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. THE BOZEMAN »pifo* ? w w» »aqtt q c«fl w»< H K ^ i dfcrl • « • ' V.: SS JK j t • ■*; • • * -• 3 m Bozeman Biddings ■ Action is the key-note of Bozeman social life, at this radilâ$& season of beginnings. With the influence of March in the j a thrill of energy stirs each club and society. Young women of the college have been earning money, with Vunctions this week, for valuable public service. Garden plots tàtp being located that promise added beauty for this beautiful Bozeman and the entire atmosphere is rich with the stir of vigorously doing Something truly worth while. ' Forward March! the order rings March to the aid of growing things! - Thrills of life, the season flings; * Vivid March, on breezing wings. Forward March ! the sunshine Tuned to forests' living strings. Though the hand of winter dings. Laughing March bright beauty brings u . * a* : : 'im m ? «*y ? Si- X ■i-p •J*C t u*'' slow is president of Logan Belt and William Belt had as guests at'dinner, last Saturday evening, Ben Law Jr. and Dana Law. The good time was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Belt. B. D. Bridge dob. Mrs. Justin Smith was hostess for the B. D. Bridge club, on Thursday of this week. The ladies were seated for luncheon at 1:30 o'clock and later spent the afternoon with the game of bridge. 500 Club Meets. A "500" club of three tables met Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. E. M, Randall on East Curtis street. Mrs. Fired Homann and Mrs. Harry Gustine assisted Mrs. Randall in serving an attractive tea at the close of the afternoon. Misa Buell Hostess. Miss Gelia Buell was hostess, Tues day evening, for the Bridge club of which she is a member. Eight young ladies accompanied Miss Buell to the Bozeman hotel for a daintily served supper and later played the game in her home on South Grand avenue. Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. Raymond Beck and Mrs. C. Korslund were hostesses, last Satur day, having twelve ladies seated at luncheon and later to play bridge. Tulips were used to add beauty of color and form to the tables and rooms. X. Y. Z. Club. Miss Luella Nelson was hostess for the X. Y. Z. club, on Thursday eve ning, at her home on East Story street. The members. Misses Jose phine Graf, Alice Border, Margaret Burken paas, with Miss Nelson, kept their fingers occupied with art work, while enjoying conversation and mu sic. Attractive refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Current Events Section. The Current Events section of the Woman's club met at the Elks' home on Tuesday afternoon, with eighteen members present. For program study, Mrs. J. A. Woodard brought material upon "The Countries of South Amer ica" with reference to their political and economic condition. Mrs. W. S. Erwin also made summary of nation al and foreign events now current and the club members made general dis cussion of the topics. Woman's Club Program. An interesting program has been arranged for the general meeting of the Bozeman Woman's club, to be held on Saturday afternoon of this week. A film will be shown of scenes in Glecier National park; Mrs. H. 0. Cheever will play a piano solo; and Rev. R. P. Smith will deliver his address upon "Evolution," which won such general approval by studepts and faculty members of the college as sembly. Miss Bigelow Goes East. Miss Mildred Bigelow, a student in Montana State college, is spending this week in Kalamazoo. Michigan, attending the annual convention of the National Eurodelphian literary c 2br TbeaMast Luncheon Dinner / QUALITY GROCERIES For every meal of the day here aye the Food-stuffs you want on your table. They are always good—-and they are moderately priced. WEST SIDE CASH * GROCERY 410 W. Cœftia Pbone 266 Eta chapter of TSurodelphian in M. S. C. and was seat as a delegate »from this chapter to 'W' national meeting. Miss Bigelow Will also spend a few days in Minneapolis, Minnesota, guest of Mrs. Lester J. Nelson, who was formerly Miss Jessie E. Donald • £ 1 . With th. Mi»» Out A group of young ladies enjoyed lut Siturday evening with the Misse» Ena and Marjorie Clark, pUying bridge in the Orton apartment in the Evergreen. Th« Miaus Eva Dueber, Ruth Anderson. Marguerite Hood, Mae Sirjord, Alice Moody. i neI Smith, Ethel Rottman, Seule Kwrt-1 son, and Mrs. McCray made np the laughing company. Color harmony of yellow and'white prevailed in the spring flowers that adorned the rooms and refreshment trays, sweet peas, forget-me-nots and freezia being the flowers used. .• . son. . .r.i. Rebekah Auxiliary. The Auxiliary to the Daughters of Rebekah lodge held a rousing busi ness session, Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. C. W. Hess on South Seventh avenue. Mrs. Neil, president of the auxiliary, conducted the business, after which a social hour with refreshments was conducted by Mesdames W. F. Cowan, D. H. Budd, Fleming, McMullin and Hess. Two vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. Fleming, with piano accompani ment played by iMirs. W. W. Mapes to add to the pleasure cf the after noon, for the.45 members present. At Christian Church. The Missionary society of the Chris tian church met on Wednesday after noon of this week, in the church par lors. Mrs. James Fitzgerald was program leader and Mesdames Fitz simmons, Gilchrist and Matthews were hostesses. The program topic for the day was "Mexico," and two papers were read, bringing light up on present-day problems of Chris tianity in Mexico. There was also a vocal solo rendered by Mrs. F. E. Herrett and a piano sofc> by Miss Mary Metheny. < The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church met Wednesday af ternoon at the Deconess hospital and accomplished a worthy amount of work in the way of mending sheets for the hospital beds and of folding gauze bandages. Program numbers added pleasure to the work; when Mrs. Walter Mecklenberg sang two solo numbers and Mr. George Marvin played three trombone numbers with Mrs. B. B. Law playing the accom paniment. Mrs. C. B. Swim gave a review of the book "Keeper of the Bees" by Gene Stratton Porter and told of the outstanding work of this author. Refreshments were served by the hostesses for the day, Mes dames L, M, Constant, Oliver Biering and C. £. Sime. Methodist Ladies Work. — m I? m m ■ m mm ■x ■■■ ; I'-V ■mç» x m Xv:i «S*»: x :■ 5» •X mmm " * J m ■K> XX ms ■ : ■■■ : ■ % ■■■■■■■ fv ; ittf ■ -, ; X : t: >■ - ■ ill V.-, ? ■ X . U 61 AMO N. Y. CITY— Gertrudeüoffïna; taking their mor| bathing sottai in th US HOFFMAN of the famous troupe of ig in a popular review exercises lightly dad It weather in Central Park. » i—- ; - Hm m] % meet hr' the a ' * Mr*. Nic % A* *f"' 6./:Clûb wî afternoon session, at the hottpe of Mrs. Amos Hall, 102 West Cleveland street Tuesday. March S^-The Child Wd ' fare - section of the Womans . club will hold evening session at the home of Mrs. Willard Bell, 103 North Grand avenue, with Mrs. Philip Shane the hosteçaj WedqjéftdajF,- March Ifc—The Mid Week Dancing dub will hold its appointed hour of study. Thursday, March lly—The House* keepers' club will meet at the home'of Mrs. AlexShadoan, 602 South Sixth avenue. Mrs, Jar |vis, Mrs. Beatty and Mrs. pc. Daw-es WÜl be hostesses, and response to roil call whl be with it ; ♦ ih& S h Cheerful Thoughts." a r • ,.-f> ZZZ3S y* *. ••*. •Onr Day Out. The O. D. O. club enjoyed a "Day Out," last Wednesday, at the home of Mrs* T. E. Roberts. The other mem bers of Committee No. 5, Mrs- E. P. S V - Hodffleston and i 0 * 1 ™ Voatease. mth R°he r te. F.ft«n dub members and Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Barclay and "«-J« gnests for the fay. were » "'Wy taWe. at Ij <ydodc Readings and «lotions made a dehghtfnr, rnfor .»«» *«**• : nc3t * has been postponed until «•«"* *« ek » vbm "»• mlttee ^°- 1 wl *l entertain, *vC A. A. U. W. Holds Session. The American Association of Uni versity Women held interesting ses sion, Tuesday evening, at the home of Miss Dina Reese Eväns on West Olive street. There were more than 20 members in attendance end' the program made study of Russian erature, from its beginning, through the 19th century. Mrs. Beatrice Freeman Davis was program leader for the evening and introduced study with a thorough-going paper. Dr. Richardson of the college faculty and Miss Mae Sirjord, each brought enlightening material upon the sub ject. The association will hold next session at the home of Dr. Sra ah Jennings. *. >r A ' Birthday. Miss Dorothy Mae Casper celebrat ed her ninth birthday, last Saturday, having twelve little friends as guests at luncheon at her home, 313 South Fifth avenue, and as guests at matinee after luncheon. George Washington was given honor with tional colons and emblems making bnght the luncheon table. Nut cups [ and hatchet favors also shone with the red white and blue. - The little ladies who had part in the good time were: Oliver Whitcomb, Alice Per rin, Winifred Bonnell, Winifred Houghton, Carol Dean, Helen Dean, Geraldine Stone, Elizabeth Shubert, Dorothy Botkin, Roberta Yetsinga, BiUy Casper and the little hostess, For Mrs. Mandeville. A birthday celebration was arrang ed for Mrs. John E. Mandeville, Tues day, at the home of her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Man deville, northwest of Bozeman. Guests seated about the brightly served luncheon table, were Mesdames E. Broox Martin, H. M. Catron, George W. Crittenden, Scott Matthew, P. A. Maxwell, Stephen White, Grace Ruff ner, Mias Etta Gracey and the guest of honor. Many attractive gifts were laid with flowers at Mrs. Mandevilles place and congratulations showered upon her successful completion of 68 years of living. Miss Ella Lee (.im * 5=1* <* % ill \\ I f S^A BAD PLACE FOR A NIGHT kase ff we were living in this house we to>uld move at once. The first, good wind that comes along is liable to dash it down the side of the excavation. The house is located near Hollywood, Calif ornia, and was placed in this dangerous position by excava ting for' A hew road. lx •• « ! h ■ Mandeville and Miss Effie Carroll assisted Mrs? Gordon Mande ville in serving-the guests. Scabbard and Blade Ball. Thas Rose Garden was the scene of a brillient function, last Friday cveriingi when 260 friends enjoyed the annual mnlitary ball of Scabbard and Blade, thé -milfta^y : organization of Montana State college. National .col ors and military erbblems were.uiingl ed with college colors to make the hail brilliant and the ôrôeiç for, danc ing carried the spirited cadence of drill marching. Officers of the organization. Cap tain Leroy H. Anderson, First Lieu tenant Wesley Boss, Second Lieuten ant Öonald Jackson, and First Ser geant Frank Lamb performed the rites ■ of hospitality and during the evening; announced the pledges of Scabbard and Blade. These are Os car Cutting, Henry Churchwell, Floyd Cranston, Jim Bradbury, Ed Jones, Carl Irish, Earl Klein and Gerald Mode. During the evening, also, announce ment was made of sponsors for the battalion of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps and for each com pany, to serve the coming year; and a choice bouquet of flowers was pre sented each one. Miss Marion Mosier was named as sponsor for the battal ion; Miss Juanita Creel for Company A; Miss Arleda Allen for Company B; Mi^s Gertrude Dawes for Company Grace, Singer- for Com paftjT |ljr"£'£511ison Boston received honors as the outstanding cadet in thé battalion for general efficiency. C; ■v 41 1 * Special Assembly at G. C. H. S. Ptbud enthusiasm ran high in the special assembly, held at Gallatin County high school on Monday after noon of this week. The occasion was devoted recognition winnings made'by the home high school in dis trict tournament contests, Edwin Nelson, captain of the bas ketball team, presented to the high school the silver cup, which was won at the tournament recently held in Livingston, when Gallatin and Hel ena tied for first place and a second cup was made, in order that each one of the two schools should receive its cup, v Tbe pennant, which Gallatin won by getting second place in White hall, was also brought to the assem bly. Coach Lowe told the students of various values in the district tourna ment at Whitehall, when Gallatin won all the games in which it played un til the final, which was won by Park County high school. Miss Dina Rees EVanSv then brought an interesting report of the extemporaneous speak ing contest cf the district tourna ment, in which Miss Lois Cobleigh won hj*:h honors; although first place went William Wolyerton of White ha.ll; and second place went to Miss Virgil#* Alien of Virginia City. Hng the assembly. Principal d told the students of the campaign that nade in Gallatin county from 2 to March 26; and he told the sale of season tickets state basketball tournament next Tuesday morning. C 01 W< "Milk^ for Health" will Marcl them i for to ^Lneoock. «man had part in the hap >ff of the bride and groom, „ Ired Blankenship and E. C. w ^ 08 ® nuptials were*' sol on Thursday evening, at 8 ^ the First Baptist church, f- Robert W. Shaw the offici All py o'c! with ating ide waa gowned in white > over silver, with silver rib her vxdl was of white lace hot of silver grapes shower bouquet of r At the opening 0 »erdfce, Miss Olive Bens with bl T -•%' man was Lucien Waldorf from Har krwton. The bridesmaids wér| Miss Ellen Cain and Hiss June Blau kenship; while the ushers were Don Bennett and Lyle Richards. Spring time colors were reflected in the yel low and white gown and picture hat, bouquet and staff of the maid of hon or;* and in the orchid shades of the gowns and pictu rebate of the brides maid£. Out-of-town guests attending the happy function were Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas of White Sulphur Springs, Mrs. Ellen Orr of Whitehall, Miss Helen Johnson of Fort Collins, Col crado, and Lucien Waldorf of Har lowton. Following the reception at the home of aîr. and Mrs. E. V. Blan kenship on Tracy avenue, there was served a wedding supper for 30 rela tives and attendants of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Luccock will make a tour of some of the historic points in Montana before they go to their new home in Livingston, where Mr. Luccock holds a responsible busi ness position. a » unsaattnxnunsa t: » » CHURCHES ttx » «««««»«»« » an First Church of Christ, Scientist 16 West Olive St Sunday school 9:30 a. m. • Sunday service 11:00 a. Subject: "Man." Wednesday evening meetings at which testimonies of healing given, are held at 8 o'clock. Reading room in the Golden Rule block open daily, except Sundays and holidays, from 2 to 5:30 p. m. AH are welcome. n st a m. are First Lutheran Church Sunday school at 10 a. , lenten service in the German lan guage this Sunday at 11 a. m., at the Adventist church on Black ave nue, south. .* • • the Ladies' Aid society meets on Thursday afternoon- at the home of Mrs. L. Buehling. • -. m. J. P. • Potratz, Pastor. BORN : Saturday, February 27, at the Pine wood hospital, a son to Mr. and Mrs, Ray P. Myers. Sunday, February 28, at the Deacon ess hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Marley, a son. took the little' one 1 Death, however, within an hour. Brief service» Were held Monday afternoon by the JîeV. at the West chapel. Bu the Catholic cemetery. Monday, February 22, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young, a daughter. Thursday, February 26, at the Deaconess hospital, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wüliam Lowe. D. Leitham rial was in x MARRIAGE LICENSE Chester P. Maggard and Marguerite P. Maggard, both of Bozeman. The two were divorced more than a year ago. J. H. Harris, county clerk and re corder, has sufficiently recovered from an attack of"£he "flu" to re sume his duties at the court house. —■ = ):;>! i l V % 11 •a r.i ■ > % i 1 'sax' B ,1 <350 8 pr-j Ur ' y I iiib a i % CbM that is Dry and Frosty 1 *'2 & 0 HINK of it: Dry cold air like a lip breath from snow-clad .mountains can now be used to refrigerateyour foods* Kelvinator, the pioneer system of do mestic electric refrigeration, will pro duce this frosty chill in your oth refrigerator without attention and with out renewing — month after month. - The supreme satisfaction of users « have owned Keivinators for yeatfs caused Kelvinator to be recognize*! the standard electric refrigeration. C 6r phone and let os (ell you more about Kelvinator and our easy payment plan. S« W. Main ■ .m page five I? ÎT — ■ With solemn ceremonies condr'*ted by the Rev. A. B L Skindlov, president of the Rocky Mountain district, whs was assisted by the Rev. O. K. David son of Glendive, the Rev. E. Hoff. of Livingston, and the Rev. A. Hd beck of Big Timber, the new Hope Lutheran church was dedicated last Sunday* At the same time, the Rev. J, M. Jenson, who came here from Belmont, Iowa, was installed as pas tor. The new church is located oa the southeast. corner of Grand ave nue and Olive street, the property, formerly occupied by th© late E. P. Kidd, being purchased five years ago. - A few months ago the house, which had been remodeled for church pur poses and used for several years, was torn down and the present building CHURCH DEDICATE» . erected. PRESENTS SILVER CUP. At a special assembly at the Gal latin County high school Mond*v af ternoon, Captain Edwin Nelson ' * institution's basketball team formal- - ly presented to the school the silver cup won recently at the invitational tournament held in Livingston, aad the pennant awarded for taking sec ond place at the district tournament last week at Whitehall, In the invi tational tournament, Gallatin tied with Helena for first place an^ Liv ingston, donator of the cup, had a ■ duplicate made for presentation to Bozeman, instead of settling the question by drawing lots. Judge W. R. C. Stewart is in Butte on a business mission. He is expected to return this week. À <? - r V FreeI Write to-day ter yonreopy of the # than360recipes! B BAKING POWDER IMXladepeaadeaaee Bento