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6HOHOHjHOH6HWïHCH90CHîHOHôHSH!H!HCH!HOHOrtHOH5HSH3rtHûHîHîHDHîHCHCH!HCHCro NEWS OF t « Bozeman Biddings Giving welcome to new comers by the Bozeman Woman's club, last Saturday afternoon, and by the Presbyterian church at supper, Wednesday evening, Bozeman citizens are feeling the stir of the season, the welcome for new growth of plants and trees as well as for newly arrived neighbors and dub members. Social functions have been few in number, during the past week, because my lady has been occupied with her garden. She has organized beds and planted seeds in anticipation of the beauty to come and while doing the big work, she has laughed over The Hoax of the Hoe: Hobo or hoe beau, come you nifty know beau ! Seeds need deed speed ; so they may below grow. Beautiful and sweet they, pansy blossoms great day. Plant bulbs stir deep, ready to complete May. Come green grass green; make the lovely scene seen. Sunshine, warm force, woos the watered charm source. May queen of gay mien plays with blooming sheen, clean. Hoe beau, with arm force, come and win on farm bourse! Merry Mothers' Club. Mrs. Williams Hostess. Mrs. Fred B. Williams was hostess at her home on South Tracy avenue, on Thursday and Saturday of last week. Ten guests, upon each occa sion, were seated at a charmingly served luncheon table and later took share in games of bridge. Etruscan Bridge Chib. On Thursday afternoon of this week, came the meeting of the Etrus can Bridge club of 12 members, with Mrs. Charles Sears hostess. Luncheon was served at 1:30 o'clock, at the Bridges Delicatessen, after which the members went to the home of Mrs. Sears to play the game. Merry Wives Meet. Mrs. J. S. Simpson will he hostess for the club, by name the "Merry Wives," on Friday afternoon, at her home on West Koch street, members, 18 in number, will enjoy visiting over their fancy work and about the tea tables at the close of the afternoon. The Pythian Sisters. More than 80 persons were guests of the Pythian Sisters, Monday eve ning, for games of progressive whist and supper at the lodge rooms. Host ess committees included Mesdames J. S. Edward», A. M. Brandenburg, Guy Henderson, Hugh Hill, Walter Lehr kind, Sanford Moore and John Rob ertson. At Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Johnson^ en tertained at dinner, Monday evening, in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sheppard of Golden City, Mo., who are guests in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Professor and Mrs. O. E. Sheppard, for two weeks, while returning from California to Missouri. Montgomery-Covey. Miss Edith Montgomery and Carl ton G. Covey, both of Bozeman, were married last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at th© home of Rev. A. L. Chapman, who conducted the wedding service. Miss Claudine Snyder and Cecil Covey attended the bride and groom, who will make their home on -a ranch near Manhattan. Waffle Supper. Members of the cast of the play: The Enchanted Village," were enter tained at a waffle supper, last Sun day evening, by Mrs. B. D. Hathaway and her son L. E. Hathaway, at their apartment in The Evergreen. After supper, there was rehearsal of parts of the play, which is under the direc tion of Mr. Hathaway for the Theatre Arts section of the Woman's club. <1 500 Club. Mrs. Arthur Catting entertained , the 600 dub, Wednesday afternoon, at her apartment in the Fechter ho tel. The ladies who enjoyed the hos pitality of Mrs. Cutting for the game and tea service, wore Mesdames Ben* epe, Boucher, Casper, Fechter, For tier, Heisick, Randall, Sears, Sim mons, Overstreet and Williams. Church Supper. Mrs. Brown Hostess. Mrs. R. E. Browo, retiring presi dent of the Bozeman Woman's dub, will be hostess <00 Saturday of this week, at her home on South Willson Mrs. Brown will entertain at luncheon, .Saturday, the thirty ladies, who have served on the executive board of the Woman's club during the past year. The function bids fair to include happy resume of experience« in public service. avenue L. O. F. Oabw Mrs. Charles Russell and Mrs. Hugh Stallings were bestes sea for the I. O. O. F. dub, last Saturday afternoon, * at the home at Mrs. Stallings in the Blackmore. guest, with the members, Mesdames George Baxter, C. L. Beveridge, Ever ett Brown, Paul Davies, S. H. Dean, R. S. Dawes, W, L. Hayes, Frank Ham, Mrs. Ed Mardis was )exter Moser, son, Matt and the two White Of Mrs. Harrison Keyser and Mrs. Marshall) Phipps were hostesses to the Merry Mothers' club, which met at the home ei Mrs. Keyser on South Tracy on Thursday afternoon, April 8. The rooms were decorated with jonquils and pussywillows. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the session. It was the first meet ing since January and was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. The .next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. D. Houser on North Grand avenue. » Piano Recital The music pupils of Mrs. Zada Sales Dickson entertained a large company of parents and friends with a recital, last Saturday afternoon, in Mrs. Dickson's studio at the Y. M. C. A. building. The young people, who rendered the piano numbers, were Carroll Dean, Katherine Busch, Jane Brotherton, Carleen Crouse, Billy Lovelace, Betty Jane Lyon, Norma Randall, Marjory Seerley, G reichen Thaler and Bessie Warwood. Each number was given sincere ap plause by the friends who heard and saw. Jean For Roberta Yetsinga. A birthday party for nine-year-old Roberta Yetsinga was arranged, last Saturday afternoon, by her parents, . Robert Yetsinga. The Wirnifred Bonn ell, Lu Mr. «ni 1» little gues vena Maybell, Alice June Perrin, Elizabeth Shuhert, Willis Smart and Cleta May Walton, with the hostess, attended th© Ellen theater. After the play was over, they enjoyed a feast of good things to eat at the Bungalow and went to the Yetsinga home in the Michigan block to play games. Toy Ballons, that would both sing and fly, were given for cherished guest favors. O. E. S. Auxiliary. Fifty-one members of the Auxil iary of the Order of Eastern Star at tended the meeting held Tuesday af ternoon in the Masonic hall and gave welcome to the president, Mrs, Elean or McRoberts, who has just returned from a visit in California. Following the business session, supper was serv ed at tables made bright with daffo dils and other spring flowers. Host esses for the afternoon were Mes dames Arthur Allen, Everett Brown, C. L. Beveredge, H. Dale Kline, Earl Dawes, R. S. Dawes, C. B. Goodrich, O. M. Mikkelson, E. J. Parkin, Hugh Stallings, Miss Hallie Finch and Mis.? Jane Sparling. With Mrs. Holloway. Mesdames Eugen© Bunker, Harvey Cox, Alfred Dier, R. M. Keister, R. B. Oliver, R. C. Piïrdum, C. C. Seer ley, W. V. McCreight and Fred F. Willson spent last Friday afternoon with Mira. Ray Holloway, at her home, 302 South Grand avenue. The guests were seated at luncheon at 1:30 o'clock and played bridge through th© jgfte ing, Mrs. Hello way had as her guests. Mesdames E. jt On Passion Play Acted by minois Masons I 1 mmm mm m i m Pi ; ' ; m WmÊ HI Msm . I -, -y ; v;-V m , « * fm 4* % msmm SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, April 19.—The Travel section of the Woman's club will hold its annual luncheon at 1:30 o'clock, at Gilkerson's. Lily of the Valley Chapter No. 4, O. E. S., holds regular meeting. Tuesday, April 20.—The Current Topics section of the Woman's club will hold study session at its accustomed time and place. The Catholic Women's league will meet at 8 »o'clock in K, C. hall, with Mrs. J. F. Haley chair man of the hostess committee. The young women of the W. W. G. will entertain their mothers at dinner at 6:30 o'clock, in the jBaptir.t church. With members and guests, there will be 40 seated about the tables. Wednesday, April 21.—The Sister hood of the Christian church will meet at 2:30 o'clock, in the church parlors. The Catholic Women's Bridge club will meet at 2:30 o'clock, in the home of Mrs. Charles Water man, 411 West Main street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church will hold its April birthday session in the church parlors. Thursday, April 22.—The House keepers' club will hold its birth day luncheon at 1:30 o'clock, in the home of Mrs. Whitfield Spain. The Poetry department of the Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. F. I. Powers to study Montana poetry. Friday, April 23.—President and Mrs. Atkinson will hold a re ception at the college, at 8:30 o'clock, for the senior class of college students. S. Edsall, Louis Howard, Roy Martin, Humphrey, Purdum, Oliver, Willson and Miss Alice Gage. The g Mah Jongg made merry en ment and the evening was closed with a charmingly served supper. me A large throng of newly received members of the Presbyterian church accepted the invitation of the church for a welcoming supper, on Wednes day evening. Many of these present were young people of the college J high school. After supper was served, President Atkinson spoke words of _ hearty welcome to the new members songs and' response was made by Poster Buck, a college freshman from near Kalispell. Rev. Mr. Klemme (then added words of greeting, emphasizing the value of youth in the church ac tivity. A period of singing was then enjoyed, with Miss Stevens playing the accompaniments and Rev. Mr. Klemme leading the chorus. The pro gram director was Mrs. H. S. Buell. Wedding Anniversary. The second anniversary of the wed ding of Mr. and Mrs, George W. Crit tenden was celebrated, last Thursday evening, when 25 friends gathered at their ranch home, northwest of Boze man. The guests brought elaborate supper supplies, to which Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden added choice trim mings. Entertainment features of the evening included a vocal solo by Miss Beatrice Walton and one by Mrs. J. W. Yergy; a duet: "Pass Under the Rod" sung by Mrs. Y er gey and Mrs. Crittenden; several Scotch sung by William Nevin; end an orig inal poem read by Mrs. Aibin Walton, telling of the romance of Mr. Crit tenden and Mrs. Ferris, two years ago at Big Timber, as well as of their happy community service during their residence near Bozeman. ' Fonk-Ravet. Mias Anna Fonk of Manhattan and John Ravet of Bozeman were married' on Wednesday, April 7, with nuptial mass at the Church of (the Holy Ro »ary. Rev. Father A. D. T^itK—n œn _ s ducted th« service in the presence * large number of relatives and friends. The bride's sister. Miss TilUe Fonk, was maid of honor and William Kiefer was groom's man. Alter the marriage ceremony, the bridal party went ito the home of Mr., and Mrs. John Fonk at Manhattan, there to partake of a wedding breakfast. In I the evening, there was a bam dance at the ranch home of the bride and ' groom, east of Bozeman, with 150 i friends sharing in the celebration, j The grocm has purchased the John ' Carolus ranch, adjoining that of his •parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ravet, and there the young couple will be at home to their friends. L. L. Club. Sixteen members, with three guests, Mesdames Schwartz, W. W. Spain and Johnson, enjoyed the luncheon that was served for the L. L. Club, on Monday, at the home of Mrs. B. B. Law. The table was made bright with butterfly place cards, which had been painted by Mrs. Law and each guest found upon h%r card a clever little verse of personal touch, which had been composed by Mrs. Law. There was a birthday cake with light ed candles upon the table and this was taken to Mrs. Bodley, a member of the club who is ill in the hospital Musical numbers for the afternoon were three vocal solos by Mrs. Meck lenberg and four by Mrs. Schwartz, with Mrs. Law playing the accom paniment. Each one present, also, brought in her contribution to the program in the form of discussion of aero« public event of vital impor tance. New Comers Given Welcome. An enjoyable function was held, last Saturday afternoon, at the Elks' home, when the committee on Cour tesy and Hospitality of the Woman's dub gave welcome to ladies, who are new comers in Bozeman. The com mittee members were Mrs. H. A. Bolinger, chairman, with Mesdames Alfred Atkinson, W. S. Davidson, P. H. B. Richards, and Thomas McClus key. Program numbers that gave pleasure to the guests, were a guess ing contest led by Mrs. John Rabe, three vocal solos by Mrs. Walter Mecklenburg with accompaniment played by Mrs. B. B. Law; and three dramatic readings by Miss Marjorie Clark, with piano accompaniment played by Miss Stevens. Mrs. Bol inger introduced the newly appointed chairman of the New Comers' enter tainment committee, Mrs. R. F. Bo vee, and invited co-operation for the coming year. It is interesting to note that 45 ladies have been given wel come, during the past club year, who had never before resided in Bozeman; but came this year because of the ed ucational facilities at this point. of in and D. A. R. Luncheon. April dates of national interest were given honor by Mount Hyalite chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, at their lunch eon, last Friday at the Gilkerson Tea room. In response to roll call, each member named an important battle of the Revolutionary war, with its date. Announcement was made that on April 19, the date of the battles of Concord and Lexington, the National Society of D. A. R. will hold its an nual convention at Washington, D. ,C. The program last Friday included a reading of "Paul Revere's Ride" by Mrs. George Van Fleet; the message of the president general of D. A. R. read by Mrs. Davis; and a talk Communism" by Mrs. E. Broox Mar tin. In this talk Mrs. Martin review ed the history of Communism, So cialism and Bolshevism from their birth in Illuminism in Germany, May 1, 1776, and explained their effects upon national events. The program also included the singing of patriotic songs with Mrs. C. E. Sime leading and announcement that the prize con test essays written by eighth grade pupils are now in ttie hands of judges, The subject for this year is "The Constitution" and the prizes will be donated by Mount Hyalite chapter. on a The Enchanted Cottage. The Theatre Arts section of the Bozeman Woman's club entertained a large audience of citizens, Thursdsv evening, with the comedy drama, "The Enchanted Cottage" (Pinero), .which was staged under direction of L. E. Hathaway. Stage settings were ar ranged by Mrs. Voorhees, and Bin. Joseph. Mrs. Montgomery was busi ness manager and Mrs. Jump planned the costumes. Music was rendered by Professor Joseph Adam's orchestra, by especial arrangement with the Walter Baker company of Boston. The characters of the comedy were: Mrs. Mxnnett—Elizabeth B. Plew; Laura Pennington—Eleanor W. Hoi lier; Major Murray Hillrove, D. S. C., M. C.—Robert Eindschy; Oliver Bssh forfch, late lieutenant 8th Bn. Ecyal Regiment — W. A. Murray; Rev. Charles Corsellis, rector of Pittle hurst—Wayne L. Lowe; Mrs. Corsel lis—Dina Rees Evans; Mrs, Small wood, Oliver's mother—Geraldine F. Brittan; Rupert Smallwood, his step father—L. E. Hathaway; Rigcr—Jacob Forbes; Shadows—first married cou ple—Leafy Benne and Èllis Dawes; second couple — Bernice Hall and n St tt • Maurice Johnson; third couple — _ ther Brotherton and Frank Brown, Ea Housekeepers' Club. Officers were elected to serve the Housekeepers' club during the coming y«ar, last Thursday afternoon, at the annual business meeting held in the home of Mrs. R. H. Dean. Mrs. D. E. Mcsefr, who has just completed her term of two years as president of the club, was in the chair; and the newly elected officers are: President, Mrs. J. E. Moore: vice president, Mrs. John Robertson; Recording secretary, Mrs. W. F. Cowan; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. W. S. Buzard; treasurer, Mrs. C. J. Sears; historian, Mrs. E. L. Houston; members of the execu tive board, Mrs. D. E. Moser, Mrs. W. I W. Spain and Mrs. F. W. Ham. There were also elected as delegates to the I State Federation meeting in Living ston, . Mesdames W. D. Bell, J. H. Harris and D. E. Moser, with alter nates Mesdames Leroy Crozier, R. H. Dean and Matt White. Annual re ports were rendered, showing fine work accomplished in the way of com munity service and co-operation with the state federation of women's clubs. The president at this time appointed Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. E. H. Dean and Mrs. J. W. Beatty as a committee to confer with the Indian welfare committee of the Bozeman Woman's club. Luncheon was served by Mes dames S. J. Cox, C. B. Birch, F. G. Holgate, and W. G. Leach at tables made bright with sweet peas and daf fodils. For program numbers, there was a piano solo played by Miss Christine Stafford, with resp nse to encore; a dramatic reading by Mrs. Gordon Mandeville; and vocal num bers by Mrs. W. P. Cowan, Mrs. Har ry Williams and Mrs. E. E. Herrett, singing in trio with accompaniment played by Mrs. B. B. Law. Response to roll call was made with mention of the current event that has proved most interesting to each member of he dub. . ..... _ , .... An incipient blaze Tuesday night in the Fechter block was quickly extin guished by the fire department. The damage was nominal. r WHATEVER THE MATERIAL YOU NEED—YOU'LL FIND IT HERE AT ECONOMY PRICES I! 1 Vv w £53 £ Ü39 SILKS, RAYONS OR COTTONS We are displaying them now in a profusion of colors and patterns, at prices as pleasing as the fabrics themselves. We specialize in wash fabrics for women, misses and chil drens clothes. $1.00 i _ 50c 1 Mary dear tab Silk Crepe_ Indianhead Soilings in colors 39c Renfrew» Devonshire . _ 45c _ 58c:Si Renfrew» Soper dye Soilings Peter Pan 36 inch Zephyr Ginghams. ALL SOLD ON A GUARANTEE New goods free if any of these fabrics run or fade, or if fabric does net wear t oyour entire satisfaction. EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOB • McCalls Printed Patterns, New Summer Style Quarterly. | just out 25c ly Magazine 10c - 1 anuttttauttantiauna u 9 CHURCHES a Bgtttttttttsittttessststsssi First Lutheran Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Divine service in the English lan guage at 11 a. m. at the Adventist church on Black Avenue, south. Everyone cordially welcome. J. F. POTRATZ, Pastor. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 16 West Olive St. Sunday school 9:30 a, m. Sunday service 11:00 a. m. Subject: "Doctrine of Atonement. Wednesday evening meetings at which testimonies of healing are giv en, are held at 2 o'clock. Reading room in the Golden Rule block open daily, except Sundays and holidays from 2 to 5:30 p. m. All are welcome. fy Methodist Episcopal Church, Men's Bible and Social class: This class will meet again in the Chamber of Commerce rooms at 9:45 a - "• Subject for discussion: "Evi fences of the Soul and Immortality in the Human Brain.'' A large rmm ber questions submitted last Sun wil1 ** answered, such as "How did we get the idea cf immortality ?"5 <<Is there an V scientific evidence «gainst immortality?"; "Are animah immortal?"; "Why do w e know so HttI « about the fut «re life?"; "Has God a brain?"; "Why can we not ?ee God?" etc., etc. This Sunday will conclude the discussion on immor tality and the soul of man. On the following Sunday, April 25, President Alfred Atkinson will address the class on "The Foundation of Good Citizen ship.'' FOR SALE—Thoroughbred White Plymouth Rock Egps, $1.00 per set ting—409 South Fifth. -1* CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid I In one minute your clogged nostril* will open, the air passages Of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply * little of this fragrant, antiseptic,' healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in gtantly. It's just Une. Don't stay stuffed-un with a cold or nasty catarrh—Relief comes so quickly.