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C/>e News from Gallatin County * * ^ ^ . From Our Special Correspondents t-.tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ' tt WILLOW CREEK NEWS ** tt tt tt 9taunnnniivtnn»ttunn% Miss Bessie Jewett visited friends in Three Forks Sunday. Miss Angelina Barnhart • visited friends in Butte, over the week-end. Mrs. Burton Thompson was a Three Forks business visitor Monday. Mrs. Maggie Davis and daughter, Juanita, spent Sunday at the William „..r. \f A „f or , a toHctp he pxoects to ? h expects ' Miss I f a Cobler spent the week end in Miiiiiran Canvon visitine at the home ct her u"le .nd aun?, M r : * Ofonlinli-Tpr * william Kellv'and children _rer»t Sundav in Butte visiting at the Flaherty home. Miss Julia Lavery was a visitor m Bozeman ever the week end. She re turned home Sunday evening. Miss Alma Shanholtzer is confined to her bed this week with a severe attack of the "flu.'' • Mrs. Isabelle Huiler and Jay Hui ler were business visitors in Three Forks Saturday, Mrs. Fred Nelscn went to Butte Thursday morning to spend several days, taking medical treatments. Burton Thompson returned to Dan Sunday evening to work in the gypsum mines. Jack Casey left Monday for Ja mere hom. Of M^ KeUv's mother Mrs home of Mrs. Kellys mother, ■». b Woddine and Marion F^ntlev of Whitehall spent the week InThere visiUngit SeMcDoweli end h , g T «no and son Buddie Mrs. Sam Lane and son uuaaie, V® s S Lane I will'^undergo a minor op ovation While there Scott White left Sunday night for hI<Thome at Meridian Idaho. Mr. Wh'te has been here for the past two TYocks visiting friends and reia tiv-o * Archie Price went to Cardwell Sun , • . -nend several hours -rt Vi« Torno« r^mnhpll home He re tnrrpd 11 W'llov* Creek on the mid nicht train Primeercrowder. the small son of T*Ir md Mrs R D Crowder was tal-en sick Monday afternoon with the tZvn ' t '° X 1 !S 5 lh ° SOCOnd CaSe 111 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson a.v| family, Mr. and Mrs. Luther La p.., - nd 'familv Mr and Mrs. Car r' 11 Cleveland and Scott White were diinS^ bests' of Mr aîd Mrs Eur t-n Thompson Sunday * •boutTo wonle gathered at the About <u people gatnereu al Fredericks hall Friday evening and exu-yed an old time dame. Music v.'as furnished by volunteers. Among were Mrs Jim Faetren and daughter, Edith; ' the Misses Brook and Pearl Thompson. Messrs U.yd IeT n m11e"Sam h HaS Lun.h was served at midnight. them Mrs. Ellen Dodge is visiting friends and relatives in Whitefish. Melvin Olson and Oscar Nelson mo- I tc^-cd to Bczeman and spent Mon- i day. Jim Talbott of Bozeman called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tice Monday on business. • Hugo Norman motored to Spring hill Sunday to attend to some busi ness matters-. Dell McLees and Albert Johnson of tho Madison Valley were business cal lers in Logan Monday. ' Tom Tice motored to Harrison Tuesday to look at a bunch of cat tie he expects to purchase. Mrs. John Powers and children spent Tuesday morning in Manhat «utsBsnn :*:•:»** n n » 3 LOGAN « tt » n « « a « « » tt tt tt •• a n ton Mr. and Mrs. William Kelso and children motored to Manhattan and spent a couple of hours Monday. Mr. Parker of Willow Creek visit ed with old friends in Logan Thurs day. He was en route to Bozeman. Mrs. M. A. Smith of the Butte Miner force was a business caller in Logan Thursday afternoon. Ernest Mullenaux motored to Man hattan to attend to business matters 'Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dell McLees motored to Logan and spent Monday visiting friends. « Mrs. M. A. Sudduth, who has been seriously ill at her home here, is re ported to be slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLeee mo !tor»»d to Logan and Manhattan Fri .1 Everyone who has an ice house in Logan is busy putting in his summer's supply of ice. Mr. and Mrs. Will McDeed visited with friends in Logan for a couple of hours Thursday evening. Steve McDonnell motored to the Holland settlement near Manhattan Wednesday to get some sheep., Bill Bryson of the Madison valley and Sam Johnson transacted busi ness in Logan Wednesday. Harlem Durham and Olin Durham of the Madison Valley were busi ness callers in Logan and Manhat tan Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parent and chil dren have returned from a few days Visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Todd near Sales ville. Mrs. Lloyd Meador and Mrs. Phil Lang motored to Three Forks and spent a couple of hours shopping Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Merrill and son Freddie of Livingston were guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dross. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ashley, Mrs. Alice Phénix and Alfred Opie mo tored to Bczeman and spent Satur „ , teach £ Miss Rose McDonnell, is ing at Maudlow, motored to Logan and spent the week end with relatives and friends. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durham and Olin Durham of the Madison valley were attending to matters of business in Logan Friday. Harry McClarty of Livingston visit ed his sister, Mrs. Lloyd Meador, Sat urday and attended the basketball game, returning to Livingston on the morning" train Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwab of Boze man motored to Logan and attend ed the dance Saturday evening and spent Sunday with relatives on the Ma ^ iaon - . , , . , Mr ard Mrs rrank Joh a nd g?""" . ags Sunday evening alter spe and'"« »« k " d " mth mends. Jack McDonnell and John Graham motored to ] he Madison valley and s*ne s P ent Thursday doing repair work on the hou8e at the McDon nel1 ranch - - _ Mrs * William Kelso and son, Den ald > motored 10 Lo *^ n , ftom , th J e,r ranch home and visited Wednesday afternoon at the home Mr - and Mrs . John Powers . _ Mr " and Mrs - Robert Campbell of Bozeman have meved into the Ray momi place near Logan and Mr. p am P^ e H ^ as a band of sheep winter in f,. nea f here ' . ., , .. . s A ? T res Stacey of Whitehall ax nved ln Logan Saturday and will in?f the essence of Miss Ethel Ein son ' w ^° taking a vacation. T * le ^ ony boysV and girds' basket hall teams came to Logan Saturday ? nd played the Logan teams. The ^ on y S^ls won the game with a Vore of ^tlf l^the S'""® b eing a very fast and interest ing m f- i!| e game *, dance ^ as g ^ en ^ T t ? psy J lyn " and her tra ^ lsses Nona and Mil dred Waters °* Manhattan singing the I walt u 2 ' A lar ^ e crowd ^ athered and | a11 had a P leasant evening. L --tport ! a tt tt X « « K a a tt U U U a n | # B . SPRINGHILL » I M ^ ** ^ ** «»a»««««»*»»«»» Charley Sandquist loaded a car of 0 e Gowin and George Stimson of Decker district were business visitors in Bozeman Monday. Alice Corbly has been delivering wheat to the Springhill elevator dur ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walton visited from Wednesday until Saturday of last week with Mrs, Walton's rela tives in Nigger Hollow. Miss Alfreds Forswall, who is at tending high school in Bozeman, vis ited Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Forswall. Alfred Walton has purchased a ra dio which is affording the family much enjoyment, as well as the loss of a great deal of sleep. Mr. and Mrs. George Metier were Bozeman visitois Friday, and were accompanied hcme by their son, Earl Metier and family. - Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sandquist and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cramer were business visitors in Bozeman Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rampey of near Three Forks visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walton. ' * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Metier and chil dren came over fröm Wilsall Thurs day, and spent the rest of the week visiting relatives in Springhill and Bozeman. Clarence and Irene Walton, who are attending school in Bozeman, spent the week end at the home of their brother, Alfred Walton, and family. .• There were several absences from i school last week, due to colds and la grippe which have been prevalent j among the school children. Many of them have severe coughs >*ith their colds. A dance was given at the Decker schoolhouse Friday night for the benefit of the Orphan's home. Sup per was furnished by the community, and the music was donated. The dance was a very enjoyable affair. , Lester Crouse, who is the owner of several fox hounds, was successful recently in running down a coyote in the neighborhood. This makes seventh coyote he has caught with his dogs this winter. . Albert Seifert has been busy lately modernizing his house. Excavation has been made for a full basement, in which a furnace will be installed. Electric lights have recently been put in, and hot and cold water will soon be ready foi* use. When toe work is finished the Seiferts will have a strictly modem country home. tt 55 tt tt « « tt « « « « « « » a tt BELGRADE « » n » » » n a » n « « tt « « « n » •Mrs. Ruby Hartung has been spend ing a few days with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McGuire were Bozeman • callers on Saturday, Mrs. Harvey Biggs has returned to her ranch home after spending a few days in town. * ^ Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Dieferderfer .were dinner guests, Saturday of Mr. and Roy ^e] SO n. Mr and Mrs Ard Moore spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Shep erd Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stephenson entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and : "7' Charl f Eel1 ' " r ' Nelson and son, Miss Manon Lob dell and Clarkscn Spain. ■ , Mrs. J. D. C. Wipf entertained at cards Saturday, at her home east of town> Four tables of bridge were at Mrs. Sheperd and Mrs. J. M. Mc Guire were callers Wednesday at the hcme of Mrs. Paris on East Galla tin. V Miss Matilda Kluckholm, who re sided near Belgrade several years age, is visiting here with her brother Ar thur. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church met Wednesday at the church parlors. Suppér was served at five o'clock by Mrs. S. C. Allen's divis ion. , High score we nt to Mrs. W. ^/ Spain s . . Mrs. Ray Angeil entertained the Even j ng C ard club at her home on Saturday evening. High score t ^ e ] a ^} es we nt to Mrs. Wayne Bar nard, and for the men to Robert Dew . ^ T ' hc Westminster guild met at the hcme of Mrs R B Hubbard with a good attendance. The organizing of a Christian Endeavor .for Belgrade was discussed anÄ a meeting will be held at the home D f the Rev. R. W. Q rr> on Sunday, for the purpose of organization. - . .. The Springhill Ladies' aid met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. A. Forswall, The afternoon was spent j with needle work, and a business ses s | on# At the close of the meeting de Uci ° US refreshments were served ^ Nearly 30 young couples enjoyed coasting party Saturday night at the hcme of Mr - and Mrs - Harold Wright Several hand sleds and pairs of skiis W ere in use, besides a toboggan which would accommodate from eight to 10 pe0 ple. After all had enjoyed the for a time, refreshments were served - . . . f Art Cramer of Helena who has been seri cramer w neiena, wno nas ceen sen ously ill, that his condition is n worse than it has been lately., ^ ,S Mr 'cramer ZTÎoZlrwl -Â-ïwl""— fnends a ho P in 8 for early re the hostess. £: ^ c ° ve, Y' R ls daughter, Alto, who* has also " a serious condition, is re covenn K slowly, * 55 Mr. Tidd was a Livingston caller between trains, Saturday. Peter Nickelson spent the week end with relatives in Livingston. Mrs. E. A. Givens spent Friday af ternoon with Mrs, J. L. Wells, Mr». A. Sorensen and son, Leonard, were business callers in Livingston Tll 1 [i rsday * Mr. and Mrs. A. Julian and family were Livingston oallers, between . ^ ra ^ as » Monday. 1 Miss Knutson, the county was a caller at the West End school Fnday. ■ Leonard Scrensen attended the dance at Bozeman Hot Springs, Sat urda y evening. Mrs. A. Julian and children spent a ct *uple of days at the Wills home wee ^ Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherman and fam called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duettner, Sunday afternoon, . vMr. and Mrs. Tom Pierce are spend ^bis week in Bozeman, where Mr. a 3 s « n n xs a n n n n tt o ».* tt wm WEST END tttttttttttttttttttttttttt U tt nurse, a care, Mrs. A. C. Aleey spent last week, in Billings, visiting and attending to business matters, Mrs. A. Button and daughters, Em and Jessie, of Bozeman, spent the eiU * re ^ a ^ vea in this vi . Richard Alexander, who is attend high school in Bozeman, spent j ™e week end with his uncle and aunt, j Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Akey. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Werner and daughter, Burnadine, -and Charlie)I fj erCe B P en t a few days at. the | Werner and Piercè homes in this vi cm ity during the week, _Mr. and Mrs. Ç. Marble and Mr. a»d 8, ® ert Reese motored to Sales vl " e Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Marble at their ranc h home near there, , Lari Werner and Charlie pierce Thursday « morning by aiito ^ or The Dalles, Oregon, where they P® 04 to make their home. Mrs. Wen ner d Burnadh low by .train, after receiving word that they have arrived at nation. ex Girl Rulers of Paris During 1926 « . v . Tw'i mm ■A ♦ ivlv . - m -- ■ mm m mm m m M ... , MS ' 1 ; > • ' m <• ■ - • s j m. m ; ' ; |l m i Here are the six girls who were chosen the queens of beauty for Paris to reign during 1926. Left to right, standing; Mlle. Liliane Clay, "Premier Citoyenne"; Mile. Paulette Peiou, "Maid of Honor for Thirteenth Arrondisse ment" ; Mile. Odette Topln, "Maid of Honor for the Muse." Sitting : Mile. Alice Septfons, "Marianne de Paris"; Mile. Madeleine Delmaye, "Queen the Thirteenth Arrondissement," and Mile. Madeline Peiou, "Muse De La Jeunesse Républicaine." WESTERN CANADA ENJOYS WARMEST WTMTK'R IM WINTER W YEARS !in •. • ' CALGARY, Alberta. Western Can ada is revelling in the warmest win ter of its leng history. The rivers of southern Alberta are running just as • freely as in summer, a condition nev er known to have existed at this for'time of year in the memory of the \ white man in Canada. Two trappers, according to a, recent report, living 60 miles north of Dunvegan cn the Peace river, broke aU north country navigation records early in January At that time they floated down the river on a raft and enëountered no hardships of any kind. Reports from British Columbia are also emphasiz in 8 the mildness of the winter climate there. The lakes which near Inver mere form the headwaters of the great Columbia river were not com pletely frozen over until the first week of January? Tihs signal of win ter's definite arrival usually occurs no later than the second week in No vembCT - a - , # I lars per family was the average "mount spent for clothmg by 1,337 farm families in 1922-23, says the United States department cf agrieul ture - Fa "n families of Ohio, Ken ^ • , Va _„. * ___ c I tuc ky, Missouri, and Kansas, repre A s^'lWin^^ere ^ - t^ud? Äze of these' about four persona. I I AVERAGE FARM FAMILY SPENDS $225 FOR "DUDS >9 Two hundred and twenty-five dol ■' I The COURIER needs news representatives in several communities of Gallatin County. Among them Are Bridger Cânyon . SalesviUe Manhattan Trident Maudlow » CASH PAID FOR NEWS! } FOR INFORMATION IN DETAIL WRITE MANAGING EDITOR E= r Printing - - Book W( W. Main St. . wives $61.81. The peak of cloth !in K expenditures seemed to be in the ' age group of 19 to 24 years, sons j n this group spent an average of f89 and ^ daugh ters, $103.36. I In the year the husbands spent an I average of $56.71 for clothing and The GOOD ANY TIME* Dodge Brothers have been building motor cars for 11 years and a lot of people are still driv ing the cars they bought back in 1915* Proving that you can, buy a used Dodge Brothers car at almost any stage of its life and still get dollar for dollar in value—provided you buy from the right dealer. BOZEMAN AUTO CO. Phone 168 202 W. Main Donee Brothers Dealers Sell Boon used Cars OPERATING COST REDUCED fl 1,500 Helena—A total reduction of $11» 546.66 in the net coet of operating the department of agriculture, labor and industry for the first half of the fis cal year ended December 31, 1925, as compared with the same period dur ing the previous year, is reported by A. H. Bowman, commissioner. Operating under a reduced appro priation, the department nevertheless maintained full service in every di vision and was able to reflect the ex tent of its efforts in an increased in come of $5,038.52. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH j Apply Cream in Noetrüa To ' Open Up Air Passages. Ah I What relief! Your clogged nos trils open right up, the air passages of your head are clear ani. *you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness—no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos trils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, Ely's» Cream cold and ca seeking. It's from your riving you instant relief. Balm is just what every sufferer baa been just splendid. tarrk