Newspaper Page Text
I rr~? Uhe News from Gallatin County ^ f From Our Special Correspondents ^ f 888888888888» 8 •j 55 T , . ,, ,. . to Logan and spent Monday attending | to matters of business. i Mrs Ira Dodge and children motor- | ed to Manhattan and spent Thursday ; afternoon visiting friends. ; Miss Esther SK an of the Upper j Madison valley spent several hours m Logan Tuesday morning. Mr. Robbins and Mr. Beebe of Butte were business callers on Tom Tice Monday morning Buster Muir of the Madison valley 8 LOGAN 8 88888888888888888 Mrs. J. W. Strachan shopped in Bozeman between trains Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham have moved into the John Schollard house on the north side. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McDowell are moving into the Frank Johnson home on the north side. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kelso motored * as a m Vls,t 2T. at ^î 16 j 0me . Mr ' an ^ ' -r s - Tice Monday evening. Mrs. Wallace Burrell came to Lo gar. and spent Tuesday, returning to Butte Wednesday evening. John Rompp cf Three Forks made a short business call in Logan Mon day. He was eh route to Bozeman. LeRoy Stone left Tuesday evening for Fearle, Illinois, where he will spend the next three weeks with his mother. Miss Sadie Landers went to Laurel Wednesday where she has accepted a position as clerk in the store for the holiday rush. Mrs. George Merrill and son Fred die cf Livingston came to Logan and spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dross. J. J. Lynch, Continental Oil agent of Bozeman, made a business call at the Logan Service station. Monday af ternoon. Mrs. C. C. Richardson was a pas senger on the stub Thursday morning to LHdngston, where she spent the day with friends. Mrs, Ollie Sesser was a passen ger Tuesday morning, on the Yellow bus to Manhattan, where she spent several hours with friends. Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and daughter Miss Era motored to Boze man and spent Tuesday shopping and visiting with friends. Hugo Norman and Dewey Norman are hauling wheat from their ranch on Cottonwood to Manhattan this week. Wilbur Saunders of the City Dye works in Bozeman passed through T-ornn Monday and stated that it would be his last trip until March. Albert Johnson, who has been spending the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dell McLees on the Madison, has returned to Logan. M iss Elizabeth Richards of the Madison valley motored to Logan and Manhattan Monday to attend to some 1 Archie Muir returned to Logan Tuesday morning from Belgrade, whore he delivered some ca'tle to Bart Scollard. The Woman's Community club of Logan met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hugo Norman with Mrs. L. C. Bevier as hostess. Eight mem bers were present and they decided to take up the work of making dress forms, the work to begin with the first meeting in January. The next meeting will be held at the heme of Mrs. Lyle Middelton, Thursday, Dec. 10 . Mrs. Ole Sabo, daughter of Mrs. O. A. McDowell, and son John re turned to their homes- in Logan Thursday from a pleasure trip to Los Angeles, Cal., where they spent a couple of weeks visiting relatives. Tom Ross has accepted the pump ing job at the coal decks in Logan and Tom Landers has taken the hostler's job at the round house, for the winter. * 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 *> a n BELGRADE 8 8 •y» »,* • ♦ 4 # 888888888888888 Mrs. Harley Stephenson was • a business caller in Bozeman Friday. Mrs. A. P. Knadler and Mrs. Dutro were in from their ranch home to at tend the Episcopal guild. The World Wide guild met Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs. Walter Gilmer. There was a very good attendance. Mrs. Parker Stone and Miss Isabel Nauroth were guests at the Chi Omega Fraternity house in Bozeman cn Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. M. Byrne left Thursday |r*ozeman to stay over night with relatives., She left the next day for Harlowton to make her home. Mrs. Parker Stone entertained the M. G, R. club at her ranch home on Thursday evening. At the close of a social evening refreshments were served. The Westminster guild met at the home of Mrs. S. C. Allen Wednesday evening. The evening was spent so cially and singing Christmas carols. At the close of the evening a dainty hmch was served. Belgrade Camp, M. W. A, met in regular sessiön at the I. O. 0. F. hall. Officers for the > e year were as Henry Sfi ad 1 an; banker, H. J. Stephenson; clerk, George Richards; escort, Wallace Am. berson; watchman, H. F. Cloninger, and sentry, H. R. Rash. After clos ing, refreshments were served. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. Mayme Hoffman. The meeting opened with singing and prayer and Mrs. G. M. Clark read the devotion als. The flag salute was given. It was decided to piece another quilt soon. At the close the afternoon re freshments were served by Mrs. Hoff man, assisted by Mrs. Kurtzman. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrg w j MaTcy> Mrg Eober t D ew ing entertained the Episcooal ild at the Heidel home Cn Thursday afternoon, Byrne was an honor guest. Officers f or the coming year were elected as follows; president, Mrs. Robert Dew ing; vice president, Mrs. E. S. New lbury . secre tary, Mrs. Conrad Wipf; treasurer, Mrs. William Fitzsteph ens . At the clcse of the afternoon dainty refreshinents served by Mrs. F. M. Mrs.« Dewing. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fitzstephens, i 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 « 8 88 8 88888 8 888888 « 8 WEST END 8 8 » Barney Sorensen visited at the Jensen home, Sunday. Miss Helen Richie, teacher of this school, spent Saturday in Bozeman. Mrs. E, A. Givens was a caller at the Pierce and Verwolfe homes Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jensen and R. Sherman were business callers in Bozeman during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill* Sorensen of Bozeman spent Sunday at the Soren sen home here. Mrs. G. Stockman and daughter Mr. Tidd were Livingston callers be tween trains Friday. Len Verwclf and son Barney and Earl, Charlie and Bill Pierce, spent Monday fishing on the Yellowstone. Mrs. D. C. Little and Mrs. A. Julian returned Wednesday from Bozeman where they had spent a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nickelson of Cokedale spent Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. Nickel son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Werner. 8 8 8 8 8 •S K St SÎ Si St K tt St « jj 4 B. Werner of West End visited Sunday at Earl Werner's. Mrs. Albert Blair of Bozeman vis-} ited Friday with Mrs. Evelyn Ham. Jce Hoosier spent several days in Bozeman last week. 8 BRIDGER CANYON 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a# shopping in Bozeman Monday. Mrs. R. G. Gallup delivered a large order of dry-picked turkeys in Boze man Tuesday. * Mrs. George Brown spent two days in Bozeman the past week shopping and visiting with Mrs. John Rabe. Ed Foreman and Fred Ainger are at the Ross Peal^ station this week scaling and marking timber, Mrs. May Erkhart of Sedan went to Livingston Saturday to consult a doctor, returning home Tuesday. Fred Ham finished threshing Mon day at Alfred Nickels', and moved across the road to George Bennett's. Tom Kirk and Lige Kinney made a trip over the second divide to the Flathead country Sunday. Mrs. Joe Schafer of Sedan went to Livingston Thursday for medical at tention. She returned home Satur day. Lester Woosley returned Sunday from South Cottonwood where he has been engineer on Lee Halsey's thresh ing machine. Among the visitors registered at the Y. M. C. A. High School day were Mrs. Floyd Davis, Pearl Kellams and Ole Oma. Cressie Conz visited in Bozeman Saturday with Mrs. E. J. Pearson and found her recovering nicely from her recent accident. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and family spent Thursday evening at the Fred Owens home, listening to the radio. Mr. and Mrs. Foreman visited in Bozeman Sunday at the home of his nephew, Sidney McCarty, on North Broadway, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson vis ited in Bozeman Friday at the C. H. Henry home, while the children at tended high school day exercises at the Y. M. C. A The Bridger company machine finished threshing day at Pat McMahon's ranch. The machine will now be put in the shed for the winter. Lester Christensen of Bozeftian is working this week at the Floyd Davis ranch, assisting in getting out a car-' load cf Christmas trees, which will he shipped east for the trade. , Mrs. Mark Jacobs went to Helena Sunday to visit her husband, who has been at the Fort Harrison hospital the past two months receiving med ical treatment. She returned-home Tuesday. Mr, and threshing Wednes tertah 888888888888888 8 8 WILLOW CREEK NEWS 8 8 8 88888888888888888 Charles Lyons, of Alcazar, was in •town Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dreweicke spent Sunday in Bozeman, visiting friends. Miss Julia Lavery spent the week end in Bozeman, visiting friends. Miss Tamsy Thompson spent the week end with Pearl Thompson, at the old town. The Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl S. Parks Thursday afternoon. Miss Eula Thompson visited Misses Alice and Irene Hawes, over the week end. Willis Albro was a business visitor in Butte Monday. He returned home Tuesday morning. Sarah, Lucy, and Arthur Cook spent Thursday visiting at the Wil liam Cook home at Manhattan. the flu ilu - have been sick the past week with j All are improving, Mr. and Mrs. William Cook and family of Manhattan are moving into the Hankinson house at Old Town. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Charles Bell Thursday after noon. A good many ladies attended. The afternocn was spent in sewing. Misses Tamsy and Pearl Thompson were guests at the home of Mrs. Thomas Murphy on Saturday after noon. James Murray returned to Willow Creek last week from Seattle, Wash., where he has been visiting friends and relatives for several weeks. The Boys' basketiblall team went to Three Forks Tuesday night and prac tised with the Three Forks team, Messrs. Lawrence and A1 Hankin son, Willis Albro and Jack Casey were business visitors in Bozeman Tuesday. iMrs. Mary Lockhart ^nd two chil dren left Saturday morning for Butte, after spending several days here at the home of Mrs. Lockhart's mother, Mrs. M. E. Hoyle. A - was bom to Mr, and Mrs. William Mack Sunday night, at their heme at Gakn Springs. The new iboy has been named Russell John, Mother and baby are dcing well. Arthur and Harvey Cook rode to Manhattan Sunday and returned with a herd of dairy cows for William Cook, who is moving here from Man hattan. Mrs. Martin Cox and small daugh ter, Velma, left Tuesday morning for Teenaska, Wash,, where they will meet Mr. Cox and establish their heme for the winter. Those who attended the dance at tîie .Dunbar bam on Saturday night w er e Misses Sarah and Lucy Cook, Isabelle and Marjory Flaherty, Bes | s * e an d Luella Jewett, and Howard ' an d Bumard Payne. John Casey, who has been at the Fort Hamson hospital at Helena for the past week, returned to Willow Creek Saturday evening. He will spend several days here, before re turning to the hospital, where he undergo a minor operation, Mr. an d Mrs. Chester Speakman ex pect to leave Willow Creek the first of the year for Manhattan, where Mr. Speakman will have charge of the elevator. A man from Harrison jvill take Mr. Speakman's place in the elevator here. Mrs. Lou Harwood and three chil dren returned home last week, from Uall, Montana, where they spent sev eral days visiting Mrs. Harwood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jen kms. Mrs. Harwood states that her mother is improving after her recent illness. The Ladies' Aid gave, a supper and bazaar in the church basement Sat urday evening. A large crowd at tended and enjoyed the delicious menu. The ladies report that this was the most successful bazaar ever held in Willow Creek and that the 1 proceeds amounted to a hundred dol lars. Sam, The two losing teams of the Coun try Gentleman contest gave a party to the winning team Friday evening, at the high school assembly. The evening was spent in playing games and dancing. The music was furnish ed by Mrs. Conklin, Alice Hawes and Richard Nelson. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Outsiders who attended were the Misses Virginia Tapscott, Sarah and Lucy Cock, and Esther Walbert, and Messrs. Raymond Cooper, Johnny Buttlerpan, Harry Cook, and Fritz and Buster Elliott. » U Bob" and Mark Hampton and families of Belgrade and Mrs. Clyde Farrington of Deer Lodge. Some of the canyon people who stopped in Bozeman this week were John Esgar, E. W. Cciner, Ira Jen kins, Ole Oma, Earl Werner, Pat Mc Mahon, Wallace Johnson, Mrs. Floyd Davis and Mrs, George Brown. The Brfldger • Woman's club has made arrangements with one of the dealers in Bozeman to give a radio concert at the upper Bridger school house, Friday night, December 11, to help raise funds for the Christmas treat for the children of the district The Bqb and Jim Christie families have been week w Don Chx > = Sfdena. George Christie expects to go with them and spend the winter vis iting in various parts of California. The Bridger Canyon Woman's club met Wednesday with Mrs. Mary Witt man. Ten members were present. Ah excellent lunch was served at noon. The officers re-elected for this year were Mrs. Don Christie for president, and Cressie Conz for sec retary-treasurer. The next meeting will be held December 16 at the Up per Bridger church nd will be an all-day meeting and a big attendance is hoped for. Several of the seventh and eighth grade pupils from the two schools en joyed the noonday luncheon and pro gram given at the Y. M. C. A. Fri day. Those attending from the upper school were Emma Christie, Glenn and Ross Johnson and Cora Wheat, and from the lower school Lawrence Christie, Otis Mast, James Davis, Ina Rose Christie, Buelah Emma Gallup, Cecil Henry Jeter, Alpha Jeter, Mar garet Gallup,-Clark Davis and Ten nett Oma. BELGRADE »01 TO ISSUE ANNUAL Seniors Sponsoring Plan—Publi cation Will Include History of Institution BELGRADE (Special Correspond ence).—Fcr the first time in the his tory of the institution, the senior class of the Belgrade high school is this year to issue an annual. Photo graphs of the various classes and or ganizations have already been taken and the contract let for the engraving of the edition. The annual is to be a history of the activities of the school during the year, of which the successful-football season just closed will probably be a feature. Accomplishments of indi viduals and of groups in the English classes and ether departments also are to be included. It is believed that the issuing of the annual will be an incentive to the students both in a scholastic and an athletic way. Not only is the annual to cover this year's history, but also, as it is the first to be issued since the establish ment of the school, it is to include a summary of the history of tho school from the beginning. Material for the history is now being collected from all possible sources. Barnett Fitzstephens is the editor of the annual and Robert Hunt is the business manager. A name for the publication has not yet been selected. ; WILLOW CREEK FOLK SURPRISE THOMPSONS WILLOW CREEK (Special Cor respondence).—A number of friends gathered at the Burton Thompson home last Friday evening and sur prised Mr, and Mrs. Thompson, The evening was spent in dancing, music being furnished by Mrs. Albert \ I* I CleSrical appliances y K 1 2 y \ • ih K make ideal Christmas gifts! Especially for the practical woman —the woman who loves her home! An electric vacuum cleaner, per colator, iron, or toaster, are labor saving devices which have come to be necessities in the average Amer ican home! Once she does things the "electric way—the "easy" way—she'll never be satisfied with any other method! A wide selection in this, line is awaiting your disposal! X' > % » & »» * I r ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES D. H. BUDD CO. f Plumbing, Heating, Electrical end Sheet Metal Work Phone 300 30 W. Main - <c i A i * 4 BOZEMAN, MONTANA T m YJt s * m * k * BELGRADE PUNS COMMUNITY TREE Annual Christmas Celebration Will Be Held at Auditorium Tuesday Evening, Dee 22 BELGRADE (Special Correspond ence).—Plans for the annual com muity Christmas celebration at Bel grade are now well under way, the event to take place at the city au ditorium Tuesday evening, December 22. According td its custom, the Chamber of Commerce is to supply a large Christmas tree, beautifully decorated, as well as a Christmas gift for every child present. The program, which is tc be given by the high school students, premises to be an unusually excellent one. It is to be featured by a short play, en titled, "The Christmas Chimes," unde? the direction of Miss Wright of the English department. The caste baa been selected and rehearsals are ro w in progress. A number of anuTopri ate song numbers are to be given by the members of the Girls' Glee club of the high school. The entire enter tainment is to hie given free of charge. Christmas programs are to be given by the grade pupils in their respec tive rcoms at the school house Wed nesday afternoon preceding Christ mas day. The Christmas fecess is to last from Tuesday, December 22 to the Monday after New Year's day. Hawes and Andrew Peterson. At midnight refreshments were served. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Jess Capps, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Gris Bettum, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tinsley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Harwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hankinson, Mr, end Mrs. William Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Albro, Mrs. John Noble, Mrs. Albert Hawes, Mrs, Jacob Miller Mrs. Orville Doty, Mrs. Claude Parr, the Misses Esther and Viola Walbert, Eula Thompson, Irene Hawes, Helen Cooper and Bessie Jewett, and Messrs. John Divine, Andrew Peterson, Lyle Lane, Glen Beam, Virgil Doty, Ben Archer and Raymond Cooper. All participated in the festivities of the evening and enjoyed themselves im mensely. I j-,; A I \ % m mi; Now _ Same Quality "Same Size litWtsClCAP MFC-Ca, }\AXERS-Ntwark,N.J. ~ S& O *P S r • **• i • I ♦ a," l A And appetizing, high qual ity foods our specialty. .. WEST SHE CASH GROCERY L. M. Lelacheur 410 W. Curtis V » Phone 266i WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED IMPROVED MACHINERY TO REPAIR AUTOS AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY and do wedling and battery work AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS FOR i -, Exiöe % BATTERIES Y AL BELLOWS & DOC NELSON Phone 515 205 E. Main »■