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NEWS OF SO CIETY é i i v v v * ' Bozeman Biddings Hostess Bozeman is enjoying her guests, this week.. Social functions all tend to honor the men and women, who have come from other parts of the state, far and near, to avail themselves of the courses in scientific agriculture, offered by M. S. C. The enjoyment is mutual. As the visitors find material to satisfy their needs, in the lectures and demonstrations at the college, they also find eager friends in the homes of Bozeman and these friends share their interests; and sing with them, to the tune' of: "Work for the Night Is Coming."— Learn all the charm of farming! Growing fine grain for gain. All that is harming, disarming. Winning from sun and rain. Leârn rhythmic grace of churning; Firm yellow nodules drain. Skill for the home farm learning; Winning with hand and brain! i With Mr. and Mrs. Sweet. Members of the Dinner club spent last Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sweet, dining with them at the Bozeman Grill and playing cards with them, later, at their home. Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. Howard Welch entertained a Bridge club at luncheon, Thursday, at her home on South Third avenue. Following the luncheon, the ladies spent the afternoon playing the game of bridge. » Guests at Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Sheppard had guests at luncheon, last Thursday, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Cook, with their mother, Mrs. Ella Cook from Santa Monica, California, and their brother, Gillette Amidon. i * as Auxiliary to O." E. S. On Wednesday evening of this week, the Auxiliary to the Order of Eastern Star enjoyed a dancing party in the Masonic hall, each member having her husband as guest for the evening's fun. Vanishing Tea. Mrs. J. F. Metheney was hostess at her home on South Tracy street, Thursday afternoon, at erne of the series of "Vanishing Teas" instituted by the W. R- C. A large company of friends enjoyed the pretty function in Mrs. Metheney's home. Bozeman Woman's Club. Mrs. M. S. Couders will be unable to come from her home in Helena, Saturday, to make the promised ad dress before the Bozeman Woman's club. Her place will be taken by Miss Gladys Branegan of the college fac ulty, who will speak of "The Amer ican Home.' Dinner Bridge Club. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lovelace en tertained the Dinner Bridge club, Mon day evening, having Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beck, Captain and Mrs. Jahant and Professor and Mrs. Thaler seated at their charmingly served dinner table; and later for the game of bridge. Theatre-Arts Section. Annual business meeting was held by the Theatre-Arts section of the Woman's club, Wednesday evening. The election of officers replaced Miss Dina Rees Evans as chairman, with Mr?. W. E. Joseph, vice chairman; Mrs. R. A. Cooley, secretary-treasurer and Miss Elizabeth Forrest, chairman of the program committee. \ Girls' Guild. The Girls' guild of the Presbyterian church met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. H. Elwood Morris, at the Ever green, with the president of the guild, Mass Lois Cobleigh, in the chair. Mrs. Clyde McKee, who shares with Mrs. Morris the service as patroness of the Guild, was present Monday evening and invited the girls to hold their next meeting in her home. Sigma Chi Alumni. Eleven members of the Sigma Chi alumni association were seated at the Bozeman Grill, Monday evening, for regular monthly dinner. Those pres ent were Lester Cole of Great Falls, H. H. Haight of Suffolk, Whitfield Spain of Belgrade, Dean Arnett, Eu gene Bunker, Don Langohr, George Finley, Albert Stark, J. W. Moore. Jack C. Taylor, and Heck Spaulding, who held the chair as toast master. A. A. U. W. . ' . The Bozeman chapter of the Am Association of University Women met Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. Leo Horst on West Bab cock street. The program topic of presented by Miss Trena Hollier, who spoke of "The Nobility": Mrs. Eric Therkelson, who spoke of "The Clergy"; by Mrs. H. C. Cheever, speaking of "The Intel lectual"; by Mrs. George Roosevelt, speaking of "The Proletariat"; by Mrs. John Hurst, speaking of "Th« Peasants" and by Mis* Frieda Bull, speaking of "Conditions for Women. A general discussion of the topics concluded the evening. yy "Russia was * U At the Whitcomb Home. The New Year was greeted with a delightful dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Whitcomb, on Thursday evening; ' The guests were Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter, Mr, and Mrs. O. E. Sheppard, Mrs. Ella Cook and Irving Jensen. After dinner, the com pany accepted an invitation into the home of Dr. and Mrs. Cook, there to hear a radio program. Alpha Epsilon Theta. The college women's literary soci ety, Alpha Epsilon Theta, held regular program session, Wednesday evening, at the home of Miss Jean Thompson, up Bridger canyon. The program in cluded book reviews; a study of George Badger Clarke being given by Miss Lillian Barry ; a review of the works of Frank Linderman being given by Miss Norma Smith; and a study of Lew Sarett's work being given by Miss Thompson. * tc Presbyterian Ladies Meet At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church, held Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. J. A. Thaler was elected to continue her serv j ce as president of the organiza ^ on Mrs. W. S. Erwin was elected {irgt yice pres ident; Mrs. F. H. Rich ards secorlc j an( j Mrs. G. R. Powers, ^hird y\ ce president; Mrs. A. T. Rut ledge seC retary; Mrs. P. C. Waite, treasurer; and Mrs. Ezra Brandriff, house-ke*ÿW4 ♦ ♦ St. James Guild A lively and happy session of St. James guild of the Episcopal church, Wednesday afternoon, made plans for the year's service and announced a parish meeting to be held next Tues day evening. An election made Mrs. N. E. Hibbert, président; Mrs. Frank Alderson, 1st vice president; Mrs. A. C. Roecher, 2nd vice president; Mrs. Rhesis Fransham, 3rd vice president; Mrs. Bailey, 4th and Mrs. Alice Wie ner, 6th vice president. Mrs. W. H. Reif was made secretary and Mrs. V. Lund, treasurer. Missionary Society The Woman's Missionary of the Christian church met Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carlisle Kenyon. After the usual business session, presided over by the president, Mrs. F. E- HerTett, Mrs. J. E. Lang conducted a round table discussion on the topic of the day— "Prayer." At the close of the meet ing a joke was enjoyed by the mem bers and at the expense of the presi dent when Mrs. W. C. Dawes, with a hit of eloquence, presented her with a floral tribute in honor of her birth day anniversary. Dainty refresh ment« were served by the hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Earhart and Mrs. A. M. Brandenburg. V For Visiting Women. The Faculty Women's club, with Miss Frieda Bull . president, enter tained at dinner, last Monday evening, in compliment to the guests from various parts of the state, for Farm and Home week. Seated about the table in the Bozeman Grill, for the menu and the after-dinner speaking, were Mrs; Ivan Gore of Sait Lake City; Mrs. McClatchey of Helena; Miss Jeanette Beyer of Great Falls; Mrs. Roy Ames of Yellowstone coun ty; Mrs. Hardy of Richland county; Mrs. Bader and Mrs. Gumprecht of Lewis and Clark; with the Misses Jessie Adee, Edith Sloan, Fannie Gor ton, Grace Garey, Nora Holhush and Gertrude Erickson, home demonstra tion agents for the state. Auxiliary to Rebekah. A group of 40 members and guests of the amdlliary to the Rebekah lodge enjoyed a session, held Tuesday af ternoon, at the home of Mrs. Albert Siefert on .West Babcock street Hostesses with Mrs. Siefert were Mesdames Harley Trent, Herndon, Wil derm an and Lester Todd. With the president Mrs. J. D. Neil, in the chair, a business session was held to plan work for the year ahead and to ootlnu for the ha. Fcr to with encore; a SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, January 11^—The L. L. club will hold session at the home of Mrs. B. B. Law on South Grand avenue. The Music section of the Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Zada Sales Dixon, at her home, 601 West Main street. Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges will hold joint installa tion of officers, followed by a program. Tuesday, January 12.—Knights of Columbus will hold regular ses sion. The Child Welfare department of the Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Wes sel, 301 South Black avenue. Wednesday, January 13—The Mid Week Dancing club will hold a gay session of dancing, with costumes telling of , "Hard Times The Home Economics club of the N. C. W. C. will meet at 7:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Fred Henke. Thursday, January 14—The House keepers club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. M. Willis, cele brating "Travel Day," with re sponse to roll call by mention of "The Trip I Hope to Take. Friday, January 15.—The House keepers club will put on "Yé Old-Tyme Concert" at Elks' hall, » with costumes and program of days gone by. and little Zesta Baxter and Heine Border presented the exquisite panto Refresh mime ofi "Silent Night, ments were served by the hostesses, conclude the afternoon. yy Dancing Party. The Misses Sarah Cook and Irene Hawes were hostesses at a dancing party, at the home of the latter, at Willow Creek, on Saturday evening. Those entertained were the Misses Ethel Walbert, Helen Cooper,' Jean ette and Charlotte Bell, Isabelle and Marjorie Flaherty, Esther Walbert, Edith Conklin, Viola Walbert, Flor ence Smith, Lucy Cook, and Alice Hawes, and Messrs. Howard Payne, Levi Ellsworth, Elwood Elliott, Glenn . Beam, Ronald Williams, John King, Leslie Holden, Jac 1 ' Casey, Harold < ÏÏS? r ' 1 ,5f be, t "' 1 Richard Nélson, Hollis Miller, Hairy Prank, Arthur Cook, Orlando Capps, Virgil Doty and Charles Hankinson. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. m Veterans' Reunion. True and tender memories, were brought to light and given new life, last Saturday evening, by a group of j World-War veterans, who sat about' a bountifully served table in the j Kramer banquet hall. These men, 20 | in number, had been members of the old 2nd Montana regiment and had been transferred to Co. A, 163 regi ment, 41st. division of the 2nd Mon tana infantry, for service in France. With the extra meetings of the week at the college, a number of the veter ans were in the city from other parts of the state and it seemed to be a fine opportunity for reunion. Fred Hum dahl arranged for the dinner and was asked to preside during the speaking of toasts. Some of the speakers were Amos Miller, D. A. Brainard, A. B. BlackWood, George Cooley and Wil liam Morgan and before the evening was concluded, each one of the 5i0 men about the table had taken his turn at speaking of memories and good comradeship. The men hope to keep up an informal organization and to have more of these fine ses sions in the future. Installation and Birthdays. Impressive ceremony of installa tion mailed the meeting of William English post, G. A. R, and W. R. C. No. 3, held last Saturday evening. Henry Bird, who has recently com« from Idaho, was installed as adjutant of the post; and the officers of the Relief Corps, who were given: honors by the installing officer, Mrs. Harriet L. Kinney, were: president, Mrs. Lacy N. Pike; senior vice president, Mrs. Mary Metheney; junior vice president, Mrs. Ella La Grange; chaplain, Mrs. Alice Edwards; treasurer, Mrs, Ber tha Roby; secretary, Mrs. Emma White; musician, M n. Kate Elmer; Conductor, Mrs. Sara Pearson; guard, Mrs. Emily Nunelly; patriotic in structor, Mrs. Ella Beatty; press cor respondent, Mrs. Georgia Hale. During the social session, follow ing the ceremonies, two birthdays celebrated with happy enthusiasm. Henry Bird had just completed 82 years and William Wade pu|t hi* mark at 80 years. The great cake* carried lighted candle* to hear wit ness to the wonderful stretches of vigorous living, and congratulations poured in from all side* upon the honored veterans. Musical numbers were rendered by an orchestra, in the and M. < Fun Feed Aft* i Famous , 300 Montana citizens had been tested about the tables for the anftual "fun feed" at the college, Wed nesday evening, the others who want ed^ place, were turned away for lack of space. The occasion proved all that was anticipated, in the way of good Comradeship and fun mingled wi^h proud dkcussion of Montana successes in agriculture. R. O. Wil ,, , . , wn presided for the program and , cal e< * k* Yates ! of Fishtail to the platform to receive ( luà honor as the "worid's wheat fang ! for 1925 with a bonus check of $150 . from the Montana Development as-j i President Atkinson said: "Montana has been winning small grain prizes steadily for many years," "and at this time has won more small grain prizes than any otheit state of the Union. This successful exhibi tion of our grains proves the quality of Montana's agriculture, and serve«? to give »notice to the outside world that Montana has soil, climate and men to lead the world. "It is a happy occasion to hâve with us the man whose wheat this year was judged the best in the world for 1925, and to take some notice of this honor that came to the whole state from the Chicago International Show." Other program numbers included some Scotch songs by William Nevin; popular songs by "William Ennis; and a comedy skit by Misses Rhoda Harris and Mercedes Staebler with songs by the College Girls' quastette. Stenographers' club of the college ser , ved as waitresses and added fun the program with song and dance More than 200 persons, members and guests of the Bozeman chapter The numbers. O. E. S. Installation. Illiiüg H00SIER THE SILENT SERVANT WITH A HUNDRED HANDS • • • • With a Hoosier You Can Almost Prepare a Meal in the Dark < « 55! 0 •£: i :£! £ #5$ - 2 ■U ; f| * ü i k I 1 1 ij \\ LT I =gg s Nearly two million women who use the Hoosier three times a day say it is indispensable—they claim it is the silent serrant with a hundred hands. It is always ready to help get meals and to help dear up after them. HE HOOSIER Kitchen Cabinet represents all the best that Am erican housewoves have learned about cutting out waste steps and unnecessary labor in the kitchen. T It organizes the kitchen in a com pact, get-at-able way—keeps every ingredient for cooking within instant reach. One glance at your Hoosier and yon are ready to order your day's groceries. The Hoosier embodies every proved "improvement"—all the rest have been rejected, today and sit in front of a Hoosier. Come to our store / $10 Down Delivers Any Hoosier Cabinet Easy Terms lance = * of the Order of Eastern Star, attend ed the services of installation of of fices*, held Monday evening at the Masonic hall. 4, A number of special features for the evening added unusual interest to the ever-bountiful ritual of installa' tion and made it a memorable event. One feature was the fact that this was the 36th installation service in the Bozeman chapter; and that Mrs. w j Beall. who was installed as conductress for the Order of East ern Star in just 36 years ag0f was pres ént Monday even i n g, bringing keen and Joving devotion to preS ent activities of the Order, to a( Jd to her eager memories of the 36 years of "other days. j Mrs. Clara Donaldson, Esther; Mrs. (Blanch«* Wilkin, Martha; and Mrs. | Zana Lean, Electa. Mrs. Eva Harris took her seat as chaplain; Mrs. Grace Kenyon, as marshal; Mrs. Myrtle Cheever, as organist; Mrs. Gladys 1 Greene, as warder; and Mr. Hugh J Stallings, as sentinel. The music f> Another especially beautiful feature of the ritual, Monday evening, was the use of flowers and verse; as the cut-going Worthy Matron, Miss Het ti e Schumacher, presented a cluster of flowers to the in-coming Matron and repeated poetry that sang the meaning of the moment. Miss Schu mâcher also presented flowers to the newly-installed Star Points and peated other chosen lines of verse as she did so. The officers, who took their hon >rs Monday evening, were Mrs. Ad die Walrath, worthy matron; Mr. O. B. Van Horn, worthy patron; Mrs, Maggie Davidson, associate matron; Mrs. Beulah Robertson, secretary; Mr. Hollis Elliott, treasurer; Mrs. Alice Kleinschmidt, conductress; Mrs. Mabel Pease, associate conductress. Star points were Mrs. L&llian Berger,} Adah; Mrs. Eleanor Hollier, Ruth; re the evening was especially fine, with six duets, sung by Mrs. M r .ry Schwartz and Mrs. Bertha He. rett wittx accompaniment prayed by Mrs, Grace Glisson. The grand officers,, who added dignity to the ceremony of the evening, were Mrs. Fred Browtv grand worthy matron; Mrs. Margaret Langohr, grand chaplain; and Miss Igrade, grand hand-car. cd Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room in the Golden Rule i block, open daily, except Sunday from of 2 to 5:30 p. tn. All are welcome. By Qf, ße beautrKil Blanche Ferne Adah. brass nut bowl was presented tc "he out-going worthy matron, Miss Schu macher, by the out-going officers, with proud recollections of their good-comradeship during their term of office. Refreshments were served in happy conclusion to the evening, the committee in charge being Mes dames Christopherson, Howell, Potter, Getchell, Lehrkind and McBride with husbands assisting in pouring coffee and passing plates. A i h g German language at 11 a. in. at the Adventist church on Black Avenue, south. On Thursday, January 14, the xju » « $$ CHURCHES U a n n n n :•: » n n n a « k n k First Lutheran Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Divine service this Sunday in the dies Aid society meets at the homo of Mrs. Charles Papke, 111 Bozeman Avenue, north, at 2:30 p. m. J. F. Potratz, Pastor. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday service at 11 a. m. Sub ject: "Sacrament."