, orchard, etc. Price $1500. Mrs. Anna Dowell, Wickersham, Wash. h Elk, CITY PROPERTY_ SALE^House^and loT'lu Malta! Montana. Price $100.00 Theo. Hayworth, Basin. Wyo. LIVESTOCK Rambonillett. Bucks. Ages 1 to 4 $20.00 per head. Address Hal B. Craig, Montana. _ FOR SALE—One thoroughbred Holstein Bull. 21 months old. One new feed grinder, 8-in. burr. 32 boiler tubes. 2 1-2 by 95 Inches. One inside boiler tube cutter; 2 t<> 2 3-4 inches. M Fork, Mont. years. Ives, L. Martin, Ross DUIIOC-JERSEY Boars that will improve and Bred Sows your herd. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. E. Darham. Laurel. Mont. i , itv AND PBOdITR WANTED MR. POULTRYMAN—If yon have fresh eggs to offer get in touch with us. A trial shipment will convince yon that we pay the most. Quote us on dressed turkeys. Mcll or Produce Co., Butte, Mont. ~ I*OULRY~W ANTED IF YOU WANT best possible prices, ship your poultry to Zimmerman & Smith. 1122-24 W. Randolph St.. Chicago, Ill. Write for prices and tags. WILL BUY YOUR POULTRY and Eggs. Poultry Co., Butte. Montana. WE ARE IN THB MARKET every day for live chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. & to eat Highest market prices paid accordln quality on day of arrival. Montana . and Commission Co.. Butte. Montana. i POULTRY^FOB BALE SELECTED S. TAXFREI)* WHITE Leg horn Cockerels, from high producing dames. State accredited flock. $7.50, $10.00 and $15.00. Farm is run strictly on poultry school principles. Ilasseufratz Bros,, Box 252. Big Timber. Mont. DOGS FOB^SALE PEDIGREED white collies. Ten dollars np. Guaranteed. Western Kennels, LaVeta, Colorado. POLICE DOG PUPS for sale. 30 dollars up. Blue ribbon winners. Arthur Anson. Mosc. N. D. BE A ÜTI FU L R EGISTERED BU LL PUPS $15 . Bul l dogs, 501 Rockwood, Dallas. Tex. HIGH CLASS English Shepherd Pups, and pedigreed police dogs. Gerhard Wolter, H ambtir g. Minn. _ FOR SALE—Police pups, grown dogs. Pedigreed stock. Greys, silver and white, erstown. N. D. I^esnd C. O. D. Mrs. Win. McCulloch. Coop FOR SALE—Fox. Deer, and Cat Hound, 2 years old. Very best. Chas. Gregory, Bangor. M e._ FOR SALE—January delivery. White Police Pups. Address Mrs. Richard T. Ringllng. White Sulphur Springs. Mont. RABBITS CHINCHILLA RABBITS —THE MOST profitable fur bearing rabbit. Finest quality stock for breeding purposes. Bear tooth Silver Fox & Fur Co., Red Lodge, Montana. CHINCHILLA RABBITS — EXCLUSIVE FUR strains. Cascade Fox Farms, Hood River, Ore. FOH SALE—MlSCRI.r AVROre CIHUSTMA^r^TrKÎiS^ir^bénnTrfïn^^sRoi^ cd cards with envelopes, $1.00 prepaid. O. E. Lnedders, Coldwater, Mich. "GENUINE Mannlloher-Sohonauer, Mauser rifles; Manser-Lager pistols, carbines, magazines, bolsters, ammunition. Gun Bluer $1.50. Revolvers $6. Shotguns $10. Guaranteed. Catalog 5c. Sequoia Importing Co.. 17-Spear St., San Francisco." _ RECIPES for Milk Chocolate, Eating Chocolate aud Almond Bar. Easy to make at home. Milk Chocolate recipes never before given to the-public. $1. Ro bert Gans, Pt. Marlon. Pa. Box 838. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT to sell or buy, write us and we will tell you how to get In touch with the people you can do business with. Write M. N. A.. Box 891. Great Falls, Mont. ^BÏack Skunks sold. SILVER Minks. Muskrats bought. Clarence Orser, Col irate. N. D. __HKI. I' B 'AXTR» ^ LADIES—Way to make money at home; pleasant, profitable. Stamp for particu lars. Lindner Company, Box 26, Station J. New York. _ KNITTER OWNERS SAVE more money. T. S. Burns. Salem, Illinois. TEACHERS WANTED^ _ MÏDWEST TEACHERS AGENCY^Good teachers for good schools. Box 801, Billings. Montana. RUSSELL PICTURES ^ Put the Western spirit into your Christ mas gift. Give set containing twenty (20) of Chas. M. Russell's best paintings. Yon get twenty of these pictures in full color, all different, for $3. Set contains the fol lowing pictures: Roping a Wolf, 9x11. Wound Up, 9x12 A Rainy Morning in a Cow Camp, 7x9 The Prospectors 8%xl2 Scattering the Riders, 8%xl2 Last Chance or Bust, 9%xl3 The Hold Up. 9x13 The Water Girl. 9%xl2% Roping a Grizzly, 9x11% The Bucking Bronco. 8%xl2 The First Furrow, 8x12 Blackfeet Burning the Crow Buffalo Range, 9x12 Boss of the Trail Herd. 8%xll The Winter Packet, 6x11 Better than Bacon, 7x7 The Tenderfoot, 6%x9% Smoke of a Forty-five, 7x9 The Scouts, 6%x9% Elk in Lake McDonald, 6%x8% Women of the Plains, 7%x9% The above set complete, only $3. B. G. Stevenson, 201 Blackstone Apartments, Great Falls, Montana. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED to sell BUR-SHOT BOT & WORM CAPSULES. Write for our proposition. Falrview Chemical Co., Falrvlew, Montana.. MEDICAL CANCER IS MY SPECIALTY—Write for free illustrated book. Dr. Williams Sana torium, Minneapolis, Minn. AUTO PARTS ILL IN HALF. CUT YOUB REPAIR Good used parts for all makes of cars; satisfaction guaranteed. Over 100 models of cars wrecked. Billings Auto Wrecking Co., Billings, Montana. TOBACCO TOBACCO—Kentucky Sweet Leaf, Home Grown, Home Cured Mellow with age. Satisfaction guarsnted. 5 lb.. $1.25, C. O. D. Ernest Choate, Wlngo, Kentucky. KODAK FTWrsmWG _ SeniTroCl^anB r 3 x~ gtawToi? ntres. Satisfaction guaranteed. Owl Photo Service. Fargo. N-. P FURS REPAIRED, BE-LINED made over. Satisfaction gna rar, teed Hoenck'a Far Houee. Batt e. Montana. • $8 FOR TANNING AND MAKING Beauti ful choker from your coyote or like skins. Strange's Far and Taxidermy Shop, ' Cl arltston - Wash. _ 108 N. Wyoming Butte. Mont., Box 114. * MT NT~a!—WK!—12*7-25 1° t* 1 ® Red Cross roll call conducted by tne Cascade county chapter from Armis Day until Thanksgiving, a total of $l(>04.r>o was raised in (Treat Falls. „ <«► <§> <9 Representatives of four electric power companies have been negotiating with former Senator Flshbeck, with a view of purchasing the electric light system in <$> <$> <g> Erection of a community chape 1 will be started by the Great Falls West Side Methodist church as soon as the funds are available, it has been announced by the pastor, the Rev. H. B. Ricketts. <£ <» <s> Appointment of E. C. Longnecker and J. T. Boyd, as members of the (Treat Falls police commission for three and two-year terms, repectlvely, were unanimously rati fied at a meeting of the Great Falls city council. Mrs. Esther Crabtree of Fort Shaw, died at Great Falls the other day from injuries received in a automobile accident, which occurred near Fort Shaw. Her husband was kilted 10 years ago in a race track accident. <$> <$> Forest Carter, formerly superintendent of Platt national park of Oklahoma, ar rived at Glacier Park headquarters the other day to replace James P. Brooks, who resigned his position as assistant superin tendent September 1. Miss Eleanor Kurtb of Portland, Ore., has been appointed supervisor of music in the Great Falls public schools to suc ceed Miss Lena M. Spoor, who resigned in October to accept a supervisory position at Mary s Institute at St. Louis, Mo. <s> A heavy flow of gas has been struck in a water well being drilled on the F. D. S. ranch, located virtually in the center of tlie old townsite of Medicine Lake. The first gas was found at 80 feet and a much stronger flow was reached at 160 feet. <8> 4P Members of the program committee for the Moutuna Federation of Women's clubs have set the dates of the state convention to be held in Livingston, as Oct. 13, 14 and 15. 1926. The committee outlined the program as far as possible at this time. ». At a meeting of the Libby Rod and Gun members, it was de club, attended by elded to assess the membership 50 cents each to provide funds with which to pay ex pences, the organization's other funds having been tied up by the bauk suspen sion at Libby. <$> <$> The Peterson brothers, who are active in the management of the Peterson Mer cantile company at Shelby announce that they are quitting business at Shelby that they may enter the same line on the new railway that is now being extended west from Scobey, and where they have other interests. 3> <8> Announcement is made by the forest service of the appointment of Joseph M. Dixon of Missoula, former governor of the state, us state chairman of the American forest week committee for Montana. He succeeds Kenneth Ross, who lias held the position for several years, lint who has retired from the lumber industry. <S> <S> Bullets from the pistol of James B. O'Flyau. undersheriff, tore three tires from a liquor-laden truck before a five mile race through Great Falls streets ended, and the driver, who turned the truck sharply blocked the officers' car and escaped into an alley, abandoning 38 sacks of Canadian beer and a sack of whisky. <s> <s> Forty stands of bees have been lately imported into Phillips county by bee en thusiasts in the vicinity of Malta. B. F. Schuster receutly purchased from Sher man McQueen of Fraser 40 stands, which have been resold as follows: Clarence Mis feit, 20; Jack Lange, four; Milton Porter, two; Fred Hall, one; John Survant, two; Ernest Chabot, one, and Mr. Schuster kept the remainder. <$><§><§> Paragraph 27 of the will of the late Senator W. A. Slark of Butte, is null and inasmuch it conflicts with the Montana code of 1921. So announced Judge J. Lynch of the district court iu dis missing'a petition of executors and execu trices of the state for appointment of James M. McDonald of New York as executor in place of Mrs. Auuie E. Clark, the widow, resigned. <S> <$> <î> Payment of a dividend that will approxi mate' $1,000,000 to the creditors of the de funct First National bauk of Fergus couu ty, Lewistowu, has been authorized in the Great Falls federal court by Judge Charles N. Pray. Final authority to pay the divi dend and the exact amount will be an nounced by the comptroller of the curren cy, the court's order being a necessary preliminary to action by that official. <§► <î> <$> With the distant success which attended the first rodeo sponsored, still a fresh memory, the Great Falls Advertising club has under way a well organized program for the staging of an even greater show in 1926. Plans now being worked out by the club's rodeo committee are for a rodeo that will rank with the Pendleton roundup and the Cheyeuue Frontier day, which would mean that the greatest stars of the rodeo arena aud the most famous outlaw horses in America would annually perform here. o Want 33 for Potatoes. Many farmers of the Simms valley west of Great Falls are holding their potatoes for $3 a hundred pounds, it was learned by R. E. Cameron, Cas cade county, agricultural agent, in a recent survey. Offers of $2.85 are bringing no response, according to Mr. Cameron. •o Maude Howell has the distinction of being the only woman motion pic ture director in America. ASTROLOGER P. A. B. Crane, LaGrande, Ore., R. F. D., No. 2. Readings by mail. PERSONAL SlARRYIFLONELYTjoln^Thea^ceïs fui Correspondence Club." Reliable; dea crinitons free. Box 556. Oakland. Calif. 1'UK Fi RESIDE—Decent and Sensible German and American ladies. Acquaint ances arranged privately. Members every where. Write 700 Quebec, Denver. Colorado. MARRY — Thousands wealthy members everywhere; quickest, most satisfactory results; write, be convinced. Confidential, Interesting list FREE. Mrs. Budd, Box 753M, San Francisco, Calif. IS 192« LUCKY FOR YOU? Send ques tions, birthdate, $1.00. Dreams inter preted. Clairvoyant Detective work a specialty. Nellie Lewis, Psychologist Silver lake, Oregon. GREAT FALLS RYE HRRSE Practical Dyers and Cleaners BREAT FALLS, MONT, 16 STEELE BLOB. The Park Hotel h m Ora* Falla, Xaat RATESt SUM a Dar «ad TTt> j S. O. HUSETH GREAT FALLS, MONTANA Optometrist and Optician Your Cross Word Puzzle HOW TO SOLTI THB CROSSWORD PUZZLE The way to solve the crossword puxsle 1« to fin in the white squares of the dia gram with the words which agree with the accompanying definitions. The definitions are numbered to correspond with the numbers on the diagram. Any word defined In the text under "HORIZONTAL" will begin at Its number shown on the diagram, and will extend all the way ACROSS to the FIRST BLACK SPACE to the RIGHT of that number. That is, the word must begin In the square that contains its Identifying number, apd extend as far as the white squares contlane uninterruptedly. Any word defined under "VERTICAL" will also begin In the white space that con tains Its number, but will extend DOWNWARD as tar as the white spaces remain un interruptedly. T ' vz x 3 ¥ r m 22 7 m i 8 'o Ü 2 // 2 . Ü m fa V 7?a /v Ü fs Ko n f8 Æ 7 22 % 19 2.0 m 1 Z/ IX Z3 Æ m 7a iy 2.6 XS 17 X8 m % HORIZONTAL 2. Backbone 7. Defender of the Faith 9. Conjunction (ab.) 10. State of the Union (ab.) 11. Azure (ab.) 13. An Insect 13. Bluish white „ metallic element (ab.) 14. Web footed diving bird of northern sea« (pi.) 13. Regular (ah.) 17. State of the Union (ab.) 19. Consumes 20. Land entirely «urrodnded by water (ab.) VERTICAL 1. Middle Atlantic SOLUTION FOR LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE State (ab.) 3. A parent 4. Instinctive |*s |t |h I in? 5. Western State (ab.) 6. Short staff used as an emblem of authority <pl-> 8. To disappear gradually 5 rs o u AM. Vj 7 i Njb lv M n t 1e 10. Within ls. Request 13. Any large cavity 16. European country (ab.) 12 13 R 18, Assists 21. A sailor (Coiloq.) 22. Army Corps (ab.) 23. Paid (ab.) 25. Southwest ' ' 24. Established Church (ab.) 25. A street (ab.) 27. As 29. Sediments of liquids MR V H Asian country (ab.) 26. African Kingdom (ab.) 28. Termination used to form nouns of agent 14 M I Z. C E Copyright 1925. George Matthew Adams TOTE (DâFDTÛL The Northern Pacific railway has filed with the Montana railroad commission protest against the granting of the appli cation of C. L. Hopkins of Missoula, for a certificate authorizing the operation of a motor freight line between Missoula and St. Regis. <S> <3> <» For the purpose of studying exhibits and results of the International Hay and GVain show, In which Montana In past years has been particularly successful in carrying off high awards in grain classes, A. H. Bowman, state commissioner of agri culture, has gone to Chicago. < 8 > Gov. J. E. Erickson of Montana has accepted an invation to become a member of the Mid-West Governors' association. Governor Gunderson of South Dakota, who has mailed invitations to 14 middle western governors, now has received acceptances of 11 executives. The association was formed at Sioux Falls last month. <l> <S> <S> Acting upon the application of B. A. Horn, of Windham, and Neill Brothers of Windham, for a special sale embracing certain lands in Judith Basiu county, the state board of laud commissioners had authorized the register of state lands to conduct such a sale, but has taken action in raising the appraised value of the lands 20 per cent, below which Increased ap praisal they cannot be sold. The state sportsmen's association has asked Governor Erickson to replace E. T. Richards of Chinook on the state fish and game commission, on the ground that he does not represent the sentiment of sports men of his section. The association also passed a resolution asking the governor to appoint W. K. Moore of Billings on the game commission to fiU the unexpired term of H. C. Crippen of Billings, who re signed recently. <s> <$> <$> Sheriff Larry Duygan of SilVer Bow county will not receive settlement from the state for an item of $88 representing board which he claims to have paid out while on a trip to Michigan last August after two prisoners for whom he held re quisition papers. The state board of ex aminers, after ascertaining that the woman to whom Sheriff Duggan claimed to have paid this money, was none other than his sister, whom he was visiting, disallowed the item along with a claim for $20 paid by Duggaas board for the prisoners during the time he was visiting bis sister. <•> Final 2 GrazingTracts Bordering ULI IATI0ML FOREST 25,000 ACRES tad 10,000 ACRES AT $ 3 PER ACRE Splendid grass, water, bronse and shade. Has a southern slope giving early pasture. Railroad spar touches (h« land. ' Tenn|: 10 per cent down, balance divided Into AO yearly payments BLACKFOOT LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. Drawer 1500, Missoula, Mont. state board of land commissioners to the agreement entered into between the state and the Anaconda Copper Mining company for the sale of timber upon about 5,000 acres of state land in the Clearwater state forest, into which the Milwaukee railway is now engaged in extending its Big Black foot line for the purpose of taking out this timber. It is estimated that there Is about 27,000,000 feet of western yellow pine and 16,000,000 feet of western larch and Douglas fir to be cut under this agree ment. The purchase price to the state Is $3 per thousand feet, log scale, of all The price hy Mail Prepaid is $ 1.10 Charles M Edition Limited Make Reservation Early RusselVs New Book More Rawhides a a M \Z' - «I m.* t j, r VI ' è) - - & ' u 9. ■> % L-« r m & V e ? yt -> 4 W ...J"' r fA « ï*' - % nerfs fa 7/ V A* 'sSfi 7 s»/ V. '<£*■ Here is a new Montana book Just off the press, which is certain to create a furore. It is by Charles M. Russell, Montana's great artist, whose fame is world wide. This book fairly breathes of the romantic days of the open range, and every Montanan will want it. The book contains: 18 Russell Stories 25 Russell Pictures The stories are classics in their way, written in that quaint view of humor which Mr. Russell affects. The pictures are gems, pen sketches by a master, who started in life as a cowboy and by his supertalent has won a place for himself, high among the best artists of the world. i I A Fine Christmas Gift An Ideal New Year's Greeting t There could be no more appropriate Christmas gift suggestion, or greeting present than this book so typically Montanan. It has the real Montana atmosphere. i L I It Will Thrill and Delight the Tender feet A i .1! A i Do not confound this book with Mr. Russell's former book "Raw hide Rawlins'* which had such a phenominal sale. IT IS A NEW BOOK, fresh, Just off the press, and when yon read it you can • conjure up in your mind's eye the ancient days when the cowboy was dominant in Montana, and life was Just a series of adventures. MONTANA NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION GREAT FALLS, MONTANA r • Enclosed find $1.10 (check, express or P. O. money order), for which send me one copy of "MORE RAWHIDES. G »• NAME ADDRESS .... CITY_ .. STATE. . aperies of green timber, sad 5* cents per thousand feet for all species of dead timber. <S> ^ $> Negotiations are under way between the national park service and the Montana state land office for the exchange of lands In the vicinity of the Yellowstone national forest for the convenience of the park service in the pasturing of wild animals of the park. Horace M. Albright, superin tendent of Yellowstone park, has made ap plication to the state land office for sec tion 16, township 8 south, range 7 east, just north of the park line and near Cor win Springs, to be used In connection with the government's antelope herd, for which the government offers to exchange other public land near the park. The matter, af ter being taken up by the state board of land commissioners, was referred to Attor ney General L. A. Foot for an opinion. Acceptance of 33,900 acres of land grant ed to the state by the federal government on the Fort Belknap Indian reservation and the acceptance of a gift of 95 acres of land in Stillwater count) and 185 lots adjoining the town of Columbus were among the routine matters given atten tion by the state land board recently. The gift of 95 acres of Stillwater county land is made by the estate of Mrs. Eliza L. Norton and is conferred jointly to the state orphans' home and the Montana tuberculosis sanitarium. The Fort Belknap Indian reservation land is contained in the regular school land grant but the state will be compelled to select 14,000 acres in other parts because of the allotment to Indians of lands that were intended originally to be given to Montana. Of the large uumner of state farm loans, made during the war period, which have become delinquent and by which the state has acquired title to the lands upon which the loans were made, 202 have been re sold to the original mortgagors or to others under the new amortization con tracts, according to a report made to the state land board of land commissioners by I. M. Braudjord, register of state lands. The report submitting these contracts show that in order to collect the principal, delinquent interest and taxes due the state on these farm loans, a great many mort gages have been foreclosed or title to the lands secured for the state under the pro visions of section 1938 of the Revised Codes, ns amended by chapter 94 of the session laws of 1923, and chapter 168 of session laws of 1925. o Somehow a bachelor never quite gets over the idea that ho is a thing of beauty and a boy forever. o Fortune turns her back on the man who turns back. > III llll Il •1 • •J A N Estate by Contract is the modern way of guaranteeing a competence for the summer of one's life or for the use of one's heirs. Annual deposits of 3 per cent to 4 per cent of the competence ( desired will create it. Write for details. j 1 ! MONTANA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Enduring at the Mountains H. R. CUNNINGHAM Vice President and Msp«v" A- O. JOHNSON President MONTANA HELENA * More Settlers to Come. More settlers are expected to come to Montana in 1926 than ever before, according to W. G. Anderson of Min neapolis, who was in Missoula re cently conferring with chamber of commerce officials. He says that Montana offers more opportunities than any western state and that the attention of many eastern people has been drawn to this part of the country. Mr. Anderson was taken through the Bitter Root valley by R. T. Spaulding, secretary of the Mis soula chamber of commerce, and was much impressed with the region. t. o If a Chinaman expects a present and it does not come, he sends one of lesser value as a reminder. -o The only cobalt mine in the United States is located near Fredericks town, Missouri. Send for Sample of SANDE'S HAND LOTION FREE "It soothe* and smooth« the skla." Made for this climate Instantly relieves rough dry or Irri tated skin. Beautifies the complex ion. Pine for men after shaving. Bold by all draggints. (Just fill out and mail this coupon) CHAPPLE DRUG CO., Billing«, Montana. Without obligation on my part, please send me, postage prepaid, a free sample bottle of Sarnie's Hand Lotion. Name . Address I LL ! J on rvery xddlc o. hameu. I ay dnd from the factory No mid JuM t n » pmH. Send 1er tree uulog-maker to • The FRED MUELLER. , SADDLE £ HARNESS Ox Ü CS-g •' OtNV»R. Coxcx 416 Mueller